慕尤丁被控煽动不认罪 案件择定1104过堂

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▌百秒AI报 ▌ 涉嫌发表冒犯王室言论的前首相慕尤丁,今天在煽动法令下被控上吉兰丹话望生法庭,但他不认罪。法官允准慕尤丁以5千令吉和一名担保人保外候审,并择定在11月4号重新过堂。

AI主播:Angela 洪欣仪

#慕尤丁 #煽动法令 #王室 #法庭
#发射热点 #84hotspot #百秒AI报
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00:00Welcome to A.I. News. I'm your A.I. anchor, Hong Xinyi.
00:15Let's start with the first piece of news.
00:17The former prime minister, Mu Youding, who is suspected of offending Wang's speech,
00:21was detained in Jilandan court today under incitement law.
00:24But he did not plead guilty.
00:25The judge granted Mu Youding a fine of 5,000 ringgit and a guarantee of parole.
00:30He was to be re-tried on November 4.
00:33According to the incitement law,
00:34once convicted, Mu Youding could be sentenced to a maximum fine of 5,000 ringgit
00:38or up to three years in prison, or both.
00:43The search and rescue operation of Indian tourists was launched on the fifth day.
00:46The authorities dispatched a search and rescue radar to locate the underground characteristics
00:49to better understand the situation underground.
00:51Fahmi, a member of Congress in the area, said in an interview with the search and rescue site
00:55that the Indalishui排污處理廠 is the final stop of the earthquake.
00:58But since the waste produced by 1.8 million people every day in Kuala Lumpur
01:02will pass through this place,
01:03it is not easy to find the missing person in the large amount of waste.
01:08Canada has followed the U.S. steps
01:10and announced that from October 1
01:12it will increase tariffs on China's imported electric vehicles by 100%,
01:16and 25% tax on China's imported steel and aluminum.
01:20This is to deal with unfair competition caused by China's over-capacity policy.
01:25But actors like China have chosen to give themselves an unfair advantage in the global marketplace,
01:31compromising the security of our critical industries
01:35and displacing dedicated Canadian autos and metal work.
01:39China's ambassador to Canada said that
01:43Canada's actions are harmful to the people,
01:45not only will it undermine the normal economic and trade cooperation between the two countries,
01:48but it will also harm Canadian consumers and corporate interests.
01:52This is the end of today's program.
01:54For more information on China and other countries,
01:56stay tuned for tonight's 8 o'clock news.
