Mafia's Good Girls Full Movie Eng sub

  • last month
00:00:00You need to move out the operation to this week.
00:00:02I know it's costly, but your mom can't wait any longer.
00:00:07Oh, no.
00:00:09Why are you so careless?
00:00:14We'll have to pay for all of that.
00:00:16Can you afford it?
00:00:17Well, just because I'm broke doesn't mean
00:00:18I'm going to be broke forever.
00:00:19Don't you need half a million to afford your mom's cancer
00:00:24It's really worth spending half a million on that hag.
00:00:36Oh, my god.
00:00:38Those guys work for David Van Zandt, the Mafia King.
00:00:41Mafia King?
00:00:42I heard he's on a war path, slaughtering all his enemies.
00:00:45I also heard they kidnap young women
00:00:47and hold them at his mansion.
00:00:48Maybe one of those waitresses is next.
00:00:50Excuse me.
00:00:58What do you want?
00:00:59To change your fate.
00:01:02One moment.
00:01:05Boss, we found her.
00:01:08Copy you.
00:01:18No, no, no.
00:01:19My mom needs me.
00:01:20Please, let go of me.
00:01:22Enjoy your meal.
00:01:29It was my cousin's idea five years ago.
00:01:32Please, just let me go.
00:01:33I'll let you go?
00:01:35You think I can forgive you for what you did?
00:01:41The girl's in your office.
00:01:43How would you like me to dispose of this?
00:01:46Drop them off on the Marizona turf.
00:01:48Make sure they know it was me.
00:01:53Let's go.
00:02:04Take off.
00:02:21Bella Carvey, 18 years old.
00:02:24Your dad died when you were six years old.
00:02:26Dropped out of school to take care of your family.
00:02:28Mother's sick.
00:02:39You're still a virgin.
00:02:43How'd you know that?
00:02:44You're a very good girl.
00:02:46You're a very good girl.
00:02:49How'd you know that?
00:02:50You're a very good girl.
00:02:53You're a Mafia king.
00:02:54Why did you kidnap me?
00:02:56The only thing you should be worried about is this contract.
00:02:59It's the opportunity of a lifetime.
00:03:07Half a million dollars for your virginity.
00:03:12I'm sorry, Mr. Van Zandt.
00:03:14This is a misunderstanding.
00:03:16I'm not that type of girl.
00:03:18I appreciate the offer, but I can't sell my body.
00:03:33Bella, I have some bad news.
00:03:35Your mom's health continues to deteriorate.
00:03:38We need to move up the operation to this week.
00:03:41I know you're concerned about costs, but your mom can't wait any longer.
00:03:45I understand, Doctor.
00:03:51I'll get the money.
00:04:01Half a million?
00:04:06I'll sign.
00:04:15Are we going to do it now?
00:04:17And then I'll get the money?
00:04:22You're going to pay me right after, right?
00:04:24Baby girl, this will be no cakewalk.
00:04:28You have to earn this money by obeying my commands.
00:04:35What do I have to do?
00:04:45I'm sorry.
00:05:00Before we start, I need to ask you some questions.
00:05:06Have you ever let a man touch you anywhere?
00:05:15Have you ever kissed a man?
00:05:29Have you ever touched a man?
00:05:34I held hands.
00:05:39You're funny.
00:05:42Do you even know what sex looks like?
00:05:46It's a reproductive act between a husband and a wife.
00:05:51And I think it can be beautiful.
00:05:54Like baby's breath.
00:05:57You have no idea what we're about to do.
00:06:03It'll be fun taking it slowly.
00:06:06It's getting late.
00:06:08You should get some rest.
00:06:10The maid will show you to your room.
00:06:12We'll pick this up tomorrow.
00:06:14I can't stay here.
00:06:28Please, I need to see Mr. Van Zandt.
00:06:30My mom is waiting for me.
00:06:31I can't stay here.
00:06:32I'm sorry.
00:06:33Please, I need to see Mr. Van Zandt.
00:06:35My mom is waiting for me.
00:06:36I can't stay here.
00:06:37Ms. Carvey, Mr. Van Zandt will see you tomorrow.
00:06:39Have a good night.
00:06:48Doctor, is there any other treatment we can do?
00:06:51Other than the surgery?
00:06:53I'm afraid not.
00:06:54This is our only hope of saving your mom.
00:06:56If you absolutely want to, then...
00:06:58No, no.
00:06:59It's okay.
00:07:00It's fine.
00:07:01Schedule the operation, please.
00:07:03I'll get you the menu as soon as I can.
00:07:11I can't just wait here.
00:07:13I need to find him and get it over with.
00:07:21Hey, bitch!
00:07:22You don't go unless summoned.
00:07:24God, I can't believe Master actually chose you.
00:07:29You don't look like his beloved at all.
00:07:31Who are you?
00:07:32Why did you push me?
00:07:33Push you?
00:07:34Are you talking back to me, newbie?
00:07:39Don't look at me like that.
00:07:41Or I will tear your eyes out.
00:07:43You need to know your place, newbie.
00:07:47I have a deal with Mr. Van Zandt, not you.
00:07:49I'll tell him you hit me.
00:07:53Okay, go ahead.
00:07:55Master doesn't give a damn.
00:07:57I'm not leaving until I get what I need.
00:08:00You are flirting with a beatdown.
00:08:05Hey, bitches.
00:08:11Hey, bitches.
00:08:12Stay away from her.
00:08:14Mind your own business, Talia.
00:08:16We're just lecturing the newbie.
00:08:18Well, Damon asked me to take care of her.
00:08:21So get lost, skanks.
00:08:27Let's go.
00:08:30Being number one and two, they think they can just run around and bully the new girls.
00:08:35They don't know that eventually he'll tear them and kick them out one day.
00:08:39Number one and number two?
00:08:43Damon never remembered these girls' names.
00:08:45They're just objects to him.
00:08:47So he numbers them instead.
00:08:49His favorite one is number one.
00:08:53I'm Talia Luciano.
00:08:56Adrian Luciano is my husband.
00:08:59He's the one who took you here.
00:09:01Nice to meet you, Talia.
00:09:02Can you take me to Mr. Armanzat?
00:09:04I need to see him.
00:09:06Sorry, but I can't.
00:09:08He has gone on a business trip.
00:09:09He won't be back until tomorrow night.
00:09:10Tomorrow night?
00:09:11Don't worry.
00:09:12We fulfilled the contract.
00:09:13How do you know?
00:09:15I know him.
00:09:16A deal like this, he always fulfills within three days.
00:09:20When he returns tomorrow, he'll hold up his end of the bargain.
00:09:24I hope so.
00:09:30I forgot.
00:09:31You're a really good girl, aren't you?
00:09:43Mr. Vonsant is here.
00:09:44He would like to see you in this dress.
00:09:51Okay, but I'll just sleep with him once and get this over with.
00:10:17You were looking for me?
00:10:20Mr. Vonsant?
00:10:21Call me Damon.
00:10:23Where are we?
00:10:24You're in my favorite place.
00:10:28Let me show you.
00:10:41Welcome to my world, Bella.
00:10:54Are we going to be using all of these things?
00:11:02Of course.
00:11:04It's part of the deal.
00:11:13Take off your clothes.
00:11:24Do not cover yourself in front of me.
00:11:27Do you understand?
00:11:54Sit on the couch.
00:12:06Lie down.
00:12:24You are so fucking beautiful.
00:12:30I know you're scared.
00:12:33But there's no need to be scared.
00:12:36Open your eyes.
00:12:39I'm not scared.
00:12:41I'm not scared.
00:12:43I'm not scared.
00:12:45I'm not scared.
00:12:47I'm not scared.
00:12:49I'm not scared.
00:12:51I'm not scared.
00:12:52I'm not scared.
00:12:53I'm not scared.
00:12:55I said open your eyes.
00:13:00But you made me ask twice.
00:13:04So you'll be punished.
00:13:16Does it hurt?
00:13:18What does it feel like?
00:13:20It's tingling.
00:13:21It's wonderful.
00:13:23Trust me, Bella.
00:13:25I think you'll grow to love it.
00:13:27I won't.
00:13:29This is evil.
00:13:30You know nothing.
00:13:33That's okay.
00:13:36I like a challenge.
00:13:38Dammit, please just get it over with and let me go.
00:13:44Sweet girl.
00:13:47I need you to focus.
00:13:51Good girl.
00:14:17Since you're so green,
00:14:19I thought you could use a demonstration before we start.
00:14:29Yes, Master.
00:14:31I'm ready to serve you.
00:14:37Number one,
00:14:39we have an audience today.
00:14:41Let's put on a good show.
00:14:54open your eyes.
00:14:57You're making me uncomfortable on purpose.
00:14:58Of course you're uncomfortable.
00:15:00But you need to learn the rules.
00:15:01I don't want to learn the rules.
00:15:03Why can't this be quick?
00:15:04Nothing with me is quick.
00:15:06You will learn to love it here.
00:15:08I'm not going to enjoy it.
00:15:10How can you say that
00:15:12before you've even tried?
00:15:15Come over.
00:15:16Yes, Master.
00:15:18On your knees.
00:15:19Yes, Master.
00:15:20On your knees.
00:15:21Yes, Master.
00:15:23Hands out.
00:15:24Yes, Master.
00:15:44Over here.
00:15:45Yes, Master.
00:15:50Over here.
00:15:51Yes, Master.
00:15:52Over here.
00:15:53Yes, Master.
00:15:54Over here.
00:15:55Yes, Master.
00:15:56Over here.
00:15:57Yes, Master.
00:15:58Over here.
00:15:59Yes, Master.
00:16:00Over here.
00:16:01Yes, Master.
00:16:02Over here.
00:16:03Yes, Master.
00:16:04Over here.
00:16:05Yes, Master.
00:16:06Over here.
00:16:07Yes, Master.
00:16:08Over here.
00:16:09Yes, Master.
00:16:10Over here.
00:16:11Yes, Master.
00:16:12Over here.
00:16:13Yes, Master.
00:16:14Over here.
00:16:15Yes, Master.
00:16:16Over here.
00:16:17Yes, Master.
00:16:18Over here.
00:16:20Over here.
00:16:21Yes, Master.
00:16:22Over here.
00:16:29Over here.
00:16:43You're out of your mind!
00:17:06Did you like the show?
00:17:07You misogynistic monster!
00:17:08You're playing with fire.
00:17:09I didn't mean to do that.
00:17:10You made me watch that blood display!
00:17:20If you want the money, you'll have to learn to do it.
00:17:24I quit.
00:17:25I'm leaving.
00:17:27You obviously didn't read your contract.
00:17:28You do not leave this estate until the deal is done.
00:17:30What if I never- Then you'll be here forever.
00:17:35What are you going to keep me here?
00:17:36Away from my friends and family?
00:17:37You're a devil!
00:17:39Is that how you see me?
00:17:41You're manipulative and ruthless.
00:17:42You know nothing about family or love.
00:17:43Shut up!
00:17:44You're starting to piss me off.
00:17:45I'm pissing you off?
00:17:46I'm the prisoner.
00:17:47What do you want from me?
00:17:49I want you.
00:18:09She slapped me last night.
00:18:18Damon, you know how important these negotiations with Italy are.
00:18:22Please, promise me that you'll pull your shit together and focus here.
00:18:26I've never been slapped by one of my girls before.
00:18:29It's time to go.
00:18:30I can't let these people wait any longer.
00:18:35Let's go.
00:18:36Let's go.
00:18:52You arrogant bitch!
00:18:53You fool!
00:18:54No, Damon.
00:18:56What have I done to you?
00:18:57Why were you picking on me?
00:18:58Let's see what happens.
00:18:59Picking on you?
00:19:00I'm sorry.
00:19:01I'm sorry.
00:19:02I'm sorry.
00:19:03I'm sorry.
00:19:04I'm sorry.
00:19:06I've done nothing to you.
00:19:08Why are you picking on me?
00:19:09Picking on you?
00:19:11I'm disciplining you for the master's sake.
00:19:14Well, you can be his slave all you want.
00:19:16I don't care.
00:19:17But I'll never submit to him like you do.
00:19:21Go away!
00:19:24Bella's smart and tough.
00:19:26Should be fun to tame.
00:19:28Hope you're a little prickly.
00:19:31Well done.
00:19:32I could tell Damon was impressed.
00:19:33He's here?
00:19:34Stop looking, he left.
00:19:35It's weird.
00:19:36Three days have passed and he still hasn't taken it from you yet.
00:19:37I'm starting to wonder if he has feelings.
00:19:39He's a devil.
00:19:40I could never have feelings for someone like him.
00:19:41Devil, huh?
00:19:42I'm not a devil.
00:19:43I'm a man.
00:19:44I'm a man.
00:19:45I'm a man.
00:19:46I'm a man.
00:19:47I'm a man.
00:19:48I'm a man.
00:19:49I'm a man.
00:19:50I'm a man.
00:19:51I'm a man.
00:19:52I'm a man.
00:19:53I'm a man.
00:19:54I'm a man.
00:19:55I'm a man.
00:19:56I'm a man.
00:19:57I'm a man.
00:19:58I'm a man.
00:20:00Hello, let me show you something.
00:20:02Come on.
00:20:26This was young Damon.
00:20:27Damon was the North Star.
00:20:28Damon was a human.
00:20:29Damon was an orphan before Joe adopted him.
00:20:33Like in Joe Joseph Luciano?
00:20:37The head of Luciano Mafia?
00:20:41Joe trained him, turned him into his cream reaper.
00:20:44It was a heavy burden for a young man.
00:20:47So he gradually created the playroom, a place where he was in control.
00:20:51That's why he's such a control freak.
00:20:54And this is Violet, Joe's daughter.
00:20:57Also, Damon's fiancé.
00:20:59He has a fiancé?
00:21:03He has a fiancé?
00:21:07He had.
00:21:08The three of us and my husband grew up together.
00:21:11Violet was always around Damon.
00:21:14And they fell in love.
00:21:19Joe passed on his power to Damon and married Violet to him five years ago.
00:21:27But the Maranzanos infiltrated their wedding ceremony.
00:21:31I love you.
00:21:56Can you imagine how painful it was when your love and family died right in front of you?
00:22:01Over the years, Damon has Adrian round up girls that look like Violet.
00:22:07And he picked you because your eyes were similar.
00:22:13I'm just another one of his playmates, huh?
00:22:18Damon called you by your name and only numbered others instead.
00:22:23You're special to him.
00:22:28I don't think so.
00:22:30In any case, it doesn't matter.
00:22:33I need to get our deal done tonight.
00:22:36But he said it's at the airport. He won't be back until next week.
00:22:39Next week?
00:22:41I need money for my mother's surgery.
00:22:44I've got an idea.
00:22:47What is it?
00:23:04Nightmare again?
00:23:07I'm sorry, boss.
00:23:09Hopefully, someday you'll be able to get a good night's rest.
00:23:12Not until those Maranzano bastards are erased.
00:23:15That's why we're here.
00:23:17Excuse me.
00:23:21Whoa, slow down.
00:23:23I'll relay the message to him.
00:23:25I'll relay the message to him.
00:23:29News from the estate.
00:23:31Miss Carvey tried to run away.
00:23:34Where are you going?
00:23:35What about the negotiations?
00:23:36You handle it.
00:23:37But you're the one they want to see.
00:23:45Stupid girl!
00:23:47You have the nerve to run away?
00:23:49You will be punished.
00:23:53I've been waiting for you.
00:24:14It's Bella.
00:24:21Is this on purpose?
00:24:24Tully told you to do this, right?
00:24:26Talia taught me something.
00:24:30Do you want to know what else?
00:24:33You can't touch me here.
00:24:35No one can.
00:24:37I don't want to play your games.
00:24:39Just take me.
00:24:40Are you seducing me?
00:24:41Just take me!
00:24:42Just take me now, okay?
00:24:45You don't know what you're asking for.
00:24:51Show me.
00:24:56Show me.
00:25:20You're a bad kisser.
00:25:26You're a bad kisser.
00:25:43Damn it.
00:25:46What the fuck is going on?
00:25:49Five years I've never dropped a tool while fucking somebody.
00:25:53She must have some type of voodoo or something.
00:25:56I don't know.
00:26:14I transferred the money into your account.
00:26:16You're free to go.
00:26:18They'll take you whenever you're ready.
00:26:22They'll take you whenever you're ready.
00:26:24Right now?
00:26:25Or what?
00:26:27You're eager to leave, aren't you?
00:26:31Or have you grown to like me?
00:26:34And you'd like to stay?
00:26:36No, no, no, no.
00:26:39I'm leaving.
00:26:48Mama's saved.
00:26:54I can't believe a month at last just took my virginity.
00:26:56It was so hot.
00:26:58Bella, what are you saying?
00:27:00This was all for mom.
00:27:05As I predicted.
00:27:07Master's grown bored of you.
00:27:08Finally kicking you out.
00:27:09But what can you expect from a whore who's only here for the money?
00:27:13Never mind, Bella.
00:27:14You're going to leave.
00:27:16Oh, do you really think you can just walk off?
00:27:18After you smeared my shoes?
00:27:21Lick them clean.
00:27:29Why would I clean them?
00:27:31You tripped me.
00:27:32Because I said so.
00:27:35Would you do it for a hundred dollars?
00:27:37I mean, you would do anything for money, right?
00:27:39Come on, lick them clean.
00:27:41If you do good, I'll give you a nice tip.
00:27:43It'll be enough to pay for your mother's urn.
00:27:47You mean this much?
00:27:49Oops. Clumsy.
00:27:51You bitch! You fuck off!
00:27:54Number two.
00:27:55Are you not here for money?
00:27:57Master? No.
00:27:59Of course not. I'm here for you.
00:28:02Because I love you, Master.
00:28:05Money means nothing to me.
00:28:09Adrienne, cancel number two's contract.
00:28:11Pull all the money invested in from her family.
00:28:13What? No, no, no, no, no.
00:28:15No, please don't do this.
00:28:16My family will go belly up.
00:28:18Money means nothing to you.
00:28:19No, no, no, no.
00:28:21Money means a lot to me. A lot.
00:28:23Adrienne, take her away.
00:28:28No, no, no, no. Please don't kick me out.
00:28:30I need this.
00:28:31Don't worry, Louise.
00:28:32But there are plenty of strip clubs that are hiring.
00:28:34No, please. I need it.
00:28:58Bad girl.
00:29:01You can't wait to get rid of me.
00:29:07I'm sorry.
00:29:08I'm sorry.
00:29:09I'm sorry.
00:29:10I'm sorry.
00:29:11I'm sorry.
00:29:12I'm sorry.
00:29:13I'm sorry.
00:29:14I'm sorry.
00:29:15I'm sorry.
00:29:16I'm sorry.
00:29:17I'm sorry.
00:29:18I'm sorry.
00:29:19I'm sorry.
00:29:20I'm sorry.
00:29:21I'm sorry.
00:29:22I'm sorry.
00:29:23I'm sorry.
00:29:24I'm sorry.
00:29:25I'm sorry.
00:29:26I'm sorry.
00:29:27I'm sorry.
00:29:28I'm sorry.
00:29:29I'm sorry.
00:29:30I'm sorry.
00:29:31I'm sorry.
00:29:32I'm sorry.
00:29:33I'm sorry.
00:29:34I'm sorry.
00:29:35I'm sorry.
00:29:36I'm sorry.
00:29:37I'm sorry.
00:29:38I'm sorry.
00:29:39I'm sorry.
00:29:40I'm sorry.
00:29:41I'm sorry.
00:29:42I'm sorry.
00:29:43I'm sorry.
00:29:44I'm sorry.
00:29:45I'm sorry.
00:29:46I'm sorry.
00:30:00Is anyone here?
00:30:03I knew you'd come.
00:30:13Good girl.
00:30:23Damon, what's going on?
00:30:27I left here, didn't I?
00:30:29Your heart did.
00:30:37Good girl.
00:30:42You're gonna have to do exactly as I say.
00:30:54You want this, don't you?
00:30:58It's abuse.
00:31:01Pull yourself together.
00:31:06What do you want?
00:31:08It can't be that. It's abuse.
00:31:10Pull yourself together.
00:31:12What's wrong?
00:31:14Was it that business trip?
00:31:16Where did your boss send you?
00:31:18No, Mom. I just need to sleep a little more.
00:31:22I'll be okay.
00:31:24Ella, do you remember your classmate, Jesse?
00:31:29He's so nice.
00:31:31He's been asking about you.
00:31:33Why don't you give him a call?
00:31:35Go to dinner with him.
00:31:36I think it'll be good for you.
00:31:42Okay, Mom. I'll go.
00:31:45Okay. Rest.
00:31:57Give it to me.
00:32:01I don't want to play your games.
00:32:03Just take me.
00:32:07Master, what's going on?
00:32:10I'm over you.
00:32:12Get your things and leave.
00:32:15Are you exiling me?
00:32:17You'll get paid double.
00:32:19No. No, Master, please. I don't want to leave.
00:32:23Okay, you know I was an orphan like you.
00:32:26You were the only person who has ever been nice to me.
00:32:29You're the only person who's ever taken care of me. Please, I don't want to go.
00:32:33Look, I'll do anything. I'll...
00:32:35I'll be the maid. Just, please.
00:32:40Go to your room.
00:32:45Thank you, Master.
00:32:59Screw it.
00:33:01Bella's the only one that will do.
00:33:06Bella's the only one that will do.
00:33:08Hey, I heard you just sent all your girls away and made number one a maid?
00:33:14What's going on with you?
00:33:16Does this have anything to do with that Carvey girl?
00:33:19I swore I would never fall in love with another girl.
00:33:22Love is weakness.
00:33:24This isn't about love.
00:33:26Sure about that?
00:33:31Where are you going?
00:33:33To meet my new number one.
00:33:35New number one? Who?
00:34:01If you keep staring at me, you're gonna fall in love with me.
00:34:09What are you doing here?
00:34:11Is that any way to treat your savior?
00:34:14Relax. I'm just here for coffee.
00:34:27And to offer you a job.
00:34:28A job?
00:34:31Yeah. This place looks awful.
00:34:34Food tastes like shit.
00:34:36You get paid terrible.
00:34:39I need a new number one.
00:34:42Come back to my estate.
00:34:46Come back to my estate.
00:34:49Damon never remembered these girls' names.
00:34:52Their objects, too.
00:34:54So he numbers them instead.
00:34:56His favorite one is number one.
00:34:59What are you thinking?
00:35:01Oh. I was thinking about what happened to all the girls.
00:35:06They've been dismissed.
00:35:08I give you three million a month.
00:35:10It's a better deal than last time.
00:35:13No. I can't do that.
00:35:16You should leave.
00:35:20I've been thinking about what we should do on our date.
00:35:23A date?
00:35:24A date?
00:35:28You're rejecting me for this guy.
00:35:34Yeah. Jesse and I are going on a date.
00:35:38Did he hear her, sir?
00:35:42I'm not the kind of guy you want to mess around with.
00:35:52Do you know who you really are, Bella?
00:35:55You have until twelve tomorrow.
00:35:58Then my offer expires.
00:36:10I'm really looking forward to going date-only this time of year.
00:36:16Damon. She won't come. She's not that kind of girl.
00:36:20He's right. I like her, too, but she doesn't belong here.
00:36:24I don't think she'll come, either.
00:36:26Shut up!
00:36:28It doesn't matter what you think.
00:36:31All that matters is what she thinks.
00:36:34She's rejecting your offer.
00:36:37Look. Find her another batch of girls. Easy.
00:36:41She'll come.
00:36:47You got another appointment?
00:36:49Oh. No. Don't worry about that.
00:36:52All right. So, where was I?
00:36:54Oh. I haven't been on a date in, like, six months.
00:37:00What about you? When was your last date?
00:37:03I've never been on a date.
00:37:06You've never been on a date?
00:37:08So you've never kissed a guy?
00:37:18I've kissed a guy.
00:37:20But you didn't want him to be your boyfriend?
00:37:24You must have had some pretty bad breath.
00:37:37You've got something on your face.
00:37:40Bella. Try to accept him.
00:37:43Are you my good girl, Bella? I'll wait till twelve tomorrow.
00:37:45I'll wait till twelve tomorrow.
00:37:49No. Go.
00:37:53No. Go.
00:37:55Okay. Sorry. I was being hasty.
00:37:58No, no, no. I'm sorry.
00:38:01I'm not who you think I am.
00:38:03I don't think I'm good for you.
00:38:06I'm sorry. I have to go to the bathroom.
00:38:14Bella. Stop thinking about him.
00:38:17Please. Just forget him.
00:38:23Accept it.
00:38:25You'll enjoy it.
00:38:30You dream about it, don't you?
00:38:31I do.
00:38:37You've longed for it.
00:38:57Bella, where are you going?
00:38:59I'm going straight to hell.
00:39:12Here you are.
00:39:14Here I am.
00:39:19You're late.
00:39:20Only by a minute.
00:39:23I apologize.
00:39:25I just needed to think this through.
00:39:28It's an adventure for me.
00:39:31Is the offer still on?
00:39:33I admire your courage.
00:39:36Have a seat.
00:39:50So, what's going to happen in the next thirty days?
00:39:57And everything.
00:39:59Whenever I want.
00:40:00Don't worry.
00:40:01There'll be things for you to enjoy, too.
00:40:04I hope this isn't a mistake.
00:40:14Good girl.
00:40:16Now I need you to come up with a safe word.
00:40:19A safe word?
00:40:23A code word for me to stop.
00:40:25I won't do anything without your consent.
00:40:31Baby's breath.
00:40:34It's like you.
00:40:38Trust me.
00:40:40You're going to go further than you ever thought possible.
00:40:46Get on your knees.
00:41:16There's a lot of things written in the contract.
00:41:19But I want you to focus on these three things.
00:41:22What is this?
00:41:28Rule number one.
00:41:30Whenever I need you, you wear this.
00:41:33Stop struggling.
00:41:35You do not take this off when you're with me.
00:41:37Do you understand, Bella?
00:41:41Yes, what?
00:41:45Yes, Master.
00:41:48Good girl.
00:41:49Rule number two.
00:41:51You must confess your feelings to your Master.
00:41:54And the last one, rule number three.
00:41:56What happens in the room stays in the room.
00:42:01Are you ready to see my world?
00:42:12Here we go.
00:42:14I can't know whether I want this or not without trying.
00:42:18I really hope it isn't a mistake.
00:42:21Since you're new to this, Bella, I'll take it easy on you tonight.
00:42:26Are you ready?
00:42:28Yes, Master.
00:42:31The cop at the bar.
00:42:33Have you slept with him?
00:42:34No, no.
00:42:36He's not my boyfriend.
00:42:38Good girls don't lie.
00:42:41You lied to me at the restaurant.
00:42:43You'll be punished.
00:42:51Were you wrong?
00:42:53Yes, I was wrong.
00:42:56I'm gonna show you who you really are.
00:42:58I'm gonna show you who you really are.
00:43:07Who am I, really?
00:43:10Everyone has parts of themselves that they haven't discovered yet.
00:43:14They're a part of you.
00:43:15The most authentic you.
00:43:17We're told to be brave.
00:43:19To accept ourselves.
00:43:21It might not be what we first expected.
00:43:24But how would we know without trying?
00:43:29I'm sorry.
00:43:35Give it all back to me.
00:43:37Leave me alone.
00:43:40Why are you in a maid outfit?
00:43:42It's all your fault.
00:43:43I should still be number one.
00:43:45You're wearing a maid outfit because of me?
00:43:49Don't you talk down to me.
00:43:51Look at your bruises.
00:43:53You're nothing to him.
00:43:55He'll have his fun then toss you away.
00:43:57Then I'll be number one again.
00:43:58You missed the spot.
00:44:00I'm gonna kill you.
00:44:02Touch her again and you'll be banned.
00:44:14What are we doing?
00:44:15Going to the playroom.
00:44:28You've got a lot to learn.
00:44:30What is there to learn?
00:44:33You need to be tamed.
00:44:46Do you remember your safe word?
00:44:58In my world,
00:45:00playing and pleasure go hand in hand.
00:45:03In order to feel pleasure,
00:45:05you must feel pain first.
00:45:08David, that hurts.
00:45:10The more it hurts,
00:45:12the better it feels.
00:45:27I'm sorry.
00:45:58It's a must.
00:46:04please don't leave me alone.
00:46:09I never stay.
00:46:15you're just trash in his eyes.
00:46:19Is this something you really want?
00:46:38This medicine will help you cure your injury,
00:46:45Can it cure my broken heart?
00:46:52It's only been a couple of days since we last spoke,
00:46:54and look what he has done to you.
00:46:56He hasn't come in to see me these last two days.
00:46:58No, he has a conscience.
00:47:01I don't know what's wrong with me.
00:47:05I want to end this contract.
00:47:08Bella, I wish it was that easy.
00:47:11Remember, he's the mafia king.
00:47:14Do you think he can kill me?
00:47:16I don't know.
00:47:18But I wouldn't recommend taking the risk.
00:47:22I have two more weeks to go.
00:47:23I don't know how I'm going to survive this.
00:47:25Don't you have a safe word?
00:47:27Why haven't you used it?
00:47:29I wanted to see how far I could go.
00:47:32Find out who I really am.
00:47:35But now every time I see Damon,
00:47:37all I feel is pain.
00:47:44Bloody player.
00:47:46Burn it down one day.
00:47:48He loves it there.
00:47:50We can't take it away from him.
00:47:52In fact,
00:47:54I don't mind it.
00:47:55If you didn't mind it, you wouldn't be crying.
00:47:58Come on.
00:48:01He's so cold when he looks in my eyes.
00:48:04Sometimes I feel like I'm not even a human.
00:48:07Bella, you can expect nothing from Damon.
00:48:09He's unable to love anymore.
00:48:11You can have feelings for him.
00:48:13Don't fall in love with him.
00:48:14It will never be returned.
00:48:16I'm sorry, girl.
00:48:18I don't know what else to tell you.
00:48:20You need some time to think.
00:48:23Shh. It's okay.
00:48:30Where has this experience gotten me?
00:48:35Was it just a bad decision?
00:48:39God, please save me.
00:48:49I'm sorry.
00:49:06are you really not able to love anymore?
00:49:13Help me!
00:49:15Help me!
00:49:16Damon, I'm scared!
00:49:18I'm scared!
00:49:25Violet, listen to me!
00:49:31Hey, hey, hey.
00:49:32Wake up.
00:49:35You having the dream again?
00:49:37You're all right.
00:49:38We're gonna get this under control, okay?
00:49:40It's all right.
00:49:41Hey, hey, hey, no.
00:49:43When we're drinking, it doesn't help.
00:49:45What else am I supposed to do?
00:49:46Look, this nightmare has been torturing you for five years now.
00:49:49Every time, you drown yourself in alcohol.
00:49:51At this rate, you're gonna die young.
00:49:53How are you gonna avenge Violet then?
00:49:54Shut up!
00:49:55Things are going so well in Italy right now.
00:49:57Your plan for vengeance is coming together.
00:49:59If Violet is watching us from heaven right now,
00:50:01I don't think she would like to see you like this.
00:50:03You gotta think about us.
00:50:05We're your living family.
00:50:06We're still here.
00:50:07I don't hear your bullshit.
00:50:17Maybe he's right.
00:50:20Maybe it's time to let you go.
00:50:29Who's there?
00:50:37Shouldn't you be sleeping?
00:50:39My heart is aching.
00:50:41I can't sleep.
00:50:44I don't think I can do this anymore.
00:50:48Don't cry, Bella.
00:50:51You're not broken.
00:50:53You're just...
00:50:54Just what?
00:50:56Tell me.
00:51:10You've never let anyone hurt you.
00:51:13You've never let anyone touch your heart before.
00:51:15But you just did.
00:51:17Maybe you're different.
00:51:21What if I don't like who I'm becoming?
00:51:23Do you know who you're becoming?
00:51:26Let me show you.
00:51:40Did you like that?
00:51:43Do you want me to leave?
00:51:44No, don't go.
00:51:48I need to know who I am.
00:51:53You are mine, Bella Carvey.
00:51:57That's right.
00:51:59I'm yours.
00:52:00I'm all yours, Damon.
00:52:03But are you mine?
00:52:05I think we both know the answer to that.
00:52:12You're mine.
00:52:13I'm all yours.
00:52:43That's where Violet rests.
00:52:45How can you do it there?
00:52:47What would she think of you and the things you've done to this poor girl?
00:52:50I don't care what she thinks.
00:52:52Face it.
00:52:53Violet's dead.
00:52:54That's where his first love is enshrined?
00:53:08Bella, I know it isn't right.
00:53:11You should get some rest.
00:53:26I'm all yours, Damon.
00:53:29But are you mine?
00:53:31Bella, I'm sorry I hurt you.
00:53:35Ever since I met you, I just...
00:53:37I don't...
00:53:38It's no use talking to a painting.
00:53:41You should tell her how you feel.
00:53:46The contract is set to expire in a week.
00:53:48If you don't make it up to her now,
00:53:51you may not have another chance.
00:53:53So what do I do?
00:53:55What does she want?
00:54:02I missed you so much.
00:54:03I missed you too.
00:54:06Adrian, thank you so much for bringing my mom.
00:54:10Miss Carvey, there's no reason to thank me.
00:54:12Mr. Van Zant asked me to invite your mother over
00:54:15as a reward for taking such good care of the house.
00:54:19Taking care of the house?
00:54:21It was Damon's idea.
00:54:23So you don't have to explain to your mother.
00:54:26Where is he?
00:54:28Mr. Van Zant has left for a business trip,
00:54:30but he's informed me that your mother is welcome to stay with us for a few days.
00:54:35You have such a nice boss.
00:54:37And you're managing this huge estate?
00:54:43I finally have a good thing going for me.
00:54:46I am happy to know that.
00:54:50If your father could see you now,
00:54:54he would feel so relieved.
00:54:57I know, Mom.
00:54:59He would.
00:55:03Messer really cares about this bitch.
00:55:06I'll never be number one as long as she lives.
00:55:27Bella, your mom is acting crazy.
00:55:29Gotta go check on her.
00:55:30What's going on?
00:55:31I don't know.
00:55:32She's muttering something about going to find James.
00:55:35No, no, Mom can't be.
00:55:40Right into my trap.
00:55:52Where's my mom?
00:55:54How would I know?
00:55:56God, you are such an idiot.
00:56:00Now, you have two choices.
00:56:04You can jump,
00:56:07or I'll knock you off.
00:56:10Don't you dare.
00:56:11This isn't your estate.
00:56:14You don't have to remind me.
00:56:16But it will be.
00:56:19Messer will be mine.
00:56:23Go to hell!
00:56:25Take him!
00:56:26I'll kill you!
00:56:30Stay off my mom!
00:56:34You can't stop me.
00:56:36No one can stop me!
00:56:39Hands off my girl!
00:56:43I'll get to you after I kill your son.
00:56:45I love you, daughter.
00:56:50Who are you gonna kill?
00:56:53You're early.
00:56:54This isn't what it looks like.
00:56:57Because it looks like attempted murder.
00:57:02Adrienne, get her out of here.
00:57:06You're not yourself!
00:57:08She's brainwashing you!
00:57:10You'll regret this!
00:57:15Are you okay?
00:57:16Somebody call a doctor!
00:57:27Doctor, how is my daughter?
00:57:29Relax, it's just a mild concussion.
00:57:31She'll be fine with some rest.
00:57:33I'll prescribe pain medicine for her.
00:57:42Thank you, sir.
00:57:43What should I call you?
00:57:45What is your relationship with my daughter?
00:57:49What is your relationship with my daughter?
00:57:55Call me Damon.
00:57:57Bella and I are...
00:57:59very close.
00:58:01Are you?
00:58:02Mom, it's not what you think.
00:58:04Baby, you're awake!
00:58:08Damon, he's my boss.
00:58:11I work for him, that's all.
00:58:14Damon, is that so?
00:58:18Yes, it's true.
00:58:20I have business to attend to.
00:58:23I'll leave you to it.
00:58:27Thank your boss next time.
00:58:29Don't be so rude.
00:58:31I wasn't!
00:58:33Your boss, he seems very nice.
00:58:37And he's handsome, too.
00:58:40I'll bet he would make a good son-in-law.
00:58:45Nothing can happen between us.
00:58:48His heart belongs to someone else.
00:58:50Oh, silly girl.
00:58:54I don't know him.
00:58:55But I can tell he is worried about you.
00:58:58If you like him,
00:59:00muster up the courage and let him know.
00:59:02He's worried about me?
00:59:06My point is,
00:59:08is that life is unpredictable.
00:59:10I never expected your dad to leave us so soon.
00:59:13And I only wish that I took more time
00:59:17to tell him how much I love him.
00:59:24Maybe you're right.
00:59:27I should go after what I want.
00:59:31Follow your heart, sweetheart.
01:00:08Would you like to get a coffee with me?
01:00:20It's sweet.
01:00:21Not as sweet as the barista.
01:00:25Want to taste it?
01:00:27You're trying to seduce me.
01:00:35You might make me fall for you.
01:00:37Well, that's the idea.
01:00:39Do you have any idea what comes next?
01:00:43I do.
01:00:46Wouldn't be your first time, would it?
01:01:08Damon, I missed you.
01:01:11I feel...
01:01:13about less time.
01:01:14I didn't mean to hurt you, I just...
01:01:16I know.
01:01:17I know how you feel about me.
01:01:22I love you.
01:01:33I want all of your love for myself.
01:01:35I don't want to be another one of your playdates.
01:01:44Don't tell me.
01:01:46Show me.
01:01:51Show me.
01:02:23You're full of surprises.
01:02:26Now you're marked by me.
01:02:28You're mine.
01:02:30And only mine.
01:02:33I'm yours.
01:02:439.30 and he still hasn't woken up.
01:02:45Can't believe he spent the night with her.
01:02:51Shut up.
01:02:54Don't wake her up.
01:02:56This isn't like you.
01:02:58You never spend the night with your girls.
01:03:00It's none of your business.
01:03:02Well, you look well-rested.
01:03:05You didn't have a nightmare, did you?
01:03:08Man, no matter.
01:03:15You forgot your phone.
01:03:37It's okay, Bella.
01:03:39He was here last night.
01:03:40He'll come back.
01:03:45So what's next, Damon?
01:03:46A horse-drawn carriage and a picnic at sunset?
01:03:49Shut up and drive.
01:03:53Do you think she'd like that?
01:03:56A picnic at sunset.
01:04:00Do you think Damon likes me?
01:04:02Well, I don't want to be negative.
01:04:04But he hasn't really been able to move on from Violet's death.
01:04:09You should brace yourself.
01:04:11This might not go as you hoped.
01:04:13I just don't want to regret not trying.
01:04:19Girl, that's incredible.
01:04:22He never asks anyone out.
01:04:26Maybe you're right.
01:04:27Maybe this could actually work.
01:04:29The problem is, I only have five days to make him fall in love with me.
01:04:46I love you.
01:05:08Damon, we have an emergency.
01:05:14I'll be in my room.
01:05:17Look, Damon, things are going south in Italy.
01:05:22We've got a traitor in our midst.
01:05:25Haven't found him yet.
01:05:27We need to handle this ASAP or we'll be exposed.
01:05:30I don't think the estate is safe anymore.
01:05:32We should dismiss everyone.
01:05:34Dismiss everyone?
01:05:35What about Bella?
01:05:36I can't ensure her safety.
01:05:38If she stays, she'll be a target.
01:05:41You know what you have to do, right?
01:05:52Welcome back, Master.
01:05:54What are you doing?
01:05:56I'm waiting for you, Master.
01:06:02I've transferred the money to your account.
01:06:04You're free to go.
01:06:05But I still have a day.
01:06:06I don't want you anymore.
01:06:08You're dismissed.
01:06:11No, I don't believe you.
01:06:13What about the last few days?
01:06:17You've been such a good girl.
01:06:20I'm letting you out of your contract early.
01:06:22Consider it a bonus.
01:06:24I'm flying to Italy tomorrow.
01:06:26Pack your things and go.
01:06:30She can't end up like Violet.
01:06:32Those bastards won't get to her.
01:06:34I won't make the same mistake again.
01:06:37Damon, please don't push me away.
01:06:39I don't want to leave.
01:06:41Pack your things and go.
01:06:46Is that what you really want?
01:06:54Have fun in Italy.
01:06:59You're making me crazy, Bella.
01:07:07Have you ever been to Italy?
01:07:16Do you want to go to Italy with me?
01:07:18I'll give you another million dollars.
01:07:21What do you think?
01:07:29I don't want your money.
01:07:34But I would love to come with you.
01:07:58I spy with my little eyes.
01:08:00Two people in love.
01:08:02Stop, please.
01:08:04What? It's true.
01:08:07Damon offered me a new contract.
01:08:12You didn't take it, did you?
01:08:16It's here.
01:08:19You know what that means?
01:08:21It means he loves you.
01:08:23It does.
01:08:25If he hasn't said that,
01:08:27I can tell.
01:08:29I know.
01:08:32I heard Damon booked us a really nice hotel.
01:08:36How lovely.
01:08:41She's a sweet girl, isn't she?
01:08:43She is.
01:08:44I'll protect her.
01:08:47It'll be different this time.
01:08:49Damon, you know that's not what I mean.
01:08:52When she first showed up,
01:08:54I thought, just a new toy for you.
01:08:57I never thought this would become so serious.
01:08:59What's your point?
01:09:01She's young.
01:09:03She doesn't know a thing about our world,
01:09:05what we do.
01:09:07Are you sure she'll be able to accept it?
01:09:09She's so innocent.
01:09:11I can hide it from her.
01:09:13You can't hide it forever.
01:09:17how can you be so sure their feelings for you are genuine?
01:09:20Maybe it's just Stockholm Syndrome.
01:09:23You're wrong.
01:09:25It's not.
01:09:32Hey, Damon.
01:09:34Sorry for making you wait.
01:09:40It is quite late.
01:09:42Did you go out there to get these for me?
01:09:45They remind me of you.
01:09:47What do you think?
01:09:49I love them.
01:09:51And what about the gift giver?
01:09:54The gift giver is my favorite of all.
01:10:06Tell me,
01:10:08when did you first start to like me?
01:10:10When I first saw you,
01:10:12I opened my eyes and I knew.
01:10:14I was terrified,
01:10:16but I couldn't help it.
01:10:19You had feelings for me
01:10:21before you signed the first contract?
01:10:26I have to tell you something.
01:10:30I love you.
01:10:35What about you?
01:10:37How do you feel about me?
01:10:39I'm not very articulate.
01:10:42I prefer to show my feelings.
01:10:48It stands for Bella, Carvey.
01:10:51I'm yours.
01:10:54I already knew the answer.
01:10:57You're mine.
01:10:59I am yours.
01:11:01And you are mine.
01:11:12I love you.
01:11:28I have to go.
01:11:30I have to take care of some business.
01:11:33We'll pick this up later.
01:11:37Can I come with you?
01:11:40Stay here.
01:11:42Good girl.
01:11:49Your coat!
01:11:51He's gonna freeze.
01:11:55I had no choice.
01:11:57The payment could've covered all my gambling debts.
01:11:59I'm sorry!
01:12:00So you betrayed me!
01:12:01For the Marzano bastards!
01:12:04what are you doing?
01:12:11Mr. Vincent!
01:12:12I've always been loyal to you and Jack!
01:12:14They forced me!
01:12:15I'm sorry!
01:12:26What are you doing here?
01:12:28I brought you your coat.
01:12:32I was gonna show you my world
01:12:34when the time was right.
01:12:36Are you afraid of me?
01:12:38Are you gonna leave?
01:12:41Say something.
01:12:45I'm not afraid.
01:12:49I love you so much.
01:12:52I knew you were my fake king.
01:12:54It's just,
01:12:56I was caught off guard.
01:12:57I'm sure.
01:12:58You were caught off guard.
01:13:01I'm sorry.
01:13:02It's okay.
01:13:03We're okay.
01:13:08We are.
01:13:10Then show me your world.
01:14:02Let me.
01:14:04Not yet.
01:14:06You've got a bigger surprise.
01:14:07That's right.
01:14:16You may take your blindfold off.
01:14:22These are
01:14:25custom made.
01:14:28What do you think?
01:14:30Have you tried these with Violet?
01:14:32No, we never did.
01:14:33Yeah, these are a new model.
01:14:35I mean, we never did S&M.
01:14:43You never hurt her like you hurt me?
01:14:50You didn't hurt her like you hurt me.
01:14:54It's not like that.
01:14:55You probably loved her too much to hurt her.
01:14:57And I'm just another girl.
01:14:59Another one of your playthings.
01:15:01It's not like that.
01:15:02And you, I shouldn't have trusted you ever.
01:15:04I'm not your girl.
01:15:07This is over.
01:15:08Bella, don't go.
01:15:15Follow Bella.
01:15:16She left.
01:15:17Protect her.
01:15:22Hi, Bella.
01:15:23Come this way.
01:15:25Hands out of the skirt!
01:15:31Damien, you shouldn't have let her go.
01:15:33I was handcuffed.
01:15:34Your enemies won't let this chance slip away.
01:15:36I couldn't stop her.
01:15:37She hates me.
01:15:38She doesn't hate you.
01:15:40She loves you.
01:15:42It's all just a big misunderstanding.
01:15:44You have to explain that to her.
01:15:46You have to tell her what you truly feel.
01:15:51What happened?
01:15:54They took Bella.
01:16:08So you must be Damien's favorite girl, huh?
01:16:11You are stunning.
01:16:13I can see why you're his number one.
01:16:17Ain't I enough for you?
01:16:19After all I did that big favor for you.
01:16:23Come on, don't make me jealous.
01:16:24Leo Maranzano?
01:16:27You're the one who killed Violet.
01:16:32Oh, so you know him well.
01:16:36He must really care for you, huh?
01:16:39So you should know.
01:16:41He's dead.
01:16:45No, he doesn't care about me.
01:16:47I don't care about him.
01:16:48We're over.
01:16:51He allows you to call him by his name?
01:17:00You didn't have that privilege, did you?
01:17:08Your beauty must be so captivating.
01:17:13I mean, he took you all the way to Italy.
01:17:18Damien truly changed.
01:17:22Damien has changed because of me?
01:17:28Sweetheart, join me.
01:17:31Join me.
01:17:35The contract I offer comes with loads of benefits.
01:17:42I'll never betray him.
01:17:44I'm not like her.
01:17:48You still think you're better than me.
01:17:52You're not.
01:17:54Your man is a maniac.
01:17:57A psycho.
01:17:59He'll die in rotten flesh.
01:18:00Well, shut up!
01:18:05Damien only kills people who deserve it.
01:18:08He's a good man.
01:18:09Not like you.
01:18:11Oh, such a sweet little speech.
01:18:16Damien would have been touched.
01:18:20But he won't endure the next step.
01:18:23And neither will you.
01:18:27What are you doing?
01:18:33No, please!
01:18:34Let go of me!
01:18:37Let go of me!
01:18:38Let go of me!
01:18:39Let go of me!
01:18:45Damien van Zandt!
01:18:47Put your weapons down!
01:18:48I'll blow her head to pieces!
01:18:51Don't shoot her.
01:18:53Put your guns down.
01:18:57Poor Damien.
01:18:59What an embarrassing end.
01:19:03The Mafia King reduced to this?
01:19:06All are a woman!
01:19:10The good news?
01:19:11Everything will be over soon.
01:19:13Leo Manzano.
01:19:15You'll get nothing from killing us.
01:19:17What do you mean?
01:19:19I'm working with the Sanchezzi family.
01:19:21The largest family in Italy.
01:19:23Swap me for Bella.
01:19:24Use me as leverage.
01:19:25Play your cards right.
01:19:26You'll have the biggest empire in Italy.
01:19:30Damien, please don't.
01:19:32I was looking forward to killing you.
01:19:35I could use the leverage with the Sanchezzi families.
01:19:41You're free.
01:19:45Do you remember your safe word?
01:19:51Baby's butt.
01:20:14Wait, wait, wait.
01:20:22Let's cut the deal.
01:20:23Please don't kill me.
01:20:25I was gonna kill you next week.
01:20:27And then you did all this.
01:20:30So eager to die.
01:20:32I'm happy to oblige.
01:20:37I've avenged you, Violet.
01:20:51You did it, Damien.
01:20:52You did it, Damien.
01:20:57Bella Carvey.
01:20:59You're gonna die.
01:21:08Wake up!
01:21:10Wake up, please!
01:21:12Please don't leave me.
01:21:34You finally came to see me.
01:21:36I'm late.
01:21:38I'm sorry it took me so long to avenge you.
01:21:41Don't apologize, Damien.
01:21:43You tried your best.
01:21:45Your dad and I have been waiting for you.
01:21:47And now the three of us can be together.
01:21:50Come here.
01:21:52Damien, come back.
01:21:53I need you.
01:22:05I can't go with you.
01:22:10Bella's waiting for me.
01:22:14You like her?
01:22:15I love her.
01:22:18What about me?
01:22:20I will always love you, Violet.
01:22:23But I can't ignore my feelings for Bella.
01:22:32Then go to her.
01:22:35I hope you two have a wonderful life together.
01:22:50God, please.
01:22:52Bring him back.
01:22:53I'm begging you.
01:23:04Please tell me this isn't a dream.
01:23:06I'm so scared if I turn around, you're afraid.
01:23:13It's you.
01:23:15It's really you.
01:23:18I heard you.
01:23:19I couldn't bear to be away from you any longer.
01:23:22So I came back.
01:23:24You were in a coma for two weeks.
01:23:26Doctors told me that if you didn't wake up today, you would be in a vegetative state forever.
01:23:32If I was in a vegetative state, would you leave me?
01:23:38Prove it.
01:23:39I'll go back into the coma.
01:23:42Don't say that.
01:23:47Damien, you have no idea how much I love you.
01:23:52The moment you jumped in front of me to get the bullet, I knew I wouldn't be able to survive without you.
01:24:01You are my love and nothing else.
01:24:05And whether you believe it or not, I love you more than you love me.
01:24:10Ever since I was younger, I thought I had to be perfect for someone to love me.
01:24:15But you love me just the way I am.
01:24:17Dark side and all.
01:24:19I want to show you my world.
01:24:22And all I want in return is your love.
01:24:25You should never be ashamed of your dark side.
01:24:30We both love it.
01:24:33Do you really love it?
01:24:36You showed me who I truly am.
01:24:39We're very much alike, you and I.
01:24:43And I think we belong together.
01:24:50I love you.
01:24:58Will you marry me?
01:25:04I can't imagine a second of my life without you.
01:25:08Damien Van Zyte, will you take me, Bella Carvey, as your wife?
01:25:24I'm sorry.
01:25:29This is probably too soon.
01:25:36I should be the one proposing to you.
01:25:45Will you marry me?
01:25:46Will you marry me?
01:25:48When did you get this?
01:25:50When we came back from the picnic.
01:25:56You had it this whole time?
01:25:59Marry him! Marry him! Marry him!
01:26:03Say yes!
01:26:04Come on, marry him!
