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Tales of Demons and Gods 8 EP 38 ENG SUB


00:00优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
00:18大家听着 Listen, everyone.
00:20经过调查发现 聂离乃是妖神宗的奸细 According to the investigation, Nie Li is a spy of the Demon God Sect.
00:26我才不得已 I have no choice
00:28需要将这个奸细彻底地清除出去 but to get rid of this spy.
00:31虽然我的行为确实过激了 Although my actions were out of line,
00:34但是我对羽神宗的忠诚天地可鉴 but my loyalty to the Demon God Sect is irrefutable.
00:37他在发什么疯 What's wrong with him?
00:39这么直接编了个理由 真不要脸 He just made up an excuse. He's so shameless.
00:44其实无焉尊者才是奸细 In fact, the one who has no shame is the spy.
00:46他发现聂离的天赋超绝 He found out that Nie Li's talent is extraordinary.
00:48就想杀了聂离 He wants to kill Nie Li
00:50为妖神宗除掉一个强大的对手 to get rid of a powerful opponent for the Demon God Sect.
00:52不错 我也可以作证 That's right. I can testify for him.
00:54如果确有其事 If it's true,
00:56为何不把聂离交由宗门审判 why don't you let Nie Li be judged by the Immortal Sects
00:58却要在这里使用小人手段 instead of using vile means here?
01:00血腥凭人 你们可有证据 Vile? Do you have any evidence?
01:03那无焉尊者说聂离是奸细 又有何证据 The one who has no shame said that Nie Li is a spy. What evidence do you have?
01:07我李星云可以以人格担保 I, Li Xingyun, can guarantee with my personality
01:09聂离绝对不是奸细 Nie Li is definitely not a spy.
01:11我也是 Me neither.
01:12我也是 Me neither.
01:13你们 You...
01:14怎么三大世家的子弟都在替他说话 Why are all the disciples of the Three Great Clans speaking up for him?
01:17一个来自小玲珑世界 A disciple from the world of Xiaolingrong
01:19却能让三大世家的嫡系传人如此为他说话 is able to make the descendants of the Three Great Clans speak up for him.
01:24难道不是很蹊跷 Isn't that strange?
01:26这样就能认定奸细吗 几百年了 In this way, can you tell he's a spy? It's been hundreds of years.
01:30你有过妖神宗的奸细混入宇神宗 Did you have a spy from the Demon Clan mixed into the Demon Clan?
01:33天云神尊信任我 收我为徒 Master Tianyun trusts me and takes me as his disciple.
01:36无厌尊者该不会是因为争宠而嫉妒吧 The Disgraceful One must be jealous of me because of my popularity.
01:40争宠 Popularity?
01:42就凭你这个连比舞台都不敢上的胆小鬼 You're a coward who doesn't even dare to go on the stage.
01:46我还是那句话 I'll say the same thing.
01:47龙道靖敢去挑战五宗级强者 我就敢挑战他 If Long Dao Jing dares to challenge the top five, I dare to challenge him.
02:10天云 这个聂离 你已经收为弟子了 Tianyun, you've already taken this Disgraceful One as your disciple.
02:14不错 Not bad.
02:16这动作真快啊 近百年来 宇神宗难得见到这么卓绝的天才 His movements are so fast. It's rare to see such a genius in the past hundred years.
02:22宗主大人心动了 您安心教导您的孙儿司徒北炎不就可以了 Master, you're moved. You can just teach your grandson, Beiyan.
02:28哎呀 我这孙儿的天赋勉强能突破到五宗境界 掌控一方倒是够了 My grandson's talent is barely enough to break through to the Five Realms.
02:35想要成为宇神宗的宗主 带领宇神宗复兴 有点难呢 It's a little difficult to become the master of the Deity Clan and lead the Deity Clan to revival.
02:42没想到宗主大人竟是如此看好聂离 不如让他转拜宗主门下吧 I didn't expect you to think so highly of Nie Li. Why don't you let him become your disciple?
02:49君子不夺人所好 A gentleman never takes what others want.
02:52百年之后 宇神宗就要交由这些后辈来掌控了 After a hundred years, the Deity Clan will be in the hands of the younger generation.
02:57若是当中有能够独当一面的天才 那我们就放心了 这个聂离再好好观察观察 If there is a genius who can take charge of the Deity Clan, we can rest assured. I'll keep an eye on Nie Li.
03:06对了 无焉尊者和聂离似乎有些矛盾 天云神尊不调解一下吗 Right, there seems to be some conflict between the All-Knowing Lord and Nie Li. Great God Tian Yun, could you be a little moderate?
03:13后辈之间无谓的纷争 让他们去吧 Let them go with no fighting between the younger generation.
03:21聂离 Nie Li
03:23天云师尊 Great God Tian Yun
03:25你尽全力跟国怀较量一番 不必留守也不用担心 不必留手也不用担心 你尽全力跟国怀较量一番 不必留手也不用担心 You must do your best to fight against Guo Huai. You don't have to stay behind.
03:30I guarantee that your soul will not be scattered.
03:32There are a few adults who want to see your strength.
03:35A few adults?
03:37It must be the five giants of the Jade God Sect within him.
03:41Yes, Master.
03:42Getting the recognition of the five giants is a necessary condition to become the chief.
03:46It seems that I have to perform well.
03:48Hey, I changed my mind.
03:50I agree to participate in this second competition.
03:54Master, don't be impulsive.
03:55How dare you say that there is no progress.
03:57Hey, Ye Lin, you don't have to fight with him.
03:59He has been dead for a long time.
04:01Obviously, it's the Five-Eyes who sent him to mess with you.
04:03Don't worry, I know what to do.
04:06What bad idea does this guy have?
04:08Huo Huai, teach him a good lesson.
04:11Li Dayi.
04:15With your cultivation, you can beat Ye Chong.
04:18But that's it.
04:20How do you know if you don't fight?
04:22Arrogant confidence.
04:38Both of them are so strong.
04:44Let me see how much you can do.
04:51Without the fusion demon spirit, he is already so strong.
05:00He can keep up with me.
05:03But he is still too weak.
05:07Next is this side.
05:16Wait for it now.