Cannabis Might Have an Anti-Aging Effect on the Brain

  • last month
Cannabis is often used for medicinal purposes and a new study adds to the growing list of health-related uses for the plant. The psychoactive compound in marijuana, THC, has now been found to reverse the signs of brain-related aging in mice and more.
00:00Cannabis is often used for medicinal purposes, and a new study adds to the growing list of
00:08health-related uses for the plant.
00:10The psychoactive compound in marijuana, THC, has been found to reverse the signs of brain-related
00:15aging in mice.
00:16They found that signaling to the mTOR protein was altered after consumption, changing the
00:21way cells are metabolized.
00:23Mice that were given cannabis showed a boost in mTOR activity and produced more proteins
00:27associated with the formation of new synapses and neurons in their brains.
00:31The synaptic genesis is very closely associated with improved brain function across the board.
00:36The study also revealed the reverse in mTOR activity in fat tissue, finding it reduced.
00:41This mirrors what is often observed when a subject undergoes a calorie-controlled diet,
00:46something previous studies have shown also slows biological aging.
00:49With their researchers writing, quote, We concluded that long-term THC treatment initially
00:53has a cognition-enhancing effect by increasing energy and synaptic protein production in
00:58the brain, adding that this is followed by an anti-aging effect by decreasing mTOR activity
01:03and metabolic processes in the periphery.
