• last year
Miss the Dragon (遇龙, Yu Long) is a 2021 Chinese fantasy romance drama that follows the story of Liu Ying, a maidservant who accidentally meets Yuchi Longyan, a dragon king disguised as a human. After she saves his life, the dragon king promises to repay her kindness, leading to a fateful relationship spanning over three lifetimes. Each time they meet, Liu Ying reincarnates, while Yuchi Longyan stays immortal, guiding and protecting her through her various lives, waiting for her to remember their past love.

#Romance #Fantasy #Dragon #Reincarnation #Immortality #DragonKing #AncientChina #Sacrifice #MythicalCreatures #HistoricalDrama #FatedLove #DylanWang #ZhuXudan #ChineseDrama #Drama #China #Sex #Girl #ChineseGirl #EnglishSub #Subtitles #EnglishSubtitles #ChineseDramaWithEnglishSubs


