Gisele Bündchen, Joaquim Valente Go Water-Biking Past Tom Brady's Miami Home | TMZ Live

  • 2 months ago
While Tom Brady is gearing up for his first season as an NFL announcer ... his ex-wife, Gisele Bündchen, is enjoying herself by water-biking with her man, Joaquim Valente -- and interestingly enough, they rode right by the former quarterback's house!!


00:00Giselle has now parted ways, obviously, as you know,
00:04with Tom Brady.
00:05They are divorced, and she has moved on
00:09with her jujitsu instructor, Joaquin Valente.
00:12We've seen them many, many times over the last,
00:16God, six, seven months.
00:17Yeah, you know, they denied it at first heart.
00:18If they weren't dating, obviously they were.
00:20Okay, so, so, so, so, is she over Tom Brady?
00:26Well, there are photos now
00:29of the two of them yesterday on water bikes in Miami.
00:33Which is great.
00:34By the way, we should say they both look fantastic.
00:37Amazing, right.
00:38She looks over him, she's with her boyfriend.
00:39Why would you ever think she's not over Tom?
00:41Because this all has to do with architecture and landscape,
00:45and where they happened to pass
00:48as they were tooling around on their water bikes.
00:51Guess where they passed?
00:53They passed Tom Brady's house.
00:55There you go.
00:57That is Tom Brady's beautiful house,
00:59and you can see Gisele and Joaquin right there.
01:03Feet away from his dock.
01:04So, and Joaquin is kind of peering over.
01:09I gotta say, this, I know you could say,
01:12well, look, they're just on the intercoastal,
01:14they're just, there are plenty of ways to go.
01:16They live close to one another,
01:18but there are other routes they could have taken.
01:20And they are very close to that house.
01:23They're not on the other side of the intercoastal.
01:25By the way, this is, you can take a look.
01:28That's where Gisele built her house, and that's Tom's.
01:31But Harvey, look at that map.
01:32They clearly could have went another route
01:34that did not cross Tom Brady's house.
01:36A million ways they could have gone.
01:36I want to say that this is pettiness on Gisele's part.
01:39Like, hey, here I am with my new guy
01:41who is younger than you, by the way,
01:42and could kick your ass.
01:44Here we are having fun.
01:45I don't think that's it.
01:47So the biggest question, guys, now is was Tom Brady home?
01:50Obviously, we don't know quite the answer to that
01:53because we're not an hour-by-basis with Tom Brady,
01:56but we know that he was at the Inter-Miami game
01:58with Lionel Messi and David Beckham,
02:00which is just a few miles from his house.
02:01So he was in town.
02:03So it's entirely possible that he's sitting on his couch
02:05watching these two swim by his home.
02:07That would frustrate you.
02:09So, look, what we were told a couple of months ago,
02:14so I don't know how things have changed,
02:16this was not the most pleasant of divorces.
02:18I mean, divorces are not pleasant,
02:20but there was acrimony.
02:24On both sides here when they split.
02:26So, you know, as a lawyer, I can tell you that,
02:31you know, I actually never practiced divorce,
02:33but divorce, family law,
02:36but I know a lot of divorce lawyers who do.
02:39And, you know, because people get a piece of paper
02:43that says you're divorced,
02:45they're not necessarily divorced in their mind.
02:47And I'm not saying that she's pining after Tom Brady
02:52because I don't think that's the case.
02:53No, I don't either.
02:54But I think there's emotional baggage
02:56in a lot of relationships where people do divorce
03:00and that it just doesn't go away
03:02when a judge signs a document.
03:04And I don't know, when you go back to that picture
03:07and you look, not just that they passed the house,
03:10look how close they are.
03:11She could touch his boat almost.
03:14You don't have to be that close.
03:15There's just, I don't know,
03:17there's just something I'm reading into this picture
03:20because they also know they're being photographed.
03:23I mean, she's always photographed.
03:24To be fair to her, guys,
03:25she does do these water sports out on that inlet often.
03:29We've seen her in the past,
03:29I think in Father's Day
03:30when she was out with Joaquin Valente
03:32and they were paddle boarding, stand-up paddle boarding.
03:33So this is, she clearly enjoys the exercise aspect.
03:37I don't necessarily know if it's simply
03:38just to rub it in Tom's face.
03:40If Tom's been linked to a 27-year-old model,
03:42I would take her on a little canoe or something
03:45right past Giselle.
03:46First of all, you're getting very petty here.
03:48I don't know, Al.
03:49She's being petty.
03:51I don't, look, he knows Joaquin.
03:53He hired, he hired Joaquin.
03:55We've talked to people.
03:56We know Tom was annoyed at the way she was claiming
03:59she wasn't with Joaquin.
04:01We know, he did not love the way
04:03that all unfolded after the divorce.
04:04He didn't, but at the same time,
04:07they're kind of used to this now.
04:08She's been with him, I think, going on a year.
04:11Oh, yes.
04:12At least.
04:13At more.
04:13And they're divorced and everything else.
04:16And they share kids.
04:17So there's gotta be some interaction.
04:20So it's not like she's never seen,
04:22I'm assuming at a point where there's a handoff
04:26with custody.
04:27Right, there has to be.
04:28That you see.
04:28Right, and even on like Mother's Day,
04:30Tom has posted Giselle even in divorce.
04:32So I don't think there's hatred between them.
04:35Hi, Mason in LA.
04:37And for me, like, it's not like she's left the house
04:41wearing sweatpants, you know?
04:42She's not wearing a Tweety Bird sweatshirt
04:44with grease stains and compression socks.
04:47She looks hot.
04:48She knows what she's doing.
04:49And it's just giving like 16-year-old girl drive vibes.
04:54I get the same thing.
04:57That's hysterical.
04:58I think that's right.
05:00That is so funny.
05:01Oh my God, you nailed it.
05:05That's hysterical.
