"SIS", Brooke Markham, Paige Sommerer, 20th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival Opening Night

  • last month


00:00I'm here. Sorry. Thank you so much. What are your beautiful names? Hi, I'm Brooke Markham
00:04I'm Paige summer. Hey, and what brought you guys here to the Holly shorts tonight?
00:08We are premiering sis here at Holly's shorts on August 17th
00:13Amazing. What is the film about?
00:16it's a personal story of mine about a young woman who gets pregnant during the Roe v Wade overturn and the
00:23Conversation she then proceeds to have with her older conservative sister
00:28Yeah, it's pretty heavy topic for especially everything that's we're going on in our world today
00:32What are you hoping that our audience takes away from it? I?
00:36Would say have the hard conversations and that love should outweigh right and wrong
00:47And what was it like making a film like this oh man, it was so magical Brooke is such a fabulous leader
00:54She's also an incredible actress and she comes to set with all heart and total trust and freedom
01:01We need those qualities that wake up and do that every day in our lives
01:05Good for you guys. What does it feel to be at the Holly shorts tonight? I'm lit. I'm so excited
01:11We're the Chinese theater. This is infamous. This is really exciting. This is really special
01:16I just feel really like grateful to be here. This is awesome. So we're excited. I think it's all in the air
01:22Well, nice to meet you girls. We'll be looking out for your film. Thank you so much. Thank you. Have a good night
