• last year
00:00Hi everyone, my name is Leela McDougall and I'm the writer, producer and lead actress in the feature film Just a Farmer.
00:07Now I'm wanting to address some of the concerns that some of you may be having around watching the film because you're a bit scared
00:12that you might cry, you might feel sad and you might become a bit emotional.
00:16But it's important to understand that avoiding these feelings is part of the problem we're trying to solve.
00:21We often shy away from what's difficult, but facing these emotions is crucial for change.
00:27I feel like our film has been put into the category of the sound of freedom
00:31because the topic of our film is too ugly for polite conversation and that is exactly what we do not want.
00:38We do not want mental health in farming communities to be too ugly for polite conversation.
00:43You know, Just a Farmer is meant to evoke deep feelings, whether they're feelings of sadness or joy,
00:50because true art engages us on an emotional level and it starts really important conversations.
00:56So it's okay to feel moved. It's part of breaking down the stigma around mental health.
01:01So please don't let fear stop you from watching the film.
01:05Embrace the emotions that it brings up and let's take a step towards understanding and supporting each other in a much better way.
