Blue's Clues S03E17 - What's So Funny

  • le mois dernier
00:31Oh, salut! Viens voir!
00:33C'est tellement bien de te voir! Blue et moi, on va juste...
00:38Qu'est-ce qui est drôle?
00:39Les chaussures!
00:41Oh, les chaussures!
00:43Tu veux dire que je porte des chaussures sur ma tête, c'est ça?
00:45C'est si drôle!
00:47Tout le monde sait que les chaussures appartiennent à tes oreilles!
00:50Viens voir! Oh, je peux entendre la musique!
00:56Non, je rigole.
00:57Je voulais juste te faire rire.
01:00Hey, qu'est-ce que tu dirais si on essaie de faire rire Blue?
01:07Peux-tu faire une face drôle?
01:10Voyons voir.
01:17Ça va fonctionner!
01:19Tiens-toi à cette face. Allons-y!
01:27Hey Blue, on va essayer de te faire rire.
01:34Je suis...
01:35le garçon à la tête en chaussures!
01:39Le garçon à la tête en chaussures.
01:42Elle va rire. Fais ta face drôle.
01:47Bien joué!
01:49Tu es assez drôle.
01:51Ok, Blue, on va te faire rire encore.
01:54Oh non?
01:55Bien, voyons ce que j'ai dans mon sac de trucs stupides.
02:04Wacky Wild Wig!
02:07Wacky Wild Wig?
02:10Wacky Wacky Wacky?
02:14Bien, qu'est-ce qui te fait rire?
02:20On va jouer à Blue's Clues pour découvrir ce qui fait rire Blue.
02:24On va se faire rire.
02:28On va jouer à Blue's Clues parce que c'est un super jeu.
02:32Rappelez-vous que Blue's Pawprint sera sur les clous.
02:36Blue's Clues.
02:38Hey, pensons à un moyen vraiment drôle de s'en sortir de Blue's Pawprint.
02:44On peut l'enlever ou...
02:47C'est pas si drôle.
02:48Ou on peut...
02:52Ou on peut l'utiliser, on peut...
02:56Qu'est-ce qu'il y a là-bas?
02:58Oh, ça a du potentiel.
03:01Oh oui, on peut l'enlever.
03:04Steve, c'est en off.
03:07Oh, c'est déjà en off.
03:08C'est déjà en off.
03:15Vous savez ce qu'il nous faut pour jouer à Blue's Clues?
03:17Notre petit...
03:19Oui, notre notebook.
03:23Voici votre notebook, Steve.
03:34Qu'est-ce qui est si drôle?
03:39Pour jouer à Blue's Clues, il faut trouver un...
03:45Oh, un pawprint, c'est ça!
03:47Et c'est notre premier...
03:51Un clou?
03:52Un clou!
03:53On va le mettre dans notre...
03:57Oh, side table drawer, je crois qu'il y a eu un erreur.
04:01C'est un petit, petit potato.
04:04Je suis juste folle, Steve.
04:07Voici votre notebook.
04:11Je comprends.
04:14Une bonne.
04:16On le met dans notre notebook.
04:22On doit trouver un autre pawprint.
04:24C'est la deuxième clou.
04:26On le met dans notre notebook parce que c'est Blue's Clues.
04:29Blue's Clues.
04:32On doit trouver le dernier pawprint.
04:34C'est la troisième clou.
04:35On le met dans notre notebook parce que c'est Blue's Clues.
04:38Blue's Clues.
04:40Vous savez ce qu'il faut faire.
04:41S'assoir dans votre salle de pensée et penser.
04:58C'est ce qu'on veut faire.
05:08Au revoir.
05:10Eh. J'ai trouvé qui dans le sac de choses folles.
05:13Suckpuppet, c'est très bien de te voir à nouveau.
05:16You know, I can tell I'm really gonna need your help today, trying to figure out what makes Blue laugh.
05:23Will you help me?
05:26Oh, you will? Great! They said they'd help. Let's go.
05:32We are looking for clues now. This is the part where we sing about the clues.
05:36Finding them will... Oh! Run! Be free!
05:39I don't see any clues. Do you?
05:42I don't see any clues.
05:44Oh, dear!
05:48What? Do you see a clue?
05:50A clue!
05:52Right there!
05:54Right where?
05:58Oh! There is a clue. Right there on this...
06:03Right! A ball! You know what we need? Our handy-dandy...
06:09Notebook! Notebook, right!
06:12Can you please make me some arms?
06:14Okay, sock puppet. It's good to see you again, but we gotta draw the clue.
06:18I just got here.
06:19We'll see you later.
06:20Okay, bye-bye.
06:21I love that guy.
06:23So, a ball.
06:28To draw this ball, we make a circle, and then a curved line here, and here.
06:34There. A ball.
06:36So, we're trying to figure out what makes Blue laugh.
06:40And our first clue is... a ball.
06:45So, what can make Blue laugh with a ball? Do you know?
06:51Maybe, but I think we should find two more clues.
06:57Hey, that's Shovel and Pail. Let's go.
07:00Hey, Shovel and Pail, what's so funny?
07:03I think Gopher is going to pop up right here, by this bush.
07:11That way!
07:17That way!
07:33See? He keeps fooling us.
07:36Now, wait a second. This Gopher is pretty smart.
07:39Maybe, just maybe, there's a pattern to where he's popping up.
07:43A pattern?
07:45Yeah, you know, a method to this Gopher's madness.
07:50Do you wanna help us figure out where Gopher's gonna pop up next?
07:55So, first, Gopher popped up next to... the flowers.
08:03Then, he popped up next to this car.
08:06And then, then he popped up next to me.
08:10So, what's the same about the flowers, the toy car, and Shovel?
08:18Are they all the same... size?
08:25Well, are they all the same... color?
08:32Yes! Yellow!
08:34Right! The flowers, the toy car, and Shovel are all yellow.
08:40So, if Gopher is popping up next to yellow things each time, where do you think he'll pop up next?
08:47Where do you think he'll pop up next?
08:50Well, what else is yellow?
08:54That ball.
08:57The ball is the only yellow thing left.
09:07We found you! We found you!
09:09Good job!
09:10Uh-oh. Here we go again.
09:13Keep your eyes out for where he pops up.
09:20That way!
09:25That way!
09:32Steve, he's fooled us again!
09:35OK, team. Let's regroup.
09:39First, Gopher popped up next to... the pool.
09:46And then, he popped up next to this trash can.
09:50And then, he popped up next to this tire.
09:54So, what's the same about the pool, the trash can lid, and the tire?
10:03Well, they're not the same color like last time.
10:07Are they the same shape?
10:11Yeah! Circles!
10:14Yeah! The pool, the trash can lid, and the tire are all circles.
10:23So, if Gopher is popping up next to circle shapes each time, where do you think he'll pop up next?
10:30Well, what else is a circle?
10:36That hoop!
10:38Oh, yeah! The hoop is the only circle left. Let's go for it.
10:50We found you again!
10:52Way to go! You think you're pretty sneaky, don't you?
11:01You won't fool us this time, Gopher!
11:09That way!
11:13That way!
11:19OK. So, first, Gopher popped up next to the toy plate.
11:25And then, he popped up next to this bird.
11:28And then, he popped up next to this kite.
11:32Well, these things aren't the same color or the same shape.
11:37So, what do you think? What's the same about the toy plane, the bird, and the kite?
11:48They all fly!
11:50Yeah! The toy plane, the bird, and the kite all fly.
11:53The toy plane, the bird, and the kite all fly.
11:56So, if Gopher is popping up next to things that fly each time, where do you think he'll pop up next?
12:02What else flies?
12:06That helicopter!
12:10The helicopter.
12:16This helicopter is the only flying thing left.
12:25Hey, pretty good work, don't you think, Gopher?
12:28Thanks for your help!
12:30Well, looks like Gopher finally met his match. Good job!
12:37Right, we still have to find two more clues.
12:39See you later, Shovel, Tail, Gopher.
12:45Gopher won't fool us this time.
12:47A clue! A clue!
12:49A clue? Where?
12:53Oh, wait, you're just being silly.
12:56A clue, a clue! It was good, you got me.
12:59A clue right there!
13:03A clue? What?
13:05Hey, wait a second. How did this ball get here?
13:11This ball is our second clue!
13:14You know where we need to write this clue? Our handy-dandy...
13:19Notebook, right. So, a ball.
13:24We can draw this ball by making a circle.
13:27There, a ball.
13:29So, we're trying to figure out what makes Blue laugh.
13:33And what was our first clue?
13:37A ball!
13:38A ball? Really?
13:41And now our second clue is a ball.
13:46Well, that's already pretty funny.
13:49But seriously, what could make Blue laugh?
13:53With a ball.
13:54And a ball.
13:56Do you know?
14:01But I think we should find our last clue.
14:03Mail time! Mail time!
14:05The mail's here!
14:06Mail time!
14:07I'm going to try and make Mailbox laugh.
14:10Here's the mail, it never fails
14:13It makes me want to wag my tail
14:15When it comes, I want to wail
14:51Here's your mail, Steve.
14:55Thanks, Mailbox.
14:57We just got a letter.
15:01We just got a letter
15:03We just got a letter
15:05We just got a letter
15:07Wonder who it's from
15:10It's upside down.
15:16Oh look, it's a letter from some of our funniest friends.
15:20I see my friends being silly!
15:25This is my silly face.
15:34What do you call a big ant?
15:38A giant ant!
15:42I feel like kicking that one.
15:45The people pox!
15:53Bye, Steve!
16:03I'm just kidding. I'm not really blue.
16:06I'm Steve.
16:09Oh, this is absurd.
16:18Hey, Steve, I think you'd better get up here.
16:22Looks like Blue spilled this heck of silly stuff.
16:31Hey, Blue just skidooed into Silly Town.
16:35Let's go too.
16:39Blue skidooed, we can too.
16:43This must be Silly Town.
16:46See anything silly about Silly Town?
17:02Hey, it's raining inside that skunk's umbrella.
17:08Now that's pretty silly.
17:15Hello, my boy. I'm Billy Chicken, mayor of this Silly Town.
17:21Well, it's an honor to meet you, Mr. Mayor Billy Chicken.
17:25Did you see that soaking skunk?
17:27Ah, yes.
17:29That skunk's umbrella is just one of the many mixed-up wonders of Silly Town.
17:36Come along.
17:38Did you see that soaking skunk?
17:41Ah, yes.
17:43That skunk's umbrella is just one of the many mixed-up wonders of Silly Town.
17:49Come along. I'll give you the grand tour.
17:52Great. We love silly stuff.
17:55Do you want to find all the mixed-up things in Silly Town?
17:58Great. Let's go.
18:01Walk this way.
18:08Walk here.
18:15Does this look normal to you?
18:19Well, what's mixed up here?
18:25She's using a banana.
18:28Oh, yeah. This wacky worker weasel is pounding in a nail with a banana.
18:34Question, why not a hammer?
18:37I think I'm going bananas.
18:41I really admire your work.
18:47She's not the only wacky worker around here. Take a look.
18:52Do you see any other wacky workers?
18:57And here we are at the center of town.
19:01Sorry, it's a little loud.
19:04Oh, that's okay.
19:06Hey, I wonder what's mixed up here.
19:14Can you figure out what's mixed up here?
19:18Can you figure out what's mixed up here?
19:25The truck sounds like a horse.
19:28A truck that sounds like a horse?
19:35Oh, my. Wow. Did you hear that?
19:38If you listen closely, there are many silly sounds around here.
19:44Do you hear any other silly sound?
19:54Ah, a theme park.
19:57Hello, everyone.
20:08Do you see what's mixed up about this?
20:13It's going the wrong way.
20:17The wrong way?
20:19Oh, yeah. This giraffe is sliding backwards up the slide.
20:33What do you think of backwards park?
20:36Well, I think it's a very backwards way of life.
20:41Hey, do you notice any other backwards things?
20:52Hey, thanks for showing us around silly town.
20:56Don't be silly.
20:58No, I'm not silly. You're silly, Billy.
21:03Oh, I left my egg on.
21:06Gotta scramble.
21:08Have a good day.
21:14Hey, we better get back to our house and find our last clue.
21:28You know, I love silly town as much as the next green striped guy,
21:32but right now it's very nice to be home where everything is just normal.
21:36Tick tock, tick tock.
21:39You said it, Tickety.
21:45Everybody's a comedian.
21:48A clue.
21:50A clue? Where?
21:52Right there.
21:54Oh, there is a clue. Right there. On that ball.
22:00Another ball. Very silly.
22:03I need to write the silly clue.
22:05Our handy dandy notebook.
22:09Okay, a ball.
22:15So, we can draw a circle and then two straight lines like this.
22:22Another ball.
22:24And we have all three clues.
22:28All three clues.
22:29We're ready to sit in our...
22:31Thinking chair.
22:33Let's go.
22:35Okay, now that we're in our thinking chair, let's think.
22:41You will help me, right?
22:45So, trying to figure out what makes Blue laugh.
22:49And our clues are a ball.
22:54A ball.
22:57And a ball.
22:59So, what could make Blue laugh with a ball?
23:04A ball and a ball.
23:07Do you know?
23:09Well, that's three balls.
23:12What could I do with three balls?
23:14I could roll them.
23:16I could kick them.
23:18Oh, I could throw them.
23:20Yeah, I could throw them up in the air.
23:23And then what would I be doing?
23:31Yeah, that's it with a ball.
23:34A ball.
23:36And a ball.
23:38We just figured out Blue's clues.
23:43We just figured out Blue's clues.
23:45We just figured out Blue's clues.
23:47We just figured out Blue's clues.
23:49Because we're really smart.
23:53Come on, Blue. Get ready to laugh.
23:59Okay, Blue.
24:01Juggling three balls at one time.
24:06Here I go.
24:08Right now.
24:13Oh. Hi, Shovel, Pail, Gopher.
24:18Hey, remember how we helped Shovel and Pail predict Gopher's pop-up places?
24:24All right, Blue. One more time.
24:29Great juggling, my boy.
24:33Hi there.
24:35Hey, remember when Mayor Billy Chicken showed us around Silly Town?
24:39And we found all those mixed up things.
24:44Okay. Nothing's going to stop me now, Blue.
24:47Juggling three balls at one time.
24:54Oh, yeah. There we go.
24:56This is going very well.
24:58Except, I'm feeling a little bit hungry.
25:02I think I'll just eat this.
25:05Big red ball.
25:07Oh, yeah. Here we go. This is going to be...
25:10Mmm. That's really good.
25:15Mmm. That's the stuff.
25:17Hey. Is she laughing?
25:19She is. Blue's laughing.
25:21We did it.
25:26Hey. Thank you for all your help today.
25:33Now it's time for so long
25:37But we'll sing just one more song
25:42Thanks for doing your part
25:44You sure are smart
25:46You know with me and you
25:48And my dog Blue
25:50We can do anything
25:53That we wanna do
25:56See you later
25:58Take care
26:00What are you wearing?
26:03You can see me
