A Moment But Forever Episode 06 Subtitle -nkdonghua

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A Moment But Forever Episode 06 Subtitle -nkdonghua
00:30It's finally here.
00:31It should be here.
00:37The high priest, the war ghost, looked ferocious
00:41You live in such a beautiful place
00:45This is the imperial mausoleum
00:46Well, thanks to the war ghost commander guarding this imperial mausoleum
00:49Heaven and earth to yin to evil
00:51Trapped in this apricot forest
00:53Forget it if there are war ghosts
00:54And then there's evil.
00:57My sister Taiyin?
00:59Ha ha.
01:45Why are you here?
01:48Shoulder mountain
01:49Blame you
01:51How can I let you do it yourself
01:54You still want to stop me
01:57Remember everything
01:59Must be alive
02:00Back to the lake
02:04High priest, he seems to be worried about you
02:14I accidentally entered the apricot forest
02:18Ask the general for direction
02:23No, General Fan leads the way, goodbye
02:26Stop him!
02:28Hey, stop
03:02Hahaha, there is a fox high priest
03:06I'm here to save lives
03:08I don't want to hurt the innocent
03:09My brother was killed by you
03:11Now you've been delivered to your door
03:31The hand of God is too powerful
03:33If it collapses, it will hurt the master
03:36Kill him!
03:38Come on then.
04:33What should I do?
04:34Big gold wire
05:19Here I come.
05:37I didn't expect there to be a fox high priest
05:41He broke into the imperial mausoleum alone for a woman
05:59Grand Commander
06:01The dispute between you and me
06:03Dare not involve others
06:08Leave him alone.
06:11Hand over the hand of God
06:13We are clear
06:15You fought for him for so many years
06:18Why exactly?
06:23It's okay to tell you
06:25Also let you die
06:29This place seals the most yin and evil things in the world
06:33Guarding the Huangling is the mission of our clan for generations
06:39However, a hundred years ago, our clan had a short-lived catastrophe
06:44Newborn war ghosts don't survive beyond adulthood
06:49If the war ghost royal family is evil
06:51Break the Seal
06:53The world will be in chaos
06:58Only a divine object can restore the blessing of the divine light to our clan
07:03Protect our people from calamity
07:10Therefore, the hand of God must remain in our tribe
07:27I'll take care of you from now on
07:33Have you decided?
07:35My patience is limited
07:39I promise you.
07:42Time started because of me
07:44It should be up to me
07:47It is rumored that the commander of the war ghosts will make a thousand gold and a promise.
07:51I only have two conditions.
07:54Stop attacking the fox
07:57With the hand of God
07:59I don't have to sacrifice my people anymore
08:07I have to wake him up first
08:11Don't play tricks
08:14All right.
08:17He was hurt so badly
08:22Can't escape
08:41Come on out.
08:43High priest, you will die
08:48I'll find the martial arts route later
08:50Escape with the geese
08:53So what did you do?
09:16Yuan Zhong, you value love and righteousness
09:20If it weren't for the enmity
09:22Maybe we'll be friends
09:30Wish there was no war
09:32No more fighting
09:36Come on.
10:04Who dares to touch him?
10:06Sister, I finally woke up.
10:14Stop and don't do anything stupid
10:18Is it ground pine?
10:23I want to cut off the hand of God
10:28Guarding the Huangling Mausoleum is the mission of our clan
10:31If evil escapes
10:32Catastrophe is coming
10:34How can we survive?
10:35You two take care of it
10:37The high priest must not act rashly
10:39The rest follow me
10:43Han Ying
10:45You're awake
10:48Why so stupid
10:49You will die
10:53As long as you're okay
10:56I rarely have it
10:58Isn't this wild in the picture book?
11:02Yuan Zhuang
11:05Yuan Zhuang
11:09Dakis time
11:10The world is safe
11:11War Ghost Commander will not hurt Yuan Zhong for the time being
11:13You keep him safe
11:14I'm going to assist the commander in finding out the truth
11:17Are we going to chase?
11:18What are you chasing?
11:19Our task is to watch over the hand of God
11:30Operation Grave
11:35Back then, gods and demons fought against the world
11:36The magic camp has long been swept away
11:38How can it appear again
12:09The bear is there
12:21Dare to break into the forbidden area
12:23Are we still chasing?
12:24Step over the enchantment
12:26Everyone must die
12:28He's suicidal.
12:30Something went wrong.
12:31Don't be rash
12:34This seat will convene all the generals to discuss
12:36You stay here
12:38If there is any abnormality
12:41Notify orders at any time
12:54Sister Horse
12:56Don't fight
12:58Evil recedes
13:16The body is stripped away
13:37Hit him and kill him
13:38Kill him run and hit him
13:43This ancient magic
13:45A shadow that has not yet formed cannot be cast at all
13:49Do you use experts
14:18Who is sealed here?
14:20It actually used so much evil-warding mahogany to make the roof ridge
14:23And the ambush array
14:30Interesting, really interesting
