High Speed Chase S2 Episode 10

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High Speed Chase S2 Episode 10
00:00Carford County 911.
00:03A military truck just completely destroyed my car.
00:07Get on the road.
00:08Get on the road.
00:09If an officer is hit by that vehicle,
00:11I'm pretty sure that's going to be instant death.
00:13He has a gun.
00:14He has a rifle, guys.
00:21Drop the gun.
00:23He's got a samurai sword in his hand.
00:25He seemed like he was ready for a fight.
00:30Oh, s***.
00:31I was thinking, all right, game on.
00:33No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:39We got a car on fire.
00:41There's a girl in there.
00:42Oh, s***.
00:43We got a car on fire.
00:45There's a girl in there.
00:46Oh, s***.
01:05The pursuit that ended in a massive fire along I-5 in Tacoma
01:09started in Orange Gate Park in Pierce County.
01:12Detectives say Tipa came out of the woods with a handgun
01:15demanding a woman give up her keys, phone, and purse.
01:21That morning, I was driving around,
01:24patrolling around my area.
01:26When the tone came out,
01:28it was an armed robbery in my district at Orange Gate Park.
01:31The victim was saying that she was robbed at gunpoint.
01:35Her car was taken, her wallet was taken,
01:37and her cell phone was taken.
01:39She was scared.
01:40You could tell when she was talking to us
01:42that a traumatic thing had happened to her.
01:44Police sirens
02:09As I was canvassing the parking lot,
02:11I noticed the victim's vehicle.
02:13The parking lot was kind of full
02:15in this particular area where we're at.
02:17We're near a main entry and exit,
02:19so we have cars coming in and out,
02:21but we wanted to not let the suspect get away.
02:43The suspect started getting really frantic
02:45and reaching all over the car.
02:47We didn't know if he was reaching for a weapon,
02:50if he was trying to get the car in gear,
02:52or just what.
02:53He just started panicking inside.
03:03Hands up!
03:04Hands up!
03:05Hands up!
03:11Watch out! Watch out!
03:13Watch out!
03:21Pursuing a suspect through a busy parking lot
03:23is not ideal.
03:26It presents safety concerns for the citizens ourselves.
03:30His speeds were really fast.
03:32My speeds had to be faster to try to get caught up to him,
03:35at least get an eye on him.
03:37This was a violent crime,
03:39and we did not want him to be a potential threat
03:43to the public any longer.
03:51We're going westbound, 320 south.
03:57Dutch Owei, in the middle of the daytime,
03:59was much busier than I anticipated.
04:01He's showing reckless regard to public safety.
04:05We went in and out of lanes,
04:07going head-on with other vehicles,
04:09and just trying to create as much chaos
04:11as he could possibly create.
04:13Deputy Olivares and I started following
04:15behind the marked units that were now in pursuit
04:18of this suspect in the stolen vehicle.
04:20We were driving his unmarked vehicle
04:22that didn't have lights or a siren.
04:30He puts his passenger at a very high risk of being killed.
04:34Driving in the area was...
04:35There he goes.
04:41Was this passenger there freely,
04:43or are they there against their will?
04:45They can't get out of the vehicle at this point.
04:50The suspect displayed total disregard to public safety.
04:53He was traveling at very, very fast speeds,
04:56running red lights.
04:58We're going to need to hit the side mirror of a car
05:01at the intersection of 1st Ave South and 320th.
05:04Federal League Unit's going to be number one now.
05:06I'm two.
05:15I was concerned for my partners that were chasing him.
05:19It's very possible they could crash,
05:21or the suspect could crash into a citizen
05:23or somebody walking down the street.
05:25I would have given anything to be either driving
05:28or in the passenger seat of either of those marked vehicles.
05:34There's no contact.
05:36The federal officer pulled off to the side,
05:39allowing myself and my partner
05:41to become the number one, number two units in the pursuit.
05:48Looks like we're going to go westbound on 356th.
05:56When you come into an intersection
05:58like we were coming into,
06:00braking is extremely dangerous.
06:03The slightest movement of the steering wheel
06:06is extremely dangerous.
06:08I was hoping that he would get blocked in,
06:11come to a stop, enough to where we can actually get out
06:14and try to pin him in again.
06:16But that wasn't the case.
06:23There's no shoulders, there's no sidewalks.
06:26It's people's yards.
06:28There's different types of dangers now,
06:30different types of concerns.
06:33Go, go, go, go, go.
06:43Trying to keep up with the suspect posed a lot of risks.
06:46We had to drive really fast to keep up with him.
06:55His bumper hits the road and gets peeled off.
06:59And so now it's just a flapping bumper,
07:01which presents another level of uncertainty and danger.
07:07I thought, okay, he's done.
07:09He's now losing parts of the car.
07:11I felt that if I went ahead and attempted to pit
07:15and pushed him and spun him around,
07:17that me and my partner would be able to pinch it in.
07:28He's blocking me from doing a pit.
07:31As I started to make my maneuver and increase my speed,
07:35he maneuvered over to the left,
07:37centering his car in the middle of the road,
07:40blocking any attempt that I could have at a pit.
07:49I was thinking, this isn't his first rodeo.
07:51He knows how to prevent a pit from occurring.
08:01Oh, my God.
08:06He had cut the corner so sharp and so much
08:08that if that truck was going any faster
08:11or the suspect had made that move any later,
08:14there would have been a head-on accident in that corner.
08:17We were starting to approach an area called Pacific Highway,
08:20and that is more urban.
08:23There's more business.
08:25There's more big rig travel, more citizens.
08:28Where is he trying to go?
08:30What's his end motive?
08:31What's going to get this guy to stop?
08:46The suspect doesn't even slow down,
08:48just blazes right through the intersection.
08:50He didn't care about anybody's safety.
08:52He didn't care about himself, didn't care about his passenger,
08:54didn't care about citizens that he was approaching or encroaching.
08:59He had zero regard for any life.
09:07I joined the department just to get bad guys off the street,
09:11and I was extremely happy to hear that
09:13once the pursuit was coming down towards me,
09:15I was able to get into it.
09:22I was thinking, all right, game on, let's go.
09:29So, as soon as we got on I-5,
09:31the suspect quickly emerged onto the carpool lane.
09:35The bad thing is that there was a lot of cars
09:37in the carpool lane that day.
09:44Good job, man.
09:45Good job.
09:46Good job.
09:47Good job.
09:48Good job.
09:49Good job.
09:50Good job.
09:51Good job.
09:52Good job.
09:53Good job.
09:54Good job.
09:55Good job.
09:56Good job.
09:57Good job.
09:58Keep moving back.
09:59Keep moving back.
10:03Your senses do start to sharpen.
10:06I got a lot of vehicles going a lot slower than we are.
10:08We don't know what they're going to do,
10:10how they're going to react.
10:13The rear tire was flat.
10:15It was driving on its rim.
10:18It would take one little mistake for a catastrophe to happen.
10:23He's about to lose his rear passenger tire off the rim.
10:28He's hurt.
10:50As soon as he approached the exit ramp,
10:52he would quickly emerge back onto the I-5,
10:55trying to trick us into going to the ramp.
11:13He lost the tire.
11:15Watch it.
11:16He's on the ramp.
11:18At those speeds, if the tire hits a windshield,
11:20it's going to shout out of the windshield.
11:25I looked up, and I saw the media, and that freaked me out.
11:42F*** me.
11:51The suspect hit the rear passenger tire.
11:54The suspect had no regards for other human life.
11:57I mean, in the vehicle with him was another passenger,
12:00and he still drove recklessly with her in the car,
12:04trying to get away from us.
12:12With the way the suspect is driving,
12:14he could have easily hit three, four, or five vehicles
12:16as he was going across.
12:18You're traveling sometimes 30 to 50 miles an hour faster
12:21than traffic that you're going with.
12:23So the consequences could be fatal.
12:28The suspect had made a couple of quick maneuvers
12:31and into some gaps in the traffic.
12:36I was pretty certain I was going to be able
12:38to make those same gaps.
12:40No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
12:47When I got pinched in between the vehicles,
12:49I was frustrated because I thought I lost the opportunity
12:51to capture this guy.
12:59Luckily, the number two car stepped up
13:02and took lead on the pursuit.
13:08He wasn't going to go somewhere and just stop.
13:10He was going to continue to drive until we either
13:12terminated the pursuit or we ourselves were in an accident.
13:15Our only priority was to stop him.
13:24Medium traffic.
13:25Speeds are 62.
13:31Went for a pit.
13:32Car wrecked out.
13:34He's locked in.
13:53Car wrecked out.
13:55Car wrecked out.
13:56Cops are picking everyone up.
14:03He's winning.
14:11I was like, yep, he's mine.
14:13I'm going to get him.
14:14After the armed robbery, we knew that he was armed
14:16and we might pull out the firearms.
14:18As soon as we got closer to him, we had him.
14:20We were like, oh, he's in the back.
14:22closer to him, I couldn't see his hand.
14:25Get off the ground!
14:26You're getting shot!
14:27You're getting shot!
14:28You're getting shot!
14:29Get off the ground!
14:38Give us your hand!
14:39Give us your hand!
14:41Give us your hand!
14:42Give us your hand!
14:43I didn't see the gun.
14:44I don't know where the gun went.
14:45I wasn't sure if the gun was in his waistband.
14:47So getting ahold of his arms and detaining him right away
14:50was our priority.
14:58I was thankful that none of us got hurt, none of us got shot.
15:04Stand up!
15:12Fire priority!
15:13We got car on fire!
15:15As we're escorting the suspect back to our patrol vehicles,
15:19I look up and the grass around our vehicles had caught on fire.
15:25We have another person, the females, in the car.
15:29There's a girl in there!
15:36My fear was that we're going to have somebody in the car that is unable to escape.
15:42Get out! Come on!
15:44I thought for sure we were going to listen to her burn to death.
15:47Stand up!
15:52Is it just you in there?
15:54It's just you?
15:55She's the only one we saw!
16:01It was real smoky, we're stepping over fire.
16:05I could not see inside the vehicle.
16:10She was seconds away from us not being able to get to that car to open the door for her to escape.
16:19It's a pretty chaotic scene.
16:21We had a huge pileup of traffic on I-5 and there's a bunch of emergency vehicles, police vehicles, fire department vehicles, helicopters in the air.
16:31Cop cars burning.
16:33I think they might have gotten somebody out.
16:35There was screaming.
16:37Got the freeway blocked.
16:38Avoid I-5 in Tacoma right now.
16:41Just avoid it.
16:43We had a row of people on the other side of the fence just watching what was unfolding.
16:50Well, I'm good, bro.
16:52Nice catch, guys.
16:55Pierce County prosecutors say Randy Tepa was previously charged for stealing cars, identities, even eluding officers before.
17:03Next case before the court is Davis' Randy Tepa.
17:11Get out! Come on!
17:12Get out!
17:20I was happy that none of us got hurt.
17:24I was happy that we all took care of the situation.
17:28It was a crazy call and our deputies handled it fantastically.
17:34I was ecstatic.
17:35Getting the closure of him being sentenced, that's what we do this job for.
17:49Just after 7 p.m., we got a call of a disturbance at a gas station.
17:53Dispatch had stated that a male subject had swung a fist at a female and that the male had left the gas station and was traveling away from it.
18:05The deputy located the suspect's van at a second gas station.
18:10The deputy located the suspect's van at a second gas station.
18:21How are ya?
18:24What's going on?
18:28Okay. Who's not giving you your gas?
18:31Who's not giving you your gas?
18:41You do have to pay for your gas.
18:48Relax, okay?
18:50You don't need to yell at me.
18:54The driver identified himself as God the Ryan and said he was upset that the other fuel station refused to give him his gas because he was God.
19:04The suspect started to get agitated.
19:10Get down on the ground right now.
19:11I'm telling God to get down on the ground.
19:12Get down on the ground.
19:18Step it up means the person they're dealing with is becoming aggressive.
19:25So I activated my lights and sirens in order to get there quickly.
19:30Don't go in your van.
19:35Get down on the ground now.
19:37Get down on the ground.
19:413-2-7, he keeps avoiding me and is running around his van saying he's God.
19:50Stay out of the van now.
19:55I'm going to tell you to stop and lay down on the ground.
20:00Get down on the ground. I'm not going to ask you again.
20:03I observed the male with his arms at his side and his fist clenched in an aggressive manner.
20:13Get on the ground.
20:15Deputy discharged his taser, which had no effect.
20:26Get out of the car now.
20:28Get out of the car.
20:30Get out of the car.
20:32Get out of the car now.
20:39It was blatantly obvious to me the male was clearly a danger to the public.
21:03Oh damn, dude.
21:11The male was clearly in a state of mind that was not safe for him to be on the roadway.
21:17He had the potential of using his vehicle as a weapon to hurt someone.
21:32I was able to cut across the parking lot to an exit.
21:35My concern was that he was going to hit and injure or kill somebody if we didn't get him stopped.
22:05I expected the van to have stalled out due to the pit maneuver.
22:31I went closer to the van to block it in.
22:36The male in the van drove head on into my car.
22:43He just hit my car.
22:47I heard the metal crunching and bending.
22:50I thought, okay, I'm out of the pursuit.
23:00As I turned to face southbound, I saw the first deputy.
23:06Attempt to ram the van.
23:09Okay, we've got a failed hit and one ram.
23:12I was confident he was going to do anything he could to avoid being arrested.
23:36I thought that second pit was the pit that was going to stop that van from going any further.
23:46I just decided that it didn't matter what shape my car was in, that I needed to stop this guy.
23:52And I figured I'll go until my car won't let me go anymore.
24:05Okay, he's at 55s.
24:15He's got several tires down, blowing stoplights.
24:21He ran two red lights, which puts everybody at danger.
24:26Okay, we've got a right rear tire totally down.
24:56We need to get the roundabout shut down. He's going to hit somebody.
25:12I knew I had to pass the suspect to stop traffic so nobody got injured.
25:26I observed a grassy area, so I positioned my patrol car in order to be able to conduct a pit maneuver that would push that van, once it spun around, off into the dirt.
25:57He was still trying to accelerate and to get away, so I hit him with my car.
26:10Get out of the car! Get out of the car!
26:14He was reaching for something in the car, which usually when someone's reaching, they're reaching for a gun.
26:22He's got a samurai sword in his hand.
26:27He's got a samurai sword in his hand.
26:37Drop the gun!
26:43He was not running away. He seemed like he was ready for a fight, like he was ready to use the weapon.
26:57In my mind, he was probably going to charge us and we were going to be forced to shoot him, which is obviously not what we want to do.
27:15The police officer attempted to deploy a taser and missed.
27:19I watched the suspect start to move towards the Costco.
27:24I was concerned that if he made it to the Costco, he would then take a hostage or begin to injure somebody.
27:33I needed to deploy something else to get him stopped.
27:44Stop us out in the dark!
27:50We need someone to get a boxed southbound hit by Costco.
27:59Axel is never going to quit. He loves finding drugs and he loves biting bad guys.
28:11I'm crossing you. Behind you, behind you, behind you.
28:15Let go! Let go of your hands!
28:29Do you see what all we went through? How many people's lives you put in danger?
28:33We're not taking those handcuffs off.
28:45The suspect was transported to the emergency room to get the bite wounds tended to and then transported to jail.
28:55In this instance, the male was clearly having some mental health issues going on. He still believed he was God.
29:05It made me realize just how dangerous he was.
29:08If we'd let him drive away, he very easily could have killed or seriously injured innocent people.
29:15The suspect was transported to the emergency room to get the bite wounds tended to and then transported to jail.
29:36Harford County 911, what is the location of your home?
29:39Somebody just stole my vehicle out of my driveway while I was watching it.
29:43He's heading towards the town of Bel Air. He's in a military five-ton.
29:47I tried to stop him and he tried to run me over.
29:51I need to get the suspect's description.
29:54Tall, skinny, tattoos. I'm guessing a hat. I don't know where he came from.
30:01I live right up the street from the detention center and I'm wondering if he was just released.
30:05Suspect's going to be on Main Street headed into Bel Air Town. It's going to be a five-ton truck, military green.
30:12Around 645, I heard the call for the stolen military style truck.
30:19Stealing a vehicle doesn't sound too bad, but when you steal a military five-ton vehicle, you're like, this guy definitely has ill intentions.
30:30In reference to vehicle theft, detention center just released someone matching this description.
30:35When leaving the detention center, the subject advised the staff, quote, I'll see you later.
30:42The name the dispatch had given was Michael Stevens.
30:45I don't know if this guy wants to kill people himself, if he's armed, if he has weapons on board.
30:52Somebody like that, he'd probably be willing to do just about anything.
30:56Hartford County, 911.
30:58We just witnessed a hit and run.
31:00An ex-military convoy that took someone's door off.
31:06Based off the nature of the calls we were getting, he was intentionally striking vehicles.
31:10Hartford County, 911.
31:12There's a man in like a military-type truck that just completely destroyed the vehicle.
31:18There's a man in like a military-type truck that just completely destroyed my car.
31:24Michael Stevens was leaving a trail of destruction through the city.
31:31The morning of May 12th was my last day of field training.
31:35I was with my field trainer, DFC Keller.
31:45Which way did he go? Which way?
31:49This guy was using his vehicle as a battering ram.
31:53He was actually rolling over vehicles as if it was like a monster truck.
32:09I felt pretty confident that he was going to be close to us based off the trail of destruction.
32:19The suspect lives at...
32:33As he passes, he looked directly at me.
32:37He seemed to be not mentally there.
32:40I knew that that vehicle had already hit multiple vehicles.
32:44To be honest with you, I don't even remember seeing a scratch on it.
32:47My initial thought was, how are we going to get this vehicle stopped?
32:52Because if he didn't want to stop and he had enough gas, he was going to run over everything in his way.
33:17DFC Keller and I were sitting on 152 right by the 95 entrance.
33:22We heard that DFC Distance had found the vehicle.
33:26My heart was beating very fast, you know, as this was my first big chase.
33:34A 55 mile an hour max speed truck could cause some significant damage on the highway.
33:47We were able to create a rolling roadblock to slow the traffic down coming up behind us.
33:53It was without a doubt in my mind that he would ram whatever car got in front of him.
34:08None of our training taught us how to stop a military vehicle.
34:12My brother-in-law, he's actually in the military.
34:14He was a truck driver.
34:16There's things called run flats on the tires.
34:18It's just something that the military uses to avoid the tires from popping.
34:24You know, you can't do a pit maneuver.
34:27It would do more damage to our vehicles than to the truck.
34:32For us to try to stop that vehicle, depending on how fast it goes, there's a lot of risks.
34:44In one.
34:48Looks like we got one tire potentially.
34:52He hit the stop sticks, and I noticed that it did not have any effect on the vehicle at all.
35:02I got another set of stop sticks being deployed.
35:05Looks like it's a Bradshaw.
35:14I was very nervous to deploy the stop sticks since it was my first time.
35:18There wasn't a barrier or anything stopping the vehicle from hitting us.
35:33There was a cord malfunction on the stop sticks.
35:37It couldn't extend fully.
35:40So, DFC killer, he was just stuck in the middle of the road.
35:44He was just stuck in the middle of the road.
36:04You see this military truck coming at you.
36:07I thought this vehicle was going to hit us.
36:10For officers hit by that vehicle, at 55 miles an hour, I'm pretty sure that's going to be instant death.
36:30The consensus was that the spikes were not going to work on this vehicle.
36:33The tires that are on that vehicle are a lot heavier duty than what's on a passenger car.
36:38It'll probably run over a nail and bend the nail.
36:45As we get closer to Baltimore, he took the toll road of 95, which has a concrete barrier.
36:52He's crossing over local, crossing over local at 65 over 9.
37:07Seems like a last-ditch effort to lose the police.
37:12But we have the Harford County Sheriff's Office, Maryland State Police,
37:15Baltimore City Police with over 20 cars.
37:18You're not going to lose the police.
37:23But we still asked for assistance from Baltimore City's aviation unit as well.
37:46Foxtrot, I'm at 95 and 695. Where are you guys at?
37:50We're directly behind you.
37:56Foxtrot to all units, Foxtrot to all jurisdictions, we got the eyeball.
38:01If you guys want to fall back and try to stop the traffic ahead of it, we do have the eyeball.
38:06Because we got an eye in the sky now, we can follow it from a safe distance.
38:11All units, let's shut down emergency response.
38:14Shut down emergency response. Foxtrot, do what you have to do.
38:32He's got a weapon on top of a five-ton truck.
38:35And going into Baltimore City that's heavily populated, we got to put an end to this.
38:40And by end I mean by any means possible at this point.
38:52Once we got into the city, the suspect was getting tied up in traffic.
38:57Some of the streets in Baltimore City, you can barely put a car down, let alone a military truck.
39:02He's picking a side street, Roberts Place. The truck cannot make that turn.
39:06I was thinking, man, this guy has a gun. And there's a lot of civilians right here.
39:23He's getting out, he's getting out. He's getting out, he's running.
39:27The truck is in drive, suspect's running down the alley. Right now, suspect's running down the alley.
39:32Go, go, go, go.
39:37White man, white shoes, black shirt, black shirt. He's reaching, watch him.
39:42I got you, I got you. He's reaching, he's reaching.
39:46He looks directly at me, lifts his shirt up, reaches into his front waistband and runs directly towards me.
39:57I got you, I got you.
39:59Hey, hey, hey, get on the ground, get on the ground, get on the ground, get on the ground.
40:06I got him, I got him, I got him.
40:08Stop reaching, stop, stop.
40:17I'm just worried about did he pitch anything.
40:26Was there any rifle in the truck?
40:29I looked real quick, I didn't see no rifle. I didn't see anything.
40:34When they searched the vehicle, there was a metal pole with a strap on it. It resembles a rifle.
40:49Update to a wild story that stretched across three counties last night.
40:53The Hartford Sheriff's Office now says a man who allegedly stole a military vehicle out of Bel Air
40:59had just been let out of jail before taking the truck on a run from the law.
41:03The deputies say several cars were damaged over the course of the chase.
41:08It was a relief that a five ton truck didn't kill anybody.
41:13There was a time during that pursuit where I was like this is going to end with somebody being seriously injured or killed.
41:23I think God was on our side, God was with us.