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Hindi Story | Moral Stories | Bedtime Stories| Kahaniya | Funny. Follow to our channel and be the first to watch our latest kahani!
00:00Vipin used to work in the city and he got married there and tomorrow for the first time he is
00:12coming to his village with his wife.
00:15Reena seems to be very simple but her mother-in-law Kaveri does not want to trouble her in the
00:26Yes, a lot of work is left now.
00:28Daughter-in-law will come tomorrow morning.
00:31Yes, yes, it's done.
00:34Why are you so worried?
00:37Didn't you meet your daughter-in-law?
00:40She is so simple.
00:42See, in a few days she will get used to living here.
00:48And what if she can't get used to it?
00:51I won't be able to see her in trouble.
00:54What respect will we have left in her family that Reena got married in a village family
01:01where she lives in trouble.
01:03No, no.
01:05Okay, as you wish.
01:10Meanwhile, Kaveri's sister Hema comes.
01:13Sister, how are the preparations for daughter-in-law's arrival going on?
01:20It's going on, but I don't know if daughter-in-law will like it or not.
01:26Sister, the girls of the city are very shy.
01:32They only wear jeans and drink water from the fridge.
01:37They don't even step in the kitchen.
01:43They don't even go to the fields by car.
01:47They also wear expensive shoes so that there is no dirt on their feet.
01:53They also sit on the table and eat food.
01:58How do you know so much about the girls of the city?
02:03Sister, I know everything.
02:08I didn't think of all this.
02:11How will I arrange everything so soon?
02:16Look, sister.
02:18The chief's son Mohan has a car.
02:22Buy it from him for a few days.
02:24And as far as the table, chair and fridge are concerned, buy a new one.
02:30By the way, it would have been nice if you had taken dowry.
02:34The table and chair would have come.
02:36But in order to show your goodness.
02:40Enough, don't talk about dowry.
02:43We will take whatever we want.
02:45God has given so much.
02:48Kaveri listens to every advice given by her sister.
02:52And is busy preparing for her daughter-in-law's arrival.
02:55Vipin and Reena reach home early in the morning.
02:58And as soon as they reach home, Reena touches her father-in-law's feet.
03:02Greetings, father.
03:04Greetings, mother.
03:06Do you touch your feet in the city?
03:10What do you mean by that, mother-in-law?
03:13We touch our feet in the village.
03:15Wow, daughter.
03:19The mother-in-law is very happy to hear her daughter-in-law's reply.
03:23And asks her servant Raju to bring water.
03:27Raju accidentally brings a pot of water.
03:30What is this?
03:31You brought a pot of water.
03:33Will you give this to your daughter-in-law?
03:35Go and bring the water from the fridge.
03:38No, mother.
03:40I want to drink the water from the pot.
03:42You also drink the water from the pot, right?
03:45I have been drinking the water from the stove and fridge since my childhood.
03:50That's right, daughter.
03:52The water comes from the pot.
03:55We all drink the water from the pot.
03:59Kaveri helps Raju in the kitchen.
04:02Reena comes there in the meantime.
04:05Mother-in-law, I will help brother.
04:09You sit with your daughter.
04:11You are meeting after so many days.
04:14No, daughter-in-law.
04:16It has already happened.
04:17You don't worry.
04:19We will not ask you to do the work.
04:22I am not a guest.
04:24What is the problem in working in your house?
04:27You take rest.
04:29I will do it quickly.
04:31Okay, dear.
04:32If you need anything, don't delay in calling me.
04:36Yes, mother-in-law.
04:38Kaveri talks to Vipin.
04:40The food is served by then.
04:42Raju puts everyone's food on the table.
04:45He puts a spoon and fork in everyone's plate to eat.
04:49When everyone sits down to eat,
04:51mother and father find it difficult to sit on the table and eat with a spoon and fork.
04:58Reena thinks about it.
05:01Mother-in-law, I was thinking
05:04what if we all sit down and eat together today?
05:08We have to eat on the table every day.
05:11Son, we were sitting with you to eat.
05:15We sit on the floor every day.
05:18You won't have any problem sitting on the floor, right?
05:22I have come here for the first time.
05:24And I want to live here.
05:27Don't you want to live like a guest, mother-in-law?
05:31And everyone starts eating sitting on the floor.
05:35Reena starts eating with her hand keeping her fork and spoon separate.
05:40Seeing Reena, Kaveri and Keshav also start eating with their hands.
05:44And everyone thinks that daughter-in-law is much better than what they thought.
05:51In the evening
05:53Come, let's go to the field for a while.
05:57Yes, I will get ready.
06:00Son, I will call a car to take you to the field.
06:07Mother-in-law, is our field very far?
06:11No, it's just a ten minute drive.
06:14Then we will go on foot, mother-in-law.
06:16In this way, I will also visit the village.
06:19Why should I take a car for no reason?
06:21But daughter-in-law, where will you get used to walking so much?
06:26You must be roaming there by car, right?
06:29And there is mud and sand in the sand, right?
06:33Mother-in-law, it's different there.
06:36And I have not come here to live the city life.
06:40I like the simplicity of the village.
06:43I have come to enjoy the simple life here.
06:47That's when Hema comes there.
06:49She comes wearing jeans and a T-shirt.
06:52So that Reena feels like her own.
06:55And she starts liking her Reena more.
06:58Hema, what are you wearing?
07:02My daughter-in-law is from the city, right?
07:06She should feel that there is someone like her here.
07:10By the way, where is my daughter-in-law?
07:13This Reena is wearing a sari and wearing village clothes.
07:19She says that she will live like a village girl in the village.
07:23Yes, aunty.
07:25If you had not worn jeans to increase your beauty,
07:30and if you had worn a sari,
07:32then we would have been separated.
07:35Everyone goes to the village.
07:37People make fun of Hema on seeing her on the way.
07:41Hema is ashamed of her thinking and actions.
07:45So she decides that from now on,
07:47she will not make any mess without meeting anyone.
