Commander Karan trailer-S01.Ep03

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00:27Do you know what you have done
00:29there is a very small difference between overconfidence and foolishness
00:33I am sorry sir
00:35I don't know, I got that biker for no reason
00:36Bikers for no reason?
00:40Do you know why police officers are different from the people
00:44Because they have two, no six eyes
00:47You don't know Javed, he is sargana from sleeper cell
00:50He is their hero
00:52for whom they are mad
00:54None of us know that what Javed was upto
00:56It was possible that he could have reached him through those people
00:58We could have reached there, but...
01:01I'm sorry, sir.
01:02Because of my team...
01:07ACP Matre...
01:09You will leave.
01:12Please leave.
01:15Jai Hind, sir.
01:16Jai Hind.
01:24Don't worry, sir.
01:25I have found something.
01:27Something big is going to happen here after 9 days.
01:30What do you mean?
01:31Sir, there was a car thief among those boys.
01:33He was ordered to steal the car.
01:35What's new in committing a crime in a stolen car?
01:37I mean, what are you going to achieve?
01:39Yes, sir. But...
01:40Javed is not a normal person.
01:42I agree.
01:43Sir, there is going to be a big event after two weeks.
01:46Group Captain Swadesh's felicitation.
01:48Exactly, sir.
01:49We have to find out what Javed was planning for that event...
01:53...for which he needs a car.
01:55Sir, we are paying attention to the reception of the film star.
01:57A lot of people are going to be there.
01:59In fact, research is going on at both the events.
02:02Sir, this is the time.
02:10We have found Bala's boat.
02:12Lot of blood.
02:13We couldn't find Bala.
02:15I think he is lost in the sea.
02:20I think he was our missing link.
02:22If Bala had given some more information to Millie...
02:25...then maybe Rakesh...
02:37Sir, I have a small request.
02:42Sir, don't take ACP Rachra out of this case.
02:47She is very helpful.
02:49I want her in my team.
03:34So, they know who I am.
03:36Yes, sir.
03:38Is there any case in which you haven't been threatened?
03:43When a person and a kite start flying in the air... should understand that they are going to die soon.
03:47It's fun when you get a threat.
03:52Group Captain Sudesh will come to the school from starting point A.
03:56This entire area is covered in approximately 30 minutes.
03:59Basically, this is the area.
04:00It's a 5 km stretch.
04:02Sir, his caravan will come to the school in an open bus from the starting point.
04:10The school kids will stay in their school.
04:12The school kids will stay in their school...
04:14...and all the VIPs will come from this road to meet them.
04:18Two vehicles will come for their security and stay behind.
04:22This 5 km stretch is very tricky.
04:27We will have to be careful here.
04:31Commander, film stars' guest list has also come for the second event.
04:38It means there will be many people from the ministry.
04:40There will be actors, international stars...
04:43...and media as well.
04:45We have to be careful.
04:47In the next two weeks, these are the two events...
04:49...where we will have to pay full attention.
04:52Jai Hind, Chief.
04:53Jai Hind, Chief.
04:54Jai Hind, Sir.
04:55Sir, seven people have tried to cross the border on the Gujarat border.
04:59Five of them were killed and two were saved.
05:02They are in the hospital. They are injured.
05:04Sir, I want to interrogate them.
05:06No problem.
05:08I will arrange for them to come here.
05:11Anything else?
05:12That's it.
05:13Focus on this. It's very important.
05:15Jai Hind, Sir.
05:16Jai Hind.
05:20I want all the details.
05:29Kill their team.
05:31They can't do anything without me.
05:33I live in Mumbai and I know everything about this city.
05:35No matter what happens, I have to save Mumbai.
05:38I will show them how far my network has spread.
05:40What happened, Madam?
05:42Is everything okay?
05:44Do you think it's okay?
05:46Do one thing. Activate your informer.
05:48And hurry up. Come on. We don't have time.
06:00Yes, Mili. Tell me.
06:01Sir, I want to meet you.
06:03What happened?
06:04Sir, don't ask. Just come here.
06:21What happened, Mili?
06:22Come with me.
06:23What happened?
06:24Come with me.
06:32Come, Sir.
06:35What happened, Mili?
06:38It's Bala, Sir.
06:41I met him this morning. He's been sleeping since then.
06:43He's not sleeping. He's unconscious.
06:45We'll have to take him to the hospital.
06:46No, no. Listen to me, Sir.
06:47Don't take him to the hospital.
06:48Even if you take him out, the people of the locality will see him.
06:50Dad will see him.
06:51He won't leave him. He'll kill him.
06:53He'll die here.
06:54A lot of blood has been spilled.
06:55The wound you're seeing is of 9mm Glock.
06:56What do you mean?
06:57He's been shot.
06:58It's still in his body.
07:00The poison has spread.
07:01As long as he was in the sea, he was safe because of the salt.
07:04He'll die right now.
07:05We'll have to take him to the hospital.
07:08Sameer, send you my GPS location.
07:10Come with 2-3 people.
07:16He'll be fine.
07:17We'll save him.
07:18Don't worry.
07:19Where did you find him?
07:20Who found him?
07:21I found him, Sir.
07:23Everyone was saying that Bala is dead.
07:25But I had complete faith that Bala is alive.
07:28That's why I used to search for Bala day and night.
07:30I used to go to the place where Bala used to set up his boat.
07:33I went there today and I saw Bala.
07:38He was injured.
07:39I went into the water and brought Bala here.
07:42Bala has been unconscious since then.
07:44Jai Hind, Commander.
07:58Jai Hind.
08:13Please wait here.
08:17Doctor, when will he regain consciousness?
08:19It takes time for bullet wounds and infections to heal.
08:23Sameer, let me know as soon as he regains consciousness.
08:25Yes, Sir.
08:29Yes, Sir.
08:30Karan was caught in Gujarat.
08:33He's in Mumbai now.
08:42What's the plan?
08:46Why did you come here?
08:47Tell me.
08:48Are you Commander Karan Saxena?
08:50Yes. So?
08:51Our plan has been successful.
08:53What's the plan?
08:54We don't know that.
08:55All we know is that if we get caught
08:57and Karan Saxena interrogates us,
09:00then we'll be successful.
09:02You'll be successful?
09:03What's your plan?
09:05We don't know that.
09:08I see.
09:15I want to show you something.
09:17What is it?
09:18What's the matter?
09:20The question is right in front of you.
09:22Will you know the whole truth here?
09:25Come with me.
09:30Why are you hitting me?
09:32Who are these people?
09:34They have Javed's message.
09:37Javed's message?
09:38Do you have it?
09:40I was investigating in my own way to prove myself.
09:46Where did you find them?
09:48The Mumbai police have their sources everywhere.
09:55Save us.
09:56Save us. We didn't do anything.
09:58What was Javed's message?
10:01Javed said,
10:02it will be very difficult to save one man.
10:05Javed will kill thousands of Indians
10:07in exchange for that one man.
10:10Couldn't you save me?
10:13Javed only wrote a letter to Commander Karan Saxena.
10:18And he also said
10:23that we were successful.
10:25We were successful.
10:30Who are we?
10:31We said what we were told to say.
10:35We don't know anything more than that.
10:39Why is Javed giving me a direct message?
10:42One thing is confirmed from the message to save one man.
10:46That his main target group captain is Khudeshi.
10:49Then how are they going to kill thousands of people?
10:52Bomb blast?
10:58CM sir will also come to the Sudesh event.
11:01So it is obvious that there will be a lot of crowd.
11:03And they will want to do something in the crowd
11:05to save Baghdad
11:07and save a lot of people.
11:09And the confidence with which he is giving the message
11:13means that so many people will die in his plan.
11:16And it's not just about the crowd, Rachana.
11:20There will be a lot of dignitaries with CM sir.
11:22If they are attacked, it will be a big loss for our country.
11:27And I won't let that happen.
11:29I had already alerted the BSF.
11:31That's why they were caught.
11:33Otherwise, the way they came on the camels,
11:35they could have been saved.
11:37Sir, they have tried to enter the country from two places at once.
11:40This is not normal.
11:42This matter is getting serious.
11:44This matter is much more serious than you think.
11:48Because in that event,
11:49not just CM sir,
11:51PM sir is also coming.
11:55Yes, Karan.
11:57CM sir, PM sir,
11:59group captain Sudesh
12:01and a lot of dignitaries.
12:03And if anything happens to anyone,
12:05it will be a big loss for the country.
12:07Sir, let's do one thing.
12:09You talk to the ministry and postpone this event.
12:13I will try.
12:15Thank you, sir.
12:23I spoke to Rakesh's father.
12:33Yes, sir.
12:35She is his daughter.
12:39She studies in college, sir.
12:46Sir, I will get more information.
12:58All good?
12:59All good, all good.
13:00Just a minute.
13:08Your information was very useful.
13:11Now it's my turn to tell you something.
13:13Bala has been found and he is in the hospital.
13:16By now, the bullets must have also left.
13:20I hope what we are thinking turns out to be true.
13:23Bala and Rakesh,
13:25we have some connection.
13:28It's good news that Bala is found.
13:32And just thanks?
13:33Won't you give me coffee?
13:40Actually, Rachna,
13:41the back seat of my bike is a little high.
13:43And I brake very hard.
13:46Is it?
13:48You are right about me.
13:50Be it a girl or a mission,
13:51you won't get hurt.
13:54One minute.
13:59Yes, Millie.
14:00Yes, sir.
14:02Bala has regained consciousness, sir.
14:05I am coming.
14:07It's good news.
14:08Bala has regained consciousness.
14:09We have to go to the hospital right now.
14:11Shall we go?
14:16What happened?
14:18I will have dinner after coffee.
14:22Let's go.
14:32you go inside.
14:33I will call the constables for security.
14:37Millie, are you mad?
14:38Why did you call them?
14:39Are you mad?
14:40You came here because of them.
14:41Otherwise, I would have…
14:44Millie, you…
14:45Sir, I didn't do anything, sir.
14:47I just took the boat for money.
14:49Whatever happened,
14:50tell me the truth and tell me quickly.
14:53Sir, I will tell you.
14:55A man came.
14:57He gave me money and asked me to get the boat.
15:06Was he the one?
15:07He was the one.
15:08Not brother-in-law.
15:09His name was Rakesh.
15:11He is my friend.
15:13He was Mr. Rakesh.
15:18He said he had to go behind a boat.
15:22I don't know.
15:23He is your friend.
15:24He is an officer.
15:25I thought
15:26he wanted to steal something from that boat.
15:29So, I…
15:31I don't steal, sir.
15:33Millie, I don't steal.
15:35I did it for money, sir.
15:37Tell me further.
15:38Tell me quickly.
15:41I said no to him.
15:43He said,
15:44he knows who I am.
15:46I am a police officer.
15:48Sir, hearing the name of a police officer,
15:51many people got scared.
15:52Even I got scared, sir.
15:55I saw the money.
15:56I said,
15:58I am getting a lot of money.
15:59Let me go.
16:00Do the work.
16:01So, I took the boat
16:02and went with him in the water.
16:05Drive fast.
16:07Drive fast.
16:14At one point,
16:16he told me to stop.
16:19I got scared.
16:20I asked him what happened.
16:21Suddenly, he said,
16:26I was driving the boat.
16:27I didn't understand anything.
16:30he listens to music.
16:33He listens to music.
16:34He wears something.
16:36He had a machine in his hand.
16:39He was removing the antenna
16:41and doing something.
16:43Then I understood,
16:45he was listening to someone.
16:48He was fine till here.
16:50Later, he started asking for my mobile.
16:55he started asking for my mobile.
16:57Give me your phone.
16:59I gave him my mobile.
17:01He was recording something.
17:02He was recording something.
17:04This is Rakesh Mehra.
17:05Raw agent code number 77439.
17:09he was recording something.
17:11A man from the other boat
17:14recognized Rakesh.
17:17Rakesh gave me his mobile
17:19and said,
17:21run away from here.
17:23He jumped into the water.
17:26I didn't understand anything.
17:28This man recognized me.
17:30He jumped into the water.
17:31He asked me to run away.
17:33I was shot.
17:35I was shot so many times
17:37that I fell into the water.
17:42I don't remember what happened next.
17:46When I regained consciousness,
17:48I was thrown out of the water.
17:51I don't remember anything.
17:53What happened to the phone?
17:55Where is the phone?
17:57I kept the phone in the boat.
17:59I kept it in the boat.
18:03there is a photo of Bholenath in the boat.
18:06You will find the phone next to it.
18:09Did you find it?
18:10Bholenath is here.
18:31This is Rakesh Mehra,
18:33RAW agent code number 77439.
18:35I am in the Dockyard area of Mumbai
18:37and following a boat.
18:39I am recording this information
18:41because I don't know
18:43if I will come back alive or not.
18:46Some of the ISI people
18:48have entered Mumbai through the water.
18:50And no one should pay attention to them.
18:52So, at the same time,
18:54some more ISI people
18:56will enter the country
18:58from the border of Gujarat and Rajasthan.
18:59Their plan is
19:01to attack this country
19:03so that they can take revenge
19:05for their insults in Pakistan.
19:07And the mastermind of this operation
19:09is Colonel Nasir Khan.
19:11Yes, Nasir Khan,
19:13who is the chief of ISI right now.
19:15Nasir Khan,
19:17who is in Mumbai right now,
19:19is in front of my eyes.
19:21If anyone can save India from Nasir,
19:23then he is just one man.
19:25He is my brother,
19:27my friend,
19:29and if I don't come back,
19:31then take care of yourself.
19:33The country needs you.
19:35Do what you have to do.
19:39ISI chief
19:41Nasir Khan
19:43is in Mumbai?
19:48the Prime Minister of India is also coming.
19:58Buy one, get one.
20:01Very good.
20:05give biryani to everyone.
20:10The mutton is very big this time.
20:13The whole of India
20:15will take revenge for their insults.
20:17According to our information,
20:19their main target is Swadesh.
20:21Karan, I don't care about my life.
20:23And as far as Nasir is concerned,
20:24he will die.
20:27If you make a promise to anyone,
20:29we will come and kill you on Indian soil.
20:31We won't let anything happen to you, sir.
20:33This is the commander's promise.
20:35The CM and CMB are here.
20:37We will have to change the plan.
20:39We will make the plan this time.
20:55The CMB and CMB are here.
20:57The CMB and CMB are here.
20:59The CMB and CMB are here.
21:01The CMB and CMB are here.
21:03The CMB and CMB are here.
21:05The CMB and CMB are here.
21:07The CMB and CMB are here.
21:09The CMB and CMB are here.
21:11The CMB and CMB are here.