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"Saksikan tayangan kami Official Youtube IDX Channel di Program 2nd Session Closing, Rabu (28/08/2024) dengan Tema Investor! Cermati Saham Pilihan ini."


00:00We are still in IDX Season Closing, and we still invite you to participate in our interactive WhatsApp, as you can see on your TV screen later.
00:14Let's take a look at the recommended options, especially in the middle of the significant strengthening of the Samkabungan neighborhood during the pandemic.
00:23Let's take a look at the graphics on your TV screen, Mr. Mirsa. The first option comes from MDKA. It is recommended by the support at 2,300.
00:32The resistance at 2,850. The range is still quite wide for MDKA.
00:37Meanwhile, the second one, ADA-ASA, is also recommended by the support at 730, the resistance up to 890.
00:45INGO is also recommended by the support at 3,670, the resistance up to 4,200.
00:52And the last one, Java, is also recommended by the support at 1,560, the resistance up to 1,800.
01:01MDKA, ASA, INGO, and Java, once again, the investment decision is still in the hands of Mr. Mirsa.
01:08Mr. Hendry, let's go back to the four options that you recommended. Let's go straight to MDKA.
01:15Mr. Hendry, what is the level and then the considerations, especially from a technical point of view, so that MDKA is one of your options?
01:24For MDKA, I see that the area of 2,300 is quite an interesting area.
01:32Because there is a potential for the formation of an inverted hand and shoulder pattern,
01:38where the left shoulder is already there and the head is already there.
01:43And on the right, there is a potential to form the right shoulder.
01:48Where the right shoulder has support around the area of 2,300.
01:52And even if it turns out that it can break out, then the increase target can reach around 2,850.
02:0028, how long is the target, Mr. Hendry?
02:042,800 is about a month or two.
02:09Okay, today's closing is still at 2,480.
02:12Strong at 1.22% and the level of 2,300 from the support side is more recommended for the ideal entry level for MDKA.
02:22Okay, let's move on to the second option, there is ASA. You also recommended, Mr. Hendry, the analysis for ASA.
02:29Okay, for ASA, we see that it has started to break from the downtrend area.
02:35So it forms a pattern of higher-high, higher-low.
02:39And there is no deeper lower-low.
02:45So I see that ASA has a very interesting potential in the 730 area.
02:51So it's very interesting, even if it turns out that it can break out, then the increase target can reach up to 890.
03:03Because there is a potential that it has created a higher-low, so when it breaks out, it can go up to the higher-high area.
03:16In the last year, ASA has undergone quite a deep correction, but it has tried to rise again from around 600 to around 700 for the current position.
03:26So from the pattern, what does it look like, Mr. Hendry, especially for the short-term and long-term?
03:30Is it still an uptrend or is there already signs of going in the opposite direction?
03:34At least not in the short-term and long-term.
03:38In the short-term, it has been seen that there is a strength, so there is a potential for a reversal.
03:45So this is very interesting and still quite low-risk for ASA, in my opinion.
03:54Today's closing, ASA at 755 strengthens at 0.67%, intraday today at 765.
04:01We move on to the third choice stock for INKO, which you also mentioned, Mr. Hendry.
04:06What is the analysis, Mr. Hendry?
04:08INKO is close to the lowest area in February 2004, and it is still very wide open.
04:19And it looks very stable in the support area at 3,600 to 3,670.
04:26So I'm pretty confident with INKO.
04:31Because we see that technically it has made a new high in the short term.
04:38And at the moment it is in the process of forming a higher low.
04:43So we are waiting for confirmation like that.
04:46Okay, from INKO, we move on to the last choice stock, Javva.
04:51You also recommend buying 1,500 to 1,800 from the resistance side.
04:58Okay, for Javva, it's very interesting.
05:01Because since yesterday, it has always been rejected in the 1,555 support area.
05:08Which is a strong support area that I see.
05:11And at the moment it has been strengthened.
05:14So if it turns out that the potential is to form an ascending triangle pattern.
05:20So even if it turns out that the pattern can break out from 1,665,
05:26then the target can reach around 1,800 like that.
05:31Is the recommendation more to buy on break, sir?
05:33Today's closing at 1,640 and 1,650 for buy on break.
05:42Okay, for me, I rarely do buy on breakout.
05:46I usually wait for the momentum below.
05:49When the classic support and the trend support meet.
05:55That's more interesting in my opinion.
05:57So it can be a strong support and the potential to bounce is bigger.
06:02So we have a higher range.
06:06The chosen sponsors are MDKA, Asa Inco, and Javva.
06:10And again, the investment decision is still in the hands of the sponsors, IDX Channel.
06:14We will be back.
06:15We still have one segment.
06:16There are still a lot of questions on WhatsApp Interactive.
06:18We will continue later.
06:19And our sponsors will be back in a moment.
06:23We have reached the last segment.
06:24And thank you also for those who are still joining us.
06:27Mr. Hendry, we will continue again.
06:29Our time is limited.
06:30There is Mr. Anggiat Butar-Butar asking for a movie, sir.
06:33It has been bought at IDR 4,860.
06:35Any analysis for the movie, support and resistance?
06:39For the movie, in my opinion, the support is around IDR 4,450.
06:47The resistance is around IDR 5,150.
06:51And at the moment, it is still supported by Atak Channel.
06:57The downtrend is like that.
06:59IDR 4,860 in the hall only, sir?
07:02IDR 4,860.
07:03Even if you haven't fully portioned it,
07:06maybe you can consider the downtrend at IDR 4,450.
07:11IDR 4,450 is a must, sir.
07:14Next, for PSAB, there are two questions.
07:17The first one is asking about PSAB.
07:20There is HDD Jin asking about PSAB.
07:23What is the level of entry?
07:25And next, PSAB is also asked.
07:27I will try to check.
07:28From Thing, it doesn't mention the location.
07:31PSAB is priced at IDR 222.
07:33Any analysis?
07:35For PSAB, the area of IDR 222 is a good entry, in my opinion.
07:41Because it is at the base of the channel.
07:43So, it limits the risk at the area of IDR 214.
07:48The resistance is close to the area of IDR 244 to IDR 254.
07:54The last high is at IDR 264.
07:58Next, Mr. Wimor is asking about BPHI, sir.
08:00The support and resistance.
08:02Today's coverage at IDR 975 is 1.02%.
08:07For BPHI, it is close to support.
08:12Close to support.
08:13But the emittance is a bit volatile.
08:15So, please pay attention to the portion.
08:18Around the area of IDR 970 to IDR 935.
08:23That is the strong support area.
08:24While the resistance is in the area of IDR 1,100 to IDR 1,135.
08:33Mr. Sihotang from Medan.
08:35Is it safe, sir?
08:36It has taken possession at IDR 10,825.
08:38Today, it is lost at IDR 10,775.
08:41What is your analysis?
08:44For safety, if it is not a full portion,
08:47in my opinion, it is still worth buying.
08:52It is around IDR 10,500 to IDR 10,200.
08:57That is the last support area.
08:59If it reaches IDR 10,200, it is lost.
09:03With the closest resistance at IDR 11,200.
09:07With the second resistance at IDR 11,600.
09:12Mr. Wijang from Riau.
09:13He is asking about BPHI.
09:15There is an auto analysis of support and resistance.
09:18IDR 2,190.
09:19Today's coverage.
09:20Auto is very interesting.
09:22It is in a very strong support area.
09:26Around IDR 2,170.
09:29IDR 2,180.
09:30This is a very strong support area.
09:32If it can survive here,
09:34there is still a potential for strengthening to IDR 2,300 for auto.
09:40If it can break out from IDR 2,300,
09:43the next target is IDR 2,450.
09:47This auto is very interesting.
09:49Because we see from the technical side,
09:53it has started to uptrend.
09:54It has started to make higher high, higher low.
09:56Now the potential is making higher high.
09:59If it can break out from IDR 2,400 to IDR 2,450,
10:04for the mid-term, the auto can return to uptrend again.
10:09Lastly, Mr. Hendy.
10:11Mr. Indah from Bali is asking about ETMG.
10:14How much is it recommended to enter?
10:16Briefly, sir.
10:17ETMG is in the area of IDR 26,425.
10:22With cut loss below IDR 26,000.
10:25My target is around IDR 28,500.
10:31Analysis for ETMG,
10:33today's coverage is at IDR 27,225,
10:35strengthening at 0.83%.
10:37And without further ado,
10:38I would like to end our interview for this time.
10:40Our time is quite limited.
10:41Actually, there are still some other questions.
10:43We are sorry.
10:44And please join us again earlier in the program
10:48and in the next trading day.
10:50Mr. Hendy, thank you for joining us.
10:52Always healthy, Mr. Hendy.
10:55Always healthy, sir.
10:56Thank you, Mr. Dharma Putra Hendy Santoso,
10:58who is the branch manager of JUC Sedurman.
11:01For information on the operation of the company,
11:03directly from the internal management of EMITEN,
11:06please follow Public Expose Live 2024,
11:08which is once again held by Idea Channel.
11:11This event can be followed directly by investors
11:13from all over Indonesia.
11:14With this event, you can find out about the operation
11:17and also the plan of the company,
11:19as well as be able to interact with the management of EMITEN
11:22to get the information needed
11:24to determine your investment decision.
11:26Scan the QR code on your television screen
11:29and choose the EMITEN that you want to watch.
11:34Date of recording, 26 to 30 August 2024.
11:38Public Expose Live 2024 only on Idea Channel.
11:42Finally, I, David Sanofo, and all employees
11:45thank you for your attention,
11:47and see you again.
