Will the city recognize their mistake, ticketing a woman with a handicap plate, for parking too close

  • last month
Will the city recognize their mistake, ticketing a woman with a handicap plate, for parking too close
00:00Good morning.
00:01You made it.
00:01I made it.
00:03I got a letter about a ticket that I never got on my car.
00:08So, I wanted to find out if it can be reduced,
00:11I don't know if it's fines, it was a parking.
00:14Do you drive a Kia?
00:15I do drive a Kia, it's my license plate.
00:18But I don't remember that.
00:19I am handicapped, I brought my handicapped sticker.
00:24I usually park in a handicapped spot,
00:26so I don't remember being too close to the curb.
00:29I mean, to the corner or whatever.
00:33Ticket tripled.
00:35Yeah, but I never got the ticket.
00:37I mean, if the ticket was on the car.
00:38Let me tell you what the city's position is.
00:43He's the city, right here.
00:44He's the prosecutor, Inspector Quinn.
00:48All the resources of the city, right?
00:50The whole city's power and might is after you, right?
00:55Because you were parked 25 feet from a corner.
01:00Now, let me see if you can beat up the whole city.
01:06What do you have to say about that?
01:08Well, like I said, I don't even remember
01:10where I was downtown, but I'd like to pay the original cost
01:14and not the fees and the fines.
01:17He's tough, don't even bother him.
01:18Don't bother him.
01:19He's prepared to get you upstairs in a room,
01:21get a big, big light, put that light on you,
01:24and keep asking you, right?
01:25I hope not.
01:26You parked 25 feet to the corner until you admit it.
01:31I didn't have my measuring tape.
