Mirzapur Season 3 Episode 04 Full episode Dailymotion

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Mirzapur Season 3 Episode 04 Dailymotion
00:00In the last episode of Mirzapur, we saw that Madhuri is in need of money and that's why she made a deal with Sharad that they can do Afeem's business together because Sharad was in need of money and Afeem's business was about to start.
00:16Along with that, Tyagi found out about his elder brother that his personal life is not going well and his elder brother used to go somewhere else.
00:24Sharad asked Lala to join the deal with him.
00:28Panditji's wife tortured him, blackmailed him, but because of that, finally Panditji was ready to fight for himself.
00:36But in the last scene, we saw that Madhuri made a deal with IG Dubey that somehow he will trap Guddu.
00:44Along with all this continuity, episode no. 4 starts, where in the beginning of the episode, Tyagi is shown to us first.
00:50Now this Shatrughan, who was roaming around Bharatban, reaches the same place where he found out from his elder brother's wife that his elder brother was going.
00:59This was another red light area, wrong place, the owner there asks him that whom do you want to send with today?
01:04The girl chosen by Tyagi, the owner here says that she is not of your taste, you don't even call her, but still Tyagi wanted the same girl.
01:10Along with this, he takes one more girl.
01:12Now guys, looking at his choice, it was clear that he wanted a girl like Golu, the girl's hair was short, but somewhere he wanted to express his pain in a way that he hits the girl in front of him with a belt in a very bad way.
01:24And the other girl who had short hair, he just made her sit to see these things so that both of them are pain and everyone can feel this pain.
01:30After which the scene shifts to Lala's mansion.
01:33Now there was Shabnam here, and along with this, the income tax people had made a raid on the house.
01:37Although the income tax people were also with Shabnam, they were all the same people, Shabnam had to say that I had sent you money, then why are you having a problem?
01:44So here the officer says that look, we are in your support, actually the government is not feeling that Lala has stopped all the work, that's why he comes in between.
01:52We are giving you an offer, if he is outside, then what happened, you can also do the work, tell him that we are in his support, because money is always needed.
01:59And we will also help you in every way, so go and talk to your father, Shabnam had refused earlier that she does not know about all this, nor will she do this work, when her father comes out, then this work will be completed.
02:09But somewhere this income tax officer asks to start the work again and provokes a lot, after which the scene shifts inside the court.
02:16Now as we saw in the last episode that the priest was ready to fight his case somewhere, he just did not want to put a wrong accusation on himself, that is, he will take the punishment, but he will not allow a wrong accusation.
02:27Because of this, now he puts Maurya's wife in the court, and after that he starts answering questions that how many times did I come to your house, how many times did I drink tea from Maurya's hand, and what kind of relationship did he have with me, now Maurya's wife gets stuck here.
02:40Because she knew that the priest is not a bad person, the priest is a very good person, and Maurya had a very good relationship with her husband.
02:47Where first Maurya's wife gets stuck suddenly, because she asks such tricky questions, where the priest proves that if the priest was a bad person or had any bad intentions, then Maurya would have pushed him out of the house long ago, then how did the priest sit in his house and drink tea?
03:03In this way, it was clear that there was a good relationship between the priest and Maurya, neither were they against each other, nor did the priest intentionally murder them, after which the lawyer of the other opposition party played a new game, he called a new eyewitness here.
03:17And this was IG Dubey, as we saw in the last episode that Madhuri told IG Dubey to do an important work, so this was the work that IG Dubey had to come here and testify against the priest.
03:31And this time Shabnam came to talk to him to start her new work, because Lala was inside and now Sharad had also got work from him, so somewhere Lala wanted to talk to Shabnam, but it was very 50-50, and now that Shabnam has come, there is a problem with her, the income tax people are asking her for money, and they will have to start work as soon as possible, but now Shabnam said that if you have got a deal from Sharad, then I will not go to Sharad, but the right person is Guddu.
04:00Because in the last season, we saw that Guddu and Lala worked together very well, Lala had hidden Guddu in his house, and somewhere Shabnam also loved him, so if tomorrow there is a problem, then where will Shabnam run to, to Sharad or to Guddu, because Sharad has already cheated them once, then Lala changes his mind, and now he cancels the Sharad deal and throws his daughter in this black well, that is, in this drug business, and says that okay, you go and talk to Guddu.
04:29Then Shabnam calls, where it is said that there will be a face-to-face talk, after which the scene shifts back to the court, now IG Dubey's presentation was going on here, where everything is asked, where IG Dubey clearly said that Maurya and Panditji were together, they were working together, but when it came to arresting Guddu, there was no question of an on-the-spot encounter here, Guddu was being brought, but in the middle of this, Panditji found out that his son would be trapped, so he killed Maurya.
04:58So here clearly, IG Dubey presented the matter in such a way that Panditji should be trapped properly, that Panditji has killed Maurya intentionally, just to save Guddu, because Guddu is a very big goon, and there should be no case on him, in this matter, Maurya has been killed and all the knots have been broken, now it was clearly decided here that Panditji has killed Maurya intentionally, not to hide anything, now the judge was trapped himself, he knew Panditji very well, and even he did not want to punish Panditji,
05:26because of this, this was the last date when Panditji was going to be punished, but still the judge kept this date safe, that maybe things will change by the next date, and he said that the decision of this thing will be taken next time, it will be taken on the next date, after which the senior Dimpi was really very upset, with this, Robin was also sitting, Robin tries to explain to him that no, things will be fine, but Dimpi said that his brother got into some trouble, after that he went to do whatever he wanted, what justice did his father want, he also went into his work, so why is Dimpi sitting in someone's weight, why is she fixing everything, she should also do what she wants,
05:56but Robin was saying that no, you can't do this, everything will be fine on its own, we will wait, where Dimpi says that yes, it is obvious, now you will have to live, your mother also lives with you, now guys, like always, the color of Robin's face comes out, as soon as he hears the name of his mother, he changes things, and says that we just have to finish a deal, finish the work, we go straight home, you also pack your stuff,
06:14I really had a lot of expectations in this season, that Robin's family will definitely be told, because in the second season, he was shown with a very interesting personality, in this season, although his story was done very little, but still it was not told in detail, after which the scene shifts to Robin, who had come here with money, was closing his account, and he came to Tyagi, Tyagi says that Chhotey had a lot of faith in you, so we also have complete faith in you,
06:39now Robin understood that this big brother is very worried, he is sitting alone, so why not give him a company, after which the two of them sit together, start talking, while talking, they go straight to the love affair, where first Tyagi said that why are you dropping this work, why are you stopping it, your work is going very well, where Robin says that we have to settle, Tyagi said that people start business to settle, you are leaving your business to settle, what is this thing where Robin understood that the type of business he does, he will not be able to go ahead,
07:09on top of that, if he has to live with a simple girl like Dimpy, then he will have to do some good work, not work like this, because he obviously has love, what can love do, now these things were hitting Tyagi somewhere, so he also says that a lot of things go wrong in love, he was also in a lot of trouble, after that, while talking to Robin, he starts watching Golu's movie, somewhere Robin also got this idea, because when Tyagi was putting the drink in the glass, he first uses his straight hand, and then takes the bottle in his reverse hand to show it,
07:35after which the scene shifts to Golu, who was watching the album at home, was watching the pictures of his sister's wedding, because in season 1, we saw that his sister got married here, and within a few days of that, she died, no one survived, Guddu also went, his sister also died, then Dimpy comes here, who had brought his sister's sari, so here Golu says that look, we really don't need it, but if it comes in your work, then we will be more happy, somewhere Dimpy said that Golu, you keep your work, because brother Guddu has already decided his goal, that he has to be ruined, why are you ruining your life behind him,
08:05where Golu says that look, he is at this place, where he definitely needs someone to take care of him, he can't do anything alone, Dimpy thought that Golu definitely likes Guddu, because of this, she doesn't say anything, because it may be that Guddu's, if someone is with him, it will be better, because if he is alone, he will be completely alone, here Golu was coming out, that at that time Robin is seen, so she tells Robin to go quickly, the wedding dress is being tried, after which Golu now goes back to the mansion, where he sees guests coming, now these guests are no one else, but Shabnam was with her, and that little girl Lippi came with her, in season 1, now Shabnam is sitting here,
08:35she was talking, and in the meantime, she says that Shabnam has brought a deal with her, Golu did not get along with Shabnam at all, she did not like her at all, because of this, she says that tell me, what have you come to offer, where Shabnam says that look, I am stuck in a big problem, I need you guys, you guys deal with me, we will earn money, the matter is so sorted, but here Guddu clearly refuses, because this time he did not have to deal with Shabnam, there was no talk of profit and loss here, somewhere he was attached to Shabnam,
09:02last time also, because of Guddu, Lala, Shabnam's father, went to jail, it is possible that if Shabnam is stuck this time, then Shabnam will also be killed, or a lot can go wrong, but Shabnam said that when you needed it, then you came to us, now when I am stuck, then you are saying good things here, that I will get stuck, then why are you talking about this, where Guddu says that if the matter has gone from right to wrong, then when will you give the supply, where Shabnam said that she has brought a deal, and will have to go to crack that deal, again Bina jumps in the middle,
09:30because at this time Golu said that she will go with Shabnam, but Bina says that two women will go, so how will the deal be, whoever wants to deal, wants to meet Bahubali, what are you, here Golu was getting very angry, and Guddu was also thinking that what is Bina talking about, so here it is decided that Guddu will go to deal with Shabnam, and Golu will stay here, it was night, Guddu had to leave from here, packing his bag, he starts looking for Golu, while Golu was already standing outside, checking all the security, before going, Golu says to Guddu that now that you are going, then crack the deal and come,
09:59we will wait for you, Shabnam also leaves from behind, packing all her stuff, now the deal had to be signed in Kathmandu, i.e. inside Nepal, after clearing a lot of security inside, Shabnam and Guddu are sent inside, but Shabnam is stopped after one entry, and only Guddu goes inside to deal,
10:16Guddu sees that two people are already sitting here, there is one man who is smoking and playing cards, and is not interested in talking, then Guddu starts talking, now his dialogues come here, that we have come here to do work, one hand is on our trigger, we are not getting the cold of Nepal, because it is very hot inside Purvanchal, so this man cuts the conversation, and says to Guddu that if you know how to play cards, then let's play cards, after which Guddu comes to his session, takes the cards in his hand, cuts the cards, and then starts a story,
10:46a mouse came, he went to a bear, and then I told him that Vyasan's hobby is the death of a dog, leave the addiction, come with us, see how beautiful the jungle is, now while talking about this, Guddu had spent a lot of money, this story had become so critical, because the card had to be matched, and no one's card had been matched yet, and the money was increasing and increasing, the beggars who were sitting in front, who were smoking cigars, had also come under a lot of addiction,
11:13then Guddu said that the lion was angry, and he caught the mouse, then everyone asked the lion that why did you kill the mouse, where the lion says that he has smoked cigars, and from tomorrow I have to roam the jungle for 3 hours, see how beautiful the jungle is, so now you tell us, we know very well how beautiful the jungle is, don't make us go around again and again, tell us if we have to make a deal or not,
11:34now the main important party comes out, that is, the man sitting in the white shirt, who first seemed that he was not going to crack the deal, but he was just going to distribute the cards, but the real player was this man, who had made the man in the skirt in front of him, that he is the owner, because he was hiding behind, he was checking the capacity of the party in front of him, and Guddu had caught this thing, then this man was impressed and was ready to make a deal with Guddu somewhere,
12:00and Guddu had made a deal in a very amazing way, after which Guddu first calls Golu that the deal has been decided, and we will stay here tonight, we will come tomorrow morning, Golu thought that if he has stopped, then something must have happened, in the meantime, Shabnam reaches Guddu's room that we will eat together, after which Golu gets a call in the middle of the night, and that call was that the target has been seen, you arrange to come as soon as possible, that is, Golu was looking for Tripati, and he finally found out about the location of Tripati,
12:28and Tripati continuously calls Guddu, but at this time, Guddu was having dinner with Shabnam, and he didn't feel right that maybe he should pick up Golu's phone, and because of this, he doesn't pick up Golu's call, on the one hand, Shabnam and Guddu were getting intimate with each other, on the other hand, now Golu felt that it was the right moment, he should just leave, Guddu will come on tomorrow's date, because of this, she starts preparing to leave, then we find out that Tripati was not found inside Asal, but all this was done by Tyagi, he had caught the same man who was passing information to Golu again and again,
12:57and Tyagi said that if you don't get the call back, you will die, and in the end, Golu's call comes that we are reaching you, you prepare the rest of the things, that is, Tyagi had trapped Golu, and with this, guys, this wonderful episode ends here, so let's meet all of you in the next episode, till then, tata
