Dua pasangan bakal calon wali kota dan wakil wali kota Malang, mendaftar ke KPU setempat. Salah satu bakal calon wali kota, Muhammad Anton merupakan mantan nara pidana.
00:00The two couples, Bakal Calon Wali Kota and Wakil Wali Kota Malang,
00:05on the 28th of August,
00:07registered to the local election commission.
00:10The two couples are Muhammad Anton,
00:12who is in a relationship with Dimyati Ayatullah,
00:15and Wahyu Hidayat, who is in a relationship with Ali Mutohirin.
00:18Bakal Calon Wali Kota Malang, Muhammad Anton,
00:20who is also the ex-Wali Kota Malang in 2013-2018,
00:25is the ex-Narapidana.
00:27He was sentenced to 2 years in prison from 2018-2020,
00:37and his political rights were revoked 2 years after he was sentenced.
00:41Regarding this matter,
00:43the head of KPU Kota Malang, Muhammad Toyib, said
00:45that his party will verify and clarify
00:48regarding the candidates submitted to the relevant authorities,
00:52including the Ministry of State Security,
00:54the State Court, and the police.
00:56He added that he has already communicated with the central KPU
00:59and all the results will be announced on the 4th of September.
01:05After this, there will be a process of verification and clarification
01:08regarding the validity and invalidity of the documents submitted to the central KPU.
01:16For verification of the legal status of the KPU?
01:21There is no special regulation.
01:23The KPU still has the authority to regulate the documents submitted to the central KPU.
01:29So, for example, regarding Narapidana.
01:38Meanwhile, Muhammad Anton admitted to accepting all the verifications that will be carried out.
01:43On the other hand, he revealed that
01:44his candidacy was based on the request of the Kiyai and the people of Kota Malang.
01:51I am not like the people of Kota Malang.
01:58We believe that the people of Kota Malang are fair.
02:05I believe that they know what is good and what is not good.
02:13For the completion of the initial registration form,
02:16the two couples were declared complete by the central KPU.
02:20In the next phase, the two couples will be candidates for mayors and mayors' representatives
02:24will conduct a health test at Saiful Anwar Malang Hospital.
02:30From Kota Malang, East Java, Saiful Afandi, Berita Antara News Agency, reporting.