Coronation Street 28th August 2024

  • 2 days ago
Coronation Street 28th August 2024
00:24Oh, good morning.
00:25Has my money come through?
00:27No good morning first.
00:29Sorry. Morning, Grandad.
00:34I've just had an email confirming that the money will be
00:37in my current account in the next few hours.
00:39Amazing. Thank you.
00:41Can't believe I'm going to co-own my own business by the end of the day.
00:44I mean, I know I was reluctant at first, but...
00:48I'm very proud of you for taking up the initiative on this.
00:52Not to sound big-headed, but I'm proud of me too.
00:56Not big-headed. It just shows how confident you are.
01:00Mm. It's all down to the Institute.
01:03Can't wait to get stuck in and learn even more.
01:05Which reminds me I need to get ready for my malware session.
01:08Erm, what's that?
01:10Oh, I'm not sure, to be honest.
01:12Didn't really say much about it.
01:14Probably similar to the upload.
01:16I know, sounds a bit cheesy.
01:18Not at all, no.
01:19I mean, yes.
01:21All jargon, you know.
01:24It's so hard to get your head around it.
01:27I suppose when you boil it down, it's just therapy, isn't it?
01:31Processing the past.
01:32Yeah. Yeah, kind of.
01:34But it's so much more than that.
01:36It's business-focused too.
01:37Flint loads already.
01:39You know, I'm happy to see you doing something so positive.
01:43Me too.
01:44And seeing what the Institute's done for Liane.
01:46I really feel like I've found my calling.
01:55You on shift?
01:56Erm, yeah, I'm just on my way in.
01:59I hope.
02:02Last night I said quite a lot about Faye and Ted.
02:06I hope you don't think badly of me.
02:08Of course not.
02:09I appreciate you opening up to me.
02:12Really helped.
02:13Really? Yeah.
02:15More than you can imagine.
02:17You did what you did to protect those you love.
02:21And I can really identify with that.
02:24You're a good man, Craig.
02:26And a good couple.
02:32Hi. Morning, Mum.
02:34Erm... Oh, erm...
02:36Sorry, I best get going, cos I'm going to be late for my shift.
02:41I'll see you later. Bye.
02:48What are you two talking about?
02:50Just now.
02:54But we had a really good chat last night.
02:58Told me all about that old man, Ted.
03:03The old man who died after his ex.
03:05Faye, was it?
03:08She hit him with her car.
03:10And how he covered up the circumstances of the death
03:13to protect his girlfriend.
03:16Quit the force for a while, out of guilt.
03:20I can see you had no idea about it.
03:23Well, you do now.
03:24Craig told me everything.
03:27You know, I checked his police file last night
03:30and it's all easily provable if I told the big bosses.
03:32Oh, please don't.
03:33I doubt Craig would even deny it if they asked.
03:36He's still really struggling with the guilt of it all.
03:39What do you want?
03:41Nothing from you any more.
03:43You know, if you decide to do anything with that video...
03:47..I'll have your boy's career quicker than you can say.
03:51Sad 80s throwback.
04:04How's it going?
04:05Yeah, we're all set for Amy's malware session
04:07and everybody's been prepped about what they need to say.
04:10Is there something wrong?
04:12I'm a bit concerned this is too soon.
04:15We don't usually do malware sessions this quickly
04:17after the first upload.
04:18Well, I know that, but Amy's really keen.
04:21Are you sure she's strong enough to handle it?
04:23Amy is stronger than anybody I know.
04:25And it's like you always say, the benefits outweigh the costs.
04:30Of course.
04:31I just can't wait for her to have that feeling
04:33once it's all over.
04:34It's so transformative, so freeing.
04:37Nobody deserves that more than Amy.
04:41She's a good girl.
04:44She starts in less than an hour, you know.
04:46I know. Loads of time.
04:48Are you still angry with me?
04:51No. Why would I be angry with you when you told our paying guest
04:54that I had a problem with him?
04:56Cos I was just trying to patch things up between you, weren't I?
04:59You two are going to live together, aren't you?
05:03Well, not for much longer.
05:05Apparently he's put that offer down at a flat in Redbank.
05:07Do you know what I think?
05:09They call him a part...
05:10Oh, do you want to hear that for a show?
05:12Really? We haven't done a start for ages.
05:14Well, I wanted to see it.
05:15Must be the one that you and Daniel were going to buy,
05:17cos it's the only one that's vacant as far as I can see.
05:20Sorry, missed all that. What were you saying?
05:22I said he must be the one that you and Daniel were going to buy.
05:27I loved it to see you there.
05:29Right, well...
05:30I'll go get ready.
05:33You could start setting up the bar, if you want, love.
05:36Yep, all right.
05:41Morning. Morning.
05:49What are you doing here?
05:50On my way to work.
05:51Thought I'd come in and check on you,
05:53since you're not replying to my messages.
05:55I'm not replying to your messages.
05:57I'm not replying to your messages.
05:59I'm not replying to your messages.
06:01What are you doing?
06:03What are you doing?
06:06So what?
06:08Why haven't you been replying to my messages?
06:10Because I'm trying to keep my head down at the moment, all right?
06:13Does that mean she can't respond to a text?
06:15Excuse me?
06:19Has she been keeping you locked up in a cellar
06:21when you're not working or something?
06:23Shut up. Whatever.
06:25What time's your shift over?
06:27Five. Why?
06:29We could hang out.
06:31I don't think that's a good idea.
06:33Why not?
06:35Look, Bess, we need to talk.
06:37No, we don't.
06:39We're so boring nowadays.
06:41I was going to do this later, but I may as well now.
06:43I'm ending it.
06:49Well, enjoy your boring life,
06:51hanging out with people old enough to be your great-great-great-grandparents.
07:01Sorry about her.
07:03She's upset, but she'll get over it.
07:07You did the right thing.
07:29What's up?
07:37Just because of Kit?
07:47You were right.
07:49I was playing with fire.
07:52And I got burnt.
07:55What's he done?
07:57It don't matter.
08:00It does, Bess.
08:02You're in danger.
08:04I'm not.
08:06It's fine now.
08:10I should have listened to you yesterday.
08:22We are fixed here.
08:24Get out the way.
08:38Are you ready?
08:40I think so.
08:41Nothing to worry about.
08:43I'm here.
08:44So is Leanne.
08:46Trust the process and you'll leave here a new person.
09:12Why are you here?
09:13You don't deserve to be here.
09:15You don't deserve to be here.
09:16You don't deserve anything.
09:17You're a liar.
09:18You're a coward.
09:19Dirty liar.
09:21You're a liar.
09:23You're weak.
09:24You're a slag.
09:26No, no, no.
09:27Amy, don't take it off.
09:28I know it's hard, but it's worth it once you get through it.
09:31Trust me.
09:32Trust me, OK?
09:37No one believes you.
09:38Nobody respects you.
09:40Your friends don't like you.
09:55No, I understand.
09:56Yeah, thank you for letting me know.
10:01Is that about the Bakerfield case?
10:03Oh, no.
10:05It's DS Swain.
10:06They're no closer to nailing Joel.
10:09Well, I guess it's his word against Lauren's.
10:12Yeah, so I guess you're saying it's not enough to charge him.
10:16I'm sorry.
10:17So am I.
10:20Was it about Bakerfield you wanted?
10:22You said you were going to chase up the financials today.
10:25I did say that.
10:27Let me get right on it.
10:29Look, I know you want to get Joel for this.
10:31So do I.
10:32Believe me.
10:33But you can't lose focus on our clients in the meantime.
10:35I've got a business to run.
10:36I know.
10:37I do.
10:38I'm sorry.
10:39OK, I'm ready to focus.
10:40Ready to work.
10:41I was hoping you might say that.
10:42I'm meeting a potential new client later on.
10:44He's suing someone based in LA.
10:46So I need somebody hot in California contract law.
10:49My favorite kind of contract law.
10:51Yeah, I figured it'd be up your street.
10:53I'm meeting my half-past two.
10:54Will you meet him with me?
10:55Yeah, sure.
10:57Look, let me chase Bakerfield, and then I'll take a look at this.
11:02You led our round, didn't you?
11:03You deserve what happened.
11:05You wanted to cheat on your friend.
11:10You're just as bad as me.
11:11You wanted it, really.
11:12You wanted to cheat on your friend.
11:13You're poisonous.
11:16You deserve what happened.
11:18Baby killer.
11:19Baby killer.
11:20Amy, don't stop.
11:21You will get better.
11:22I promise.
11:23Let me pass.
11:24We're not finished.
11:25Amy, you need to finish it.
11:26Amy, you need to finish it.
11:28What was that?
11:29Why would you?
11:30It's your inner voice.
11:31You need to confront it.
11:32I know it's horrible.
11:33But once you've confronted it, you'll feel so much better.
11:35I promise you.
11:36The things that they were saying.
11:37The things you were saying.
11:39I know.
11:40Please don't make me go back in there.
11:41I can't go back in there.
11:42Don't make me go back in there.
11:44It's OK.
11:45It's all right.
11:46It's all right.
11:47I want to do OK.
11:48It's OK.
11:49It's OK.
11:50Come here.
12:10Where is she?
12:12I sent her home.
12:13She was really upset.
12:14Well, that's the point.
12:15Break them down to build them up again.
12:16You know this.
12:17I do.
12:19So, she wanted to leave.
12:20What was I supposed to do?
12:21Drag her back by the hair?
12:23You were supposed to use your people skills to talk her back in.
12:27This was too quick.
12:28I told you.
12:32Pack it up, guys.
12:33Session's over.
12:44We might have a problem.
12:47All right.
12:49Right, what are you doing here?
12:51Could have borrowed a tenner.
12:52A tenner?
12:53What for?
12:56Are you going to the cinema with?
12:59I go to the cinema on my own all the time.
13:04Right, well, there you go.
13:07Are you really moving to London?
13:11That sucks.
13:12That does indeed suck.
13:13But then again, he's not got much choice, has he?
13:16Got to get away from wrongings like your boyfriend.
13:18Not my boyfriend.
13:20That sacked him off.
13:21Oh, well, that's music to my ears.
13:22Maybe now you'll get some work done, you know,
13:24rather than sitting around messaging him all day.
13:27Out, you!
13:28This is not a youth club.
13:31See you later.
13:32See you.
13:36I reckon you've done yourself a favour there.
13:38Cutting loose from that degenerate.
13:40Your mam will be pleased and all, I reckon.
13:43Not good luck for a copper's daughter
13:45to be hanging around with criminals.
13:48Your mam's a copper?
13:49Oh, who cares who her mum is?
13:51Well, I do as it goes.
13:53Obviously, you do too,
13:54otherwise you wouldn't be so defensive.
13:56So, come on, then.
13:57What is she?
13:58A traffic warden?
13:59No, not police.
14:01The surname's Swain.
14:02Don't take her genius.
14:05You do your Swain's daughter?
14:07The one that was investigating Lauren's disappearing?
14:10Yeah, and?
14:19I think I slapped her off to DS Swain.
14:28Ah, you're back early.
14:30How was it?
14:32It wasn't what I thought at all.
14:34Don't transfer that money.
14:39I sent it over about an hour ago.
14:41There's something wrong.
14:42It's... It's fine.
14:45Don't worry, I'll sort it.
14:47I've got to go.
14:52Oh, come on, you stupid thing.
14:54Hey, hey, are you OK?
14:56Honestly, I really think
14:57they make these things impossible to open on purpose.
15:01Terrible, awful things.
15:02Ed, look, let me...
15:04Let me, it's fine.
15:05Oh, thanks.
15:06You all right? You seem a bit stressed.
15:08No, I'm OK.
15:09It's just, I'm just a bit worried about Amy.
15:11Her session didn't go to plan earlier.
15:14How do you mean?
15:15Well, she got a bit upset and we had to finish it earlier.
15:22You're here. Are you OK?
15:23I'm fine.
15:24Oh, I knew you would be.
15:26I said to Rowan,
15:27you are one of the strongest people I know.
15:29Right, listen, you've done the hard bit now,
15:31so you just need to come back, finish the malware session,
15:34and then you can move up to the next level.
15:38The malware session.
15:39I'm done with the Institute, it's not for me.
15:41No, no, Amy, it is.
15:42No, it's not.
15:43This is the end of my journey.
15:46And I want my money back.
15:49Grandad sent the 40 grand over this morning.
15:51And I want it back.
15:52It wouldn't be a problem, would it, yeah?
15:54No, no, of course not.
15:56I'll just go and phone Rowan.
16:03Right, I should be back on now.
16:08Hey, you know Kit said that he was going to be moving into Redback?
16:16Well, I was thinking,
16:17why don't I take over his room when he moves out?
16:23You know, we've been together a while now,
16:25and I was thinking about upgrading my accommodation
16:28from anti-corona sofa, so...
16:33Honestly, I, um...
16:35I'm not sure.
16:37I mean, things are going great between us, obviously, but, um...
16:40I mean, six months isn't really that long,
16:43and we already work together,
16:45so if you moved in,
16:47I don't think we'd ever get any time on our own,
16:50and you wouldn't like that as much as I wouldn't.
16:52Yeah, no, that's a really good point, actually.
16:56But you're right, Carla's arrangement isn't working,
16:58so I'll help you flat-home if you like.
17:02OK, yeah, yeah.
17:03Yeah? Thanks. Yeah.
17:06There you go.
17:08Get your chops round that.
17:10Thanks, Jenna.
17:12Is something wrong?
17:15Hiya, Kiki.
17:18You know that film,
17:19The Men Who Stare At Goats?
17:20This is the man who stares at hot pot.
17:23OK, you OK?
17:24Hiya. Sorry, yeah.
17:26What's wrong?
17:27I've just got a lot on my mind.
17:29Lots to think about.
17:31I'm not the best when I've got lots to think about.
17:33No, you're not.
17:36Is there anything I can help with?
17:38I've asked Beth for a bit of space.
17:40She's staying at Craig's.
17:41Blimey, what's she done now?
17:43Well, it must be bad if you've asked her to move out.
17:46It's just the lies.
17:48They don't seem to end with Beth.
17:50Hang on a minute.
17:51These lies...
17:53Are you sure that she's not been keeping a secret for a good reason?
17:56Like planning a surprise?
17:58You mean the wedding?
18:00No, it's not that.
18:02I mean, it's kind of to do with that, but not.
18:04Right, well, I don't know the ins and outs,
18:06but I can certainly relate to having a partner with a fair share of secrets and lies.
18:09I'll mentor that.
18:11My Beth's nothing like Stevie.
18:13I was talking about Johnny.
18:15You look really miserable without her.
18:17Peanut's really missing her.
18:19She kept me up all night, howling at the door for her.
18:22What about you?
18:23I don't howl. Not any more.
18:25But you are missing her?
18:28Well, like I said, I don't know what she's done,
18:30but if you're anything like me and Gary, you'll soon sort it out.
18:33Because you love each other.
18:35Delaying it is just prolonging the agony, isn't it?
18:41Mr Young.
18:42Good to meet you.
18:43Can I get you a cup of tea? Coffee?
18:45No, none of that, thank you very much.
18:47I haven't got a load of time, so let's get down to it, shall we?
18:51Take a seat on the sofa.
18:53It's actually my partner, who's the expert in US contract law.
18:56She should be here any minute.
18:59Why is she not here on time?
19:00It's not the best start, is it?
19:02She'll be here shortly.
19:04In the meantime, let me explain to you
19:06why we're the right company to represent you.
19:10Never thought I'd get sick of drinking sangria.
19:13But the charm wore off really quickly.
19:17Are you still moping about Kirk?
19:19Amongst other things.
19:23Really messed up, Trace.
19:25You'll get another job.
19:27And Kirk's not going to hold out forever.
19:29Hey, you two are made for each other.
19:31Like bacon and sausage.
19:33Bacon and sausage?
19:35Yeah, you don't see one without the other.
19:41Oh, let me guess.
19:43It's Kirk.
19:46He wants me to meet him in the pub after.
19:48What did I say?
19:50Bacon and sausage.
19:52Right, hold that thought.
19:53I'm going to the loo.
19:58Just the person I wanted to see.
20:03What's this?
20:04The money you wanted.
20:05Well, half of it.
20:07But I thought...
20:09It's a parting gift.
20:11What? Why?
20:13Because you've got a big mouth and I don't trust you.
20:16I saw you talking to Daniel earlier.
20:18It wasn't even about you.
20:21I swear, it was about Bertie.
20:23Honestly, I don't care either way.
20:25You're a liability and I can't risk you being around here.
20:28Sling you up by the end of the week
20:30or I'll be reporting your little boy's little secret
20:33to my big bosses.
20:39Well, what were they playing at?
20:41Leanne said it was a way of confronting your inner demons.
20:44The things that they were saying, Dad.
20:46I thought it was like a business mentor programme.
20:48Yeah, they are, amongst other things.
20:51But their ethos is that if you're to be truly successful,
20:54you've got to treat your mind and body like one big computer.
20:58Well, it sounds bonkers.
21:00Makes sense when Rowan talks you through it.
21:02But, yeah, it is a bit.
21:05I should have realised when Leanne showed me Oliver.
21:10Yeah, they use AI to age him up.
21:13Leanne talks to him.
21:15Well, that's sick.
21:25So, have you spoke to Rowan?
21:27Yeah. And has he given me back my money?
21:29There's a bit of a problem.
21:31The money's already with their parent company,
21:33which apparently means it's not that easy to return.
21:37Sorry, what money's this?
21:39My inheritance money from Grandma Deirdre.
21:41I was going to invest it in a resource centre, but I've changed my mind.
21:44How much of it?
21:46All of it.
21:4740 grand?!
21:48Why am I only hearing about this now?
21:50I didn't think you'd let me do it.
21:53You're damn right I wouldn't. Who else knows about this?
21:55Grandad's talked over it and Mum.
21:57Oh, yeah, well, of course your mum's involved. Hang on a minute.
21:59Did you sign a contract?
22:00Not yet.
22:01Right, we want that money back today.
22:03I'm sorry, Steve, it's out of me hands.
22:05All right, we'll go to the police then.
22:07And I promise you, you're going to pay for this.
22:18Look, I don't think there's any need to go to the police.
22:21You've just told her you can't get her her money back.
22:23No, I said it was out of my hands.
22:25But, look, I'm sure Rowan will sort something.
22:27I mean, it's not like it's disappeared. It's safe.
22:29How can we trust that?
22:31How can we trust you?
22:33Because it's me.
22:34Yeah, and from what I can gather, it is you.
22:37You manipulated her into stealing her money.
22:40What's this?
22:41No, that's not what happened, Amy.
22:43I was just trying to help you.
22:45What, by throwing a trauma back in her face?
22:47Yeah, she told me about your little session.
22:49Yeah, she told me about your little session.
22:51And how they've used our son's image.
22:55I mean, you've lost it, Leanne.
22:57I just want my money back.
22:58Yeah, it's all right. Come on, we're going to go and get it.
23:02You need to tell me exactly what's going on.
23:10Are you all set?
23:11I think so.
23:12All right, well, shout at me when you need me.
23:13Stop it, you're making him nervous.
23:15I'm just trying to help.
23:17Oh, here she comes.
23:22Thanks for coming.
23:25I've missed you.
23:27I've missed you too.
23:29I'm so sorry for everything.
23:32No, it's OK.
23:37This isn't going the way I expected.
23:40I'm sorry I've not had the best day.
23:43Well, maybe I can help with that.
23:53What's this?
23:54We belong together.
23:58Bacon and sausage.
24:01We always find our way back to each other.
24:04So let's make this official.
24:06I love you.
24:22Steve was just blindsided
24:23because he didn't know that Amy was investing.
24:25Well, you can't blame him for being worried.
24:2740 grand's a lot of money.
24:28Yes, I know that,
24:29but the money's not just disappeared into thin air.
24:31Look, there's nothing dodgy going on here.
24:33Really? So why doesn't he just send her the money back, then?
24:36Well, Rowan said that it's already gone to their parent company.
24:39Which is where?
24:40I don't know.
24:42This is why I didn't want to invest.
24:44Rowan's slippery.
24:45You didn't want to invest?
24:46I thought the bank refused the loan.
24:48I lied.
24:49All right, I knew it.
24:50So you lied to my face? How dare you?
24:51How dare I?
24:52You would have lost all your money if I hadn't.
24:54Steve had a point.
24:55What do you mean?
24:56Steve said if he can prove that Rowan manipulated Amy
24:59into giving the Institute money, then he's got a case.
25:02Rowan won't get away with it this time.
25:06But it wasn't Rowan who...
25:08asked her to invest.
25:12Who was it?
25:13Who was it?
25:15It was me.
25:18Come on, then. What's your answer?
25:20Yeah, don't keep us in suspense.
25:22What's this?
25:23Kirk's just proposed.
25:25Oh, congratulations!
25:27Well, she's not said yes yet.
25:30Hey, maybe we should give them some privacy.
25:33What's wrong?
25:36I can't do this.
25:38Why not?
25:39It's not right.
25:41Oh, yeah. Sorry.
25:43Beth, were you...?
25:45I don't mean that.
25:48Kirky, I can't marry you.
25:50Why not?
25:54I'm leaving.
25:56The factory in Norwich called earlier
25:59and they practically begged me to take the job.
26:02And I agreed.
26:04You never said.
26:06Well, it's only just happened.
26:09Hang on a minute.
26:11It wasn't so long ago that you were planning a surprise wedding.
26:13How's this happened?
26:15Like I said, it's only just come about.
26:18Please don't go.
26:21I have to.
26:23I'm sorry.
26:24OK. Fine.
26:26I'll come with you, then.
26:28I'll come to Norwich.
26:29Sure there'll be a packing job in this factory.
26:31Or one nearby. Or something else.
26:33It doesn't have to be packing, I suppose.
26:37No, Kirky.
26:40You belong here.
26:43But it's so tight.
26:45I need you to keep an eye on Queenie for me.
26:49You're the only dad it's ever been.
26:51When are you going?
26:56Who said that?
26:58They want me to start straight away.
27:07Um, you can get off a bit earlier.
27:10We're not very busy.
27:12Ah, well, I might as well stay.
27:15I've got nothing better to do, have I?
27:17I know you had fun with Betsy,
27:20but she wasn't good for you.
27:22I don't want to talk about it, to be honest.
27:31Actually, I am going to get off, if that's OK.
27:34Oh, of course, of course. Same time tomorrow?
27:47See you.
27:50Oh, gosh, you really are mad at me.
27:53You left me floundering in front of Mr Young.
27:55I looked like an idiot. Where were you?
27:57I'm sorry, I had to see you yesterday.
28:00Well, I thought I had a new lead.
28:01And did you?
28:03She'd already checked it out.
28:07Maybe leave the investigating to the professionals now, huh?
28:10Good idea.
28:12Do you think it might also be a good idea to have a couple of days off,
28:15bit of personal leave to clear your head?
28:17No, I don't need to clear my head.
28:19The opposite, in fact.
28:22Look, I'm sorry for missing the meeting.
28:24That was unprofessional, but I assure you, Adam,
28:26my head is still in the game.
28:29After I saw Swain, I went through Mr Young's file.
28:32Drawn up some draft paperwork for him to have a look at.
28:35Send him those?
28:36He'll be begging for us to represent him.
28:41Back to London, did you, Liv?
28:44Never heard of it.
28:46Mum calls it clam, thinks she's posh.
28:48Well, is it posh?
28:50A bit boring, to be honest.
28:52Shouldn't have to go, cos of a milk like Mason.
28:55Yeah, well...
28:57What happened between you two, anyway?
28:59I told you. Got bored of him.
29:01I prefer a lad to hear something about them.
29:07Here comes the milk.
29:09Oh, hi. Fancy seeing you here.
29:11I've seen the picture you put on your socials.
29:13You having fun?
29:14He's going to the cinema, that's all.
29:16Oh, that's cute, innit?
29:17Has Daddy given you a bit of pocket money for some parkour, has he?
29:20Yeah, I'm bored of this conversation. You can leave now.
29:23Who are you to tell me anything?
29:26Do you know what? You're not even worth it.
29:28Do you know what? You're not even worth it.
29:30You're well-suited to each other, you know that?
29:32Pair of butters!
29:34Hi, Fiz.
29:36It's Beth.
29:37Erm, listen, can you pass my details on to your old boss at the Norfolk factory, please?
29:43And put a good word in for me.
29:45I've decided to take the job, after all.
29:48Thanks, love. Bye.
29:51I knew it.
29:53All that stuff you were saying in there about the factory begging you to take that job,
29:57I knew it was lies.
29:58Oh, please don't tell Kirky.
30:00This is Kit's doing, isn't it?
30:02I don't know what you mean.
30:04There is no way that you would leave Kirk and Peanut and Craig and Bertie
30:08if you had a choice.
30:10Look, I've messed up, OK?
30:12I've got no job.
30:14I could get back with Kirky, but you and I both know that I'd just mess it all up again.
30:19I just need a fresh start.
30:22And Fiz really enjoyed her time at the factory.
30:25Look, there's loads of reasons I'm doing this.
30:28Look, can you just drop it, please? Cos this is hard enough as it is.
30:45Can I, er...
30:47come and say goodbye to Bertie?
30:51Course you can.
30:53You can have breakfast with us tomorrow, if you like.
31:00Who called you?
31:02I did.
31:03Have you spoken to anyone?
31:05Yeah, he's gone checking something over.
31:07He didn't sound too optimistic.
31:09So, well done.
31:10Oh, excuse me, but why am I getting it in the neck?
31:13Cos you're the one that convinced her to invest.
31:16Look, legit. Dad looked over the business plan.
31:19We saw the figures, didn't we, from the other resource centres?
31:22You should have told me.
31:24Right, I've spoken to my colleague and it's like I thought,
31:28there's nothing we can do.
31:30This is a civil matter, not a criminal one.
31:32What? You are joking!
31:34They have stolen her money!
31:36Well, from what Amy's told me, she invested in the company willingly.
31:39Unless she can prove some sort of criminality.
31:41Well, like what?
31:43Threats to join the business, blackmail,
31:45or if she can prove they committed fraud by misrepresenting themselves.
31:49I'm sorry.
31:51So there's nothing we can do?
31:53Well, you can always instruct a lawyer and go through the civil courts,
31:56but in all likelihood, you'll end up spending more money on legal fees
31:59than she lost in the first place.
32:14See you back then?
32:16Well noticed.
32:17Oh, did Tommy dump you?
32:19No, came back to see my family.
32:22All right.
32:24You seem disappointed, Nina.
32:26No, I don't.
32:27Yes, you do.
32:28I'm not disappointed. I'm just bored.
32:30And you want the goss.
32:31Well, not today and not from me, thank you.
32:34Hey, Tracy, have you seen Steve and Amy?
32:37Oh, is everything all right?
32:39Oh, mind your beeswax, goss detective.
32:43I've just come back from the police station, thanks to your missus.
32:46OK. What did they say?
32:48Nothing. Washed the hands of it.
32:50Said it's a civil matter.
32:52Steve's at the house now with Amy, and she's in bits.
32:55I'm sorry.
32:56I'm not giving up. I'm going to get her money back.
32:59Well, hang on.
33:00I'm going to go and see that Rowan.
33:02Tell him I'll drag him through the courts myself if I have to.
33:06OK, but you can't do that on your own.
33:08Don't worry. Not going to hurt him.
33:11OK. I'll come with you.
33:13Right. Come on, then.
33:17Peace offering.
33:20You were right.
33:22Mr Young wants us to start straight away on his case.
33:25My pleasure.
33:26I'm sorry for doubting you.
33:30I can hardly blame you, can I?
33:32My head's been all over the place recently, so...
33:34It's understandable.
33:35You haven't had any time off work since it all kicked off with Joe.
33:38That's all I meant earlier.
33:39Maybe you needed a little time off to look after yourself, that's all.
33:42I appreciate your concern, Adam,
33:44but, honestly, work is the only thing keeping me going, so...
33:47Well, thanks to you, I've got plenty of it for the time being.
33:50But if you ever change your mind, let me know, OK?
33:53Now, crack this open.
33:56I feel awful, Amy.
33:59I shouldn't have sent the money.
34:01Why not? That's what I wanted.
34:03I had a niggle and I should have listened to it.
34:06No doubt Tracey convinced you to ignore that.
34:08Well, maybe so, but the final decision was mine.
34:12It's not your fault, Grandad.
34:14Or Mum's.
34:15No, Leanne's the cause of all this.
34:17Yeah, I'm not arguing with that.
34:19She was very convincing when she said the investment was for Amy's future.
34:23You don't have a good mind to confront her for tricking me.
34:26I wouldn't bother. It's like talking to a brick wall.
34:29Leanne didn't trick you.
34:31I've been thinking about this.
34:33I don't think she realises
34:35what she's doing.
34:37I think she genuinely believes in the Institute.
34:40That's very magnanimous of you.
34:43Well, she doesn't have my money, does she?
34:45And she was going to invest her own money in the project as well.
34:48She's a victim too.
34:51What made Leanne change her mind about investing?
34:55I'm not sure.
34:58So, meet yourself at home.
35:03I thought you were going to the cinema.
35:05Yeah, went to the arcade instead.
35:07No, we're going to watch a film here.
35:09Oh, are you now?
35:11You off out? You look gorge.
35:14Thank you. Yes, it's Beth's impromptu leaving, dear.
35:19She left ages ago, didn't she?
35:21The factory, yes, but she's moving down to Norfolk tomorrow.
35:24Blimey, well, send her my love.
35:26I will do.
35:28Right, then. Behave yourselves. Don't stay up too late.
35:31Yes, all right.
35:34OK, then.
35:36Bye. See you later.
35:42All right for a dad, innit?
35:44Yeah, well, he has his moments.
35:46Do you want a drink?
35:48Got any vodka?
35:50Sorry, I meant soft.
35:52Yeah, whatever's fine.
35:58Hey, don't let Mason get to you, yeah?
36:01Shouldn't I be saying that to you?
36:03I could feel you shaking when he was talking to you.
36:05I wasn't.
36:07I don't care about that loser.
36:09He's a reformed bad boy, his stick is lame.
36:11He'll mess up sooner or later.
36:16Do you really have to move back down to London?
36:19I'd miss you if you went.
36:22Well, nothing's setting us down, but...
36:25maybe I could find a way to persuade you to stay.
36:31Why not? There must be jobs nearer.
36:33It's a decent job.
36:35Fiz really liked it there.
36:39Me and Kirk, you're a no-go, so...
36:43we just need a fresh start.
36:45Are you sure there's nothing else going on here, Mum?
36:47You can tell me.
36:50No, it's just like I said.
36:54Well, when do you go?
36:57Why me?
36:59They want me to start straight away.
37:01So I'll go and get settled,
37:03and then I'll just get the rest of my stuff in a few weeks.
37:06Well, I could drive it over for you.
37:09Oh, baby, you're such a good kid.
37:13You're always looking out for other people,
37:15and making sacrifices to keep them happy.
37:19I'm dead proud of you.
37:22I'm sorry, I'm getting really soppy, aren't I?
37:26I'm going to miss you.
37:30Me too.
37:36You will keep an eye on Kirky for me, won't you?
37:39Of course I will.
37:41You will keep an eye on Kirky for me, won't you?
37:44Of course.
37:46I bet you're going to miss her.
37:48All that free babysitting.
37:50I'm not bothered about that.
37:52It's Bertie.
37:53He'll be devastated when he finds out.
37:55I know.
37:57It's a shame about your son.
38:02You think so?
38:03I'd have thought you'd have been pretty pleased
38:05with this entire situation.
38:08I know it's down to you that she's going.
38:10I don't know what you're talking about.
38:15Too much of a coward to admit it.
38:18Listen, I've had a really long day,
38:20and I could just do without the conflict, mate.
38:22Oh, could you? What a nice guy.
38:24Hey, why don't you go home?
38:26Me? What have I done?
38:28Is there a problem there?
38:30No, Daniel was just about to take the lady's advice and go home.
38:39What do I say if she comes back?
38:46I know, I shouldn't have let Leanne talk me into it.
38:49I knew it was too quick.
38:51I'm sorry.
38:52I've got to go.
38:54Nick, Tracy, nice to see you again.
38:56I can't say the same.
38:58I spoke with Leanne, and she explained
39:00Amy was having a wobble about her investment.
39:02A wobble?
39:03Yeah, a wobble.
39:05She explained Amy was having a wobble about her investment.
39:07A wobble? That's an understatement.
39:09She wants nothing more to do with you or your sham of a company.
39:13Let's be careful with our words now.
39:15We wouldn't like to say something we'd regret.
39:17Oh, no, you're right.
39:18Did I say sham?
39:20I meant scam.
39:21Where is my daughter's money?
39:23As I explained to Leanne,
39:25as far as I'm aware, it went straight to the parent company.
39:28That's as much as I know.
39:29I have nothing to do with the financial side of things.
39:32Yeah, of course.
39:33You wouldn't want to get your hands dirty, would you?
39:35What I am certain of is that Amy and her investment
39:38will be well taken care of.
39:40Maybe if I could talk to her...
39:41Are you deaf?
39:42She don't want out to do with you.
39:44And I don't want you near her to manipulate her again.
39:47I can assure you that is not what happened.
39:49Amy and your father approved of everything.
39:51It's all above board.
39:54You're welcome to consult a lawyer if you have any concerns.
39:58Oh, don't worry. We will.
40:00Come on, Nick. It's pointless.
40:10Something to add?
40:13Give Amy her money back.
40:15I'm going to report you to the police for blackmail.
40:17You'd expose your affair to Leanne?
40:19Yeah. Yeah, I would.
40:22Push things too far.
40:24And do the right thing for one's own, OK?
40:38No joy?
40:39No. He'll be busy. He'll be sorting this.
40:43Look, I know you think he's a devil incarnate, but he...
40:46We... We just want to help people, including Amy.
40:50What happened in that session earlier?
40:52You both looked really shaken by it.
40:54She was really upset.
40:56I've done a few malware sessions,
40:58and it is horrible when people are shouting awful things at you.
41:01But you do it knowing that they're going to feel that same ecstasy
41:04that you did when the group billed you back up again.
41:07A classic brainwashing technique.
41:09A classic therapeutic technique.
41:11OK. OK. Go on.
41:14It was just seeing Amy go through all that.
41:17She's family. It just...
41:20I don't know. It just hit home.
41:22I don't know. It just hit harder.
41:25It just made me wonder.
41:29Wonder what?
41:31Nothing. It doesn't matter.
41:33Look, I know everybody's panicking cos there's a lot of money involved,
41:36and I understand that.
41:38Amy made a decision and now she's having second thoughts,
41:40but it doesn't mean it was the wrong decision.
41:42Sure, but if she's changed her mind, then she should get her money back.
41:45I mean, you must agree with that.
41:47Well, yeah, of course I do, and she will.
41:49I'm sure she'll get it back.
41:51I'll ring Rowan again.
42:02What you doing drinking here all on your own?
42:04Thought I should get used to it.
42:07Well, not quite yet, eh?
42:11What's this?
42:13It's a very impromptu leave-and-do.
42:15The others will be along soon.
42:17If we'd have had a bit more notice,
42:20Oh, yeah, I'm sorry about that.
42:22It all happened a bit quick, really.
42:24You telling me? I've just got a call from Norfolk
42:26asking me for a reference for you.
42:28Yeah? Which I gave them, by the way.
42:30Thank you. I didn't mention why you quit
42:32or the fact that you like gabbing more than you work in
42:35or the fact that you like a two-hour lunch break.
42:37I do not! You do.
42:39I concentrate more on the fact that you're a good machinist.
42:42Oh, thank you. Because you are.
42:44Right, drinks are on me. Yes!
42:48So, come on, then.
42:50You sure you're ready for this? It all seems a bit last-minute.
42:53Yeah. It's not going to be the same without you.
42:57And we'll miss you.
42:59I'll miss you, too. Aww.
43:01Hi, Rowan, it's me again.
43:03Listen, I just want to know if there's an update on Amy's money.
43:06She just needs a bit of reassurance, that's all.
43:11Hey, where have you been?
43:13I went with Tracy to see Rowan.
43:15What, you've seen him? Yes. And?
43:17And he said it's out of his hands.
43:19What, he's not even going to try and get the money back?
43:21Of course he's not. Well, why are you saying it like that?
43:23Like what? Like only an idiot would believe that he would.
43:26I'm not calling you an idiot. Well, you both think it. I know you do.
43:29I don't. I think you've been manipulated, just like Amy.
43:32And I wish that you'd open your eyes and see what Rowan's really like.
43:35No, you're wrong. Well, I wish we were.
43:37Well, you are. What are you doing now?
43:39I'm ringing Rowan again. I'm going to get some answers.
43:41And he will sort this. I know he will.
43:43Good luck with that. I'll leave you to it.
43:46Yeah, me too.
43:51Hi, this is Rowan. Please leave a message after the beep.
44:04Stay with us here on ITV1 as Platform 7 is right here next.