Arsenio Hall Show

  • 2 days ago
00:03Break it up!
00:09Hello, Space 29!
00:11That's how my studio is on Melrose Avenue
00:15in the heart of Hollywood, California.
00:18Everything you want to say
00:20is what you want to hear.
00:22Why don't we go over and take a look at the whole show style!
00:26Give me a hug!
00:29Tonight, our city awesomes!
00:31Terrence McFarland!
00:33The new movie monsters, Richard Rico!
00:37Actress, Sean Nunn!
00:39And the rock stars of Living Syndicate!
00:43And now, Charlie!
00:44Downers Jones!
00:45Salt Lake City!
00:47And all the rest of y'all!
00:49It's time for City of Hearts!
01:23Yeah, come on!
01:24Oh, boy, this is a posse, and those people over there
01:32are people who think that Harrison Ford
01:35is the best-made American car you can buy.
01:39Oh, boy, welcome to the show.
01:44I should say the Arsenio Hall Show.
01:46I'm your host.
01:47Thank you very much.
01:48I am Cindy, formerly of the Brady Bunch.
01:52I'm the youngest one in curls.
01:54You remember me.
01:57Interesting item in the USA today, a K-Mart in Medina, Ohio.
02:04Are you from Medina?
02:06You work at K-Mart?
02:09You shop at K-Mart?
02:13In Medina, Ohio, the K-Mart has a new thing happening.
02:16They're open 24 hours a day.
02:18It's the first one in this country to be open
02:2024 hours a day, offering blue-light specials
02:23to customers around the clock.
02:28Isn't that a great idea, huh?
02:30Oh, yeah.
02:31Oh, yeah.
02:32I can't tell you how many times at, like, 3 in the morning
02:38I've been sitting on the edge of my bed, mad in a cold sweat,
02:42because I couldn't go no place right then
02:44and buy a garden weasel.
02:4724 hours a day, I can go to K-Mart now.
02:51You know, they can only do this in Medina.
02:53Well, let's just say they can't do it here in LA.
02:56You know what I mean?
02:57I mean, other K-Marts, other places could do it.
02:59But here, when you see blue lights flashing
03:03at 3 o'clock in the morning, you know what it means.
03:07It means Rodney King, look out, it's hammer time.
03:11This is LA.
03:20Oh, I have an impression for you.
03:22I've been working on this all night.
03:28See, if we had a K-Mart here, I wouldn't have to sit up
03:30doing impressions.
03:31I could be out buying some Focal Brand underwear.
03:34Okay, this is my impression of Pete Rose watching the Hall of Fame induction ceremony on television
03:44with a friend, okay?
03:50I have to do this.
03:52All the great impressionists turn around.
03:55All right, I told you they wouldn't pick me.
04:02Pay up!
04:03Thank you very much.
04:04Long distance, Mike.
04:08Thank you very much.
04:11If you close your eyes during that, you almost felt that Pete Rose was here.
04:28Yeah, yeah.
04:29That's Chuck.
04:30He's got all the funk.
04:32We've got Actress Shea.
04:33Richard Griggle.
13:42I'm serious.
13:43I know.
14:41that just reminded me of something since you were last here
14:44haven't you added someone to your family? Yeah, I have a daughter who's now...
14:51I don't want to feel like people clap for that because we all know how you get a daughter and still when you
14:58announce it, people say, yes, we did it!
15:06She's just turned one, she's walking and starting to talk and everything, it's real exciting.
15:11Yeah, can we go back to when you were young? Last time we talked about...
15:19We talked about jobs that you had and I learned about one that I didn't know about that trip.
15:26You were a yacht cook? No, I was a steward on a yacht on Lake Michigan. It was a yacht that...
15:33Yeah, I think she's a mermaid from Michigan, I'm not sure what that was for.
15:38It was owned by a bachelor guy who entertained and I was both a cook and a waiter,
15:47steward they call it on a boat. I wore a little white jacket and a little peak cap. Were you good at it?
15:55I thought I was real good, yeah. I'm not sure what it takes. I didn't know how to compare it with
16:00anything else because I'd never done it before but I thought it was good. I enjoyed being a
16:05waiter. I was a waiter one other time and I thought it was a great job, real easy to do successfully
16:12and seldom done well, so I like those kinds of jobs. And then I found an interview where
16:21you talked about what you wanted to be when you were little and this I'm not sure why
16:25and I'm not even sure what it is. What's a coal man? He's the guy that moves the coal from the
16:32front of the house to the coal chute in the back in a wheelbarrow. I lived in Chicago and they used
16:39to come down the street and I'd dump a big pile of coal in front of the house and I used to sit
16:43in my window on the first floor and watch a guy come out with a wheelbarrow and a shovel and he
16:47scoop up the coal and put it into the wheelbarrow and wheel it to the back
16:51and by the end of the day the pile was all gone. I thought it was a great job.
16:57Now why? Because you could see progress being made. You could see there was something
17:02very satisfying about it. I don't know, it impressed me a lot when I was a kid.
17:07I also like the sound of the shovel on the on the ground. It's a real satisfying sound.
17:14Yeah, when you came out you had all these kids screaming for you. How old are you?
17:22You see how I snuck into that one? It's like, yeah, it's good to see you. Nice jeans. Hey, how old are you?
17:2749, man. Are you really? 49, yeah, I was 49 this year. When is your birthday? July 13th.
17:34Ah, that's great. When I'm 49, I hope there's still 16-year-olds saying,
17:40you know, I mean,
17:41I mean, regarding Harrison, that still feels good. Um, it's great.
17:58You, um, you chose another haircut for this lawyer. Um, you know, you remember during, uh, Presumed
18:05Innocent, um, newspapers, we were lumped together a lot. They were, we were the most hated haircuts
18:11on the planet. Yeah. And, uh, they kind of like us both a little better this year. Yeah, we both grew
18:17out of it. Yeah. Um, why did you choose this particular haircut? You always have an interesting
18:22story. This haircut? Yeah. I'm just trying to look and see what this haircut is. It's just a haircut. I'm, uh...
18:29I don't know, man. I know, because you had, you had like a reason for the last one, and I thought
18:38maybe there might be a reason for this one. I mean, you wanted to make that guy... Well, I'm, well,
18:41I'm starting a film in September, and I'll have a haircut for that guy. And then I'll come back
18:47and tell you the haircut story for that one. But this is my own personal civilian haircut.
19:01Um, any special preparation to get this guy in focus? What was the thing you did with the cards?
19:07Oh, we did a lot of research on this, because it was something... Well, first of all, because it
19:11was something I didn't know anything about, and I wanted to be, uh, as accurate as we could be about
19:16it. So we, uh, we talked to a lot of doctors, neurologists. We talked to a lot of, um,
19:25therapists, speech therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists.
19:30We went to rehabilitation centers and observed people who were in the process of recuperation.
19:38And then, because we were shooting out of sequence, I took, uh, you know, I made a kind of graph of the
19:43progress of, of, uh, uh, his faculties as they came back, and just made little reference cards
19:49for myself so I could check where we were. Yeah, now where'd you get that idea from? Had you ever
19:54done that before? With, with cards in school? Yeah, it just, it was just seemed an easy way
20:02to organize things. Do you do it for every movie? I have done it before. When, when something's out
20:07of sequence and there's a kind of build and progression to something, I, it's just an easy
20:11way of knowing where you're at. Yeah, um, you do a great job in this, and I don't say it just because
20:17there's a guy from Paramount with a gun behind, no, um, and you do a great job in this, and, and,
20:22and I wish you luck. It's doing well. Oh, it's well. You're gonna do pretty well, too. Thanks for coming back. Harrison Ford regarding Henry in the theater.
20:31My next guest leaked from 21 Jump Street to his own series, Cooker.
20:48He currently stars in a new movie called Mobsters, and here's something interesting. Instead of
20:53running around chasing women at clubs and stuff like that, you know what he does in his spare time?
20:58He grows roses.
21:06Yeah, he grows roses like David Duke has jungle fever. Please welcome Richard Grieco.
21:58Okay, here's the, uh, here's the automatic first question. Where did you buy that rose, man?
22:14No, I just, I just, uh, flew back from New York about four hours ago, and, uh, I came to my house and saw
22:21all my roses, and I said, I haven't seen those in a while, and I went around and picked some, and...
22:26Richard. What? Stop, man. You don't grow roses.
22:35I have, like, three tiers of, like, 180 rose bushes, and I go out there and, like,
22:41pick them and prune them and...
22:49Let's talk about mobsters.
22:51Um, you play Bugsy? Yeah, Benny Sigel. Ah, now what is he like?
22:59Wow, um, what was great about the character, he's a contradiction within himself. He, uh, on one hand,
23:06he's a, he's a lady, he's a ladies man and a gentleman, you know, and, and, uh, kind of angelic
23:12in a way, and, uh, on the other hand, he's a cold-blooded psychotic killer, you know, and it's
23:20kind of a big contradiction, I know, but there's always a through line when, when, when he's even
23:25in a trivial conversation that you know he could snap at any second, you know. Yeah. Yeah, and it
23:30was a lot of fun to play. I mean, I mean, it was interesting to play. I saw a lot of the trailers,
23:39and you look good in the suit, man. I know you don't wear suits that often, but you look good in the suit.
23:50You start wearing more suits? I, uh, um, those suits were amazing. I mean, they're all handmade.
23:56I mean, I had 28 suits that were handmade. Did you have to make them, or did somebody,
24:03along with throwing roses, are you sitting with a butterwick pattern now?
24:11Um, no, um, no, but they were like handmade, and, and I had shoes handmade, and
24:19all my socks were, you know, like these silk socks, and, and hats were handmade, and jackets, and uh,
24:27it just kind of really got you into that period, you know. Yeah. Were you comfortable? Did you,
24:31did you like it? Will you wear more suits now? Um, I still like my leather jackets and jeans, you know.
24:40But, uh, uh, I mean, I like suits, and, and, uh, uh, they were, they were fun to wear, you know,
24:46they're a lot of fun, yeah. Uh, we have a clip. What's in this clip? Uh, this is a scene where it's my
24:52best friend in the film, and, uh, see, the thing about the mob and business, it's all about business,
24:59and it's not about friendship, and, uh, that's what the scene's about, yeah. Okay, Sandy, go.
25:05Talk to me. How's Charlie?
25:08Charlie's tough. If I'd have known, I'd have done something about it. It wasn't your fault.
25:20That's why I'm here. We've been friends a long time, huh, Tommy? A long time. Yeah.
25:27You know what Charlie always says? This is America, and everything has money.
25:39I think I remember hearing that somewhere, somewhere. But this ain't money, Tommy. This is friendship.
26:01commercial. We'll be right back.
26:17I think, uh, in an upcoming movie, Warren Beatty is going to play the same character.
26:25Yeah. You're playing, it's going to be like, like Bugsy the Geritol Years, but it's,
26:29it's, uh, you know, it's, it's another, it's another, hey, you can take your ass over
26:38when, if you want to. I'd say what I want to say, it's called the Geritol Years. I'm naming it.
26:46He's old.
26:52Have you heard of, oh, you say that about Warren? What? Good friends of the Beatty family.
27:05What do you know about Bugsy? Tell me more about the character.
27:09Well, um, he was, he, he was an interesting character because he was, he was really a
27:14Bane person in a way. Uh, this is true. He used to go to bed with like a chin strap around his
27:20face and like face cream on and like this ice pack around his eyes and like lie in bed like this all
27:28night. And like the next day he would like, go kill somebody, you know? So it was a contradiction.
27:34Yeah. Uh, he had a fetish about shoes too. Like if you would've came over his house,
27:39like if your shoes had like a scuff mark on it, he wouldn't let you in the house.
27:44He'd send his, his, his bodyguard to go get you a new pair of shoes
27:47and then you'd be able to come in the house after you got the shoes. Yeah. And then I think about
27:52balding too. He always thought he was going to go bald. So he kept playing with his hair all the
27:55time. And, uh, he wasn't going bald, but since he was playing with his hair all the time, it started
28:00to recede. Yeah. Well, and now he was normal. He was normal. So the movie that Warren is doing,
28:12what is this one? That takes Benny, uh, hated being called Bugsy. He hated it with a passion.
28:18Oh, uh, just because it was a label that, that he got actually he and Meyer Lansky got the label of
28:25the two bugs and, uh, Meyer got out of that label and, uh, Benny kept it because he was very
28:30flamboyant and such a ladies man and a killer. And, and, uh, they kept calling him Bugsy. Uh,
28:36Warren's movie takes place in the later years when, uh, when, uh, the Geritol here
28:49place when he forms Vegas and the Virginia Hill thing. And, uh, and, uh,
28:57the, uh, the later years in Vegas and, uh, his, his, uh, his death. And when he died
29:06so yeah, he's playing Benny Siegel also. Yeah, he is. Yeah. Bugsy. He didn't like the name Bugsy.
29:14I hated it. Would he kill you if you called it? He, uh, he's been known to, I mean, not me back
29:19then. He was known to get very angry when someone called him Bugsy, uh, cause he wanted to be
29:24accepted by social circles. And, uh, but his other extracurricular activities weren't very accepted.
29:32And, uh, but I thought he was not a nice guy, but, uh, he was definitely got his point across.
29:40You know, as you saw there, he definitely got his point across. You know, whenever you're here,
29:46I always noticed this about you. The ladies come out during the commercials and they try to help
29:51us out. They make sure your hair's all right and straighten up your collar and do those kinds of
29:55things. So we're looking nice for television and you seem real uncomfortable. You're like,
30:00get out of here. Do you hate to be pampered? Uh, yeah, yeah, I do. I, um, I mean, I'm a, I always
30:09consider myself kind of like a meat and potatoes actor, you know? I mean, I'm just kind of like a
30:13guy who I love to act and I love him more than anything in the world, but, um, I hate to be
30:18pampered and that's pretty much why I do all my own stunts. You know, I do all my own driving
30:22and shooting and jumping and running and all that stuff. I like physical stuff, man. I like to,
30:33um, when you leave the set, sometimes do you do things to just go totally against that
30:38lifestyle? Well, I tie box. I've been tie boxing for about a year, which is not, uh, normal,
30:44you know, no pampering there. No. And I, you know, I have five Harleys and I ride them all the time.
30:49And, uh, I have a couple of fast cars that, uh, I like to drive now and then. You're a real man, Richard.
31:04Harley, that's a good American bike. Loud.
31:09But I've been riding them since I was like 14, so I didn't hop any on any bandwagon.
31:13Right. You know, I've been riding since I was like 14 years old. You know, I've been
31:17always kind of like, uh, yeah, that. Yeah. Yeah. Engaged, getting married. How's your love life?
31:23I have no girlfriend or nothing.
31:35They scream for anything. What do you think of Clarence Thomas?
31:38I think it would be a good job.
31:48I'm glad you stopped by, man. Me too. Me too.
31:54Isn't that wonderful? That was nice, actually. Yeah. It was a touching, sentimental moment.
31:59Yep. A man, a sex symbol, and his fans.
32:05This is Richard Grieco. Monsters Open tomorrow.
32:23Yeah. Um, my, my next guest is a popular actress, uh, whose beauty and talent has been seen in such
32:30films as, uh, Blade Runner. She was with Harrison in, in Blade Runner, uh, No Way Out, Cousins,
32:37and, uh, her most recent, A Kiss Before Dying. Please welcome Shawn Young.
32:47All right. Um, you, you weren't born in Cleveland, but you're kind of a Cleveland girl,
33:07aren't you? Cleveland Heights. Cleveland Heights. Oh, you go to high time? Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah.
33:12In Roxborough. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What are Cleveland girls like? How would you describe
33:16Cleveland girls? God, it's been so long since I've been in Cleveland, I don't even remember.
33:20I got in a lot of fist fights in Cleveland Heights. Really? Yeah. I didn't, uh, I didn't
33:26have a good time in Cleveland Heights. You know, the moment I could graduate, I left and
33:30never went back. And where were you born? Where was I born? Louisville, Kentucky. That's right.
33:36Well, I've never been on this show before. I'm a little nervous. I know, it's been a little
33:40long. Anyway, no, Kentucky. What, what's wrong? I just like to check your audience out and see
33:49them all. That's a great audience. What's this Catwoman thing? Is it over now? I hope it's over.
34:01Well, it's over because it's over because as far as I'm concerned, it's over because I don't have
34:04the part. That's why it's over. Who got the part? Michelle did. Michelle Pfeiffer. And Annette
34:11Binning. Who's wonderful. Who's like, it's not about like that. You know what I mean? It's
34:15nothing. I love other actresses. I know what they go through. So, you know. You just wanted the part.
34:20Yeah. Yeah. Now, now, apparently Annette Binning had the part. And, uh, Warren. Good old Warren.
34:28Let's see, his child will be 15. He'll be 75.
34:36They're very serious. Hey, hey, I'm sorry. He told me to say that. Yeah, it's my fault. Bad
34:41host. They're real sensitive about Warren. I don't know what the deal is. What is this? You
34:46got that Warren thing? No, no, I just, I said, I said like, uh, Jared, what did I say? I said,
34:52it was the Geritol years. And they flipped out like, hey, he's a nice man. Leave him alone.
34:59You know, it's like, you know, women love Warren. Yeah.
35:07Um, you were actually supposed to do, uh, Dick Tracy with him, right? I did seven days on it.
35:12Oh God. Do we really have to talk about Warren? Oh, no, no. You're from Cleveland, right?
35:17Absolutely. That's why I asked you about that. How'd you get out? We don't have to talk about
35:21Warren. I know, really, let's not. But seven days. Seven days. Doing what? I played chess.
35:29I was playing chess. Okay. Okay. We, we can move on. I don't know. Yeah, that's like ancient
35:33history. Yeah, it sure is. But every now and then you want to talk about history. Like say,
35:37for instance. I have some things I want to talk about. Okay. I didn't actually see the
35:41segment that Woods did with you. Oh, I don't want to talk about that. Okay. You owe me one. I don't
35:47want to talk about that. Okay. I don't want to get into, uh. I'll do all the talking. You just
35:51listen here. Hold on. Okay. Can I, okay. I only have a little bit to say about it. Cause as far
35:56as I know, he said like he was just in the, in between a cat fight. Yeah. He said he was
36:01window dressing to a cat fight. Okay. Okay. Now I gotta, I gotta inform them, inform them and take
36:06them back a little bit. Uh, you did a movie with him called the boost and he was engaged. You guys
36:11all know this story. No. Okay. Real quick. Real quick. Um, okay. Uh, he was engaged. James Woods
36:22was engaged to a woman and we're doing a movie with you and something happened between you and
36:27this woman who we eventually married and he's divorced from now. Uh, correct. Correct. Okay.
36:32That was pretty good. Okay. Now go. He said it was a cat fight, which would imply it would give
36:38you the impression that we were both like fighting over him. Right. Which really wasn't the
36:42situation. And then he said he was just standing up, you know, with his wife to try to protect her.
36:48Right. But that would, that, I mean, if he really wanted to be honorable, if he really wanted to be
36:54honorable, then he would, then he would not have, you know, chased me throughout the movie. And,
37:00and he wasn't really telling the truth here. Do you know what I mean? The truth is, is that he,
37:05he conspired with a woman illegally setting something like a doll in front of his doorstep,
37:13calling the police, using the legal system for a vindictive endeavor, his own vindictive endeavor.
37:21So it's not really like two women were fighting after him. It's more like his, the woman he was
37:26with was so insanely jealous and insecure that she started kind of going crazy, you know? So
37:31that's really what is more accurate, but I didn't actually see the segment that he was on with you,
37:36but I'd heard about it and I just wanted to comment. Yeah, I, well, I could help but to
37:41notice you said he chased you all through the movie. Did he catch you? No. Because you know
37:47what I mean by, did he catch you? Yeah, you may, you mean. No, but I'm sure he wanted to.
37:58Oh, I bet he did. Yeah, I mean, but that's like the kind of sexism that exists in the business.
38:06I mean, there's a lot, look, the Ku Klux Klan isn't right either, is it? But it exists, you know,
38:10the kind of, the kind of sexism and, and, and the way that, you know, no, it's a scary thing. It's
38:17a scary thing when you're an actress. Everybody wants to say that the actress is crazy because
38:21it's the woman, but there are plenty of actors out there that are like, you know, loony, loony, loony,
38:26but nobody ever says a thing about it because it's like, for some reason, we're not supposed
38:31to talk about that and I think possibly there are a lot of women who, who don't know how to,
38:35like, fight back, basically. But, you know, I'm sitting here with you and you're wearing these,
38:40these shorts and, and what you're wearing and I can understand what happened to him, you know. I
38:45can too, but that doesn't mean you turn into somebody who lies and conspires and then uses
38:51that in a public, like, a publicity way to then create some kind of personal revenge. That is sick,
38:59you know, that is a damaged person, okay? And you heard it first here, okay?
39:03Okay, we'll take commercial and come right back with Sonya.
39:21Uh, okay, while we're, we're on the, we're on the, uh, topic of accusations and stuff and you
39:29dealing with all of it, I read in Premiere Magazine that Kevin Costner said you had an
39:33ego problem. What did you all do together? We did No Way Out. Oh, did you read that quote?
39:38I did read it, I did read it. I was very hurt by Kevin during that whole period because, I mean,
39:43obviously, if somebody, you know, I, I work on a movie with Woods in 87 and then, like,
39:48nine months later, I get this lawsuit, right? Yeah. And I think, for the first second, I think,
39:53this is a joke, right? A publicity stunt, right? And then I realized it's not and I, it was, it was,
39:58it, it decked me, actually, for, basically. And in that time, that article came out and,
40:06and then eight more months went, I went, like, a whole other year dealing with this
40:10harassment and Kevin never called me. And then I find out from the lawyers that he's met with Woods
40:17and his lawyers and I thought, wow, and he never called me once, you know? So, I figure that, I guess,
40:25the quote is true. I guess he really does think I have an ego problem, you know? But I don't know
40:29how he could, you know? I mean, I was real generous with him when, when I worked with him. So, like,
40:35who's got the ego problem, you know? Who's got the ego problem? Okay, let me let you have an
40:43opportunity. Yeah. To, um, tell me about Shawn. How would you describe her? Me? Yeah. Wow, you mean, like,
40:51for reals? Yeah, because everybody has their, you know, James has, has the story about the doll. Well, I don't wear my hair like this, for starters.
40:59Everybody has their opinions. I heard somebody say one time that fatal attraction was based on you.
41:04You heard when they, you know, they... Well, you know what's interesting about that? The guy who wrote it,
41:08James Dearden hired me for Kiss Before Dying. He had seen me in Tender is the Night, which was a BBC
41:15production, and he had named the character Shawn, S-E-A-N, because he had found my name, and he liked
41:21my acting, and he found my name, and then he changed it later to Alex, you know? But that's actually where
41:26that rumor got started, was because he wrote it, and he had seen my work in this BBC thing, and he
41:32saw that it was, like, a man's name, you know what I mean? And he wanted his character in Fatal
41:37Attraction to be kind of, like, have a man's name, you know? And he ended up changing it, because he
41:41hired me later for Kiss Before Dying, and I had never met him before, and partly that rumor was,
41:47what's the word, perpetuated by Woods himself. I mean, because there was a lot of slandering that
41:53he was doing of me during that time, and I stayed very quiet during that time. See, I'm glad you came
41:58by, because you get to straighten us out on all the things we've read and everything, and we're
42:03gonna have to take commercial, but in one word, how would you describe Shawn? In one word? There's
42:06not a word that could be. How about two words? Okay, two words. Two words. Ah, it's too much thought. Complicated and pretty. Well, I... Pretty. Pretty, yeah, that's it.
42:19Complicated and pretty. Yeah, that does it. Okay, that's good. That works for me. We'll take a
42:22commercial. We'll be right back. This is Shawn Young.
42:37After the Arsenio Hall shows, there's a new Hotel Niko at Beverly Hills. Once you get here,
42:43you know you've arrived. Conveniently located on the cutting edge of Los Angeles, it's LA's
42:46newest state with a style and elegance. Yes, I'll see you in 23 hours. Peace, and think number one.