
  • last month
00:00Previously on The Amazing Race Canada.
00:04It's like fool us once, whatever, shame on you.
00:06Fool us twice, shame on us.
00:07Play your emotional game, we're playing a strategic game.
00:09Tensions threaten to derail teams in Trois-Rivières, Quebec.
00:13This is awful.
00:14Michael, Jason, when are you guys going to do your chick?
00:17The Double Trouble curse ends now.
00:20Lauren and Nicole and Kevin and Gurleen jockeyed for first.
00:24With Double Trouble finally rising to the top.
00:27Team number one.
00:29The curse is broken, baby.
00:31And while Michael and Tyson and Taylor and Katie's race hung in the balance,
00:35it was the wrestlers who hit the mat last but weren't down for the count.
00:40This leg of the race is not over. You're still racing.
00:42We're 100 times more motivated to get back in this race.
00:47Right now in Montreal, Stade Saputo.
00:49This is going to be the challenge of the freaking decade.
00:54The six remaining teams are still racing the longest leg of the race for a chance to win
00:59the first ever 2024 Chevrolet Equinox EV RS,
01:04a trip for two around the world from Expedia,
01:07a quarter of a million dollars cash,
01:10and the amazing Race Canada.
01:24Go, go, go!
01:54It's an amazing race.
02:02Teams are now searching close to 20,000 seats to find two matching colored tokens.
02:07One containing the iconic Chevrolet bow tie logo and the other CF Montreal.
02:13Has anybody found one?
02:16Teams may only carry two tokens at a time.
02:18If they don't find two tokens with the same color, they will have to trade them with another team.
02:23The first three teams to turn in their matching tokens will win seats on the first train to their next destination.
02:29The clue says, understating seats on the concourse.
02:32I don't know how one creates a strategy for something like this.
02:38The method of searching for Colin right now is just search every seat we possibly can.
02:43There's a blind double pass ahead and we know that being on the first train
02:46will give us a bit of an advantage over the other teams.
02:50Okay, I just found an orange CF Montreal one.
02:53So we're looking for one of the matching Chevrolet ones.
02:56This is tough, dude.
02:58If I was a token, where would I be?
03:01You got one?
03:03I found the Chevrolet green one.
03:05What color you got?
03:06Literally nothing.
03:07Did you guys find anything?
03:09We ain't got nada.
03:11I got one, I got one, I got one.
03:13Yell, yell, yell.
03:15Our strategy at first is to find a couple of pieces to give us bargaining power.
03:19But after that, we know it's going to come down to a trade.
03:22If we need a yellow Chevrolet.
03:24Hopefully nobody's found it yet.
03:26Okay, this is like pure luck this game.
03:28So hopefully luck is on our side.
03:31Colin, I got one.
03:33Okay, right now I have black CF Montreal, orange CF Montreal token.
03:38Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt.
03:40What is it?
03:43We can't pick up this third matching token until we get rid of this black token.
03:47What color you got?
03:49Orange and black.
03:50Here, give him a black.
03:51You guys have extras?
03:52Colin just thinks he sees the orange one.
03:55All right, we have a Chevrolet token and a CF Montreal token.
03:58So now you have to go cash it in.
04:00Good job, good job.
04:01They got it, they got it.
04:02Thanks, boys, thanks.
04:04Thank you so much.
04:05There you go.
04:06Thank you so much.
04:07Nice job, guys.
04:09My friends are gone.
04:10Welcome to Cornwall, Ontario.
04:11Once there, find your next clue inside the all-new 2024 Chevrolet Traverse.
04:19Oh, we need a second one.
04:21We were almost eliminated last leg.
04:23Having a second chance means we have to reevaluate our strategy in this race.
04:29Being on this first train could make or break us.
04:32Katie, I found it.
04:35So we have to trade or give it to another team.
04:39Right here, right here.
04:40Yeah, we can't grab it though.
04:42So I need to give this one away.
04:44Right now we have our green token, we have a white token.
04:47Our green token's right there in the seat.
04:49Who has one token?
04:50We're going to stay right here.
04:51All we have to do is get rid of this white token and we're on the first train.
04:55We have a white one.
04:56Okay, we'll come get it.
04:58It means they found one.
04:59I think that they have an extra.
05:01Okay, so we're going to give you this one.
05:03We want the one under the seat.
05:06Where are we looking?
05:07No, this one. I'm giving you this one.
05:09Because the one that's here, it just doesn't match you anyways.
05:12But it matches you.
05:14Everybody's going to have to work together on this one.
05:18That's what we're doing right now.
05:19We'll get that.
05:20Let's help other people find theirs.
05:22At the end, we all switch together.
05:24It's done.
05:27Watch out.
05:28We'll take it.
05:29You guys want this?
05:30You guys want one?
05:31Here, take this white.
05:32Listen, though, if you take that,
05:34the one they need to be done is under.
05:37Because we're supposed to trade what we have.
05:39No kidding.
05:40You understand?
05:41Yeah, I know what you're saying.
05:46Sorry, guys, I caved. I caved.
05:52I grabbed the one he was sitting on.
05:55Snagged it.
05:56They were sitting on it and guarding it, but they had two,
05:58so they couldn't grab it.
05:59I was sitting on it, and I guess he's got it,
06:01because there's no way.
06:03He's got it underneath you sitting?
06:07So, Michael, you have the green?
06:11So, we're screwed.
06:14I think we got to keep looking.
06:15All right, let's go.
06:17Mike, I got your green one.
06:21I just don't want to play this game.
06:24So, there's no point.
06:26I'm prepared to just be here until 4 a.m.
06:29I like this.
06:30I like it.
06:31I like it.
06:33It's getting exhausting.
06:35Fake laughing, just cut it out.
06:37It's getting heated.
06:39It's getting spicy.
06:43All right, beauty.
06:44Let's go trade somebody.
06:45Should we just hang out here all day and have a tea party,
06:47or do you guys want to actually start working?
06:49Everybody's got somebody else's color.
06:52Nobody's willing to trade,
06:53because nobody wants to give somebody else a spot
06:56on that first train.
06:58In game theory, this challenge is called the Prisoner's Dilemma.
07:02We're essentially all locked in a cell,
07:04and we have the key for the other teams.
07:07Our best chance is to get the yellow token from Mike and Amari.
07:10Got two pieces that two teams that are very upset need.
07:13But what if we never get out of here?
07:18Come, Amari, come.
07:19We promise you, if we're on that first train,
07:22we will not double pass you guys.
07:24This is now a social game, and we're trying to solve the puzzle
07:27how we can get out of here and get on that first train.
07:30Guys, this is essentially what's going to happen.
07:32We're all going to search,
07:33and the only person who can pick up a token is Lauren and Nicole.
07:37So Lauren and Nicole, after all of us helping them,
07:40are going to find a token,
07:41and they're going to be out of here, one spot left.
07:44What's the point?
07:45When we have these tokens, we could trade.
07:48You guys, save us for the next leg.
07:50We don't need to be first.
07:51We just need to be not last.
07:53Guys, 100%.
07:54All right, here, take this.
07:55Give them that one.
07:56Thanks, boys.
07:57And now, let's go.
07:59Okay, I got you.
08:00Let's go.
08:02Thank you so much.
08:03Thanks for waiting all this time, too.
08:05Of course.
08:06Did we get to see you play soccer?
08:08Used to.
08:11For your hard work.
08:13It sucks working with Kevin and Gerleen.
08:15That's how you do it, baby.
08:17Let's go.
08:18They've crossed people in the past.
08:20I wouldn't be surprised
08:21if Kevin and Gerleen put our name up on the double pass
08:24because we did it to them.
08:25Train won.
08:26Train won.
08:27It's okay.
08:28I can't always be on top, right?
08:30Feel good boys are pissed right now.
08:32That's for sure.
08:33It's over.
08:35Everybody's upset.
08:37Like, maybe it's just our mannerism
08:39where we're just trying to have fun,
08:42and this is life or death for other people, so...
08:45It's a wrap.
08:46Could have been a wrap way earlier.
08:49All teams are now traveling over 100 kilometres
08:52on two separate trains arriving 15 minutes apart
08:55from downtown Montreal to the edge of Ontario
08:58in the city of Cornwall.
09:00On the first train are Colin and Matt,
09:02Kevin and Gerleen, and Taylor and Katie.
09:04On the second train, Michael and Tyson,
09:07Lauren and Nicole, and Michael and Amari.
09:10Today, teams will battle it out in Ontario's easternmost city
09:13as they get closer and closer to the final leg
09:16of the Amazing Race Canada.
09:18Once here, teams will choose an all-new
09:212024 Chevrolet Traverse
09:23and search a priceless collection of sports memorabilia
09:26found in the basement of superfan Tom Receive.
09:30Here, in this shrine to sports,
09:32teams will have 30 seconds to find one lucky puck
09:35with their mugs on it.
09:37Once found, they'll hit the street
09:39for a little game of street hockey.
09:41Hup, car!
09:44Game on!
09:48Once they've scored a goal,
09:50Hannah will give them their next clue.
09:57Where are you going?
09:59Bro, I told you to go that way.
10:01Baby, baby, come!
10:03I got it, I got it.
10:05Pluck your puck, find your team's hockey puck amongst thousands,
10:08then join a street hockey game to receive your next clue.
10:11Let's go, let's go, let's go.
10:13This is a nice rigged Chevrolet.
10:15Whoo-hoo! Friggin' A.
10:17I feel really confident that Matt and Colin
10:19will help us if needed.
10:21If we can help each other get out of this
10:23and leave Kevin and Gurleen in our dust,
10:26yeah, I think we gotta do it.
10:28Should I pass Matt and Colin?
10:30If you safely can.
10:32If we get to the pass board first,
10:34you can take a shot at a strong team in the back of the pack
10:37like Mike and Tyson or Lauren and Nicole.
10:39Let's go, baby, let's have some fun.
10:41First out of that train,
10:43gotta make sure that we find this puck super quick
10:46so we can get into the game.
10:48Luckily for us, we have a champion on our hands with Tyson Gillies.
10:51Since I retired from baseball, I joined the Deaf National Hockey Team.
10:54We just won a gold medal literally 2 days before I started this race.
10:57It's definitely a sport that's close to the heart.
11:00Michael and Tyson are in front of us currently.
11:03Hopefully we kind of broke away from Michael and Amari
11:06so we can get in there quicker.
11:08We are definitely not coming into this with a last-place mentality.
11:11Once we get there, it's really anybody's race.
11:14Game on!
11:18Who's ready to play hockey?
11:20We'll join you guys right away.
11:23We only have 30 seconds.
11:25There's 1,000 hockey pucks, and we need to find one.
11:28I saw John, baby, I saw John.
11:30It's a picture, right, our picture?
11:32Baby, it's just a picture.
11:34Look underneath the bottom as well.
11:37It's like a simple enough task, but there's a lot to look at.
11:41Our faces will be visible.
11:46Found it, found it, found it.
11:48We found ours. We're good to jump on.
11:50Let's do this, girls.
11:52You go, you go up. You got it, you got it.
11:54Let's go, girls.
11:59It's time for a switchback.
12:01In this switchback, teams will revisit a stinker of a challenge.
12:04Hot poop!
12:06Back in Season 2 in Charlottetown, PEI,
12:09Ryan and Rob had a pile of trouble
12:11digging through a mountain of cow manure during a speed bump.
12:15It's like digging for gold.
12:17Today, racers will need to find split rock farms in nearby Apple Hill.
12:21Teams will treasure hunt as they dig through Mount Alpacapoo
12:25to find their next clue.
12:27Once they've found their clue, racers will face the Pass Board.
12:31The poop, it's about to hit the fan.
12:33Bye, everyone. Let's go.
12:35I'm a hockey player.
12:37We're leaving in first place.
12:39I had a chance to play some street hockey,
12:41and it was a blast. I had so much fun.
12:45Okay, baby, let's go.
12:47I found ours.
12:49Yes, great job, baby, great job. Let's go.
12:51Guys, let's go. Let's go. Yeah, man, get it.
12:54I'm trying to take the ball from a kid that's on our team.
13:00But here's your clue.
13:02Search a giant pile of alpaca manure
13:04for a hidden bottle with your next clue inside.
13:06Let's go, let's go. Oh, my God. Okay, let's go.
13:08Where is Matt and Colin?
13:11They're probably playing MRE.
13:13There's thousands of pucks. Endless amount of pucks, endless amount of pucks.
13:16Right here. Got it?
13:18Friggin' A. Let's go.
13:20I don't know what picture we're looking for.
13:24That was 30?
13:2630 seconds goes by quick.
13:28Boys, go in the door. Look low. Your puck is right next to the door.
13:31Okay, which one?
13:34Okay, right here. Got it?