Surah Al Baqarah 51 to 100 in Urdu Translation | Al Quran | Qurani Ayat | Holy Quran | Allah

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Surah Al-Baqarah is the longest Surah in the Qur'an. The core theme of this Surah are the Laws of Islam and the importance of obeying them. This Surah was revealed in Madinah when the Islamic State was being formulated and the importance of the laws was crucial for the successful foundation of the state.Usually translated as “verse” or “sign.” Refers to divisions within surahs (chapters) of the Quran. Also used within Quranic texts to refer to evidence of God in nature, miracles confirming truth of prophetic message, revealed messages in general, or a fundamental point within a surah.

1. "A collection of Ayat (verses) revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on a specific theme or topic."
2. "A chapter of the Holy Quran, guiding us towards spiritual growth and enlightenment."
3. "A divine message from Allah, conveyed through the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)."
4. "A source of wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for believers."
5. "A testament to the unity, coherence, and beauty of the Quranic message."
6. "A revelation of God's mercy, forgiveness, and justice."
7. "A call to righteousness, compassion, and service to humanity."
8. "A reminder of the transient nature of life and the importance of seeking eternal blessings."
9. "A declaration of God's sovereignty, wisdom, and majesty."
10. "A source of comfort, solace, and strength for those who seek refuge in Allah."

#SurahAlFatiha (The Opening)
#SurahAlBaqarah (The Cow)
#SurahAlImran (The Family of Imran)
#AyatAlKursi (Throne Verse)
#AyatAnNur (Light Verse)
#AyatAlFatiha (Opening Verse)
00:00And We promised Moses forty nights, and then you began to worship the calf, and became
00:09But We forgave you despite this, so that you may be grateful.
00:14And We gave Moses a book and a miracle for your guidance.
00:19When Moses said to his people, O my people, you have made the calf a god and have wronged
00:27Now turn to your Creator, and kill one another.
00:30This is better for you in the sight of God.
00:33So he accepted your repentance.
00:35He is the one who accepts repentance and is the one who shows mercy and kindness.
00:40And remember him.
00:41You said to Moses, Until we see our Lord, we will not believe.
00:44In the punishment of this blasphemy, lightning fell on you when you saw him.
00:47And Moses said to his people, O my people, you have made the calf a god and have wronged
00:53But we forgive you despite this, so that you may be grateful.
00:58And We forgave you despite this, so that you may be grateful.
01:03And We gave you a cloud of shade, and put a veil over you, and said to you, Eat of the
01:09pure things that we have given you.
01:11And they did not oppress us, but they themselves were oppressing their own souls.
01:15And We said to you, Go into that town, and eat and drink whatever you want from anywhere,
01:22and prostrate at the door.
01:25And say with your tongue, We will forgive your sins.
01:29And we will give more to those who do good.
01:33Then those oppressors did what was said to them, and changed it.
01:38We also sent heavenly punishment on those oppressors because of their disobedience.
01:43And when Moses asked for water for his people, we said to him, Hit your stick on the stone,
01:49with which twelve springs burst forth.
01:51And each group recognized their own spring.
01:54And we said, Eat and drink of the provision of Allah, and do not cause disorder in the
02:00And when you said, O Moses, we will not be able to bear the same kind of food.
02:06So pray to your Lord that He may give us the harvest of the earth, saag, kakri, wheat,
02:13masoor, and onions.
02:16He said, Why do you ask for a lesser thing in return for a better thing?
02:20Go to a good city.
02:22There you will find all these things of your desire.
02:25They were humiliated and made poor.
02:27And they returned with the wrath of Allah.
02:30This is because they disbelieved in the signs of Allah and killed the prophets unjustly.
02:36This is the result of their disobedience and injustice.
02:40Whether you are a Muslim, a Jew, a Christian, or a Saabite, whoever believes in Allah and
02:47the Day of Judgment and does good deeds, their reward is with their Lord.
02:52And they have no fear or sadness.
02:56And when We made a promise to you and set up a mountain on you, and said, Hold firmly
03:03what We have given you, and remember what is in it, so that you may be saved.
03:10But you went again after that.
03:12Then, if it were not for the grace and mercy of Allah, you would have incurred loss.
03:18And surely you have the knowledge of those who went beyond the limits of the week.
03:24And We also said, Become a humiliated monkey.
03:28We made this a lesson for the next and the last.
03:31And a warning and advice for the rejecters.
03:34And when Moses said to his people that Allah commands you to slaughter a cow,
03:41they said, Why are you making fun of us?
03:44He replied, I seek refuge in Allah from such ignorance.
03:49They said, O Moses, pray that Allah explains to us its nature.
03:55You said, Listen, that cow is neither old nor young, but is of middle age.
04:01Now play the command that has been given to you.
04:04He said again, Pray that Allah explains to us its colour.
04:10He said, That cow is yellow in colour.
04:13Its colour is beautiful and pleasing to the eye.
04:18He said, Pray to your Lord that He explains to us its nature.
04:24There are many such cows.
04:26It is not known.
04:27If Allah wills, we will be guided.
04:30He said, It is Allah's command that the cow does not work,
04:34does not dig in the ground,
04:36and does not water the fields.
04:38It is healthy and harmless.
04:40He said, Now you have made the truth clear.
04:43Although he was not close to command,
04:46but he accepted it and slaughtered the cow.
04:50When you killed a man,
04:52then you started to disagree with him.
04:54And Allah was going to reveal your hypocrisy.
04:58We said, Put a piece of that cow on the body of the deceased.
05:02He will be pleased.
05:04In the same way, Allah revives the dead
05:06and shows you His signs for your wisdom.
05:09Then your hearts became like stones,
05:12but even harder than that.
05:14Some rivers flow through stones,
05:17and some burst,
05:19and water comes out of them.
05:21And some fall from the fear of Allah.
05:24And you do not know Allah from your deeds.
05:30Do you want these people to be honest?
05:33Although there are people among them
05:35who listen to the Word of Allah
05:37and change despite being wise.
05:40When they meet the believers,
05:42they show their honesty.
05:44And when they meet each other,
05:46they say,
05:47Why do you convey to the Muslims
05:49what Allah has taught you?
05:51Do they not know that
05:53Allah will have proof for them against you?
05:56Do they not know that Allah knows
05:58their cover-up and their appearance?
06:01Some of them are illiterate
06:04who only know the words of the Book
06:07and are only based on conjecture and reasoning.
06:10It is a shame for those people
06:12who say that the Book written by them
06:14is from Allah.
06:16And in this way they earn the world.
06:18The writing of their hands
06:20and their earning is a shame,
06:22a loss and a regret.
06:23These people say,
06:24We will only live a few days in hell.
06:27Tell them,
06:28Do you have any concern for Allah?
06:31If there is,
06:32surely Allah will not go against His promise.
06:35Not at all.
06:37you put those things in Allah's name
06:39which you do not know.
06:42whoever does evil
06:44and his disobedience surrounds him,
06:46he will be in hell forever.
06:48And whoever believes
06:50and does good works,
06:51they will be in heaven forever.
06:54And when we promised the Children of Israel
06:57that you will not worship anyone
06:59except Allah
07:01and treat your parents well,
07:03in the same way,
07:04you will be kind to your relatives,
07:05orphans and the poor
07:07and say good things to people,
07:09keep your prayers,
07:11and give zakat.
07:13But apart from a few people,
07:15you all turned away and turned away.
07:18And when we promised you
07:20not to shed blood among yourselves,
07:22not to kill,
07:23and not to incite one another,
07:26you accepted
07:27and became a witness.
07:29But still,
07:30you killed each other
07:32and incited one sect among yourselves
07:35and in the works of sin and injustice
07:37you supported others against them.
07:40Yes, when they came to you as prisoners,
07:42you gave them their ransom,
07:44but you did not think of
07:46taking out what was forbidden to you.
07:49Do you believe in some commandments
07:51and disbelieve in some?
07:54Whosoever of you does this,
07:56his punishment is nothing but
07:58disgrace in the world
07:59and a severe punishment on the Day of Judgment.
08:02And Allah is not unaware of your deeds.
08:05These are the people
08:06who have bought the life of the world
08:08in exchange for the life of the world.
08:10Their punishment will be neither light
08:12nor will they be helped.
08:15We gave the book to Moses
08:17and sent messengers after him.
08:19And we gave clear evidences to Jesus,
08:21son of Mary,
08:22and made the Holy Spirit support them.
08:25But when the messenger came to you
08:27with that thing
08:28which was against your nature,
08:30you became arrogant.
08:33you rejected some
08:34and killed some.
08:37They say that
08:38our hearts are sealed.
08:40No, no.
08:41In fact, because of their disbelief,
08:43Allah has condemned them.
08:45They have very little faith.
08:48And when the book of Allah came to them
08:50to make their book true,
08:53although they themselves
08:54wanted victory over the disbelievers through it,
08:57they began to disbelieve
08:58despite coming and recognizing it.
09:02May Allah curse the disbelievers.
09:05It is a very bad thing
09:07in exchange for which
09:08they have sold themselves.
09:10It is their disbelief.
09:12With the thing revealed by Allah,
09:15just because Allah revealed His grace
09:18on whomever He wanted,
09:21because of this,
09:22these people became
09:23deserving of wrath.
09:25And it is a humiliating punishment
09:26for these disbelievers.
09:29And when they are told
09:30to believe in the book
09:31revealed by Allah,
09:33they say
09:34that whatever has been revealed to us,
09:36we have faith in it.
09:38However, after that,
09:39those who want to confirm their book
09:41with the Wali,
09:43they disbelieve.
09:44It is better to find out from them
09:46that if your faith is in the first books,
09:49then why did you kill the next prophets?
09:53Moses brought the same evidences to you,
09:55but you still worshiped the calf.
09:57You are the oppressor.
09:59When we made a promise to you
10:01and made the Mount stand on you
10:03and told you to hold on to
10:05what we have given you
10:07and listen,
10:08they said,
10:09we listened and disobeyed.
10:11And the love of the calf
10:12was given to their hearts
10:14because of their disbelief.
10:17Tell them that your faith
10:18is giving you a bad command
10:20if you are a believer.
10:23You tell them that
10:24if the house of the Hereafter
10:25is only for you,
10:27according to Allah,
10:28and not for anyone else,
10:30then come and ask for death
10:31in the proof of your truth.
10:33But seeing your deeds,
10:35you will never ask for death.
10:37Allah knows the oppressors very well.
10:40In fact,
10:41you will find them
10:42the most in need of the life of the world.
10:45They are more than the polytheists
10:46in their greed for life.
10:48Of these,
10:49every person wants
10:50one thousand years of age.
10:52Even if this age is given,
10:54it cannot save them from torment.
10:56Allah is watching their deeds very well.
11:01O Prophet!
11:02You say that
11:03whoever is the enemy of Gabriel,
11:04who has revealed to you
11:05the message of God,
11:07who is the one who verifies
11:08the book of his message,
11:10and who is the one
11:11who gives guidance
11:12and good news to the believers,
11:14then Allah is also his enemy.
11:16Whoever is the enemy of Allah
11:17and his angels,
11:18and his messengers,
11:20and the enemy of Gabriel
11:21and Michael,
11:22the enemy of such disbelievers
11:23is Allah Himself.
11:25And certainly,
11:26We have sent to you
11:27clear evidences
11:29that no one denies
11:30except the evildoers.
11:32Whenever these people
11:33make a covenant,
11:35one or the other group
11:36breaks it.
11:39most of them
11:40are devoid of faith.
