The Blackout Club Pt.2-Running From The Shape

  • 2 days ago
Had to run like chicken. Also checkout and and and and
00:00Oh my god, that lady came in the gate. Fuck. Yeah. All right into the house. Oh god Alex
00:20We are so fucked
00:27Because we're committing so much sin
00:30I know we are. It is the first game, you know
00:48I'm leaving Alex. There's someone in that other. Oh you already wait, that's Dalton. There's someone in that room behind you. I think oh shit
01:00That drone
01:03It just scanned us through the window, I don't know what it fucking does but
01:08This computers blue screen
01:16We do oh we do
01:28How fucked are we
01:32Here they come I
01:40Is there a window I can bust out
01:45Yep, I Alex I'm going out the window. Oh you fucking scared me Alex. Oh my god. I hate you
01:57Because sometimes you take your time. Oh my god. Oh my god
02:07We got this whore wait till she passes then we'll go
02:13All right, go go we're going
02:22Are you gonna kick in the door?
02:26Give me two apparently. Oh fuck. Oh
02:34No, we're fucked Alex
02:42We are running the shape dudes coming
02:48We don't
02:50Wait somewhere
02:56Over this way Alex keep running
03:04Alex we're going towards down the end of the road end of the road. Yeah. Oh my god
03:17That's the way yeah, bye
03:31Am I a really bad sinner
03:46There he goes
03:51It says on your screen, doesn't it Z does it it doesn't say on your screen
03:59In red font
04:03I can
04:09You can hear me Dalton, right
04:17Alex can you not hear Dalton?
04:21He said Z like three times
04:26That's weird I
04:35Wonder if your internet's messing up or if it's your game
04:45But it's working now
04:49Right, it's working now weird. Okay. How do we leave guys?
04:59Yeah, I
05:04Don't know what that means that's our health. Oh my god
05:15The audio in this game fucking sucks it does
05:21Can we mute ourselves in game but use discord but it's still
05:26Does the chat, you know it let's just do this or
05:31Gilded because the audio in this does suck