AlpArslan Season 1 Episode 60 Urdu/Hindi Dubbed

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AlpArslan Season 1 Episode 60 Urdu/Hindi Dubbed
00:30We have to get them out of here, no matter what it takes.
00:35Alpacut, calm down.
00:37Remember what you always said?
00:39The one who is calm, is the one who is successful.
00:41I can't do it. They will kill my mother at any moment.
00:44Where are my sister and my nephew?
00:47I want to meet them right now.
00:49And if...
00:49Right now, you should worry about your life.
00:54And you?
00:54Do you think this throne is the guarantee of your life?
01:00Despite my uncle Sultan Turul's order,
01:03by the order of Hurasan's ruler, the commander of the army of the Seljuk Empire, Chahir Sardar,
01:09we will enter Bust with our army.
01:11Let's go.
01:24When I was leaving Mosul, I came to know about Bust.
01:30That's why I came here to meet you.
01:33Sultan, regarding this matter, what responsibility do you want to give me?
01:42I have had a detailed conversation with Chahir Sardar regarding the Bust issue.
01:47He wants us to enter Ghazni Sarzameen with our swords to kill the enemies.
01:55But the Seljuk Empire's power is so great that it can handle this issue without going to the battlefield.
02:07My Sultan, I agree with your decision.
02:09We do not need to fight against a stranger to control a handful of dirt.
02:16My Sultan, if you allow me, I would like to talk to Chahir Sardar myself.
02:22It is possible that after talking to him, we can take better action against him.
02:30If you do this, it will be good.
02:35May God be with you.
02:37My Sultan, if you do not have any orders for me, I would like your permission.
02:43Let's go.
03:05Aunt Agnaye?
03:07Today's woman?
03:18Aunt Agnaye, how did you escape from Bozan's captivity and reach here?
03:27You have come, but where is Suleiman?
03:33Suleiman Sardar?
03:39Suleiman Sardar, yes.
03:43Suleiman Sardar, yes.
03:58What is going on in your mind, Suleiman Sardar?
04:01Obviously, you will not have the same opinion as you did in front of our Sultan.
04:14Why are you asking this?
04:17Am I not your eyes and ears in your absence, Sardar?
04:22I know what you do not know, and what you know, I know that too.
04:27Then why are you keeping secrets from me?
04:35Kandori, there is no secret that can be hidden from you.
04:43I have an excellent plan for Bozan.
04:47And what is that plan?
04:49I will give Bozan a proposal that he will not be able to refuse.
04:56And that proposal will prove to be beneficial for me in the end.
05:03And what kind of proposal will that be?
05:07Even if Chahir Sardar wants, but Sultan Tughrul is not ready to fight with me on the battlefield.
05:16He is taking the account of harming me and my purpose.
05:20Instead of war, he is taking the account of rejection.
05:22But when I gave the plans to Hassan Sardar and his scholars,
05:28who were rejecting us with pen,
05:31I ruined their plans.
05:36Very good.
05:38I mean to say that not only are they our enemies, but they are also our benefits.
05:46If you want the state of Saljuks to be trapped between our allies,
05:52then I need your help more than before.
05:56Against the sudden attack of the Saljuks, I need you to provide me with weapons as soon as possible.
06:02As long as I have a powerful ruler in Bost,
06:07you will also be much more powerful than before.
06:16Sultan Bozan.
06:27What are your orders, Mr. Takfur?
06:30As the governor of Wasparakan, I have the power to decide.
06:34Not them, you should ask me.
06:52Uncle, are you alright?
06:57The news of Hassan's death is the best news I have received recently.
07:30Hassan had to die at my hands.
07:36I wanted him to die at my hands.
07:42But if he is going to drown in the depths of hell,
07:47then I have no problem with Amir Bozan doing that.
08:06It's over, Hassan.
08:29I have not come here for war.
08:32I want to meet Amir Bozan.
08:35Take me to him.
08:45This incident has exposed our secret plan.
08:50Now we will have to find a new way to send and receive the news.
08:55You are right. Absolutely right.
08:58Aknai Khatun will handle this matter.
09:06Aknai Khatun, I am talking about the matter of the pot, Aknai Khatun.
09:16Where are you lost? What is the matter?
09:35The pot which the infidels had given me to read,
09:40it had the mark of my son Alpagut on it, Sardar.
09:58What are you saying, Aknai Khatun?
10:01Are you sure?
10:04How can I not be sure, Khatun?
10:07The pot had my son's mark on it.
10:10I have seen it with my own eyes.
10:15Alpagut is my son. He is inside that fort.
10:20I am sure.
10:27I know I could not see my son.
10:29But if they find his mark and he is caught,
10:34they will kill him.
10:39That is why I am worried, Sardar.
10:55Thank God you are safe, son.
11:00Tell me, what did you talk to that enemy Bozan?
11:19Bozan wants to trade.
11:30Bozan wants to trade.
11:36Holy Narcissus,
11:38is the value of the heir of the Ghaznavi throne,
11:41Shehwar Sultan's son, Mehsud,
11:44equal to those three princes?
11:48Why did you offer the trade to Suleiman?
11:52I did what I thought was right in these circumstances, Sehwat.
11:59In order to strengthen our roots in the land of Bosporus,
12:03it is very important for the Ghaznavi state
12:06to continue the struggle for the throne.
12:10This is our happiness.
12:14We will take such a move that the Ghaznavi people
12:18will forget us and will continue to entangle with each other.
12:29So he wants to instigate the fire of the acquisition of the throne.
12:33And in the meantime, he wants to strengthen his grip in Bosporus.
12:37If this is the case, we will have to trap him.
12:41First of all, we will save my grandson, the legitimate heir to the throne.
12:46And after that, we will separate Bozan from Sardar.
12:51What do you have in mind, Sardar?
12:54Both the teams will come together with equal and few soldiers
12:58to exchange.
13:01Bozan will also think the same.
13:04After getting Mehsud alive and well,
13:07the soldiers who will be behind us
13:10will come forward and increase our army strength.
13:14First, we will take the throne of Bosporus.
13:19First Bozan's head.
13:22After that, the land of Bosporus will become lawful for us.
13:30When Bozan's head will be separated from his body,
13:33the Bosporus, engulfed in the darkness of sadness
13:36by the evil intentions of those devils,
13:38will be illuminated by the light of our swords.
13:42Despite the order of my uncle Sultan Turul, Sardar,
13:46he does not want to solve this problem by war.
13:49Such an action will make you stand against Sultan Turul.
13:55Sometimes, politics does not find a solution,
13:58but makes it even more complicated.
14:01The sword can only cut the thorn that gets entangled in politics.
14:05And for this reason,
14:07its only solution is war.
14:16Shehwarka, is it true that you ran away like this?
14:24Did Bozan do something bad to my daughter?
14:29We cannot know this without Bust.
14:37Arbaskan, go with your men
14:41and check the paths between Bust and Marwa.
14:46Find Shehwarka's trace.
14:48Find anything that is related to her.
14:53As you wish.
15:01The coolness of our eyes, Shehwarka, is alive.
15:04Keep your heart at peace.
15:09The truth will surely be revealed.
15:11God willing.
15:15God willing.
15:27How will we know
15:29that he will not betray us during the exchange, Holy Prophet?
15:34You heard Sultan Turul's position on this matter, Sehwag.
15:38You were here when I was talking to Suleiman.
15:42Turul does not want to wage war on Waznavi land.
15:47If he wanted to, he would have reached Bust with his army by now.
15:56Mr. Natak, Sardar Janal wishes to meet you.
16:12Mr. Natak, Sardar Janal wishes to meet you.
16:24Did you come to congratulate me, Sardar Janal?
16:28Be patient.
16:30You will know why I am here.
16:38Look, Ameer Bozan.
16:39Sultan Bozan Sultan
16:47All of your miracles
16:49are different from the religion of Islam
16:51and in our opinion
16:53this is nothing but polytheism
16:55and we can't accept it
16:57Are you here to tell me this?
16:59I just want to remind you
17:03I don't care about your beliefs
17:05I don't care about that
17:07Is it right
17:09for a boastful person
17:11to leave a foreign country
17:13and come into existence like a free country?
17:17Of course
17:19That means you too
17:21have come to make a move
17:23Yusuf Yenal's son Ibrahim Yenal
17:25is present in front of you
17:27You are saying this
17:29but your step brother
17:31Erbazgan doesn't listen to you
17:33He believes in polytheism
17:35I belong to the Saljuq Nation
17:37and I am Yusuf Yenal's son
17:39Don't compare me
17:41to the soldiers Bozan
17:43Listen to me
17:45This presence in your boasts
17:47and your coming to power
17:49is the most beneficial
17:51for me
17:55I also know
17:57that your followers
17:59are everywhere
18:01That's why
18:03you should call them back
18:05And yes
18:07Neither the Saljuq
18:09nor the Ghaznavi
18:11Even the land of Iraq
18:13will be open for your followers
18:15No one will stop them
18:17You just have this one way
18:19with which you can gather
18:21all your followers
18:23Those lands belong to Mosul
18:25and I am the governor there
18:27That's why
18:29I am the only one
18:31who can save your government
18:33What is your interest in this,
18:35Yenal Sardar?
18:37First tell me
18:39why will you give me
18:41this kind of cooperation
18:43I want what I deserve
18:45If your government
18:47doesn't become strong in the boasts
18:49then Al-Parsalan will snatch
18:51the boasts from you
18:53and he will become more powerful
18:55Al-Parsalan is moving
18:57And I
18:59can never let
19:01that happen
19:07I know that
19:09Sultan Turul
19:11doesn't want to fight me
19:13in Ghazni
19:15He can't scare me
19:17with the power of the Saljuq
19:19You all should know
19:21that I can't be fooled
19:23And that you
19:25can't defeat me
19:27with your tricks
19:31Put him in jail
19:37Chahir Sardar and Al-Parsalan
19:39will definitely come to
19:41behead you
19:43Chahir Sardar has the right
19:45to decide about Maru
19:47Sultan also has the right
19:49to decide
19:51Don't think that you are safe
19:53You are making a big mistake
19:55by not believing me
20:21Chahir Sardar, what should we do now?
21:05Sardar Al-Parsalan
21:07you are here
21:09I saw you leaving the village
21:11Now tell me
21:13what are you hiding from me this time
21:39is our companion
21:41Or our enemy
21:43I haven't understood
21:45That person who
21:47Deceived us many times
21:49This weapon
21:51isn't too much for him
21:53We have taken the center, Nestor.
21:56And if we don't help Ameer Bozan,
21:59then they will take Boz as well.
22:02And this is not necessary.
22:04Let it happen.
22:16Alpagupt has called me.
22:17He wants to talk to me.
22:19He has called me at this hour of the night,
22:20to discuss something important.
22:22If that is the case,
22:23you should have told me before coming here.
22:28I thought you must be sleeping,
22:30that's why I didn't disturb you.
22:32Aachika Khatun,
22:33whenever you hide something from me,
22:35something bad happens for sure.
22:37If you had informed me about that pot on time,
22:40I would have never let Aunt Akhnai get kidnapped.
22:43I thought I have handled the matter, Sardar.
22:47Aunt Akhnai is suspicious that
22:49her son Alpagupt is in Vaspura Khan.
22:53After her suspicion,
22:54I don't know how to stop her.
23:02Alpagupt, are you alright?
23:04No, I am not.
23:07Not at all.
23:11Mom was about to die because of us.
23:17How is she?
23:19Is she alright now?
23:20Akhnai is fine, don't worry.
23:27She knows that I am alive.
23:30Now that she knows that I am alive,
23:33she will keep dying as long as she is alive.
23:35Because we can't be together.
23:41Just like me, her heart will keep beating.
23:44Until they find the owner of the pot,
23:46they will not end this matter.
23:48Before the evidence points to you,
23:50we have to make a plan.
23:54And what will that plan be?
23:56Is there any Byzantine soldier there
23:58who has harmed you?
24:00Or who has created problems for you?
24:49Your heart beats with mine.
24:56I am still wandering around two lives.
25:11Won't I know that the beating heart inside me has become silent?
25:18Won't I know that?
25:40Come in, lady.
25:48I know.
25:49I have insulted you, but...
25:52You have insulted me,
25:54but I don't keep it in my heart.
25:56We are all humans.
25:58We can make mistakes.
26:02Yes, what is it?
26:05I haven't been able to sleep for many days.
26:08Can you give me some medicine
26:10so that I can sleep peacefully?
26:14Wait here, I will give it to you right now.
26:24Yes, yes.
26:32take one spoon of this with water daily.
26:40After this, you will not wake up,
26:42even if the whole settlement is shaken.
26:46Thank you, Nayaana.
26:48You are welcome.
27:01Today's lady will go to Wasforakan tomorrow.
27:03And whatever I have told her,
27:05I have given her a message,
27:06she will deliver it to her.
27:07You have to handle the rest, Al-Baghdud.
27:09Be careful.
27:13Okay, Sardar.
27:15God willing,
27:16we will solve this matter soon, Sardar.
27:19God willing.
27:20Don't worry about me.
27:22Just take care of my mother.
27:28She shouldn't get lost in my search for emotions.
27:30I will convince her.
27:32Don't worry.
27:35I didn't come here to talk about my problems.
27:40I came to warn you about other problems.
27:44What is that?
27:46Bozan has asked for help from the Byzantines
27:48to get weapons immediately.
27:51Brother, tomorrow a military operation
27:53will pass through our territory.
27:57You will have to do something.
28:44I have prepared it with buttermilk,
29:09as you like it.
29:10Thank you very much, lady.
29:28Our child has started moving inside.
29:36I don't know.
29:38I mean,
29:39it feels like he is saying something.
29:41I don't know what he wants to say,
29:43but this feeling is very different.
29:50You also see.
30:13I have got good news.
30:16But it is bad news for you.
30:19The good news is that
30:23I am giving your son to his grandfather.
30:28And the bad news is that
30:32you will never be able to see your son again.
30:44I wish
30:46that you don't get an easy death, Bozan.
30:49In every breath you take,
30:51beg for death every day
30:53and you don't get it.
31:13I wish that you don't get an easy death, Bozan.
