Jokowi Buka Suara Soal Kabar Pembatasan BBM Subsidi

  • last month
Presiden Jokowi buka suara soal rencana pembatasan pembelian Bakar Minyak (BBM) subsidi jenis Pertalite yang bakal diberlakukan pemerintah mulai tanggal 1 Oktober 2024.

Presiden mengakui adanya rencana tersebut karena dua pertimbangan. Pertama, pemerintah ingin mendorong penggunaan BBM yang lebih ramah lingkungan karena polusi udara yang kerap terjadi di kota-kota besar, terutama Jakarta.


00:06We go to the first information.
00:07President Jokowi has made an open letter about the limitation of BBM subsidy on October 1, 2024.
00:12Jokowi said that until now there is no special meeting in the palace about the matter
00:17and there is no decision yet whether the BBM subsidy will be limited in October.
00:24Nevertheless, Jokowi said that the government is currently in the process of socialization
00:30about the BBM limitation plan.
00:33The government still needs to look at the conditions in the middle of society first
00:38before making that important decision.
00:40The number one person in Indonesia said that there are two things that are the urgency
00:45of the implementation of the limitation of the BBM subsidy.
00:47The first is related to air pollution in major cities, especially in Jakarta.
00:52The second is that Jokowi wants efficiency in APBN, especially in APBN 2025.
00:59The reason is that so far, the BBM subsidy has been circulated a lot, but it is not targeted.
01:08We are still in the process of socialization.
01:10We will see what it is like in the field.
01:12There is no decision yet.
01:14There is no meeting yet.
01:15The first thing is related to air pollution, especially in Jakarta.
01:21The second thing is that we also want efficiency in our APBN.
