Ask the Storybots S01 E03

  • le mois dernier


01:00Just ask the Storybots
01:03Just ask the Storybots
01:30Just ask the Storybots
01:32Just ask the Storybots
01:34Just ask the Storybots
01:36Just ask the Storybots
01:38Just ask the Storybots
01:40Just ask the Storybots
01:42Just ask the Storybots
01:44Just ask the Storybots
01:46Just ask the Storybots
01:48Just ask the Storybots
01:50Just ask the Storybots
01:52Just ask the Storybots
01:54Just ask the Storybots
01:56Just ask the Storybots
01:58Just ask the Storybots
02:00Just ask the Storybots
02:02Just ask the Storybots
02:04Just ask the Storybots
02:06Just ask the Storybots
02:08Just ask the Storybots
02:10Just ask the Storybots
02:12Just ask the Storybots
02:14Just ask the Storybots
02:16Just ask the Storybots
02:18Just ask the Storybots
02:20Just ask the Storybots
02:22Just ask the Storybots
02:24Just ask the Storybots
02:26Just ask the Storybots
02:28Just ask the Storybots
02:30Just ask the Storybots
02:32Just ask the Storybots
02:34Just ask the Storybots
02:36Just ask the Storybots
02:38Just ask the Storybots
02:40Just ask the Storybots
02:42Just ask the Storybots
02:44Just ask the Storybots
02:46Just ask the Storybots
02:48Just ask the Storybots
02:50Just ask the Storybots
02:52Just ask the Storybots
02:54Just ask the Storybots
02:56Just ask the Storybots
02:58Just ask the Storybots
03:00Just ask the Storybots
03:02Just ask the Storybots
03:04Just ask the Storybots
03:06Just ask the Storybots
03:08Just ask the Storybots
03:10Just ask the Storybots
03:12Just ask the Storybots
03:14Just ask the Storybots
03:16Just ask the Storybots
03:18Just ask the Storybots
03:20Just ask the Storybots
03:22Bon, pas un miracle, l'enfant !
03:25Aïe !
03:50Mon gars, où sommes-nous ?
03:52Où est le lit des garçons ?
03:54Chut ! Regarde en bas.
03:57Ce garçon dort.
03:59Tu sais ce qu'il y a en dessous de ce lit ?
04:00Ses mains ?
04:01Un matraque ?
04:02Un terrain de pluie ?
04:03Un coton égyptien ?
04:04Non !
04:05C'est un doigt.
04:06Ce garçon a perdu un doigt aujourd'hui
04:08et il l'a mis là pour que la faille de doigt le prenne.
04:10Oh !
04:11La faille de doigt va savoir pourquoi Londres a besoin de peindre ses doigts.
04:14Qu'est-ce qu'elle veut dire ?
04:15Allons-y !
04:20Ici nous sommes, les gars.
04:21On va juste monter sur ce matraque et le doigt est là-haut.
04:26C'est assez sombre ici, mec.
04:27C'est vraiment chaud ici.
04:28Les gars !
04:29Chut !
04:30Hey, ce doigt...
04:31Je ne vois rien.
04:32Il n'y a pas de sortie.
04:33Je pense que...
04:34On ne va jamais trouver le doigt !
04:36Oh, là il est.
04:37Ouais !
04:40Je l'ai ! Je l'ai, le doigt !
04:48Les gars...
04:49C'est la faille de doigt !
04:59Qu'est-ce que vous faites ici, les Storybots ?
05:01Ne me dites pas que vous faites partie du business des doigts
05:03car ça me concerne depuis toujours !
05:05Non, pas du tout, faille de doigt !
05:07Nous essayons d'y répondre pour une fille nommée London.
05:12Oh, un garçon qui s'intéresse à ses doigts.
05:14Ah, comment peut-il m'aider ?
05:16Elle veut savoir pourquoi les gens doivent peindre leurs doigts.
05:19people have to brush their teeth. Oh! Just a moment. Just a moment. Why must a child brush
05:33their teeth every day? A really good question. I simply can't say. The tooth fairy's job
05:42is to take lost teeth to make room for the new ones hiding beneath. To succeed in your
05:51quest, you must travel from here to a place that is hidden and yet is quite near. Look
05:58not to the lips or the cheek or the chin, for the answer you seek lies only within.
06:07Right. Wait, I don't get it. I don't have a clue. I am not going to say all that again.
06:15If you really want to find out why you need to brush your teeth, you need to go to the
06:18mouth. Oh, right. Come on guys, let's go to the mouth. Thanks tooth fairy. Bye. Oh, oh,
06:28just a moment. Be wary, an unbrushed mouth can be quite scary.
06:58Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
07:05Wake up!
07:08Well look, it's mornin', the sun is shinin', still kinda snoozy, but we're not mindin'
07:14cause it's a dazzlin' day and it's time to wake up. Wake up everybody! Somewhere roosters
07:21C'est quoi les monstres ou cock-a-doodle-dooing ?
07:23Je ne peux pas les entendre, mais je m'en suppose.
07:25Alors sortez et saluez le jour.
07:27C'est l'heure de se réveiller.
07:29Oh, là ils sont.
07:31Aujourd'hui vous pourrez manger du chocolat,
07:33mais ce n'est pas aussi bon
07:35quand vous n'êtes pas éveillé.
07:37Vous pourrez avoir une aventure
07:39que vous ne pouvez pas imaginer.
07:41Comme quoi ? Je ne sais pas.
07:43Réveillez-vous et voyons ce qui se passe.
07:45Les oiseaux perdent tout le jour
07:47dans le snooze.
07:49Alors sortez et saluez le jour.
07:51Laissez votre lit derrière.
07:53Il sera juste là où vous l'avez laissé
07:55quand il sera temps de dormir.
07:57Alors sortez et saluez le jour.
07:59C'est l'heure de se réveiller.
08:01Sortez et saluez le jour.
08:03C'est l'heure de se réveiller.
08:13Oh, regarde, ces bâtiments sont T.
08:20Oh, ces bâtiments ne sont pas si bons.
08:23Ils sentent mal aussi.
08:26Bonjour ?
08:29Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un ?
08:33Quelqu'un ?
08:36Quelle travestie.
08:38Qui es-tu ?
08:40Je suis le maire de cette ville
08:42et je suis responsable
08:44des plus de 700 types
08:46de bactéries difficiles qui vivent ici.
08:49Nous passons nos jours
08:51en aidant à déguster les aliments
08:53et en protégeant les dents et les gouttes.
08:55Mais quelques bâtiments
08:57ont d'autres idées.
08:59Et sans le maire Brushy
09:01pour les faire nettoyer,
09:03leur plaque détruit ces dents.
09:05Plaque ?
09:07Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
09:09C'est le gout que les bactéries
09:11laissent derrière
09:13après avoir gorgé
09:15les dents.
09:17C'est terrible.
09:19Est-ce que ça sent mieux ?
09:21Ne me regarde pas.
09:41Le bâtiment !
09:43Stinky Bart !
09:45Nous ne voulons pas de problème.
09:47Bien, maître,
09:49le problème est mon nom de milieu.
09:51Je pensais que ton nom de milieu était Alphonse.
09:53Zipper Terrence !
09:55Qu'est-ce que tu veux, Stinky Bart ?
09:57Je suis là pour une chose
09:59et une seule chose.
10:01Les morceaux de nourriture
10:03qui sont restés ici,
10:05les dents nettoyées.
10:07Et le sucre ! Le sucre !
10:09Allons-y, les gars !
10:13Le sucre !
10:15Je vais le brûler !
10:27Storybots, vous devez nous aider
10:29à récupérer Sheriff Brushy.
10:31Si ça devient pire,
10:33notre ville pourrait perdre ses dents.
10:35Ne vous inquiétez pas, maître.
10:37Nous allons le récupérer.
10:39Bonne vitesse, Storybots !
10:43Bonne vitesse !
10:47Tournez-les jaunes, les gars !
10:49Tout ce blanc brillant
10:51n'est pas mon style !
11:14Hein ?
11:43Up in the sky, the clouds are white
11:48Up there, the clouds are on
11:50White is for clouds, white is for snow
11:52White is for doves and marshmallows
11:54White is for sugar and white is for salt
11:56When you use white balls for ping pong or golf
11:58White is for milk or a wedding dress
12:00White is for socks and a picket fence
12:02Clean white teeth, but my favorite thing
12:04White is the color of vanilla ice cream
12:06White is grey, white is white
12:08The sun is out, the day is bright
12:12Up in the sky, the clouds are white
12:17Up in the sky, the clouds are white
12:21Up there, the clouds are all white
12:27I'm Sheriff Brushy
12:29And I'm sitting up on a hill
12:31I don't do any work
12:33So I got a lot of time to kill
12:35I'm not doing nothing at all
12:39What in tarnation?
12:41Are you Sheriff Brushy, the Sheriff of Tooth Town?
12:43I was the Sheriff of Tooth Town
12:45Just like my daddy, and my daddy's daddy
12:48And my daddy's daddy's daddy
12:50And my daddy's daddy's daddy's daddy
12:52I think he's gonna keep going
12:54And my daddy's daddy's daddy's daddy's daddy
12:56And my daddy's daddy's daddy
12:58That's great Nell, but this is an emergency
13:00Why are you up here? Why aren't you protecting the town?
13:03Bien, j'ai passé mon temps à brusher ces doigts
13:06Nuit après nuit, matin après matin
13:08Et bien, ça s'est devenu...
13:10Un peu dégueulasse
13:12Un peu dégueulasse?
13:14Mais Sheriff, Tooth Town est en train d'être détruite
13:17Regarde, mec
13:19Jumping gingivitis?
13:21J'avais aucune idée
13:23Pourquoi ces rootin-tootin-good-for-nothing-slimy-sticky-balls-of-bacteria-gunk
13:30My things!
13:34Storybots, let's clean up that town
13:43Help! Help! Help!
13:47This looks like the end
14:03Come on out, stinky part
14:06Well, well, well
14:08If it isn't Sheriff Bristleface
14:10And his pitiful band of misfits
14:13You've been damaging these here teeth long enough
14:16It's enough, Sheriff
14:17So long as there's food in these here teeth
14:20We'll be eating it
14:22Just like my daddy
14:24And my daddy's daddy
14:26Are we really going to go through this again?
14:28And my daddy's daddy's daddy's daddy
14:31Now, Storybots
14:34That'll do
14:37Daddy's daddy's daddy's daddy's daddy's
14:40Huh? Toothpaste?
14:42Say ah
14:48Round them up
14:52Sheriff Bristleface
14:55Shoot along them there buildings
15:02Hey, Sheriff
15:03Up here
15:05Oh boy
15:19Now tell me
15:20What's Sheriff Brushy
15:22Gonna do without his bristles?
15:26Bless my stars
15:35Looks like you caught me at a loss, stinky part
15:38But you've forgotten
15:51Sweet salivation
16:04We'll be back
16:06We'll always come back
16:11Come back if you like, stinky part
16:14But I'll be here a-brushing these teeth twice a day
16:17And flossing too
16:20Thank you, Sheriff
16:21We appreciate you, Sheriff
16:23Thank you, Sheriff
16:24Don't thank me
16:25Thank the Storybots
16:27To my own shame
16:29I didn't know brushing these teeth was so important
16:31Well, now you know, Sheriff
16:33And you're gonna do great
16:35Come on, guys
16:36London needs our answer
16:38So long, partner
16:40Goodbye, Storybots
16:42And thanks again
16:44Les Storybots sont les 137 392 402
16:51Sais-tu que les poissons peuvent manger presque tout?
16:54Même des chaussures en papier et des assiettes de snowmobile
16:59D'accord, mon amour, qu'est-ce que je peux t'offrir?
17:02D'accord, mon amour, qu'est-ce que je peux t'offrir?
17:13Je vais juste t'apporter de l'eau
17:31Les poissons ne peuvent pas arrêter de rire
17:33Et les oiseaux s'arrêtent et regardent
17:35Dans le jardin vert, c'est une scène
17:37C'est le grand poisson brun
17:39Le grand poisson brun
17:41Le grand poisson brun
17:43Il doit peser environ 500 pounds
17:45Avec ses cheveux qui brûlent
17:47Le grand poisson brun
17:49Le grand poisson brun
17:51Tu vas perdre ton sourire
17:52Quand tu vas brûler
17:53Avec le grand poisson brun
17:55Le grand poisson brun
17:59Le grand poisson brun
18:01Je vais juste t'offrir de l'eau
18:03Les poissons ne peuvent pas arrêter de rire
18:05Et les oiseaux s'arrêtent et regardent
18:07Dans le jardin vert, c'est une scène
18:09C'est le grand poisson brun
18:11Le grand poisson brun
18:13Le grand poisson brun
18:15Tu vas perdre ton sourire
18:17Quand tu vas brûler
18:19Avec le grand poisson brun
18:21Le grand poisson brun
18:23Le grand poisson brun
18:25Le grand poisson brun
18:29What are you storybots doing back here? I told you to get an answer, not dilly-dally!
18:33We got the answer, boss!
18:35Well, start talking!
18:36There are these things in your mouth called bacteria.
18:39Yeah, some of them are good, but some of them are really bad.
18:41They eat all the leftover food stuck between your teeth.
18:44And leave a stinky layer of gunk on them. Yuck!
18:47It's called plaque.
18:49I'm not looking for a plaque, storybots! Just an answer!
18:51Well, plaque is really bad. It turns your teeth yellow, it makes your breath stink, and causes tooth decay.
18:58If you don't do anything about it, it will even make holes in your teeth!
19:02They're called cavities, man!
19:05So unless you want a stinky, yellow mouth full of holes...
19:09That's why you have to brush your teeth!
19:12Even if it is kind of annoying.
19:14All right, all right! Let's see what you got!
19:19No, good! Where's my present?
19:23Brushing your teeth is important, and not just for your breath.
19:27It keeps your teeth healthy and tough.
19:30Cause in your mouth, there's living stuff called bacteria.
19:34And that's a mouthful!
19:35Just there hanging out all day.
19:37It sounds kind of icky, but it's really no biggie.
19:39For the most part, they're okay.
19:41Now when you eat, your food goes down.
19:44But some itty-bits just stick around.
19:46And when bacteria digest it, it forms a sticky film.
19:50You guessed it, that's plaque!
19:53You gotta fight back, you gotta brush away that plaque!
19:57You gotta fight back!
19:59Cause even though a nail's tough,
20:02If the plaque's there long enough,
20:04Eventually it wears the whole way through!
20:09They call that hole a cavity,
20:11And dentists all agree,
20:14That's a bummer-do, so here's what you gotta do!
20:18You gotta brush that plaque!
20:21You gotta fight back, so brush and floss your gums and teeth!
20:25Above and beneath!
20:56Put your dilly-dally in! Get back to work!
20:58We've got questions to answer! Let's go!
21:00Oh, so not cool.
21:02I think Cap needs to brush his teeth!
21:05These tasks are endless! Get back to work!
21:11Storybots, living inside computer parts
21:15Storybots, helping kids get super smart
21:19They love to learn, and adore adventure
21:23And answering questions is their business and pleasure
21:27There's a whole department whose only task
21:29Is to answer anything we ask
21:31So let's see if Team 341B
21:33Can solve another mystery
21:35The Storybots
21:37Meet Beep and Bing, Bang, Boop and Bo
21:39Just ask them what you wanna know
21:41Just ask the Storybots