Perfect Desserts in Walsall has its official opening.

  • last month
Perfect Desserts has already got its own fans but it has just had its official opening with Cllr Tina Jukes cutting the ribbon. Its situated in Leamore and the waffle puds with secret recipe are well worth a try.
00:00Right, I'd like to officially open this wonderful place in Leymore and wish about all the best
00:10in a new branch. You've got your young staff in there, you've got your lads, and well done
00:18Bell. Thank you.
00:20So, Councillor Dukes, yeah? How are you? Are you okay? I'm fine, thank you.
00:32It's not every day you get invited to open a sweet shop, is it?
00:35No, it's lovely to just see what's happening recently in local areas, you know, and it's
00:44nice to have something nice to celebrate.
00:46And what do you think of what you've seen of the food?
00:49Beautiful, beautiful food, and she's employed local people, getting young girls into employment
00:58who probably wouldn't be in employment.
01:00Makes a difference, we need that in the area, don't we? It's not easy for youngsters, kind
01:05of, from this area to get their first steps on the ladder, is it really?
01:08No, so it's really good what she's doing, I'm really proud to be a part of it, and I
01:14will be promoting it to people.
01:16So what have you sampled so far?
01:19Waffles, they're great, aren't they?
01:21Bell's special recipe.
01:23The waffles are lovely.
01:25Harrison, how are you, mate?
01:27So you're a regular customer now?
01:30What do you think of the grub?
01:32What's your favourite, then, that you've sampled?
01:36Yeah, you go for that, yeah, yeah.
01:38Cool, it's nice to have this on your doorstep, isn't it, you know what I mean?
01:41You might be putting on a few calories over the next year, though.
01:44Cheers, Harrison.
01:47So Ram, how are you doing?
01:49Alright, not too bad.
01:50You used to have a shop just over the road, didn't you?
01:52Yes, I used to have a shop, New Jersey.
01:53What was it called?
01:54New Moon News.
01:55Ah, great.
01:56How long did you have that for?
01:57About 32 years.
02:0032 years.
02:01And what do you think of what you've seen here, the shop they've created, what do you
02:04think of it?
02:05It's very nice, very nice.
02:07Needed in the area, yeah?
02:08Yes, we need it, we need it, we need it.
02:11And have you sampled some of the goods?
02:14Have you sampled some of the goods?
02:15What do you think?
02:16You enjoying?
02:17Yes, very nice, very nice.
02:18Good stuff.
02:20Thank you, Ram.
02:21You're welcome.
02:22So Casey, you're one of the employees here at the new Perfect Desserts.
02:25How are you getting on?
02:26I'm finding it really well, actually.
02:28It's a nice place to be and the atmosphere in here, it's just nice to work.
02:33Nice vibe.
02:34And is it your first step on the working ladder?
02:38And how difficult is it for a young person kind of looking for work around this area?
02:41It is very difficult because most people just don't realise how very hungry we are.
02:46But Bally's and Bally's have a position in everything and Booter, and like,
02:50Booter's trained us to know what to do and everything.
02:55So that's good and actually, again, it's a place to learn.
02:57So you're actually getting that chance that first year.
03:00And that just means a lot to a young person, I should imagine, yeah?
03:02Are your parents very proud?
03:05Have they come in for a bit of pud?
03:07Have they tried the whole, well, that's my daughter, so I want some discount?
03:10Do you know what I mean?
03:12What's your favourite food not to eat but to make, to prepare?
03:16I like doing the waffles.
03:19And the donuts as well.
03:21Yeah, yeah.
03:22Because I like to decorate them and just make them look all nice and everything.
03:25One of the customers said that they look very pretty, don't they?
03:27Not only do they taste good, but they look good, you know.
03:30So what would you like to do kind of, you know, down the line,
03:33kind of where do you see yourself, you know, 10 years, 20 years from now?
03:37Have you thought that far or is that too much in the distance?
03:39I haven't thought that far yet, but I would like to get and achieve more further down the line.
03:46But, like, as we say, this is just the starting point and it's going to help us grow.
03:51Great stuff. Well, we wish you all the best.
03:53Thank you very much, Casey.
