00:00I'd like you to come right out to 14th Street.
00:2914 Bleeker Street. Right away.
00:31I'd ask for Mr. Norfleet.
00:38I dropped a very valuable diamond ring down into this wash basin drain.
00:42Please, don't give up until you find it.
00:44Don't worry, boss.
00:45We'll have your ring back before I can say cook-a-monger.
00:46That's fine.
00:47Oh, my wife has guests and is unveiling a new Van Broughton painting she just bought.
00:51Please, work quietly.
00:52Okay, we'll be quiet.
00:54I said quiet!
00:55Come on, get busy here.
00:56All right.
00:57Get the ring.
00:59Come on, get that plate out of there.
01:00All right.
01:01I think he got something.
01:02How about that?
01:03It was stuck on the inside rim all the time.
01:04Call Mr. Norfleet.
01:05Mr. Norfleet, we found...
01:06Get it!
01:08You knucklehead, you!
01:09You're going to get that ring back before I can say cook-a-monger!
01:24You're going to get that ring if I have to shove
01:25you down the pipe after!
01:27Oh, wait a minute.
01:28There must be another way.
01:29No, you can't.
01:30Oh, no, no, please.
01:33Ow, you're crushing my skull!
01:34Well, get that ring!
01:36It won't fit in there.
01:37By golly, he's right, his ears are in the way.
01:39I've got to get something.
01:43Oh, yeah, a wrench!
01:50Ah, ah.
01:54Oh, no, he couldn't have.
01:55He couldn't have gone down that drain pipe.
01:59Larry, where are you?
02:01I'm down here.
02:05I'll figure something out, kid.
02:06Wait a minute.
02:07I'll figure something out.
02:11Come on, Moe, get busy.
02:15OK, kid, I'll be with you in a jiffy.
02:18Take it easy, kid.
02:19I'll find a way.
02:21Now, how easy, Larry?
02:26I got part of him.
02:27I'll have to take him out in pieces.
02:28Take your time, kid.
02:36Hey, Moe, what are you doing?
02:38I'm trying to get you out of this pipe, you sap.
02:42What'd you do, blow your stack?
02:44Blow your stack?
02:45I'll smack you in the snoot.
02:47Larry, if I can't get it out, help me, will you?
02:48I'm stuck.
02:50Take it easy, kid.
02:51I'll get you out.
02:52Is your hand all right?
02:53I don't know.
02:56It's all right.
02:58Give me that.
02:59I hope that ring's in here.
03:04I'll murder you.
03:05Take it easy.
03:05Hey, that ring went down that drain pipe.
03:08How do you know it didn't go down the water pipe?
03:10Maybe it did.
03:11Beep, beep, beep.
03:17Hey, Shep, we're in here.
03:20We got a lot of work to do, so shake a leg.
03:22Hold your horses, will you?
03:29I think that ring slid down one of the pipes into the basement.
03:31We all better go down there and find it and hurry.
03:33Well, don't rush me.
03:34I gotta wash my hands.
03:36Oh, who do you think I am, Anyhow?
03:39Hey, Anyhow.
03:42Come on.
03:43Come on, Anyhow.
03:44Come on.
03:46But we didn't locate the ring.
03:48Hold onto this and don't let it slip.
03:50We can't find a ring while it's leaking.
03:54Why did he let this water running?
03:56I did.
03:59I gotta get rid of this water.
04:07What an idea.
04:13Hey, I better go find that water cut off.
04:22I tell you, Mo, I couldn't find that water shut off.
04:24Shut off? Shut up!
04:26Maybe the ring went behind that basin.
04:28Here, pry that basin away from that wall
04:30just one inch so I can look behind it.
04:32Now, if I was a ring, where would I go?
04:40Well, I'm sorry, Mo.
04:41So am I.
04:43You imbecile, you know it.
04:47Hey, that ring has been in your hair all the time.
04:50Mr. Norfleet.
04:51Mr. Norfleet.
04:52Mr. Norfleet.
04:52Hurry up.
04:54Here's your ring, Mr. Norfleet.
04:57I'm frantic, gentlemen, frantic.
04:59Someone stole our new $50,000 painting.
05:03Where's Shemp?
05:04He loves pictures.
05:05I think he's upstairs.
05:06Wait here, boss.
05:08Come on.
05:09Anything, anything.
05:10I must have a drink of water.
05:15I'll put the picture in here until the excitement
05:18blows over.
05:19They'll never find the painting in this pipe.
05:25You go to the car.
05:25I'll be right with you.
05:29You better come on.
05:31Ah, you crook.
05:32We got you.
05:33I'll be alone while brazen you are.
05:40Don't you dare throw that pie.
05:53Oh, I'm sorry.
05:55I'm sorry, I didn't see that.
05:56Oh, no, you don't.
05:58Are you here, Moe?
06:00No, I just left.
06:01Get out of here.
06:03Next time, watch where you're throwing.
06:04Oh, yeah?
06:05Well, I know what my rights are.
06:10Oh, let me get you.
06:18You missed me hand.
06:20Ah, that one got you.
06:21Serves you right.
06:23Golly, he didn't miss me.
06:24Now, wait a minute.
06:25Don't you throw at him.
06:26Don't you throw at him.
06:27I say, what goes on here?
06:33Let's get him.
06:38What in the world?
06:40We recovered your painting.
06:41And there's the crook that stole it.
06:43My painting.
06:44My painting.
06:44You boys are wonderful.
06:46I'll get you a nice reward.
06:47My painting.
06:48Oh, boy, a reward.
06:49Won't Shemp be glad to hear this?
06:51He certainly will.
06:52Hey, where is that putting head Shemp?
06:57Oh, boy.
06:58Oh, boy.
06:59Oh, boy.
07:00Oh, boy.
07:00Oh, boy.
07:01Oh, boy.
07:02Oh, boy.
07:03Oh, boy.