[Atoz-toons12.blogspot.com] - Roll No.21 Kris Aur Japaani Jhanjaal (2019) 720p Full HD Quality

  • 2 days ago
00:00:00This is the story of a girl named Krishna, who is in love with a boy named Krishna.
00:00:07Krishna is in love with a boy named Krishna.
00:00:11Krishna is in love with a boy named Krishna.
00:00:15Krishna is in love with a boy named Krishna.
00:00:19Krishna is in love with a boy named Krishna.
00:00:23Krishna is in love with a boy named Krishna.
00:00:27Krishna is in love with a boy named Krishna.
00:00:31Krishna is in love with a boy named Krishna.
00:00:35Krishna is in love with a boy named Krishna.
00:00:39Krishna is in love with a boy named Krishna.
00:00:43Krishna is in love with a boy named Krishna.
00:00:47Krishna is in love with a boy named Krishna.
00:00:51Krishna is in love with a boy named Krishna.
00:00:55Krishna is in love with a boy named Krishna.
00:01:25You are a demon who has made the whole of Japan a slave.
00:01:32Yes, Zaga. Why not?
00:01:34And insects like you will never be able to finish that slavery.
00:01:40For thousands of years, Japan will have to become my slave.
00:01:47Whoever will clash with Zuma, will meet in hell.
00:01:51Zuma is more dangerous than death.
00:01:56Fight with Zuma.
00:02:04Only those who are afraid of him, will be killed by demons like you.
00:02:25Soldiers, finish this insect right now.
00:02:56Where are you running off to?
00:03:04I will come again, Zaga.
00:03:07And that day, along with Japan, I will make the whole world my slave.
00:03:15Everyone will bow before me.
00:03:18I will come again.
00:03:26I will come again.
00:03:38Leave me. Leave me alone.
00:03:47These bees seem to be very angry.
00:03:50They won't spare Golu today.
00:03:54It's time to apologize.
00:04:02Wait. Wait.
00:04:03Forgive him.
00:04:05I apologize on behalf of Golu.
00:04:13Why did you go to the jungle, Golu?
00:04:16I didn't go there on purpose.
00:04:19My elephant went to the jungle while climbing.
00:04:24So, I had to follow it.
00:04:27I ran very fast.
00:04:29That's why I was saved.
00:04:31If it was a blue balloon, it would have been punctured.
00:04:36Like a tyre.
00:04:38But I was saved too, Golu.
00:04:40Because after you, the bees started fighting with me.
00:04:44But I ran away.
00:04:45We should also leave from here.
00:04:47I don't want the bees to come here and get us into trouble.
00:04:51Yes. Yes.
00:04:52Let's go.
00:04:53But first, look at my peacock, Chris.
00:04:58This is very beautiful, Pinky.
00:05:00And look at my flying horse, Chris.
00:05:02Why? Doesn't it look real?
00:05:04Look at this.
00:05:05My flying horse is real.
00:05:07By the way, what did you make, Chris?
00:05:09I made a paper plane.
00:05:12And it fell in the water and then it floated.
00:05:18He made a plane.
00:05:20Anyone can make a paper plane.
00:05:23The hard work is in making this powerful elephant.
00:05:27Look, I will get the first prize in the origami competition.
00:05:32Yes, Chris.
00:05:33We need to work very hard for origami.
00:05:36A lot of people will participate there.
00:05:39Have you ever thought about it?
00:05:41I have.
00:05:42My sweet and sour pickles.
00:05:44I care about all of you.
00:05:48That's why I am saying, kids.
00:05:50This origami is a very difficult competition.
00:05:53No one will benefit from this.
00:05:56This is nothing but a waste of time.
00:06:00Kanishk is absolutely right, kids.
00:06:03There is no point in making paper elephants and horses.
00:06:08Mr. Tarak, teach the kids a little discipline.
00:06:11Kanishk doesn't give the kids a chance to be happy.
00:06:18A little higher.
00:06:21I can't do it.
00:06:23I can't move my legs because of the pain.
00:06:26We have to make ten rounds of this round.
00:06:29Whoever stops in the middle will have to make five extra rounds.
00:06:33That's 15 rounds.
00:06:38DJ, you fool.
00:06:41Have you ever seen such a fun show?
00:06:46It's fun, isn't it?
00:06:50Your Majesty, it's fun.
00:06:53But your dance is more fun than that.
00:06:58You fool.
00:07:00I was telling you to have fun with those examples.
00:07:03And you are having fun with me.
00:07:06No, Your Majesty.
00:07:08You are misunderstanding me.
00:07:10I was just praising you.
00:07:12Today is a great day.
00:07:21Stop, Your Majesty.
00:07:23Look what Tarak has done to Kris and his friends.
00:07:28This is called punishment.
00:07:31But with love.
00:07:33My legs are aching.
00:07:36I see.
00:07:38So this is the matter, Mr. Kanishk.
00:07:40Uncle, now watch how the fun begins.
00:07:46What is this?
00:07:47Don't turn off the lights.
00:07:48Who is it?
00:07:51Neelu, this is all your doing.
00:07:54I won't spare you.
00:08:03Son, attack.
00:08:06Attack the fire.
00:08:09Fun time.
00:08:13The fire is burning.
00:08:15Neelu, be careful.
00:08:18Run, run, run.
00:08:21What are you doing?
00:08:22Come on, get up.
00:08:28Take a bath, Mr. Kanishk.
00:08:35Foolish Kanishk.
00:08:37What are you doing in the mud?
00:08:40I am playing dandiya.
00:08:41See, Kris has trapped me here.
00:08:44So think that Kris's problem is forever.
00:08:49Guru Mahasur.
00:08:51If you had told me everything outside the mud,
00:08:54I would have listened to you.
00:08:56Why did you come here?
00:08:57I didn't come.
00:08:59I slipped.
00:09:00Okay, Guru Mahasur.
00:09:01Now tell me.
00:09:02You were telling me a solution.
00:09:04I have a very good solution to your problem.
00:09:08Listen carefully.
00:09:09This time I want you to meet a great magician from Japan.
00:09:18But who is he?
00:09:19He is a great magician.
00:09:22If you get along with him,
00:09:24then you will be more energetic than a cheetah.
00:09:27And more powerful than an elephant.
00:09:30Your vision will be like a fool.
00:09:32And your brain will be faster than a crow.
00:09:35Guru Mahasur.
00:09:37Are you praising me or insulting me?
00:09:40Foolish donkey.
00:09:42I am showing you the way to get rid of Kris.
00:09:48Guru Mahasur.
00:09:49Tell me quickly.
00:09:52Then listen.
00:10:03Stop it.
00:10:04Why are you throwing stones at me?
00:10:07Shut up.
00:10:09Can't you see I am throwing mangoes?
00:10:11Go and sit somewhere else.
00:10:13Can't you wait for a while?
00:10:15You are a glutton.
00:10:17You always talk about food.
00:10:20Why are you angry at Golu, Pinky?
00:10:22Kanishk sir is not letting us participate in the origami competition.
00:10:25What should we do?
00:10:26That's the problem.
00:10:27We prepared a lot to participate in the origami competition.
00:10:32But all our efforts were in vain.
00:10:35My dear Gulab Jamun.
00:10:38I thought a lot.
00:10:39I understood.
00:10:40And I thought.
00:10:42Then I came to the conclusion that all the children of Mathura orphanage are very intelligent, smart and talented.
00:10:51Really sir?
00:10:54I am telling the truth.
00:10:55That's why I want to take you all to Japan to participate in the international origami competition.
00:11:03Will you come, children?
00:11:08The sun never rises from the west, Chris.
00:11:11This is Kanishk's plan to trap you.
00:11:13Stop everyone from going to Japan.
00:11:15Sukhi uncle.
00:11:16You worry unnecessarily.
00:11:18We are all going to Japan to participate in the origami competition.
00:11:25The bird is trapped.
00:11:27Now there should be no delay in reaching Japan.
00:12:27You keep turning them around in the name of taking them to the origami place.
00:12:32By then I will meet Zuma as soon as possible.
00:12:35Got it?
00:12:37With them?
00:12:39What should I do?
00:12:40I am alone with all these evil children.
00:12:43I am alone.
00:12:44I am alone.
00:12:45I am alone.
00:12:46I am alone.
00:12:47I am alone.
00:12:48I am alone.
00:12:49I am alone.
00:12:50I am alone.
00:12:51I am alone.
00:12:52I am alone.
00:12:53I am alone.
00:12:54I am alone.
00:12:55I am alone.
00:12:56I am alone.
00:12:57I am alone.
00:12:58I am alone.
00:12:59I am alone,已經倒 rejection We have already been rejected.
00:13:00Now what should I do?
00:13:01Shut up you son of Jai.
00:13:02The saint keeps interfering without saying anything.
00:13:05Remember one thing, if nothing is then do anything then I will make you old and bald.
00:13:12King listen to me.
00:13:17You never listen me at least now.
00:13:55Stop soldiers
00:14:01Calm down my brave soldiers
00:14:05He is our friend
00:14:07No need to worry Ganesh
00:14:10He is my soldier
00:14:12He doesn't let anyone come here
00:14:15You are my friend that's why you could reach me
00:14:20But why are you hiding in the dark like this?
00:14:25After losing to Zaka, all my magical powers were gone
00:14:30That's when I had to come here and hide
00:14:34And after many years of hard work, I was able to make this for my protection
00:14:42Yes yes it will be done
00:14:45I will soon have control over Japan
00:14:50And then I will turn day into night
00:14:54And then you will hunt day and night and attack people
00:14:59This man dreams a lot
00:15:01Did you say something?
00:15:03No no nothing
00:15:05I was just asking what we have to do next
00:15:09First we have to reach Mount Fuji
00:15:13Once I reach Mount Fuji, my magical powers will increase
00:15:20Then what will you become?
00:15:24I will become Ganesh
00:15:28So are you ready to take me to Mount Fuji?
00:15:33Yes yes I am ready
00:15:36Magical spell
00:15:40What is this?
00:15:42I have destroyed your magical powers
00:15:47Whether you are my friend or my enemy, I don't trust anyone
00:15:51Because I am weak with one leg
00:15:53If someone attacks me, your magical powers will be destroyed as soon as you reach Mount Fuji
00:15:59Then how will we reach Mount Fuji?
00:16:02You will take me on your back
00:16:05I am a king
00:16:07There is no one who will take you on Mount Fuji
00:16:12Think again
00:16:13I can take help from anyone but you
00:16:17But no one can free you from me
00:16:22No no no
00:16:24There is no one like that
00:16:27Either you say yes or find your way
00:16:31Yes yes I will take you
00:16:35How will I reach Mount Fuji without my super powers?
00:16:46What is this?
00:16:48This is Mount Fuji
00:16:49Mount Fuji is so high
00:16:51It looks like it is as high as the sky
00:16:54This is really very high
00:16:56When the sun rises, its rays fall on Mount Fuji
00:17:01That is why Japan is called the land of rising sun
00:17:05And the whole of Japan depends on solar power
00:17:09All the electricity is generated from this
00:17:11So all these lights are powered by solar power?
00:17:15Why lights Pinky?
00:17:17The factories, trains, buses and cars here are all powered by solar power
00:17:22What is this solar power?
00:17:25The electricity generated by the sun is called solar power
00:17:30Kids, let's go fast
00:17:32Our hotel is nearby
00:17:35Let's go fast
00:17:37If the food in the hotel is over, what will we eat?
00:17:41Don't worry Golu
00:17:43The food in the whole city is not going to be over so soon
00:17:47Look, there is a banner of our origami competition
00:17:51Chris, this competition is day after tomorrow
00:17:54Then what will we do all day tomorrow?
00:17:57We will see Tokyo city
00:17:59No, we will prepare for the competition
00:18:02No, we will go to Tokyo
00:18:04No, we will prepare for the contest
00:18:07What are you doing?
00:18:10Don't fight in the middle of the road
00:18:12What will people think about us?
00:18:16Help! Someone help my daughter
00:18:31What should I do now?
00:18:33Everyone is watching
00:18:35How should I use my magic?
00:18:47Thank you very much
00:18:50You saved my daughter
00:18:52I can't thank you enough
00:18:56No problem
00:18:58But take care of your daughter from now on
00:19:01Wow Chris, you did a great job
00:19:05It's not a matter of earning
00:19:08I would have saved that girl before Chris
00:19:11Golu, do you see anything else other than food?
00:19:26Looks like Chris' heroism has started here too
00:19:30I don't know what will happen next
00:19:33King Kanishka has put me in trouble
00:19:39I am very scared
00:19:45We have reached the hotel
00:19:47Let's go inside
00:19:49But where is Kanishka sir?
00:19:52What should I tell him?
00:19:56Doctor, where is Kanishka sir?
00:20:00He has gone to meet some of his friends
00:20:06Some of his friends have students
00:20:09They will participate in the origami contest
00:20:13Let's go inside
00:20:16I hope Sukhi uncle is right
00:20:19Kanishka sir is not making any plan
00:20:36Where did the money go?
00:20:41Kanishka, what are you doing?
00:20:45Oh, so you are resting here
00:20:48On the floor
00:20:50Lie down and sleep
00:20:53You are used to sleeping on the floor
00:20:56Shut up!
00:20:58Will you take me to Fuji or should I find another way?
00:21:04He is threatening me again and again
00:21:07I feel like putting him on the floor
00:21:10But what can I do?
00:21:12He has snatched all my super powers
00:21:15I will have to put him on my back
00:21:21What are you saying?
00:21:24Nothing, nothing
00:21:26Zuma, my friend, let's go
00:21:28Get up, let's go
00:21:31Kanishka, you are nothing in front of the demons
00:21:35Once I get all your powers
00:21:38I will show you who the real demon king is
00:21:49Kanishka, why are you walking like a donkey?
00:21:52Walk faster
00:21:54Like a bullet train
00:21:58Golu, the line has to stop here
00:22:02I am not a leaf that I can fly in the air
00:22:10Japanese bullet trains are really fast
00:22:13Let's go fast or we will be late
00:22:21We will reach Origami Contest in a blink of an eye
00:22:26We will soon find out who will reach where
00:22:30Did you say something, doctor?
00:22:32No, no, no, I didn't say anything, Chris
00:22:34Chris, come here
00:22:36The view outside is so beautiful
00:22:39Cuckoo party, cuckoo party
00:22:42Cuckoo party, cuckoo party
00:22:45Let's all be funny
00:22:47Let's all be funny
00:22:49Cuckoo party, cuckoo party
00:22:52Cuckoo party, cuckoo party
00:22:54Let's all be funny
00:22:56Let's all be funny
00:22:58Let's all be funny
00:23:00Let's all be funny
00:23:02Let's all be funny
00:23:04Let's all be funny
00:23:06Let's all be funny
00:23:08Let's all be funny
00:23:12Let's all be funny
00:23:14Let's all be funny
00:23:16Let's all be funny
00:23:18Let's all be funny
00:23:20Let's all be funny
00:23:22Let's all be funny
00:23:24Let's all be funny
00:23:26Let's all be funny
00:23:28Let's all be funny
00:23:30Let's all be funny
00:23:32Let's all be funny
00:23:34Let's all be funny
00:23:36Let's all be funny
00:23:38Let's all be funny
00:23:40Let's all be funny
00:23:42Let's all be funny
00:23:44Let's all be funny
00:23:46Let's all be funny
00:23:48Let's all be funny
00:23:50Let's all be funny
00:23:52Let's all be funny
00:23:54Let's all be funny
00:23:56Let's all be funny
00:23:58Let's all be funny
00:24:00Let's all be funny
00:24:02Let's all be funny
00:24:04Let's all be funny
00:24:06Let's all be funny
00:24:08Let's all be funny
00:24:10Let's all be funny
00:24:12Let's all be funny
00:24:14Let's all be funny
00:24:16Let's all be funny
00:24:18Let's all be funny
00:24:20Let's all be funny
00:24:22Let's all be funny
00:24:24Let's all be funny
00:24:26Let's all be funny
00:24:28Let's all be funny
00:24:30Let's all be funny
00:24:32Let's all be funny
00:24:34Let's all be funny
00:24:36Let's all be funny
00:24:38Let's all be funny
00:24:40Let's all be funny
00:24:42Let's all be funny
00:24:44Let's all be funny
00:24:46Let's all be funny
00:24:48Let's all be funny
00:24:50Let's all be funny
00:24:52Let's all be funny
00:24:54Let's all be funny
00:24:56Let's all be funny
00:24:58Let's all be funny
00:25:00Let's all be funny
00:25:02Let's all be funny
00:25:04Let's all be funny
00:25:06Let's all be funny
00:25:08Let's all be funny
00:25:10Let's all be funny
00:25:12Let's all be funny
00:25:14Let's all be funny
00:25:16Let's all be funny
00:25:18Let's all be funny
00:25:20Let's all be funny
00:25:22Let's all be funny
00:25:24Let's all be funny
00:25:26Let's all be funny
00:25:28Let's all be funny
00:25:30Let's all be funny
00:25:32Let's all be funny
00:25:34Let's all be funny
00:25:36Let's all be funny
00:25:38Let's all be funny
00:25:40Let's all be funny
00:25:42Let's all be funny
00:25:44Let's all be funny
00:25:46Let's all be funny
00:25:48Let's all be funny
00:25:50Let's all be funny
00:25:52Let's all be funny
00:25:54Let's all be funny
00:25:56Let's all be funny
00:25:58Let's all be funny
00:26:00Let's all be funny
00:26:02Let's all be funny
00:26:04Let's all be funny
00:26:06Let's all be funny
00:26:08Let's all be funny
00:26:10Let's all be funny
00:26:12Let's all be funny
00:26:14Let's all be funny
00:26:16Let's all be funny
00:26:18The light of the sun is getting trapped in me
00:26:22Now all the light will be trapped in me
00:26:26Ha ha ha ha ha
00:26:46What's happening?
00:26:56What happened, Chris? Is everything okay?
00:27:01I don't know, Pinky, but something has happened.
00:27:04Let's go to the station. Maybe we can find out there.
00:27:08Yes, let's go.
00:27:10Children, stop!
00:27:15Attention, please.
00:27:16The sudden decrease in sunlight in the Tokyo city's solar electric power stations
00:27:20has caused a sudden shortage of electricity in the city.
00:27:22That's why we have to slow down the bullet train.
00:27:25It's a shame for the passengers.
00:27:27What? We're getting late for some reason.
00:27:30It's okay, Pinky. We'll get there.
00:27:33Wow, look! There's an amusement park over there.
00:27:36Let's go. What are we waiting for?
00:27:43Where did the kids go?
00:27:56Which ride should we take now?
00:28:18Wow, these sumo wrestlers are great.
00:28:21They're like balloons filled with air.
00:28:24I can beat any sumo wrestler in a snap.
00:28:27Is there anyone who can compete with me?
00:28:30Looks like I'll have to blow this balloon.
00:28:38What's going on? Why isn't it moving?
00:28:44Hey, move a little.
00:28:47Have you turned into a stone?
00:28:50Let me go! Please let me go!
00:28:56Can you fight me?
00:29:01What's the difference between an elephant and a mouse?
00:29:04We'll know that once we fight.
00:29:07Okay, come on.
00:29:20Come on!
00:29:51You're a great wrestler.
00:29:53You surprised me.
00:29:55My name is Hopo. And yours?
00:29:57I'm Chris.
00:29:59Nice to meet you, Chris.
00:30:01We'll meet again.
00:30:04Tokyo City Electric Power Station
00:30:06Due to severe sunlight conditions, there's a shortage of electricity.
00:30:19Japan will be destroyed.
00:30:22And then, the entire world will be destroyed.
00:30:26The whole world will be destroyed.
00:30:29After that, the whole world will be destroyed.
00:30:36Yes, my friend.
00:30:38How long can someone live without the light of the sun?
00:30:42And all the light of the sun is getting absorbed in your body.
00:30:48Now Suma will become the emperor.
00:30:51Long live Suma!
00:30:56King Kanishka!
00:30:57King Kanishka!
00:30:59Will you say something or just keep chanting my name?
00:31:04There's been a big problem.
00:31:06Listen carefully.
00:31:08You're going to have a baby soon.
00:31:11What are you saying, you fool?
00:31:13Speak clearly.
00:31:15What happened?
00:31:18Kris and his friends fooled me and ran away.
00:31:23Where did they run off to, you fool?
00:31:25How would I know, King?
00:31:27I wish I could tell you what all bad things have happened to me.
00:31:33But still, I'll tell you everything.
00:31:38Shut up, you fool!
00:31:40I don't want to listen to your useless story.
00:31:44Listen to me.
00:31:46I have to make some arrangements for the baby soon.
00:31:50Suma is happy.
00:31:52Now go and destroy Japan.
00:31:56Take revenge for humiliating Suma in Japan.
00:32:00Now go!
00:32:06In the meantime, I'll make other demons to protect Fuji.
00:32:12W-W-Wait, Suma. Wait.
00:32:14Destroy Japan later.
00:32:16First, catch Kris.
00:32:17Send the entire army to catch him.
00:32:23The entire army to catch a child?
00:32:26Kanishk, you are a coward.
00:32:30S-Suma, my friend.
00:32:32Neelu is not an ordinary child.
00:32:35He's a troublemaker.
00:32:36He's also very dangerous.
00:32:41He's more dangerous than danger, Suma.
00:32:46Go and catch Kris.
00:32:51Only two demons?
00:32:54These two are equal to 2,000.
00:32:58And he alone is equal to 2,00,000.
00:33:02How dare you speak in front of me, you fool?
00:33:05In front of Suma?
00:33:08This is your punishment, you son of a donkey.
00:33:10What are you doing, King?
00:33:12Instead of saving me, you want to punish me?
00:33:15I am your slave.
00:33:18Save me.
00:33:19Save me.
00:33:20Save me.
00:33:21Save me.
00:33:27We are safe.
00:33:39What are you doing here?
00:33:42The demons are coming this way.
00:33:49Friends, let's get out of here.
00:34:01We have to save them.
00:34:03Let's go.
00:34:09Hold on tight, friends.
00:34:18You guys stay here.
00:34:20I'll go and get them out of the swing.
00:34:28You are not only brave, but also kind, Kris.
00:34:32You risked your life to save these kids.
00:34:34But we have to go.
00:34:35I'm not going to leave without teaching these demons a lesson.
00:34:38You can't fight them.
00:34:40Because Suma is a dangerous magician.
00:34:43Who is Suma?
00:34:44I'll tell you everything.
00:34:45But we have to get out of here.
00:34:47Let's go.
00:35:10We need a lot of preparation to fight Suma.
00:35:14Let's go.
00:35:15Come with me.
00:35:22We didn't find Kris.
00:35:24I think he ran away.
00:35:26But where will he go?
00:35:33Who is Suma, Hoppo?
00:35:35That's 300 years ago.
00:35:48What will happen to half of the food?
00:35:51The kids will be hungry.
00:35:53What if someone asks for something else?
00:35:57I won't even give this.
00:36:00Soldiers, take him away.
00:36:04I'll give you the light of the sun.
00:36:07I'll give you the light of the sun.
00:36:10I'll give you the light of the sun.
00:36:13I'll give you the light of the sun.
00:36:16I'll give you the light of the sun.
00:36:19Only the one who has the light of the sun can grow the crops.
00:36:23Only he can live.
00:36:25I have the right over your life.
00:36:28So follow my orders.
00:36:31At that time, no farmer had the right to sell his crops.
00:36:37And no trader had the right to trade with anyone.
00:36:42People couldn't even make food for themselves.
00:36:47Cowards, farmers and laborers were counting the days of their lives.
00:36:52But one of them was a farmer, Shaka.
00:37:13Take these kids away.
00:37:15I'll deal with them.
00:37:22I am Shamshoom.
00:37:25I am determined to save my country from the tyrants.
00:37:30My ancestors, give me strength.
00:37:35Shaka, all the powers of goodness are with you in this battle against evil.
00:38:23Look, Zuma, look.
00:38:25Today, all your atrocities
00:38:27will be over.
00:38:34Go, where you want to go.
00:38:36We have to get there.
00:38:37The separate storms will come and
00:38:41take hold your step.
00:38:45Go, where you want to go.
00:38:47We have to get there.
00:38:50The separate storms will come and
00:38:52take hold your step.
00:38:55Keep walking,
00:38:56no matter how much
00:38:58you have to face.
00:39:00Keep walking,
00:39:31I am the most powerful, my enemies keep their distance.
00:39:42In front of my power, everyone's courage is weak.
00:39:47I am the most powerful, my enemies keep their distance.
00:39:52In front of my power, everyone's courage is weak.
00:39:57We will climb every mountain, even if we are tired.
00:40:02We will climb every mountain, even if we are tired.
00:40:08There is no power greater than determination.
00:40:13Keep moving forward, no matter how difficult it is.
00:40:18There is no power greater than determination.
00:40:23Keep moving forward, no matter how difficult it is.
00:40:31I will come back again, Zaka.
00:40:45Zaka! Zaka!
00:40:48From now on, whenever someone is attacked...
00:40:52...and the people of Japan need help...
00:40:55...this sword will protect Japan.
00:41:01Since that day, under the shadow of that sword...
00:41:04...the country of the rising sun, Japan, has been progressing.
00:41:09And do you know, children...
00:41:11...Japan has once again been captured by that dangerous Zuma.
00:41:16And children, we have arrived.
00:41:24Along with a soldier...
00:41:26...a common citizen should always be...
00:41:29...pure, honest and alert for the safety of his country.
00:41:36These children are my friends from India.
00:41:38They came to participate in the international origami competition.
00:41:41But there, our competition was with the Zuma army.
00:41:44Then it would be wrong to waste even a moment.
00:41:47All of you should come and learn ninja fighting right now.
00:41:51Ninja fighting?
00:41:53We have no choice but to fight.
00:41:56Because for many days, we cannot be safe in this village.
00:42:00Because after destroying the big cities...
00:42:03...Zuma's eyes will definitely go to every small village.
00:42:08I don't know how I will do this.
00:42:11I just want to go home.
00:42:13We will go, Golu.
00:42:14All of us will go.
00:42:16After saving the people of Japan...
00:42:18...and after defeating Zuma.
00:42:21Then start preparing.
00:42:23It won't be right to waste even a moment.
00:42:26Be strong like a rock.
00:42:28Keep an eye on the enemy like a crocodile.
00:42:31And attack him like a tiger.
00:42:44Even a ninja fighter is equal to 100 people.
00:42:48How can a man be equal to 100 people?
00:42:51I will show you now.
00:42:53All of you attack me with all your strength.
00:43:08A lost battle can be won with origami.
00:43:11This is not just a game.
00:43:13This is called the art of war.
00:43:16Chris, Hoppo said that you are very brave.
00:43:19So let's do it.
00:43:21I am ready.
00:43:23I am ready.
00:43:40Wow, Chris.
00:43:41You did a great job today.
00:43:43Chris, you are a born warrior.
00:43:45So let's go, kids.
00:43:46All of you must be hungry.
00:43:48Let's eat something.
00:43:50I will teach you origami.
00:43:57This is very tasty.
00:43:59Yes, noodles too.
00:44:01And this way of eating noodles too.
00:44:07This is very tasty.
00:44:09But where is Golu?
00:44:13Japan's fruits are so sweet.
00:44:16Wow, grapes on the tree.
00:44:20I will not leave you.
00:44:36Blue boy.
00:44:37Blue boy.
00:44:46So, kids.
00:44:47Now what I am going to do...
00:44:48Watch it carefully.
00:44:49Look Kamal, Tom-Tom-Dhum-Dhum-Chilli-Chilli.
00:45:03Now kids, repeat after me.
00:45:12They have taken Monu.
00:45:14What? But who took her?
00:45:16Zuma's soldiers.
00:45:18Forgive me, I couldn't stop them.
00:45:20We can't wait any longer.
00:45:22My friend Golu is in danger.
00:45:24Whatever happens, we have to fight Zuma.
00:45:28We are with you Chris.
00:45:30Let's go.
00:45:32We can't defeat Zuma without Zaka's sword.
00:45:36We have to get Zaka's sword first.
00:45:39Hoppo uncle is right.
00:45:41Let's find the sword first.
00:45:43We have to defeat the enemy.
00:45:45And that's why we have to be fully prepared.
00:45:47But where will we get the sword?
00:45:49It's hidden somewhere in the Imperial Palace.
00:45:52We have to go inside the Imperial Palace and find it.
00:45:55Imperial Palace is in Tokyo.
00:45:57But how will we reach there?
00:46:00All the trains, buses, cars, everything is closed.
00:46:04I know a shortcut.
00:46:07But what?
00:46:08But it's a very dangerous route.
00:46:11Now we are ready to take any risk for Golu.
00:46:14And for Jabban too.
00:46:17Let's go.
00:46:34This bridge is very old.
00:46:36No one comes and goes from here.
00:46:38That's why the bridge can be weak.
00:46:40And do you see down there, kids?
00:46:42There is a lava flow from that small volcano down there.
00:46:46If we fall, there is no hope of survival.
00:46:49Don't think about falling.
00:46:51Otherwise, you will get scared.
00:46:53I will go first.
00:46:55All of you follow me.
00:46:56And Hoppo, you come later.
00:47:09Come on, kids.
00:47:10Come on.
00:47:16Come on.
00:47:27Madhu, open your eyes.
00:47:32Don't be scared.
00:47:33And hold on to the rope.
00:47:43As soon as uncle leaves, this bridge will break.
00:47:47Hoppo uncle, try to hold on to the ropes on both sides of the bridge.
00:47:51Half of your weight should be on the rope.
00:47:53At least less weight should be on the bridge.
00:48:13Hoppo uncle, are you okay?
00:48:16But I won't be able to climb up.
00:48:18Just hold on to the rope.
00:48:20You guys pull the rope and move forward.
00:48:29I am not able to pull it, Chris.
00:48:31It's too heavy.
00:48:32It must be time.
00:48:41Hoppo uncle, are you okay?
00:48:43You guys are stronger than I thought.
00:48:47We should reach there as soon as possible.
00:48:50Let's go.
00:48:52Let's hide in those bushes.
00:48:54Let's go.
00:49:03When I was a kid, I used to go to Tokyo with my father from this tunnel.
00:49:08Let's go.
00:49:09Everyone, get down.
00:49:11Let's go.
00:49:22Where have we come?
00:49:24This is Tokyo.
00:49:25But it's completely destroyed.
00:49:29This is all because of Zuma's lava monster.
00:49:32Yes, but once Zuma loses, everything will be back to normal.
00:49:37If we win, will there be a competition in Orega?
00:49:41Of course, Pinky.
00:49:42But first, we have to deal with this problem.
00:49:46That's right.
00:49:47We have to escape from all this and reach the Imperial Palace.
00:49:53But how will we reach there?
00:49:56There are so many monsters around us.
00:50:15This is fun time.
00:50:18What's going on?
00:50:19All my powers are gone.
00:50:21It seems all my powers are gone as soon as I entered Tokyo.
00:50:25That means Zuma is very powerful.
00:50:29Come on.
00:50:35There's nothing ahead.
00:50:37What do we do now?
00:50:39I have an idea.
00:50:48You guys, look over there.
00:50:50I'll look over here.
00:50:59There are so many lava monsters here.
00:51:02Many revolutionaries were born in Japan from the Imperial Palace.
00:51:06That's why Zuma is guarding this place the most.
00:51:10So that he doesn't start any kind of rebellion against it.
00:51:15There's no way in here.
00:51:17All the doors are closed.
00:51:18There is a way.
00:51:19You guys can go in from there.
00:51:22But remember, once you go in, you have to open the door.
00:51:27So that we can go in as well.
00:51:30Where is the way?
00:51:31Follow me.
00:51:41This is our backstabbing dagger.
00:51:44It has the sign of Zaka's sword.
00:51:48If you need it, you can use it.
00:51:52Mitsuki will go with you.
00:52:49Chris, we can't stop them for long.
00:52:52Find the sword quickly.
00:52:54Yes, uncle.
00:52:57What do we do now?
00:52:59Where do we go?
00:53:00Madhu, read what's written here.
00:53:02It says 4 times 4.
00:53:06Which means 16.
00:53:07But how can there be 16 swords in the palace?
00:53:10I got it.
00:53:1213, 14, 15, 16.
00:53:14There it is.
00:53:15There are 16 swords in that palace.
00:53:17Which means the sword is in that palace.
00:53:20Very good, Madhu.
00:53:21Let's go.
00:53:28What's next, Madhu?
00:53:30It says run from 2 to 2.
00:53:32If we run from 2 to 2, we'll get 1.
00:53:36Where should we go now?
00:53:43There it is.
00:53:46Those two paths are leading to the same path.
00:53:57You go, Chris.
00:53:58We'll handle them.
00:54:03There's nothing here.
00:54:05No right, no left, no front, no back.
00:54:08A little up, a little down.
00:54:11What does that mean?
00:54:23There's no sign here.
00:54:25Where do we look for it?
00:54:27No front, no back.
00:54:29A little up, a little...
00:54:32A little down.
00:54:36Well done, Chris.
00:54:39How do we go back?
00:54:40There's no path ahead.
00:55:07Someone found Zaka's sword.
00:55:11Y-Your Highness, it's Chris.
00:55:15He must have found Zaka's sword.
00:55:18He must be coming this way.
00:55:21Shut up, you idiot.
00:55:22How will that blue one get the sword?
00:55:26The sword that no one knows about.
00:55:28Otherwise, Zuma would have found it long ago.
00:55:32That sword.
00:55:34No, no, your majesty.
00:55:35There is no such thing that Chris cannot do.
00:55:39He must be coming here to defeat Zuma.
00:55:43It is in our best interest that he leaves.
00:55:46Shut up, you son of a bitch.
00:55:48Your majesty, if you don't listen to me,
00:55:51Chris will make me his slave after defeating Zuma.
00:55:56And then he will make me sweep the floor.
00:56:00I don't even know how to sweep, your majesty.
00:56:03Shut up, you idiot.
00:56:08I have come here after wandering for 300 years.
00:56:13And I have not come here to lose.
00:56:16This time I have to win.
00:56:19I have to win at any cost.
00:56:25What kind of a man are you?
00:56:27You are wasting so much food.
00:56:30Please give me some.
00:56:33Just a little.
00:56:34I am just a small hungry boy.
00:56:39Give me.
00:56:40Zuma has never learned to give.
00:56:43You keep your mouth shut.
00:56:46What else should I do for you?
00:56:49I am very hungry.
00:56:54Someone please save me.
00:57:02Let's go and meet the others.
00:57:04I hope uncle Hopo has Pinky and Bablu with him.
00:57:10That's Golu's voice.
00:57:12Let's go, Madhu.
00:57:14He did it.
00:57:15Chris has got the sword.
00:57:17Everyone come here.
00:57:18Friends, Golu is in trouble.
00:57:20We have to reach Mount Fuji as soon as possible.
00:57:22But how will we reach there so soon?
00:57:25There is only one way to reach Mount Fuji.
00:57:27And that is from below this palace.
00:57:29So let's go.
00:57:31Let's go this way.
00:57:33Let's go this way.
00:57:40Be careful.
00:57:42No one should come here.
00:57:45No one should come here.
00:57:47And no one should leave this place.
00:57:50We are trapped.
00:57:52I told you to leave this place.
00:57:55Now Zuma will drown himself.
00:57:57And we will also drown.
00:57:59Shut up, you idiot.
00:58:01I am also waiting for the right time.
00:58:03So that I can get my power back.
00:58:05And I can take over all the power of Zuma.
00:58:09That's the problem, King.
00:58:12We haven't found any weakness of Zuma yet.
00:58:20Whatever it is, it is in his magical circle.
00:58:25Once we find it, everything will be magical.
00:58:32King, I have an idea.
00:58:35Why don't we both turn into lava monsters?
00:58:38Then it will be easier to take over the circle.
00:58:41King, I have a spray.
00:58:43If we use it, we will also look like lava monsters.
00:58:47Then give it to me, my dear.
00:58:49Yes, give it to me.
00:58:58Let's go.
00:59:00Let's go.
00:59:07This statue must have been made by Zuma.
00:59:12Yes, he can do anything.
00:59:30Let's go.
00:59:36Jai, let's go.
00:59:38King, this statue looks familiar.
00:59:42It looks like Kris.
00:59:44Isn't it?
00:59:46This blue can't be our blue.
00:59:48Let's go.
00:59:50So this is Kanishk and Jai.
00:59:52I will teach them a lesson.
00:59:54Pinky, Bablu, make two flies from the paper.
01:00:03Go and get into their ears.
01:00:07What is happening?
01:00:09Get out of the way.
01:00:13Friends, make more flies from the paper.
01:00:28Let's go, friends.
01:00:30This is the right time.
01:00:32What is happening?
01:00:43So you have reached here.
01:00:46Soldiers, look.
01:00:48There are our enemies.
01:00:50Kill them.
01:00:53Come on.
01:01:01Friends, go away from here.
01:01:04What will we do now?
01:01:06Let's make more creatures.
01:01:09We will fight them.
01:01:38Do you think you can defeat me with paper?
01:01:42No. What should we do now?
01:01:45Let's make more creatures.
01:01:47We will fight them.
01:02:05This is fun.
01:02:07But this is just the beginning.
01:02:28Uncle Hoppo
01:02:36Are you alright, Uncle Hoppo?
01:02:39Destroy that shining monster.
01:02:41Or else Zuma will make new monsters and fight us.
01:02:46Stop, Kris.
01:02:49Give me that sword.
01:02:51Or else I will throw your friend under the bridge.
01:02:54Save me, Kris.
01:02:56This monster will really throw me.
01:02:59Save me.
01:03:14Well done, my soldiers.
01:03:16Now give me that sword.
01:03:19Shut up, you magician.
01:03:21Your job is to make fun of the world.
01:03:25You can't be the king of the world.
01:03:28The king of the world will be the king of demons, Ganesh.
01:03:33My cat is meowing at me.
01:03:37Shut up.
01:03:39Go and make a new lava monster.
01:03:42Or else I will bring the sword.
01:03:46Capture this Neelu and her friends.
01:03:52Uncle Ganesh.
01:03:53You will have to use all your intelligence now.
01:04:20The game is not over yet.
01:04:22Now no one will survive.
01:04:25Fear Zuma.
01:04:29No matter how powerful the evil is.
01:04:32Good always loses, Uncle Zuma.
01:04:59Breaking news.
01:05:03It felt like a bad dream.
01:05:06You are right.
01:05:08Everything is back to normal.
01:05:10Now our children and our family are safe.
01:05:15My powers are over.
01:05:17Why, magician uncle?
01:05:19Are you having fun?
01:05:20Now stay where you are.
01:05:23I will come back.
01:05:28Kris has won the battle.
01:05:30And he is standing very relaxed.
01:05:32So why don't we jump and snatch his sword?
01:05:37You are right.
01:05:39Let's try.
01:05:52Japan is so beautiful.
01:05:55So let's go to the place for which you have come to Japan.
01:06:01Origami competition.
01:06:09Origami competition.
