Dr Iftikhar ने कहा, “Koalkata में जो अन्याय हुआ हमें उस पर इंसाफ़ चाहिए”

  • last month
डॉक्टरों के प्रोटेस्ट को लेकर डॉ इफ़्तिखार ने बताया कि पहले दिन से ही हमारी यह मांग थी कि हमारे देश में जो फीमेल्स है सिर्फ़ अपने वर्किंग प्लेस पर ही नहीं सब जगह पर सुरक्षा होनी चाहिए। इसलिए हम महिला सुरक्षा बिल की मांग कर रहे थे। दूसरे स्टेट में परीक्षण की परेशानी को देखते हुए प्रोटेस्ट को रोक दिया गया है। लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है कि हम लोग पीछे हट गए हैं, कल भी हम दिल्ली के CP में प्रोटेस्ट करने वाले हैं हमारा मेन फ़ोकस कोलकाता आर जी कर में जो हुआ हमें उस पर इंसाफ़ चाहिए।

#Kolkata #BengalHorror #Medical #RgKarhospital #GirlCrime #SaveGirls #DoctorsProtest


00:00Our demand from the first day was that we want that in our country, the females, not just in a working place, but everywhere, there should be at least a little security for the females.
00:12That's why for our security, we needed a separate bill. We also asked for a separate bill for female security.
00:21But other states have stopped protesting. It doesn't mean that we are still not involved in the fight.
00:28We are going to protest here at the CEP, but let's see. That was one of our demands.
00:38They set up a second national task force for us. The meeting is also going on.
00:44The main focus is on Kolkata. The justice that should be achieved on RGKR is there.
00:49Mamata Banerjee ji is saying that the CBI has not done this and that yet.
00:56But we won't be able to comment on that much.
01:00The response we have received so far is for security. We are being told that CCTVs and cameras will be installed.
01:08A committee has been formed in which all the staff are involved, from top to bottom.
01:15Even we residents are involved. We have been told that bouncers will be arranged for your safety.
01:23I don't know how long it will take. But promises have been made.
01:27To be honest, there are still females who are scared. We still don't have rooms where we can sleep.
01:34We don't know where to sleep, especially our female colleagues.
01:38The problem has been solved. We have been given promises.
01:43In the name of humanity, we have taken an oath that we will not let the patients suffer.
01:50That is why we have worked. But I think our demands are very basic.
