• last year
Katherine Cassandra Li Ong, Cassy for short, is the point person of leasing company Whirlwind and the Lucky South 99 POGO. The big boss in Porac is her godfather. Alice Guo's brother is her boyfriend.

Full story: https://www.rappler.com/newsbreak/in-depth/who-is-cassandra-ong-bamban-tarlac-porac-pampanga-pogos/
00:00Catherine Cassandra Lee Ong, Cassie for short, is the point person of leasing company Whirlwind
00:06and the LuckySouth99 pogo.
00:09Whirlwind and LuckySouth99 are being investigated after a government raid revealed evidence
00:14of massive scamming, trafficking, and torture.
00:17She was arrested in Indonesia on August 22, along with Sheila Guo, the sister of dismissed
00:22Mambantarlak Mayor, Alice Guo.
00:24Cassie, it turns out, is the girlfriend of another Guo sibling, Wesley Guo.
00:29She confirmed this in the Senate hearing Wednesday, August 28, but denied she is close
00:33to the dismissed mayor of Mambantarlak, Alice Guo.
00:37Alice incorporated the leasing company Baofu that rented its spaces to the raided pogo
00:41there, Hong Sheng slash Zun Yuan.
00:44She often acted as a translator or interpreter for her godfather and the incorporator of
00:48Whirlwind, a Chinese named Duan Renwu.
00:51Cassie has been charged for disobeying a summons and the obstruction of justice, both bailable
