• last year
Watch as Adam fixes a very sibilant vocal track and discovers how to use the new Fire the Dove VST audio plugin.

0:00 - Introduction
1:00 - Adam's Notes
1:53 - Getting Started
3:05 - Presets
3:21 - Adjusting Bands
8:34 - The Video
9:50 - Adjusting Attack
10:48 - Wet-Dry Adjustments
13:34 - Triple Lossy Compression
16:51 - Further Curve Adjustments
18:08 - Final Before and After
00:00I came across this really annoying sounding commercial because it had so much sibilance in it so much
00:07I mean look sometimes you guys are like it's not so bad, but no this one very bad
00:13So, let's see if acoustica's new
00:16Fire the dove or double and fire, whatever it is
00:21Can can do something about this nasty sounding audio. So I'll be a hundred percent honest
00:27This is the first time I'm actually gonna try using this plug-in
00:31It's been out for a few weeks, maybe even over a month
00:36But they just released the smaller version
00:39fire the dove
00:42Acoustica has this like simpler
00:44Plug-in series called fire the and then insert
00:49Whatever, but anyway, I took a bunch of notes on this
00:54So I wasn't completely clueless
00:57But uh
00:59Yeah, so, let's see. Let's go by step-by-step
01:03Facilitate the optimal use of dove follow the previously
01:08Analyze the signal visually
01:10By adjusting the range setting until the potential reduction curve becomes distinct and consistent
01:20Well screw all that. Let's just see the darn thing works, right?
01:25So fire the dove now we have all these different doves, but now we have fire the dove
01:33We'll go with the MT version the multi-thread version. And so I had already
01:39Played around with this. But again, I didn't run audio through it. So this is the first time I'm hearing this
01:45I don't know if sans gonna be the best reduction style
01:50or something else will
01:52We're gonna find out together
01:54Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window. So how do you start? Okay, it's not doing anything. So I
02:04Amount is how that's control
02:08Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window, so how do you start?
02:15The right way the way that makes her feel something about you every well, it looks like I'm gonna have to look for
02:23Where the resident is or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
02:28So how do you start for how she thinks and logic goes totally?
02:35Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window, so how do you Wow that is right around there
02:44So I'm just gonna do a very hard cut or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
02:52That's so bad goes totally out the window. So how or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
02:59So how do you?
03:02Hmm I was thinking it was gonna be a little bit more. Well, I could always try a preset, right?
03:10Female vocal softener regular de esser. I'll just go with that
03:16Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
03:20Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window. So how do you start?
03:26Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window. So how do you know it's still not enough?
03:33I mean, do you go do you cut or do you boost?
03:38Hmm I'm gonna put the amount to a hundred and
03:44And what does selectivity do again?
03:50The amount of bands
03:53Okay. Well, we'll just hit that at 50 about 50
03:58Smoothness, I'm gonna crank that up
04:01Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
04:05So how do you start flirting or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window?
04:11So, how do you start flirting with women in this way the right way the way that makes her feel something about you every
04:18Part of you you use a simple formula that gives you the ability to flirt with any woman any time any place
04:26More importantly this flirting formula eliminates the chance of coming off like a sleaze or a creep, which is actually it's still
04:35That sibilance is still very nasty or how she thinks and it shouldn't be cutting this much
04:44Or how she thinks this needs to be flatter
04:52Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
04:55So how do you start flirting with women in this way the right way the way for how she thinks and logic?
05:03Goes totally out the window. So how do you for how she thinks and logic goes?
05:09Okay. Well
05:12Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window, so how
05:18Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
05:21So how or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
05:26So how do you start for how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window?
05:34Too much or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window. So
05:41Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window, so how do you start
05:49Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window, so how do you I don't know what this actually does
05:57But it kind of makes sense to make it higher
06:02That's what I'm hearing correctly
06:05Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
06:08So how do you start flirting with women in this way the right way the way that makes her feel something about you?
06:15Every part of you you use a simple formula that gives you the ability to flip for how she thinks and logic
06:23Goes totally out the window. So
06:26It's a lot better than it was but it's definitely not perfect. Oh, there's the bypass button
06:32Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window. So how so so
06:41So how do you start flirting with women in this way the right way the way that makes her feel something about you?
06:49Well, I've got to say
06:51That's a big improvement now that I've heard it before and after like listen to this
06:57So so how oh my god nails on a chalkboard and then listen to it. So how do you start? So
07:06so so
07:08so how
07:10So how so how so this plug-in actually has a lot of buffer
07:16So you got to give it like you got to give it like a second after you hit bypass
07:20Otherwise, it doesn't bypass properly. So listen to it one more time. So how do you ow?
07:26That really hurts my ears
07:28So how do you so how do you so much better?
07:33So that it actually acts as an analyzer or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
07:39So how do you start flirting with women in this way the right way the way that makes her I'm not sure
07:46That's how this is supposed to work. Let's try it one more time at a higher resolution
07:52Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window. So how do you start flirting with women in this way?
08:04So how do you?
08:07So how do you?
08:10So how do you start flirting with women in this way the right way the way that makes her feel something about you every
08:18part of you
08:21So, how do you start flirting with women in this way the right way the way that makes her feel or how she thinks?
08:29Oh, by the way, you guys want to see what the video looks like. Hold on. I
08:33Forgot to bring that up
08:35So this is an ad but yeah that the sibilance on this ad was just so nasty
08:41Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
08:45So how do you start flirting with women in this way the right way the way that makes her feel something about you?
08:52Every part of you you use a simple formula that gives you the ability to flirt with any woman any time
08:59Let's bypass this now
09:02Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
09:05So how do you start flirting with women in this way the right way the way that makes her feel something about you?
09:13Every part of you you use a simple formula that gives you okay
09:18Let's start it over this time gives you the ability to flirt with any woman any time any place more importantly
09:25This flirting formula eliminates the chance of coming off like a sleaze or a creep
09:30Which is actually one of the most common mistakes men make when trying to flirt they over so I don't know if that will
09:39be the
09:40Proper amount that I want I may need to use
09:44The full version of Dove but that's certainly
09:48improve the audio
09:50Quickly, you know what? Maybe if I bump the attack up
09:55To like four let's just try that
10:00This flirting formula eliminates the chance of coming off
10:03Logic goes totally out the window. So how do you start flirting logic goes totally out the window? So
10:11logic, so
10:12So so so
10:17So how so how so how do you start flirting with women in this way?
10:24The right way the way that makes her feel something about you every part of you
10:29You use a simple formula that gives you the that is much better. Let me just make it on an even five milliseconds
10:37If I can do that, oh, yeah, there we go
10:41Five on the dot
10:44Release sounds fine. Oh
10:46Wait a minute
10:48Let's make it a hundred percent wet
10:50So how do you window so how window so oh wow, maybe I should put it back to what it was
11:00Let's try 75 or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
11:05So how do you start flirting with women in so how?
11:11So how do you start flirting with women in this way the right way the way that makes her feel something about you every
11:19Part of you you use a simple formula that gives you the ability to flirt. So how do you start?
11:27So how do you start?
11:31So how so
11:36so how
11:38Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
11:42So how do you start flirting with women in or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window?
11:48So how do you start flirting with women in how do you start flirting with women?
11:54Gotta say it's pretty tough for a short bald guy like myself
11:57Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window. So how do you start? Why is that worse than before?
12:05Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window. So how do you start doesn't make any sense?
12:11Why is it worse than how it was before?
12:14So how
12:15So, how do you that's an improvement but still hold on
12:20Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
12:23So how do you start flirting with women in this way the right way the way that makes her feel something about you?
12:31Every see now we're getting into the lisping area territory
12:36What about like?
12:40Right way the way that makes her feel something about you every part of you
12:45You use a simple formula that gives you the other window
12:48So, how do you start or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window?
12:53So how do you start well, I've gotta say and I'm gonna hand it to the team at acoustical audio and obviously I'm biased
13:02But not really. I mean the results speak for themselves. Do they not I'll show you guys one more time
13:10Before and after especially on this word right here
13:13So how?
13:16Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
13:20So how do you start flirting with women in this way the right way the way that makes her feel something about you?
13:27Every part of it's a shame that it can't be rerecorded with a better microphone
13:33But and by the way, it's interesting because this is a double
13:39data lossy compression
13:42Recording so this isn't even the original
13:45Full quality recording and who knows how this was actually recorded originally, so it might be triple data lossy
13:53Assuming that whatever microphone she was using was recorded to like the AAC format
13:58And then that was you know, maybe encoded again, but let's just say it was
14:04Uploaded directly as is
14:06So it's AAC
14:08to Opus audio quality
14:10to AAC quality again now my screen capture recording does
14:16512 kilobits per second so it's pretty darn high quality, but I'm still
14:23Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window. So how do you start flirting?
14:29I still almost want to put it right back to like 95. Let's try that
14:34Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
14:37So how do you still hurts my ears? All right, almost almost a hundred percent
14:43Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
14:47So how do you start flirting with women in this way the right way the way that makes her feel something about you?
14:54Every part of you you use a simple formula that gives you the ability to flirt with any woman any time
15:01Any place more importantly this flirting formula eliminate, you know, it's gonna have to go back down to like 90 maybe I'll
15:10Use a separate DSing plug-in to get the rest of them
15:15Sometimes you just have to do it like that
15:17But this is a big improvement for sure or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
15:24So what what is that?
15:26What is that?
15:29Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window, so how do you start? All right, let me put it back to normal
15:37Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
15:41So how do you start flirting with women in this way the right way the way that makes her feel something about you?
15:48Every part of you you use a simple formula that gives you the ability to flirt with any woman any time
15:55Any place more importantly this flirting formula eliminates the chance of coming off like a sleaze or a creep
16:02Which is actually one of the most common mistakes men make when trying the commercials funny
16:08But hopefully it gives some guys out there advice. Let me bring the video up one more time
16:15so credit to this company a lower method comm and
16:22I should have had this playing the whole time, right?
16:25but yeah real-world use of
16:28Dove which whether the people would acoustical audio know this or not dove soap, you know
16:35Smooth, you know and logic goes totally out the window
16:39So, how do you start flirting with women in this way the right way the way that makes her feel something about you?
16:47Every part of you you use a simple formula. I still don't think it's perfect
16:54You know
16:57Like I probably should narrow it a little more
17:04To just that area
17:05I don't know
17:07I mean is this what this is supposed to do like where I just and logic goes totally out the window
17:12So how do you start flirting with women in this way the right way the way that makes her feel something about you?
17:20Every part of you you use a simple formula. Thank you. I see now it's a
17:26Now it's giving me
17:30So, all right, I'm overdoing it. So I guess
17:33Adjust the amount and logic goes totally out the window
17:36So how do you start flirting with women in this and logic goes totally out the window?
17:42So how do you start and logic goes totally out the window?
17:46So and logic goes totally out the window
17:49So, how do you start flirting with women in this way the right way the way that makes her feel something about you?
17:57Every part of you you use a simple formula that gives you the ability to flirt with any woman any time
18:04Any place more importantly this flirting formula eliminates the I think that's it guys
18:11So yeah, I just wanted to make that very sibilant
18:1510 kilohertz area be the focus of this and I think I think that's it
18:22Yeah, let me go back to the beginning and then I'm gonna call this video a wrap
18:26Or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window
18:30So how do you start flirting with women in this way the or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window?
18:37So how do you start flirting or how she thinks and logic goes totally out the window?
18:43So how do you start flirting with women in this way the right way the way that makes her feel something about you?
18:50Every part of you you use a simple formula that gives you okay. That's definitely
18:56definitely an improvement and
18:59Yeah, hopefully she can buy a better microphone. This has been Adam for real home recording comm
