WATCH| Harris Pushes Plans For Future as Polls Show Tight Race With Trump in Georgia Showdown

  • last month
Kamala Harris, alongside running mate Tim Walz, visited Savannah, Georgia, during a bus tour through the state's southeast. Speaking to a crowd of around 9,500 supporters, Harris emphasized that despite Georgia being a challenging state, it remains winnable in November. Urging attendees to ignore polls and focus on hard work, she energized the audience despite the rain-soaked day. The rally took place in an arena typically used for hockey games and concerts.

#KamalaHarris #HarrisWalz #Trump #Trump2024 #Georgia #GeorgiaVoters #TrumpHarris #Worldnews #USElections #Oneindia #Oneindianews
00:00Good afternoon!
00:02Good afternoon, Savannah!
00:10Good afternoon!
00:12Oh, good afternoon!
00:14Oh, it's good to be back in Savannah!
00:17Good afternoon!
00:21Can we please hear it for Katelyn and her incredible...
00:26...for her incredible leadership.
00:31Look, when I look out at our young leaders like Katelyn, I know our future is so bright.
00:37It is so bright.
00:40I want to thank Mayor Johnson.
00:43Thank you for your...there you are.
00:46We've been hanging out for the last two days.
00:49Mayor, I thank you so very much for your leadership. Thank you.
00:52Congresswoman Nekima Williams, the chair of the Democratic Party of Georgia.
00:59For your friendship and your sisterhood.
01:03And to all the leaders with us today, good afternoon, good afternoon.
01:09Good afternoon.
01:12I also bring greetings from our president and a great friend of the state of Georgia, Joe Biden.
01:23And let us also send our love to the great president from the state of Georgia, Jimmy Carter.
01:38So, Georgia, I love you back. I love you back.
01:44And we have 68 days to go until this election.
01:5068 days to go.
01:56And I think you all have spent your time here, sacrificing all your other obligations to be here together... as one community, knowing we all have so much more in common than what separates us.
02:10And I thank you for taking that time.
02:15And listen, so we're here to speak truth.
02:21And one of the things that we know, this is going to be a tight race until the very end.
02:27So let's not pay too much attention to the polls, because we are running as the underdog.
02:35And we have some hard work ahead of us, but we like hard work.
02:40Hard work is good work. Hard work is good work.
02:47And with your help, we are going to win this November.
02:53We are going to win this November. Yes, we will.
03:02So look, Georgia, let me say, I'm no stranger to tough fights.
03:08Before I was elected Vice President, before I was elected a United States Senator...
03:13...I was an elected Attorney General, and before that, an elected District Attorney.
03:22And before that, I was a courtroom prosecutor.
03:26So every day, in the courtroom, I stood proudly before a judge and I spoke five words.
03:35Kamala Harris for the people.
03:45My entire career, I've only had one client, the people.
03:51I stood for women and children against predators who abused them.
03:55I took on the big banks and delivered $20 billion for middle-class families who faced foreclosure.
04:06I fought against cartels who traffic in guns, drugs, and human beings.
04:11And I stood up for veterans and students being scammed by big for-profit colleges.
04:18For workers who were being cheated out of the wages they were due.
04:23And for seniors facing elder abuse.
04:27And I will tell you, those fights were not easy.
04:31And neither were the elections that put me in those offices.
04:36But we never gave up.
04:39Because the future is always in our hands.
04:43We never gave up.
04:44Because the future is always worth fighting for.
04:55And that is the fight we are in right now, a fight for America's future.
05:04We fight for a future with affordable child care, paid leave, and affordable health care.
05:18And on that last subject, let's finally expand Medicaid in Georgia.
05:24So people can take their child to a doctor or go to an emergency room without going into medical debt.
05:39We fight for a future where we build what I call an opportunity economy.
05:47So that every American has the opportunity to own a home, to start a business, and to build wealth and intergenerational wealth.
06:06And a future where we lower the cost of living for America's families.
06:13So when I was Attorney General, I went after price-fixing schemes.
06:19And, love you back, love you back.
06:24And I will tell you, when we get this done together, my friend, and when I am President,
06:31I will take on the bad actors who exploit a crisis to rip off consumers on everyday items.
06:42Who rip off consumers on everyday items like groceries.
06:46I will take on big pharma and cap the cost of prescription drugs and insulin for all Americans.
06:57I will take on the high cost of housing and work with developers to cut the red tape and build millions of new homes.
07:08And I will give 100 million Americans a tax cut including $6,000 to families during the first year of their child's life.
07:25Understanding folks just need a little help from time to time.
07:30And it's not about just getting by, it's about getting ahead.
07:34$6,000 in the first year of a child's life to help pay for that car seat or the crib or the baby clothes.
07:48And unlike Donald Trump, I will always put the middle class and working class families first.
08:01I come from the middle class, I know what I'm talking about.
08:18And Savannah, so, but we got some work to do.
08:23Okay, we got some work to do because we know Donald Trump has a very different plan.
08:29He has a very different plan.
08:35Just look at his Project 2025 agenda.
08:43If he is elected, Donald Trump intends to give tax breaks to billionaires and big corporations.
08:51He intends, he intends to cut Social Security and Medicare.
09:00And he wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities.
09:09And it will cost, the economists will tell you, it will cost a typical American family nearly $4,000 a year.
09:18So Georgia, on top of all of this, if Donald Trump wins in November, he intends to end the Affordable Care Act.
09:32To take us back to a time when insurance companies, we're not going back.
09:38We're not going back.
09:44We're going forward.
09:48And the reason we know we can't go back, to your point, the reason we know we can't go back,
09:56on the issue of the Affordable Care Act, remember what that was like before we had the Affordable Care Act?
10:02Remember when insurance companies had the power to deny people with pre-existing conditions?
10:09Remember what that was like, children with asthma, breast cancer survivors, grandparents with diabetes?
10:16So yeah, we're not going back.
10:18We're not going back.
10:20We're not going back.
10:24And we will move forward.
10:32Ours is a fight for the future.
10:37And it is a fight for freedom.
10:42Like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body
10:49and not have her government tell her what to do.
10:55And understand how we got here.
11:02When he was president, Donald Trump hand-picked three members of the United States Supreme Court
11:09with the intention that they would undo the protections of Roe v. Wade, and they did, just as he intended.
11:20And now, more than 20 states have a Trump abortion ban, including Georgia.
11:30In fact, every state in the South, except for Virginia, has a Trump abortion ban.
11:38And think about that.
11:40Many, with no exceptions even for rape and incest.
11:44That is immoral. Immoral.
11:49And let us all agree, one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs
11:59to agree the government should not be telling her what to do.
12:05Come on. Come on.
12:10Come on.
12:19And if he wins, Donald Trump will go further.
12:22He will sign a national abortion ban, you best believe.
12:27And he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator
12:31and force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions.
12:36It's right there in Project 2025.
12:41I've said it before, and I'll say it again, simply put, they are out of their minds.
12:50Why don't they trust women?
12:59Will we trust women?
13:05And when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedom as President of the United States,
13:12I will proudly sign it into law.
13:23And across our nation, in addition to that, we are witnessing a full-on assault
13:31on other hard-fought, hard-won fundamental freedoms.
13:46Let me just say something.
14:14Hold on. Hold up. Hold up for a second.
14:16Hold up for a second. Let me just say something.
14:19Let me just say something.
14:21We are fighting for a democracy.
14:24Everyone has a right and should have their voices heard.
14:29I am speaking now, but on the subject, I will say this.
14:33The President and I are working around the clock.
14:36We've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now.
14:51So back to this election and Donald Trump.
14:56So in addition to the fight on the fundamental freedom to make decisions about one's own body,
15:03I have been traveling our country and the people of Georgia know what I know.
15:08There is a full-on assault on hard-fought, hard-won freedoms and rights,
15:17including the freedom to vote, the freedom to be safe from gun violence,
15:28and an attack on the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride.
15:46And we will fight against all of that,
15:52including the freedom to live free from the pollution that fuels the climate crisis.
15:58Here's the thing.
16:00Generations of Americans before us led the fight for freedom.
16:07Now, Savannah, the baton is in our hands.
16:14So we who believe in the sacred freedom to vote will finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act
16:28and the Freedom to Vote Act.
16:31We who believe in the freedom to live safe from gun violence will finally pass universal background checks
16:40and red flag laws.
16:50So much is on the line in this election.
16:55So much is on the line.
16:58And understand, this is not 2016 or 2020.
17:04Things are different.
17:06A lot is the same when we think about the issues,
17:10and there is significant differences.
17:13The stakes in 2024 are even higher.
17:17Because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president
17:25that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House.
17:33Now, just imagine.
17:39Well, the courts are going to take care of that.
17:41We're going to get him out of there.
17:43We're going to elect ourselves and everybody here in November.
17:51But I mention the Supreme Court ruling because understand what this means.
17:58Just imagine, before there was at least the threat of consequence.
18:05Understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guardrails.
18:12Imagine what that means when you consider he has openly vowed that if re-elected on day one he will be a dictator.
18:22That he would end the independence of the Department of Justice so he could have unchecked power
18:33and seek vengeance against people who disagree with him.
18:37He even called for termination of the United States Supreme, the supreme land of our nation, the United States Constitution.
18:53Think about what that means and let us be very clear.
18:57Someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States
19:04should never again stand behind the seal of the President of the United States of America.
19:14Never again.
19:19So it all comes down to this.
19:21We are all here together, spending this time together because we love our country.
19:28We love our country.
19:30We love our country.
19:34And we know the privilege and pride, the privilege and pride that comes with being American.
19:43And I do believe it is the highest form of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country.
19:55That is how we realize the promise of America.
20:00Georgia, for the past two election cycles, voters in this very state, you who are here, have delivered.
20:10You sent two extraordinary senators to Washington, D.C.
20:21You sent President Biden and me to the White House.
20:26You showed up, you knocked on doors, you registered folks to vote, and you made it happen.
20:38You did that. You did that.
20:41And so now we are asking you to do it again.
20:48Let's do it again. Let's do it again.
20:55So Savannah, are you ready to make your voices heard?
21:02Do we believe in freedom?
21:06Do we believe in opportunity?
21:10Do we believe in the promise of America?
21:15And are we ready to fight for it?
21:20And when we fight, we win.
21:24God bless you and God bless the United States of America.
