Commander Karan Saxena (Hindi) S1 Ep13

  • 2 days ago
New Indian series Commander Karan Saxena (Hindi) S1 Ep13
00:42Got a kitchen job
00:51No, boy, maybe we'll kiss it this regard in a curve. I'll give
01:42Janna, I'm gonna please can I come in to you? No, it could be to push cover. He's not a girl
01:47I'm Alex. I'm here. It's a tea. I
01:49Didn't know Alex. We are a girl near a pass
02:33Don't have a p.a. p.m. It's in a democrat. Yeah, man, it's a test code
02:37So we're going to be a check it out. No, I'll go to a gun. He's hot
02:42Sure, so
02:45Sure, I'm a
02:47Calico. I am yeah
02:51Lose it. Can I be catch it? Yeah, but tell Ryan Kayla, can I give it up me?
02:57What's I'm gonna take it on?
02:59We'll take it. I'm gonna
03:04Give it was enough. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think it'll go
03:08Here kiss me. Take it out school
03:11Charlie Charlie
03:16So I'm gonna say yeah, yeah
03:29Sir, sir, man, Kayla's racket me involved me
03:32Are we both sorry doctors except that to become technically a sir. How about contact a lot of numbers?
03:38Oh, that's India. Give us a young bottle of a day treatment kill you
03:43Which is if big papers banana to Jamaica
03:47If she was the Johan Baratwaj coffee, sorry doctors involved is right
03:58I'm just action
04:00Come on, man. I've got this guy. I know sir, sir
04:05If I'm a quickie soft corner, what I'm talking about step by step. It's good. So I'll give you a coach's good day. Hi, sir
04:20Think you
04:28Yeah, wait
04:30Yeah, man, I'm about me
04:34I'm a poor boy to a person be me
04:37made a gather
04:39It's a pelican. I'm concessions. Oh, yeah, I'm not calm. Good thing. So let me move
04:45Need a name
04:49Well, I was a cool
04:51I'm Alex. He'll put out a chug. Yeah, sir. Oh suck. Thank you
04:55Nasi, baby, Chata
04:58No, I point care
04:59So now she don't get it. Yeah, I'm Alex. He gave our email put a chug. Yeah, just a kiss
05:04Hey, I'm regroup current. What's he trusting up my plan be be activated?
05:20I'm going to track her. I know the engine say mark way movement. Yeah, I can't rely on you
05:24We'll go to the bar. Yeah, sir. I'm missive bar a kind of time to you. I got could be more in Washington. He'll a thumbs-up
05:30I got links up
05:32See a K
05:34tragedy to conquer
05:36Don't worry, sir
05:38Mara Conde
05:40surf bar
05:58I'm a
06:18Mine move Crescent
06:25Let's go
07:03Just go
07:20No, you know pretty good. Yes, sir. Thank you. Exit. I hear us. Yes, sir. A key or go. That's not no, sir
07:29Ready guys
09:41No, sir, don't lose capability. Thank you. Yes empty or exit a key to our ass
09:46Give me cover fire
11:33We're idea because a
11:36Well, yeah, I'm a youngster shooter. I thought let's go go. We're good. He's here. Oh, yeah, sir. Buggy
11:41Hungry, but who's good don't even get out each other's occurring
11:46Nasir go patata key home going good tracker for track their way. I'm 100 watching game
11:52Is he alexi to bullet attack you? Oh, I think I'm go test we go second or if I'm a second school you look at you
12:00Hey, Alex, it'll pull up. I'm in a cutter. Not a killer. I'm such a good girl. I thought
12:06What could I talk about faster? What I got a cease-fire verse me?
12:11so this problem like you do
12:25Come in
12:28Then sir, yeah, I'm Karan says moolka Kuchkana Pregha Nasir Kusum patata
12:34We have casualties to police walnuko gori marty. Isn't it?
12:43To our roti can knowledge we have been ready on the job. It's clear. I'm a skedaddle kiss on me
12:49What do you think me?
12:51It's a belly yet. Oh, but I tell you what I can't Colonel Mangla, sir
12:55To get this operation key information sir from our energy in the past
13:01Basic motor communication on a Jojo Nama midget. Hey, what's up? I'm a custodian Lillian all but I like it
13:10Under a child key trafficking organ trade drugs, but I need care care
13:16Because a chala key is of a contraband
13:19Team operation the mastermind in the kingpin called a yet. We need on
13:25Operation handle subhalo. They say I'm supposed to cut an email a
13:29Pakistani gentleman a me Shaggy Tara dies for a man statement. They cut up my pala jar D
13:34I'm sorry, sir. I'm very sick. I'm
13:36sir, Nasir
13:40So now see a coffee shot here. I was co-predict Karna coffee muscular. Oh god, I put them to a plan butter later, but so Alexi
13:48Amara, why cut a part of a second is a sir unpredictable a
13:53Joby, Kata
13:54was a pattern I
13:57But the best Alexi go but I got something exactly sir
14:01We didn't even ask you to come here
14:04Nasha, Marietta drugs given over any sector. It's a boss. I recall you
14:08Spin me copy of target. I think I'll make it sort of a car. Oh, yeah
14:12Just let me guess. I'd like to show that suppose a Marietta
14:15In a haircut, okay, which is a search pain Monte Carlo or New Zealand people associate on three
14:21He's a brutal killer, sir
14:24We'll say look over my name is Arthur
14:27Took a plan here. It's Alexi said he'll come here. Yes, sir
14:33So drugs give way to say it's a copy volatile
14:38Was a root reactor
14:40Horacio's Kujani be challenged. Yeah, that's good. He's in the knee chorea
14:44Chavo one-to-one fight. Oh, yeah, I can fight
14:47Us a hard puzzle. Yeah, or you think exactly I'm walking
14:52Good job, Karan
14:56Kisi Teresa is Alexi go but Ghana. Thank you. Oh, man. Yeah, I don't say bar. I said yes, sir
15:03He did go behind it like a baby share my show much on a birthday our meeting will I
15:09Sure, I'm Johnny
15:11Please sir
15:15No, thank you, sir
15:19Jane's a Jane have you could stand belly Joe Humber attack was give our image of civilian
15:24Cassie I'm a trapper. Can I shoot? Yeah. Yeah, I'm lucky to come with a kissiki Johnny gay
15:28But there were injuries up a junker Harani yogi camper Joe attack was missive a shooter involved
15:34But a shooter raw police don't occur. It's a shooter sector. Just imagine how dangerous he is
15:40Or is he got confidence car? I'm a poor of either me. They got who's a lagrava. Kiki. I'm a pity Kori group Kareem
15:47Who's a budgeting planning Kareem gay or yeah, I pay him up my Agla charge
15:52Well, I'm our main target. He is our main target. I si chief Nasir Khan
16:03Yeah, what's up
16:04It's dunyaka subset dangerous shooter Alexi
16:08Nasir nice to be a job. So there's Kumar Nicky. Oh, I got homie. It's Copacabana
16:13Don't ask it a subset but a plan humphiel got second
16:18Alexi key a clean billy
16:20It drug peddler is it's alexi drugs later. It's give our MMI. Dr. KK Sharma never died. So give a B is what custody me
16:27Yes, he alexis to dusting a my team is keep each other and good news. Yeah, I can I'm a pataki is what woke up
16:34To me, but I key Alexi
16:41but it's what I'm
16:43Directly Jenga. He bought a bunch on one
16:45It's good hearing a
16:47firm are in game
16:49But it's what Chara Banega
16:56Current success
16:59Is information kill you have to be malamal Karen Alexi
17:12Alex is
17:32Karen has challenged you Alexi
17:39Who's Alexie
17:42Yeah, I'm a silly scene sleeper circuit areas sir, we are on position
17:48Sarutra sir
17:50They say they're
17:56To make us the way they clean up a movie don't know
