जयराम ठाकुर के आरोप पर सीएम सुक्खू ने कहा, ‘हम उनकी जासूसी क्यों करेंगे?’

  • last month
हिमाचल प्रदेश - नेता प्रतिपक्ष जयराम ठाकुर ने अपने घर पर ड्रोन से जासूसी के आरोप लगाए हैं जिस पर हिमाचल प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री सुखविंदर सिंह सुक्खू ने कहा, हमने कोई दिशा-निर्देश नहीं दिए हैं, जो ड्रोन उड़ाया जा रहा है वह GI मैपिंग सर्वे के लिए पूरे शिमला में उड़ रहा है, हम उनकी जासूसी क्यों करेंगे, वे पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री हैं, फिर भी अगर उन्होंने ये कहा है तो मैं पता लगाऊंगा। लेकिन हर छोटे मुद्दे पर सनसनी फैलाना और सदन से वॉकआउट करना ठीक नहीं है। बीजेपी को मुद्दों पर बात करनी चाहिए, वे मुद्दों पर बात नहीं करते और वॉकआउट करते हैं।

#JairamThakur #CMSukhu #SukhwinderSinghSukhu #HimachalPradesh #BJP #Congress


00:00I have given my statement in this meeting and when a statement is given in a meeting,
00:06in the true sense, it is the truth.
00:09No drone was flown by any kind of police department,
00:14and the habit of spreading rumours has become the habit of the former Chief Minister Jairamji Thakurji.
00:24You can see that we start talking about everything and they stand up.
00:32And they are repeatedly saying that a drone has gone around the windows of their house.
00:37Machal Pradesh Police has never given any direction to any such investigation,
00:46and it is not being investigated in any way.
00:49The drone that is being flown is being surveyed by the S.J.P.N.L.
00:55It is flying all over Shimla.
00:57Why will we spy on them?
00:59He was the former Chief Minister.
01:01Still, the former Chief Minister said something.
01:06I have said about him that if he feels so, then I will get his information.
01:10And I will find out why the inquiry is taking place.
01:13But spreading rumours like this and then walking out on every small thing is not good.
01:18Bharatiya Janata Party should talk based on issues.
01:23They don't talk based on issues.
01:26They leave after every two minutes.
01:28They want to walk out after every two minutes.
01:31Now the Speaker has given this arrangement,
01:33and some newspapers and some media have run it wrong.
01:36Because when an opposition leader is sitting inside, it is not a walkout.
01:41It is a protest.
01:44Like our Parliament Minister Ashwardhan Chauhan has raised this issue.
01:49So, definitely, they want to walk out and spread rumours.
01:52But on what issue are they walking out?
01:55The biggest scam of their time took place in Shraab.
01:59Today, the biggest thing that they said,
02:05I said that when it comes to money, you tell me.
02:12Atal University, Medical University was made.
02:15And the place where it will be made, they didn't even ask.
02:18That place has been found by the government.
02:21After the registry, it was not transferred.
02:24But the government didn't even fight that case properly.
02:27The investment of the state is doing the job of draining.
02:30In the matter of electricity projects, I said that
02:33Dholasil, Luri and our Sunni Power Project,
02:37in which 4% will be staggered in Luri and we will get 4% after 10 years.
02:43And between 11 to 26 years, we will get 8%.
02:47Between 26 to 40 years, we will get 12%.
02:52And as long as that project is alive,
02:55that is, as long as the project continues,
02:57then after that, we will get 25%.
02:59And GST 50% compensation will have to be given to us.
03:03And no one put Lada in it.
03:05This is the condition of the Luri project.
