Realitas dunia ini

  • 2 days ago
Kita semua menyukai Dunya.

Kita semua menyukai kehidupan duniawi dan segala kemewahan yang ada di dalamnya, mulai dari mobil, rumahnya, hingga kekayaannya dan segala kemewahan yang ditawarkannya. Kita menginginkan kekayaannya, kenyamanannya, dan percikan kebahagiaan yang dibawanya. Kami menyukainya. Ini adalah fakta yang tidak dapat disangkal oleh siapa pun di antara kita.

Namun yang menyedihkan adalah, betapapun kita mencintai dunia ini, dunia ini tidak akan pernah membalas cinta kita dan hanya akan lari dari kita. Sebenarnya, dunia ini hanya akan menggodamu, menggodamu, dan pada akhirnya menghancurkan hatimu.
00:00I love this world, dunia. I love dunia, you love dunia, we all love dunia.
00:07It's love has been instilled in our heart from such a young age.
00:11We love it's houses, it's cars, it's yachts, it's money, it's women, it's fame, honor, status and power.
00:20When dunia comes to me, I'm excited and I'm happy.
00:24And when dunia is taken away from me, I'm sad and I'm miserable.
00:28We love this world, but this world doesn't love us back.
00:33You can give this world everything you have and it will take it and give you nothing in return.
00:38Allah, the creator of this world, the one that knows it for it's true colors.
00:43Allah says, and what is the life of this world?
00:46Except it is the enjoyment of delusion, deception.
00:50We think these toys bring us happiness, it's not real.
00:54Happiness is not how much you have, rather it's how much you can live without.
00:59We think that by gaining all of these pleasures and these toys, that we're going to reach contentment.
01:04Our prophet has told us, that nothing will satisfy the hunger of man in his quest for this world.
01:12Nothing will satisfy our hunger except what? Except the dirt.
01:16Meaning that when we enter our grave, only then will we be truly satisfied.
01:20Our prophet has told us that if man had, if the son of Adam had a valley of gold, guess what?
01:26He would wish he had another one.
01:28You know, death once asked life, he said, why does everyone love you, but yet they hate me?
01:37So life responded and it said, because you death, you are a painful truth, while I'm a beautiful lie.
01:46That's the reality of this world.
01:48There is no happiness here. You will never find true contentment in this world.
01:53Allah, the creator of this world, the creator of true happiness, has told us the only place,
02:00the only location you will ever find true happiness is where?
02:04He says, verily in the remembrance of Allah, the hearts, they find true rest, true happiness, true contentment.
02:13That's where you find it, not in this world.
02:16And he's also told us the opposite in the Quran.
02:19Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says that whoever stays away from my remembrance,
02:23whoever stays away from my faith, from my way, from my path, whoever stays away from it, guess what?
02:30Allah promises, no doubt, Allah promises for that person is a miserable life.
02:36If you don't have Allah in your life, you will never be happy, regardless of how much money you have.
02:43The equation is just not there. You want true happiness? Then run to Allah.
02:48That's where true happiness is. It's not in this world.
02:51Don't exhaust your effort and waste your life chasing a mirage, chasing something that Allah has promised us it will be destroyed.
03:00You want true happiness? Run to Allah.
03:03Allah will give you true happiness in this life and in our real home, the everlasting home,
03:10the home that will never ever have new owners except for you, Jannah.
03:15That's what we're seeking.
