Russell Dickerson Recalls Son Holding Hands With Thomas Rhett’s Daughter: ‘We Did Not Initiate This’

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Russell Dickerson Recalls Son Holding Hands With Thomas Rhett’s Daughter:
‘We Did Not Initiate This’


00:00Yeah, a little more moody, a little more, I mean, we're going into the fall, you know,
00:05so it's like, I wanted these songs to feel like that summer love was over, you know,
00:11like a little more introspective, a little more, like, feeling.
00:18And because, like, we did the summer EP, and that's like, you know, down on the beach,
00:22drinking, drinking, party, beach, whatever.
00:24But like, this is more like going into the fall, like, that's kind of like this crash,
00:31this, like, end of summer crash.
00:34And, you know, there's Miss You, which is talking about, like, finding an old CD from,
00:39like, high school girlfriend, you know, and it's like, you put it in, and it takes you
00:44back to this place in time, and those nights.
00:47It's really like sitting around a fire and just thinking about life, thinking, like,
00:56how good, thinking about how good life is, but also, like, those nights these days is
01:01about missing the homies.
01:03And just all these different, like, reflective, it's more, yeah, it's more of a reflective
01:09body of work.
01:11Well, I mean, yeah, we were at an Easter party at our friend's house, and we did,
01:17we did not initiate this at all.
01:19It's just, she, well, also, that's not, that wasn't even their youngest daughter.
01:25That's like their, you know, their second youngest, which Remy is way younger than,
01:29but they're about the same size.
01:32So, like, I guess they thought that, you know, they were the same age.
01:34But anyways, it's like, she just walked up and grabbed his hand, and they were walking
01:39and going here and going there all around the party.
01:42And it was the video, what could not have been more perfect is, like, they're walking
01:46by, and TR sees them, and he's just like, he's like, thumbs down.
01:51And I was like, whatever, bro.
01:53But he just knows that he's going to be the one that has to pay for the wedding.
01:57And we're not going to settle for anything subpar.
02:00I was just talking to TR probably two, three days ago, and, you know, we're just catching
02:05We try to try to catch up every once in a while.
02:07But I'm really proud of him because, I mean, he's been crushing it and crushing it for
02:13And this year for him is, like, a very light.
02:17I mean, he's putting out an album, but, like, touring wise, like, I just I'm just really
02:21proud of him for figuring out that balance really well.
02:24And this is one of our lightest years, too.
02:27So looking forward to time at home and, you know, getting to catch up with people like
02:32TR and Lauren.
02:33And, yeah, just we're just talking about, like, man, like, we have time to, like, schedule
02:39a date night with our wives.
02:41That's that's a foreign concept in this business of country music artistry.
02:47You know, it's like having that time and having that intentionality, just learning how to
02:52be intentional with our schedules.
02:53Like we're the we are the masters of our schedule.
02:57We can say yes or no to whatever we want.
03:01But it's it's really learning how to juggle and be intentional with being a husband, being
03:07a dad, being an artist, being a songwriter.
03:09And just figuring out just figuring out life together, honestly.
