• last year
新闻报报看 | 怡保巴占的某家银行的女职员,因为投诉被性骚扰,反而遭勒令停职的不公平遭遇。全国银行雇员职工会早前号召会员,前往银行进行声援集会。霹雳州总警长阿兹兹今天发文告表示,警方已接获有关投报,并已经锁定了一名52岁的嫌犯,同时也是该银行的运营官。(主播:庄文杰、黄界錤)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:30But after the manager talked to the two people in Zhaozhen,
00:33he only asked the superior to apologize to the female staff.
00:36He didn't take any action against the so-called superior.
00:40Instead, the female staff who complained was ordered to stop working.
00:44As for this female staff, because she complained about this matter,
00:47she was ordered to stop working.
00:49What an unfair treatment!
00:51The National Bank of China Employment Agency called on nearly 120 members.
00:55The day before yesterday morning, they gathered in front of the relevant bank.
00:58They raised a big newspaper and a banner to support this female staff.
01:01They asked the management of the bank to seek justice for the female staff,
01:05instead of covering up for this perpetrator.
01:09The video of the National Bank of China Employment Agency meeting in front of the bank
01:12was later widely circulated on social media.
01:15The police have also noticed this meeting.
01:21And confirmed that the police received a complaint from a 38-year-old female staff
01:27that she was sexually harassed by her colleagues.
01:30The police have now locked up a 52-year-old suspect.
01:33At the same time, this suspect is also the operator of that bank.
01:37Azizi said that the police will take this matter seriously.
01:40At present, the case is still under investigation.
01:42Once the report is completed,
01:44they will submit it to the Deputy Procuratorate of Pilizhou for further action.
01:47At the same time, they also urged the public
01:49that if they encounter sexual harassment at work,
01:52they must report it to the nearby police station immediately.
01:56Apple Action News
