مسلسل اسمه السعادة الحلقة 24 الرابعة والعشرون مدبلج HD

  • 2 days ago
مسلسل اسمه السعادة الحلقة 24 الرابعة والعشرون مدبلج HD
00:08This is the place.
00:12He always comes here when the university opens.
00:15I just want to be alone or just relax.
00:21It's a quiet place.
00:23Nobody knows it.
00:25Now you know it.
00:30It's so beautiful. Thank you.
00:34If you're thinking that I'm laughing at girls,
00:38I don't do that.
00:42Dolnai doesn't even come.
00:44I didn't even bring Zaki.
00:46I left this place for myself.
00:48I'm lucky for you.
00:50I'm sorry. Did something happen to you?
00:54We'll see.
00:56I'll leave you alone.
01:14Komsal, why are you so afraid of me?
01:18Am I afraid?
01:21Sometimes you don't even look at me when I talk to you.
01:25It's like you're crying.
01:26No, it's not like that at all.
01:28Don't blame me. You noticed that too.
01:31Today, while we were taking pictures,
01:33you put your hand on my shoulder.
01:35You ran away from me.
01:37I didn't notice. I didn't remember.
01:42I don't know how you classified me in your life.
01:44This classification bothers me a lot.
01:46I'm just trying to help you, Komsal.
01:50I've been doing this since the first day I came to the university.
01:52You know?
01:53I mean, I wanted you to know that this bothers me.
01:56That's all.
01:58I'm sorry.
01:59I'm not telling you to apologize.
02:01I even wish I didn't say anything
02:04and left it inside of me.
02:06It doesn't matter.
02:08Forget about it.
02:10You have a lot of important things.
02:12You have a lot to finish.
02:14If you need me, I'll come quickly.
02:18I have a lot to do.
02:19Okay, bye.
02:39Come on, Konja. Come on, Konja.
02:46You came just in time, Konja.
02:48I really like these stories about you.
02:51I mean, I mean, I like...
02:53I like every time you laugh.
02:55Anyway, let's go.
02:56Are you laughing at me now?
02:57Do you think we're kids?
02:58My daughter, this is not a game for kids.
02:59This is a big game.
03:00I mean, wait a minute.
03:01Don't choose and don't complain.
03:02Let's go in and see.
03:03Come on.
03:04I'm done.
03:05I'll be fine in an hour.
03:21It started.
03:22Konja, why don't you go in first?
03:25See what's going on inside and tell me.
03:38You have an hour to get out.
03:42Last thing, I have a big surprise waiting for you outside.
03:50What is this surprise?
03:52I'm very excited now.
03:53Thank you, Mr. Game.
03:58Let's take the light.
04:03Here, take it.
04:22They open up a new room for you.
04:25One sound is not enough.
04:27Listen to two sounds.
04:29What is this?
04:41Wait a minute.
04:43I'll count to three.
04:44At the same time, we ring the bell.
04:50Ring the bell.
04:53Well done, Konja.
04:54Well done.
05:39Well done, Konja.
05:40Well done, Konja.
05:43Come on.
06:15Look, look.
06:16Look at them.
06:18They seem to love each other.
06:19There's something called love.
06:24It's very late, God.
06:26Why? What's wrong?
06:27I made a deal with Aisha's mother to take him.
06:31Come on.
06:32Come on.
06:36Can I see you again?
06:38I don't know.
06:41Can I take your mobile number?
06:43I don't have a mobile.
06:45Do you have one?
06:46No, I don't.
06:49Goodbye, Aisha.
06:50Bye-bye, Reza.
07:28Hurry up, girl.
07:30Come here.
07:31I'm ready, Sarah.
07:32Let's go.
07:33I'm going to pray.
07:35See you, beautiful.
07:36Nice to meet you, Aisha.
07:38Oh, God.
07:39She's saying bye-bye.
07:40Come on.
08:03She kissed me.
08:04She kissed me.
08:05I swear she kissed me.
08:06Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.
08:10Did you sleep with Jawad?
08:12I was in a task force.
08:14Okay, okay.
08:31Here, see?
08:32What is it?
08:33Take it.
08:34Take it, take it
08:44Did you get it?
08:48Perfect, take it and see
08:54One, two
08:57Four, five
09:00I'm so bored, can we go?
09:03What do you mean we're going to Konja? We didn't make it to the end, we'll die and never come back
09:07And at the end of the game there's a big surprise
09:11Tell Rijal there's going to be a surprise at the end
09:14Come on, let's finish
09:16Why don't you give me this one?
09:18Hold this
09:20Give it to me, give it to me
09:37Give it to me, Yusuf
09:40Give it to me
09:51Who is it?
11:09I thought maybe you'd like it
11:17Don't worry, I'm going
11:56Oh God
12:00This is so hard
12:05I don't think I have a talent
12:09I don't know
12:38Oh God, there's fire
12:40Iran, where are you?
12:42Come quickly
12:44Oh God
12:46There's fire here, come quickly
12:49Oh God, come
13:10Oh God
13:40Oh God
13:57Are you okay?
13:59Your hands
14:01Oh God, we have to go to the hospital
14:05Look at your hands, run
14:37If we were looking at each other like this, there must be a clear reason, Konj
14:56What is the reason?
14:58The girls
15:00Tell me what your problem is
15:05What is your problem?
15:09I don't understand the girls, coach
15:11I mean, they are the most difficult in sports
15:15I don't understand
15:16Have you ever tried to talk to them?
15:19Like what?
15:21This is what we have to do
15:24We can't talk, this is our problem
15:28I mean, our problem
15:31You and I also have a friend like us, he doesn't talk
15:36He has a problem like you, this is how he talks to me
15:40I was thinking to tell him that he also has to talk
15:44Yes, coach
15:45Yes, you are smart
15:48You will hold the girl you love by the hand
15:51You will take her aside
15:53And you will tell her everything
15:55Everything inside you, behind each other, immediately
15:58You won't hide anything, honestly
16:01You will tell her that you love her
16:05I mean, you will tell her, listen, I won't talk, you will talk
16:09And this friend of mine, you will confess your love
16:13And then whatever happens, happens
16:15Yes, coach
16:17And I want to meet your friend one day, if possible
16:22Not many people praise someone who doesn't care
16:26Good night, coach
16:28Good night, Zaki
16:39Okay, we are almost there, right?
16:45What happened? Why are you crying?
16:48Why are you crying?
16:49I don't want to go home
16:52Let me see
16:54What do you mean you don't want to go home?
16:56Is there someone who doesn't love their home?
16:57My mom keeps crying
17:01Why does your mom cry?
17:02Does your dad torture her?
17:04I don't have a father
17:05He is dead
17:06My mom is the one who raises me
17:08Is that why your mom is crying?
17:10Don't you miss her?
17:12My mom has gone to work
17:14She cooks in her restaurant and she hasn't done it yet
17:16She hasn't gone to work
17:18She doesn't go to work
17:20She keeps crying
17:21She always says, how can I take care of you when I don't have money?
17:25And she keeps crying
17:26Okay, let's go inside and then we'll talk inside, okay?
17:30Now, your mom is afraid and she cries more
17:37And I was waiting for you
17:38She hasn't been crying since she left
17:40My daughter, don't talk like that, talk now
17:43Now, in front of everyone
17:45Come on
17:47If it's okay, can you invite me to a cup of tea?
17:52Of course, of course, come in
17:54Come in
18:10Thank you
18:12Thank you
18:13You're welcome
18:15Aisha, my daughter, go to your room now and I'll come later
18:20Good night, Aisha
18:21Good night
18:26How are you?
18:27I'm fine, thank you
18:29Thank you so much, I took care of Aisha today
18:32No, I'm sorry
18:33Actually, Aisha is very calm and we had a good time together
18:36She is like that
18:37Yes, my sister Nooran
18:39Honestly, I don't know how to make introductions
18:42That's why I'll just say it
18:44We work in the cafeteria at the university
18:47And Aisha told us about the delicious food you cook
18:50In short, we need someone to cook for us
18:58So, if you're free and you want to work, we need you
19:02And we'll be very happy if you join our team
19:10Mom, promise me you won't cry
19:13We promise, my daughter, we promise
19:15I promise I won't cry, okay?
19:30Manata, we're leaving now
19:32We'll wait for you tomorrow at the cafeteria
19:34Sorry, sorry, of course
19:37Thank you so much, I don't know what to say
19:39You're welcome
19:40God bless you
19:41God bless you, sister Nooran
19:42May Aisha be with you
19:51Good night
20:32I felt something inside me
20:34And in the morning I went and bought a lot of musical instruments
20:38It's not necessary
20:39It's their right, I could do something
20:41Then I want to change myself
20:47Is there something on your mind?
20:50He's not studying, can we teach him?
20:54Jawad and I thought, but this year we didn't have much money
20:59We waited a year so we wouldn't have a problem and leave Egypt
21:02That's why
21:03I'll help
21:05Next year he'll be very late
21:07We have to register him tomorrow
21:09Are you serious?
21:11We'll do everything we can
21:13And we'll find a way
21:14It'll happen
21:15I mean, it's a great idea
21:17Okay, we'll do it
21:19It's a deal
21:24I'm imagining Rajab at school
21:29What about you?
21:30Does something bother you?
21:32I mean
21:34I don't think so
21:36What do you think?
21:43I won't say what I said
21:46I'm not thinking about that
21:48Not at all
21:50You helped me a lot
21:51You helped me a lot until now
21:53And you're still helping me
21:55And if I did something wrong, I'm sorry
21:57You don't have to worry about me anymore
21:59Thank you so much for today
22:01Thank you
22:27Wow, wow, wow
22:28That was great
22:30Thank God you didn't hurt my face
22:31Mr. Steylan, tell me about Mubarak next time
22:33I have a list of things I need to get
22:35And then I'll accept Mubarak
22:37Yeah, if you say so
22:40Tell me, Sara
22:41Who was that guy you wanted to introduce me to?
22:43You told me his name was Rajab
22:46It's me
22:48It's you, sweetie?
22:52I ran away from you like a kid
22:54So fast
22:56For the musical instruments
22:58I want to apologize
23:00I gave them all back
23:02And these are the money
23:06Well done, dear
23:08Well done, Sara
23:11Rajab is a very smart kid
23:13But he lacks something
23:16He hasn't been allowed to study until now
23:19But he's with us now
23:20We're going to enroll him in school today
23:23But we need some support
23:26Can you support us so we can teach him?
23:30Of course
23:38He's a good kid
23:39Smart, polite and smart
23:42I'll do anything to teach him
23:47Let's get to work
23:48Let's go
23:59How's this one?
24:01And this one?
24:04I thought you didn't care about fashion
24:05But you care more about it than we do
24:08What do you mean?
24:09This is how I look
24:11That's right
24:12This is how I look too
24:14All women look like this
24:16Wait a minute
24:17Why didn't you tell us about the surprises yesterday?
24:20You told me not to talk about it
24:22He loves you
24:24He's supporting me
24:26He's sitting in front of you
24:27And he's telling you everything
24:28What more do you want?
24:30Maybe he loves me
24:31That's why he's doing all this
24:32You're right
24:33But I have to tell you something
24:34He's never crossed the line
24:36He's always been arrogant
24:37And he's never been wrong
24:38Because he's the best person in the university
24:40You might even meet him in Istanbul
24:43He's a real gentleman
24:45For someone who knows his worth
24:47He's never been wrong
24:49You know what?
24:51He always thought he'd be successful in life
24:55What do you mean?
24:56We came to Istanbul together
24:58We started this path together
25:00We faced a lot of problems
25:02He needed money
25:03And I needed money too
25:06And then
25:08We thought we'd grow up together
25:10Next to each other
25:13But now Sara is next to him
25:16To be honest
25:18Sara doesn't need this
25:22This is the wrong way to think
25:32Do you choose the one you love
25:33Or the one he loves?
25:38In my opinion
25:41It's very hard to find both
25:42If you hold on
25:44You won't give up
25:46You'll hold on
25:50What if you can't find both?
25:53Maybe the one you love
25:54Doesn't love you
26:12Do you need any help, Captain?
26:14No, I can wear it by myself
26:22Do you choose this one or this one?
26:27Both are the same
26:30Could these two be the same now?
26:32This one is black
26:33And this one is black
26:35There's a black one
26:36And the other one
26:37Is this one
26:38Is this one
26:39Is this one
26:41There's a black one
26:42And the other one
26:43Is black
26:44The difference between them
26:45Is like the difference between mountains
26:46Each one has a different color
26:48The one on the left
26:51The one on the right
26:53The one on the right
26:58Did you tell the university administration?
26:59I mean the fire department
27:00I told the security
27:02There's nothing important
27:03Good job, Captain
27:04Now you have a secret place
27:06And you're hiding it from me
27:07God forgive you
27:08You have a right
27:09I mean
27:10You needed a special place
27:12I understand
27:14The fire in your heart
27:15Showed on your face
27:16From now on
27:17You won't be able to leave
27:19You burned your hands
27:20For what?
27:22Zaki, stop talking nonsense
27:24He'll do the same
27:26We're not done yet
27:27I'm with you
27:28Maybe he did the same
27:29And maybe he couldn't do it
27:31You're brave
27:32A hero
27:33My son
27:34I've been jealous of you
27:35For a while
27:36And now
27:37There are parties
27:38And matches
27:39What are you going to do?
27:40I'm good
27:41Until then
27:42Don't worry
27:43You're so full of yourself
27:44I'll mix it up
27:45With a little bit of love
27:46It'll be better than before
27:48That's great
27:49I'll go to him
27:55Why is everything going so well?
28:01Today is very important, Captain
28:02You have to be brave today
28:08I'll go
28:19Why are you so nervous?
28:22Because what we're doing is so stupid
28:24What did you want to do?
28:27I wanted to stay alone
28:30This is the third time you've said that
28:32Yes, I know
28:33I said it
28:34But it looks like you don't understand
28:38What do you mean by your mom and dad?
28:40What do you mean by my mom and dad?
28:42My mom and dad are real?
28:44Or do you mean my current family?
28:46Let me know, so I don't get confused about who you mean by them.
28:50Can you tell me about your parents' stories, or the moment you think of them?
28:56Amani, Amani, Amani, excuse me.
28:58Don't lie, no.
28:59If you'll excuse me.
29:00What's wrong, mom?
29:01Okay, why?
29:02I love you so much, so much, Amani.
29:04My love, you can't have a brother.
29:06Okay, why?
29:07So, how did you get me?
29:10I can't tell you.
29:15Don't lie, Shoufi.
29:16You were in a different place.
29:18And we...
29:21We loved you so much.
29:22And you loved us so much.
29:24Then you came to us one day.
29:26And then you wanted to stay with us.
29:29And because you came to stay with us so much,
29:31after that, you stayed with us all the time.
29:35Don't lie.
29:36I want a brother, mom.
29:37I want a brother.
29:38Don't lie, if you'll excuse me.
29:40So, who am I?
29:41And who are you?
29:42How did you get me?
29:54I can't take this nonsense anymore.
30:05I can't take this nonsense anymore.
30:11Are you writing in the magazine why I'm crazy?
30:13Or are you looking for yourself in the pages of the magazines?
30:17Looking at the pictures of happy families and saying,
30:19Oh, God, why can't we be like this?
30:21Or why are you reading the magazine, dad?
30:24Or why can't I be calm or happy at all?
30:32Take it.
30:34These are mine.
30:35Take it.
30:37Take it.
30:38These are mine.
30:39And these, too.
30:40And these.
30:41And these, take them, too.
30:42These are mine, that's it.
30:43Read them all, dad.
30:45Take it.
30:46Take these, dad.
30:47Read them all.
30:48These are mine.
30:49These are mine.
30:53Don't take them.
30:54I beg you.
30:57Forgive us.
30:58Oralbe, it's hard for me to evaluate myself,
31:00especially after such a short meeting.
31:02But people who say they want to be alone all the time
31:05are the ones who are afraid to be alone.
31:07I don't know what's going on,
31:09but the problem that appears to be known
31:11is that she needs a friend.
31:13Or anyone else.
31:15It could be someone from the family at first,
31:17and then it could be...
31:18Okay, I understand.
31:20Thank you very much.
31:22I just thought of something.
31:24Don't take me again.
31:25I beg you.
31:26I apologize.
31:27Have a nice day.
31:33Rajab, come here.
31:37It's very beautiful.
31:38Yes, very beautiful.
31:39Send it.
31:40Send it.
31:41Look, look.
31:42Turn, turn, turn, turn.
31:44What's this bag?
31:45What's this bag?
31:46I don't want the pink one.
31:47Send it.
31:48It's for the girls.
31:49Take it, take it, take it.
31:50Come on, throw it on the ground.
31:51Throw it.
31:52Throw it over there.
31:54I'm going to pick one for you.
31:55Zip, zip, zip, zip.
31:58Ah, ah.
31:59It's stuck, look.
32:00Put it on, come on.
32:03Come on.
32:04What's this?
32:05Let's play carousel to finish it.
32:07Yes, let's play.
32:08Why not?
32:09Let the boy protect himself.
32:10I hit everyone, brother.
32:11No, you can't hit anyone.
32:12You hit like this.
32:13There's no way.
32:14Okay, why are you angry?
32:15Really, why are you angry at the boy?
32:16No, I apologize.
32:18I didn't mean to be angry.
32:19Okay, okay.
32:20I was kidding.
32:21Let the shoulders stay.
32:22Okay, let's take a break.
32:24There's no need for a break, sister.
32:25We don't erase what we wrote, and we don't go back to our words.
32:28You raised my morale very high.
32:30If your break is over before the pen is finished,
32:32that means you took a step back.
32:34We don't need a break.
32:35Let's look for a pen.
32:36I swear, it's as if this boy is a copy of you.
32:38Or I'm going to tell the grape how much you look at each other.
32:41I really congratulate you.
32:45How nice your son is.
32:48No, her grandson.
32:51Why are you angry at the girl?
32:52Because I'm still a beautiful girl.
32:53She saw me taking a plane.
32:54Before what?
32:55Maybe our creatures are married early and have a son.
32:58What's wrong with that?
32:59Come on.
33:00Let's go.
33:03Oh, the clothes.
33:07This boat is so ugly.
33:11Hold this.
33:12These are all sizes.
33:13Take it.
33:14Come on.
33:15And these two, too.
33:16Let's go.
33:23This won't happen now.
33:27He's going to school.
33:28Not on the street.
33:32Like this.
33:33Much better.
33:35What did you do to the boy?
33:36He looks like the cat that eats dinner.
33:38They'll beat him at school tomorrow.
33:39Take out the pencil.
33:40Look, take it out.
33:41Leave it like this.
33:42Yes, like this.
33:43What did you do to the pencil?
33:44It looks like this man.
33:46Oh, God, help me.
33:47The boy is going to school.
33:48Let the boy go, God willing.
33:49They'll beat him at school tomorrow.
33:51Leave it.
33:53Leave it.
33:54Enough, Bato.
33:55Get the bag.
33:56Come on, let's go.
34:00Yes, kids.
34:01Come on, my darlings.
34:02Take out your books.
34:03Let's see.
34:04Come in.
34:06Can we come in?
34:08I was waiting for you.
34:09Come on, come in.
34:10Come in, come in.
34:11Come in.
34:12Come in.
34:13Come on.
34:16Kids, your friend's name is Rejab.
34:18Say hello to your friend.
34:20Hello, Rejab.
34:21Hello, Rejab.
34:23Find an empty space and sit in it.
34:32Look where he went.
34:33This boy is strange.
34:34Ansty, I wish you a good study.
34:35Good luck to you all.
34:38Hold it.
34:41Hold it.
34:51I can't tell you how happy I am.
34:53It's one of the best feelings in the world.
34:55And the manager was so nice.
34:56He turned out to be a very good person.
34:58People like him write letters,
35:00and I'm going to write that I like him.
35:02Thank you, Dad.
35:03Mr. Taylan was really nice.
35:05Thank you, too.
35:07You're an actor now.
35:08Thank you for telling us.
35:09What do you think?
35:10I like the idea.
35:11Anyway, we registered this boy at school.
35:13Let's get back to work.
35:14The cafeteria?
35:15Why, do we have another job?
35:16How about we finish the list today?
35:18If we don't get tired.
35:19Because there's only one day left.
35:31Oh, Dad.
35:33Do you want me to help you with something?
35:37Welcome, my daughter.
35:38I was a very smart girl this year,
35:40and she taught you.
35:43what can I give you?
35:45I don't know.
35:50It's like he's suffering, right?
35:52I think so.
35:54Look, I couldn't do it in the bathroom.
35:56I said, if I can't do it here, I'll do it there.
35:58I told myself to try a little.
36:02Stop, stop.
36:06Let me help you.
37:47Come, don't be sad.
37:56The chef who was in the hotel, the one I worked for, taught me how to make this sauce.
38:01Leave this and taste mine.
38:03You leave mine and taste mine.
38:05Taste it.
38:06Come on.
38:07How is it?
38:08It's good.
38:10Look, come, come.
38:11Taste this sauce to see.
38:13Taste it to see.
38:15It's bitter.
38:16It's bitter.
38:17Why is it bitter?
38:18Is it that bad?
38:19It's not normal.
38:20It's very bad.
38:21It doesn't taste good.
38:26We won't succeed in this.
38:28Our restaurant will be very normal.
38:30We want something to put our name on.
38:32People come to us specifically to eat.
38:34We make our own menu.
38:35There are recipes that are not found in other restaurants.
38:37Like mint.
38:38No, no.
38:39Mint is expensive and its cost is very high.
38:41It doesn't suit us.
38:42It has nothing to do with drinks, cocktails, fruits and such.
38:46What should I do?
38:47Bato, Bato.
38:51How does it look?
38:54Taste it.
39:03How is it?
39:04It's very good.
39:06It's not bitter.
39:07It's expensive.
39:09Didn't you mix the two sauces together?
39:11This is the beauty of emptiness.
39:13Sara and Bato.
39:14It's done.
39:15This is our sign.
39:16What do you think?
39:18Nooran, come and taste this.
39:20I'm coming.
39:23Taste it.
39:31It's very good.
39:32Do you want to put it on pasta?
39:34Yes, of course.
39:35You see, Bato?
39:36It's what we wanted.
39:38Let's get to work.
39:39Of course we will succeed.
39:40We will succeed in a big way.
39:41And it will be a long day tomorrow.
39:43I hope so.
39:46We still have to make an announcement.
39:48And of course, I thought about it.
39:50As you know, there is a concert at the university.
39:52I don't want to get involved in the concerts for God's sake.
39:54But for work, you have to go.
39:56Because we will go to the theater.
39:58We will hold the microphone and say,
40:00We have a cafeteria.
40:01We are waiting for you all.
40:03And we will say,
40:04Come on, everyone.
40:05But I don't have anything to wear.
40:06Okay, and I'm like this.
40:07No problem.
40:08Do you agree?
40:10Let's go.
40:11Let's go.
40:13Wait a minute.
40:26Are you okay?
40:27What's wrong with you?
40:28I'm fine, God willing.
40:29Is this how we are now?
40:30Yes, this is how we are now.
40:32What's wrong?
40:33Do you want me to thank you for helping me or what?
40:35What are you talking about?
40:36I just asked you how you are.
40:38Why? Who are you?
40:40Who are you?
40:41Are you my mother or my father or my brother?
40:43Who are you?
40:45As you wish.
40:47Stay away from me.
41:09I love you.
41:20Is this my brother?
41:27What happened to your hand?
41:31Why didn't you get ready?
41:33I had to get ready.
41:35Why did you come here?
41:37I sent Gina and Nalan to the cafeteria.
41:41My beautiful sister.
42:07You have a beautiful look.
42:09And you are beautiful.
42:21Thank you very much.
42:25I won't take any more of your time.
42:27Because tonight is your night.
42:29I will simply say a few things.
42:31First of all, I would like to welcome some of our friends
42:34who joined us this year.
42:36I wish them all the best.
42:38Because they deserve it.
42:42I wish you all the best.
42:45I wish you all the best.
42:47Because you deserve it.
42:51We know how hard it is.
42:53And we love the people like you.
42:56In this way, the light in your eyes and your desire to study
42:59is what gives us strength.
43:01And we are continuing
43:03in this way and to the end.
43:08And we will never be sad.
43:10We are constantly developing ourselves
43:12so that we can always be with you
43:14from this generation to the next.
43:17By the way, since we are talking about renewal,
43:20we will start building the new building
43:22at the end of this year, if we are lucky.
43:25And I hope you will always be with us.
43:28And help us.
43:29And we are always proud of you and love you.
43:31I wish you all the best.
43:57That man is me.
44:00The man who says yes, and you are the one who goes to the theater.
44:03That is me, but tonight everything will change.
44:07And me too.
44:09Like the professor.
44:12I don't want to take too much of your time.
44:15Or take too much of your time.
44:18But now,
44:21there are things I can't do.
44:24I want to hide them and tell you about them today.
44:28I want to tell you a beautiful saying.
44:32And this is the saying I am personally attached to.
44:37Once a man went to the doctor
44:41and said to him,
44:43My love, I think I am sick.
44:46And I am worried about you.
44:50The doctor looked at him and said calmly,
44:54Did you tell him something that is not successful?
44:59The man said no, he didn't tell him.
45:01They asked the doctor why.
45:03The man said because,
45:06because I need his house.
45:12Now you will say that Zaki is lying here and talking a lot of nonsense.
45:15But I am not like that.
45:17I am not like that.
45:19This is how I see the relationship between the two.
45:22I am afraid.
45:25And I am worried a lot.
45:28But I want this house.
45:32A while ago, my brother told me
45:35that I have to be very brave.
45:39In my life, I was afraid of many things.
45:52In fact, I am also afraid now.
45:54I don't know what to do.
45:55But since he came,
45:59I need my house a lot now.
46:04I said this like this, of course.
46:06It was not the right example, of course.
46:09Zaki, shorten my son.
46:10Come on, shorten.
46:11Okay, Mr. Taylan.
46:12I am forcing myself as you see.
46:14This is very difficult for me, sir.
46:37want you to keep laughing all my life.
46:42I want to joke with you only.
46:47I want us to be real together.
46:53The one who sees me asks about you.
46:56And the one who sees you asks about me.
46:59I mean,
47:01when the world ends,
47:03I want to drink coffee and watch a movie.
47:12I love you very much.
47:43Honestly, my hands are not very good.
47:48Do you want to dance with me?
47:56But hold my fingers, they are hurting me.
48:05After this song, we will make an ad.
48:12I love dancing.
48:14Really, you are talking.
48:22I love dancing.
48:52I love dancing.
48:57Where are you from?
49:03I do not understand.
49:23I have to tell you something.
49:26What do you think? Now we just dance.
49:29But I have to tell you.
49:34My late wife
49:37was the only love of my life.
49:40After that, I thought it was impossible for me to love anyone.
49:44After that, you appeared in front of me.
49:48And I thought
49:49you were in front of me.
49:52Then how did this happen, I do not know.
49:55I found myself a completely different person.
49:58And I want to stay like this with you.
50:01If you love me, of course.
50:06We are not just for ourselves.
50:10We have responsibilities towards other people.
50:15We are not young anymore to do what we want.
50:17They are still here.
50:19And Iran and Sara too.
50:22What are they going to say? Have you thought about it?
50:31Let's see what they will say.
50:33Where are you going?
50:36Iran, we have to talk.
50:41Sara, we have to talk. Come on.
50:48Iran, we have to talk.
50:56Let it be our last dance.
51:12Your father, all my life I have seen you acting like this selfishly.
51:16You directly interfere in my life.
51:19The first time you see something, you don't like it.
51:21Don't tell these people.
51:23They are tired of me.
51:25And I also know that these people are tired of me too.
51:27But this secret is destroying me.
51:29Do you understand?
51:31Little by little, he is killing me from the inside.
51:33Like Ali.
51:35Ali is dying.
51:37And I, because you want something like this,
51:39I will not give up anything in this life at all.
51:41Because you are still in your life.
51:46In front of everyone.
51:48With Thailand too.
51:50From now on, I will not justify any of my actions.
51:52They are my daughter.
51:54And now my son.
51:56That's all.
52:06Dad, what's going on?
52:08Dad, are you okay?
52:10I'm fine, I'm fine, my children.
52:12My children, you know that I have never hidden anything from you.
52:15Your mother was very concerned about this.
52:17What did she say?
52:19Don't let anything inside you.
52:21Be honest.
52:23And we, in the family,
52:25we were always honest with each other.
52:27Isn't that right?
52:29I mean, you guys don't like to tell me everything,
52:31and I respect that.
52:33But I,
52:35I don't want to hide anything from you anymore.
52:39My children,
52:41my heart will always be with your mother.
52:43And a big place in my heart.
52:47a person can love again.
52:49He can also continue his life.
52:51I saw that.
52:55My children, I love you with all my heart.
53:11In order to install the microphone,
53:13it must be fixed.
53:19Look, I have to find my daughter.
53:23Did you see Don Nai?
53:26Don Nai, my daughter.
53:33What happened to your hand?
53:35I don't understand.
53:37It's his hand, not yours.
53:40We're done.
53:42Answer my question.
53:46You didn't love me at all.
53:48Answer my question. What happened to my hand?
53:51Is this what you want to understand?
53:53Don't you feel anything at all?
53:55What happened to Iran's hands?
53:58By the way, you're doing all this.
54:00You're the one who wants to ruin our relationship.
54:02These behaviors and your questions,
54:04all of them,
54:05mean that you don't trust me.
54:07I'm telling you what happened to Iran's hands.
54:09What happened?
54:10There was a fire, and he came and saved me.
54:12Is that good?
54:16Don Nai?
54:18Come, I have to talk to you, my daughter.
54:21Ali, you know him, right?
54:24Ali, I don't know him. Who is he?
54:26He's my brother.
54:28The one you don't talk to at all?
54:30Yes, but now we're talking to each other again.
54:32He came to Istanbul.
54:34What happened? Why did he come suddenly?
54:38is dying.
54:45I understand, dad.
54:47You're really upset about him.
54:51He wants to tell people
54:53the secret we've been hiding from everyone for years.
54:55I want to tell you first.
54:57Okay, tell me. I'm listening.
55:01You promised him how much you wanted to have a brother.
55:05Now I'm going to give you this brother
55:07after all these years.
55:12He's dead.
55:17he'll be your brother.
55:24My son.
