• last year
00:30夜色蔓延 凌卧未准 夜色蔓延 凌卧未准
00:44不及迎来朝面 已断了信念 不及迎来朝面 已断了信念
00:51乱世擦肩 超越荒诞 乱世擦肩 超越荒诞
00:58城外兵荒马乱 你眼神黯淡 城外兵荒马乱 你眼神黯淡
01:05远方传来你的呼唤 远方传来你的呼唤
01:11爱恨叹息之间 遗弃那些年 爱恨叹息之间 遗弃那些年
01:18世人不见 我无需争辩
01:24你的眼眉 我在心中默念 你的眼眉 我在心中默念
01:34一云烟 一行山 黄河一曲 终不换 一云烟 一行山 黄河一曲 终不换
01:41你的千丝缘 百步穿扬天地间 你的千丝缘 百步穿扬天地间
01:47痴心天可险 爱恨终究两难断
02:01一云烟 一行山 黄河一曲 终不换 一云烟 一行山 黄河一曲 终不换
02:15清水流至谁人看 唯有天下靈性看淡
02:20只愿一代一世与你共相伴 I only wish to stay with you for one last time.
02:28优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
02:58优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
03:28长老不小心把哪个试炼弟子传到了冥河谷吧 要不然哪有这么巧的事啊
03:38您开我玩笑呢 试炼弟子怎么可能拔出阁主的剑呢
03:58优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
04:09你 You
04:21自出手就杀人 这是谁啊 Who killed him? Who is he?
04:24是他 It's him
04:26各位见了本阁主 怎么没点礼数 Why didn't you bow when you saw me?
04:33见过少阁主 Greetings, Young Master
04:37参见少阁主 Greetings, Young Master
04:42你怎么不行礼 Why didn't you bow?
04:45难怪儿子没礼貌 原来是老子教的 No wonder my son was rude. I taught him
04:51我想行礼 这也不方便 It's not convenient for me to bow
04:56也是 Yes
05:00战棋 青剑被拔 赤妖虎却逃了 连定胜和妖族有所勾结 妄图作乱我众 I'm sorry. The Blue Sword was pulled and the Red Shadow Tiger ran away. He colluded with the Demon Clan to make trouble for me
05:10无耻 太无耻了 不过 我喜欢 It's shameless. But I like it
05:17万剑归原阵 这可是当年初阁主开创的绝阵啊 The Thousand Sword Returns Formation is the unique formation created by Master Chu
05:21整个轮营海阁没人能破此阵 这小子怕是要生死到消啊 No one can break this formation in the whole Runyan Pavilion. I'm afraid he's going to die
05:28加油 拿出你的全部实力 Come on, give it your all
05:45这阵居然伤不了他 This formation can't hurt him
05:48这是战术吗 Is this a battle?
05:53还有人不服吗 Is there anyone who doesn't admit defeat?
05:58你也是个废物 You're useless
06:03陈长老 知道你丧子心痛 但也不能因此就胡乱叛谣啊 Elder Chen, I know you're heartbroken, but you can't rebel just because of that
06:09是啊 大伙都看到了 初阁主的剑已经认少侠为主 少侠就是初阁主签订的传人 Yes, everyone has seen that Master Chu's sword has been appointed by the Young Warrior
06:15少侠就是初阁主签订的传人 The Young Warrior is the successor appointed by Master Chu
06:19你们 别以为我不知道你们打的是 I thought I didn't know you were fighting
06:25陈长老 莫要妄言 累了就去休息吧 Elder Chen, don't talk nonsense. Go to bed if you're tired
06:39少阁主 还请移驾我百花峰 我峰上下定封您为座上宾 日日美酒佳肴 Young Warrior, please come to my Baihua Peak. I'll make you my guest. I'll treat you to good wine every day
06:47什么座上宾 少阁主是客吗 明明是主 还是来我盛秦峰吧 What guest? Are you a guest? You're the master. Why don't you come to Shengqin Peak?
06:53我峰 女修最多 个个善乐律 好歌舞 我峰岸家才不负青春年少啊 My Peak has the most beautiful women. They're all good at music and dancing. Young Warrior, come to my Peak. You'll live up to your youth
07:03我百花峰也是美女如云啊 来我百花峰吧 I'm also a beautiful woman. Come to my Baihua Peak.
07:09当不起当不起 我丽罕虽侥幸得了阁主空名 其实就是一名普通的试恋弟子 还没有正式入宗呢 I can't afford it. Although I was lucky enough to get the title of Master, I'm actually just an ordinary trial disciple. I haven't officially joined the sect yet.
07:17这 This
07:20可以啊 丽罕 他们是老狐狸 你也不是什么善茬 Good for you, Li Han. They're old foxes and you're not good at it
07:27您太谦虚了 既如此 不知您可愿拜老夫为师啊 You're too modest. If that's the case, would you like to be my master?
07:36不成 我还得当您是少阁主 不过多了层师徒情分 咱们就更亲近了不是 No, I still have to treat you as the Young Master, but with more discipleship, we'll be closer, won't we?
07:44我已经有师父了 I already have a master
07:48谁呀 Who is it?
07:52这是幻灭风珠 冷幻的玉佩 This is the jade pendant that destroys the master, Cold Fantasy.
07:58原来他叫冷幻 还是个风珠 那就好罢了 So he's called Cold Fantasy, but he's still a master. That's easy.
08:03不可能 冷风珠从不受痛 It's impossible. Cold Fantasy never suffers from pain.
08:06是啊 冷风珠早就太上望寝 避世不出 怎么会突然收您为徒啊 Yeah, Cold Fantasy has always been too high-minded and never showed himself. Why would he suddenly accept you as his disciple?
08:13你们口中的冷风珠和我认识的是一个人吗 Is the Cold Fantasy you're talking about someone I know?
08:18我跟他可是萍水相逢 一见如故呢 I met him by chance.
08:21真的 Really?
08:22他不但与我大战三百回合 还与我彻夜长谈 He not only fought me for 300 rounds, but also chatted with me all night long.
08:27夸我天赋异禀 必成大器 He praised me for my talent.
08:29这么说 你二人当真交情不浅 So you two are really close?
08:33那还有假 我二人抵足而眠时 他主动提出收我为徒 还赠我玉佩 That's not true. When we were sleeping together, he took the initiative to accept me as his disciple and gave me a jade pendant.
08:39闭嘴 Shut up.
08:41见过冷风珠 It's you.
08:46你是那天茶摊 You were at the tea stall that day.
08:48跟我走 Come with me.
08:50恭送冷风珠 恭送少阁主 Goodbye, Cold Fantasy. Goodbye, Young Master.
08:54这小子 竟然真认识冷幻 This kid really knows Cold Fantasy.
08:58一向不问世事的冷幻都掺和进来 He's always involved in everything related to Cold Fantasy.
09:01轮影海阁以后热闹了 It's going to be lively here.
09:06你干嘛 What are you doing?
09:13玉佩还我 Give me back my jade pendant.
09:14还你可以 但你不能对我出手 I can give it back to you, but you can't hurt me.
09:17那我下山的事 Then what about me going down the mountain?
09:21我对你的私事不感兴趣 I'm not interested in your personal affairs.
09:23我来轮影海阁就想查点事 I came to Runying Pavilion to investigate something.
09:25查完我就走 I'll leave as soon as I'm done.
09:28你 You...
09:30随便你 It's up to you.
09:35什么意思这是 What's the meaning of this?
09:37当真是个绝世佳人啊 You're really from the Jue family.
09:40就是太冷了点 It's just a little too cold.
10:27优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
10:58明月明月 心悲凉明月 心悲凉
11:04明月明月 心悲凉明月 心悲凉
11:11明月明月 心悲凉明月 心悲凉
11:18明月明月 心悲凉明月 心悲凉
11:27优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
