Home Sweet Home: Full Episode 52 (Stream Together)

  • 2 weeks ago
Dulce discreetly continues her work for Agoncilla (Gladys Reyes) without Reden's (Raymart Santiago) knowledge. At the same time, Lucy (Bea Binene) continues her struggle to prove to her family that she is the real Lucy and that the person they believe to be her is an impostor.


00:10Ah! I know why you're like that.
00:13Maybe it's because of the dog that chased you earlier.
00:16Why did I dream about that?
00:18I suddenly got goosebumps.
00:20I can prove to you that I'm really your real child.
00:23Ma, come here.
00:24Do you remember?
00:26It was your birthday a year ago.
00:28I gave you the kitchen and our pictures.
00:32Wait, what's the name of the store that you're working at?
00:35It's in your room, Uncle Duarte.
00:37Go there, take a bath and eat.
00:40I brought you here to earn money to take care of Uncle Duarte,
00:44not because of his chicken.
00:45Do we make sense?
00:47Agustinia is right.
00:49You're the one who can help this house.
00:54Is there anyone who will believe me if I convince them that I'm Lucy?
01:00Benji, I need to talk to Benji alone.
01:26Ma'am, what's your plan with that woman?
01:31I thought you wanted to get rid of the family here in the mansion.
01:36Why did you hire an elderly caretaker?
01:41You know that I'm smarter than you.
01:45That means I won't do anything that will put you in danger.
01:51I'm just thinking,
01:53what if Dulce catches us?
01:57You should let her go.
01:59She'll find out that we're the ones who are rich.
02:03What do you mean?
02:05I'm the only one who's rich.
02:07You're the one who chose her.
02:10You're right.
02:14But what if she finds out?
02:17What if Ritin finds out?
02:20What if she contests her father's will?
02:26Did you think of that?
02:30Of course.
02:31Yes, but not because you thought of it.
02:33You're smart.
02:34Because before you thought of it, I already knew it.
02:37You know that I have a promise to that old witch
02:41that I will destroy Ritin's family.
02:43That's why my first plan,
02:46of course, Dulce will leave her job here to Ritin.
02:51That's possible.
02:53Soon, Ritin will find out the truth.
02:56She'll find out that they're going to fight.
03:00But you know, Ma'am,
03:03we can still fight.
03:05I'm not done yet.
03:07I have a second plan.
03:09Even if they fight,
03:11they won't be able to escape from my second plan.
03:14Because I have a plan to dispatch this old witch.
03:18Do you know how?
03:20How, Ma'am?
03:23Through Dulce.
03:27What's your plan?
03:34Why do we need to keep it a secret from Dulce?
03:37Because we're talking about Wendy.
03:40But I'm not interested.
03:42So what?
03:43That's why I need to tell you,
03:45to warn you.
03:46She's looking for me wherever I am.
03:49What did you say?
03:50I said, I don't know where you live.
03:53So be careful.
03:54Avoid going out here.
03:56She's asking for a P.I.
03:58What P.I.?
03:59Private Investigator.
04:01She's asking for a service in the places we're going to.
04:07Okay, thank you.
04:09You know, that woman is cunning.
04:13She'll fight with Dulce later.
04:18How's your foot?
04:20The doctor said, I'll be back to work in a month.
04:24That's long.
04:25Ever since you were gone, I've been climbing up.
04:27You know, when you're up there,
04:29you lose your manliness.
04:31I know that.
04:32Don't worry, just a little test.
04:34We're almost there.
04:36Let's go.
04:37Let's go outside.
04:38There's a nice restaurant there.
04:40Let's go.
04:41No, I don't want to drink.
04:42You're not on antibiotics.
04:44I'll take care of it.
04:46You're so annoying.
04:47I'll take care of it.
04:58Ella was right.
05:01I love you.
05:03Do you love me?
05:05Don't worry, Dulce.
05:10I love you, Dulce.
05:13Why do you love me?
05:17Because I'm your friend.
05:20Aren't you friends with your father?
05:22I don't want to talk to you.
05:24Let's go.
05:26We still have a long way to go.
05:32It's a good thing,
05:34even if I have a problem, I have a companion.
05:38Benji and Papa are there.
05:42No matter how hard or difficult it is,
05:44I carry it with me because I have a companion.
05:49But now, I'm the only one with a problem.
05:54It's hard to be alone.
05:56It's like the whole world is protecting you.
06:01How long will I be like this?
06:04I hope this is just a bad dream
06:07because I want to wake up.
06:13I hope this is just a bad dream
06:15because I want to wake up.
06:18Go rest.
06:20But you can come back later.
06:23Maybe not, I still have to study.
06:27Let's study together.
06:30Lucy, let's talk about this.
06:33You study first.
06:35Maybe your mom is waiting for me at home.
06:38Give me your hand.
06:40Don't you have a kiss?
06:44You're so funny.
06:46Okay, bye.
06:51Benji, I'm not kidding.
07:01Can we talk?
07:05It's you again.
07:07You're so careless.
07:10Do you want to get hurt again?
07:13You're so thick-faced.
07:16You're the one who's pretending to be sick.
07:21It's a good thing that Benji can't see how bad you are.
07:25Hey, stay away from Benji.
07:30Stay away from Benji.
07:33Don't go near him.
07:36You stay away from him.
07:39Stay away from my family too.
07:42Is that so?
07:46You won't stop?
07:50You won't leave?
07:53You won't leave?
07:54You won't leave?
07:55I told you to stay here.
08:01You won't leave?
08:06You won't leave?
08:08You won't leave?
08:09I don't know.
08:10You won't leave?
08:12I don't know.
08:17I'm so sick of you.
08:19I'm so sick of you.
08:21I'm so sick of you.
08:23Stop it.
08:25You're crossing the line!
08:34Senor, take a rest.
08:39You know that it's bad for your health.
08:43Riten, can't you take care of yourself?
08:47Don't you want to stay here?
08:51Remember, Uncle Duarte,
08:54you have to marry Riten because he doesn't want to.
08:59He's trying to make me look bad.
09:02I don't like him, that's why I have to.
09:06I don't like him either.
09:09He can't die.
09:11You're mad at Riten.
09:13Yes, I'm mad at Riten.
09:17I always remember that.
09:20I don't like Riten.
09:23He's always trying to make me look bad.
09:28I don't like him anymore.
09:33Okay, forget what I said and take a rest.
09:43My God,
09:44you're going to make Papa angry with Riten.
09:48No matter how bad Riten is,
09:51I hope that Papa will forgive him.
10:15Wait, what's going on here?
10:20Let's go.
10:23What's going on here?
10:25He's the one who did this to Mama.
10:30Don't come near Mama.
10:32Get out of here!
10:34My brother, Sophie.
10:36I don't want to hurt Mama.
10:39I'm sorry.
10:41Don't call me brother.
10:44I'm not going to hurt you.
10:47If you're not Raul, I'll push you away.
10:50Can you leave now?
10:53Get out!
10:55Get out!
10:57Get out of here!
10:59Mama, I'm sorry.
11:01Don't come back here.
11:07Are you okay?
11:08I'm okay.
11:13By the way,
11:15how's Tito Desa?
11:19He's okay.
11:21We brought him to the hospital earlier and gave him medicine.
11:25Who gave him the medicine?
11:29Can we not talk about it?
11:32My head gets hot whenever I remember that woman.
11:35My blood boils whenever I hear her name.
11:39Whenever I remember her.
11:45You can handle it later.
11:54What are you looking at?
12:01I'm looking at Lucy.
12:17What is it?
12:19I'm looking at...
12:23I'm looking at Lucy.
12:27Because Lucy...
12:33Call your mom.
12:35You have to go to school early tomorrow,
12:38so you need to sleep early.
12:40Besides, you have a lot of free time, right?
12:43Yes, I have to go to school early tomorrow.
12:46So, I'll go home now.
12:48You have something to tell me, right?
12:50No, nothing.
12:52I'll go ahead.
12:56Take care.
13:02How's your work?
13:04Is it hard?
13:07It's okay.
13:09It's hard, but...
13:11I can do it.
13:14How's your boss?
13:16Is he nice?
13:18Is he supportive?
13:20No, he's okay.
13:22You'll know when I get back.
13:25When I get back from work,
13:27I'll just stay here at home.
13:30Don't worry about me.
13:32It's important for you to get better, right?
13:36I want to help you.
13:38I don't want to depend on you for everything.
13:42A husband and wife are different.
13:45We should be together.
13:48I'm so lucky to have you.
13:51I never thought I'd marry you.
14:01Forgive me, Riden,
14:03if I haven't been honest with you.
14:06I know you'll understand me one day.
14:09I hope I'll ask for your forgiveness.
14:18Listen, thank you.
14:22This is the time.
14:24Go ahead.
14:26Talk to her.
14:27I don't think Joe can do that.
14:32You're acting weird again.
14:34Isn't that what you planned?
14:36Why are you so scared again?
14:39I'm scared.
14:41What if what my family did to me
14:45doesn't make Benji accept me?
14:49It's hard for me to be hurt, Joe.
14:53I don't know what to do.
14:55I'm sorry, Joe.
14:57I know it's hard for me to believe what I'm saying.
15:01But I don't want to be hurt.
15:04I don't want to be hurt.
15:07I don't know how long I can bear with them.
15:15Lucy, don't think about it.
15:18You won't be able to try.
15:20Go ahead.
15:22I'll take care of it.
15:23I'll take care of it.
15:25Go ahead.
15:33Are you following me?
15:37You're the one who's been following me.
15:40You're the one who's been chasing Dane and Django.
15:44Who are you?
15:46What do you want from me?
15:54Why did you agree to be their ally?
15:57I don't have a job for them.
16:00I won't be able to survive.
16:03Do you understand what you're saying?
16:05You know, that's what I don't understand.
16:08This Papa,
16:10it's like he's just following Evangelia.
16:13He's just following her.
16:15I don't know what to do.
16:18I don't know what to do.
16:20I don't know what to do.
16:21I don't know what to do.
16:25Oh no.
16:27What if he's already hypnotized?
16:30What if he's already hypnotized?
16:32That's so scary.
16:34What if he's already killing the old man?
16:38Or is he just following her?
16:51What if he's already hypnotized?
17:09Take this.
17:11What's that for?
17:13You'll get to know this.
17:15This will help you.
17:16How can I help you?
17:46Help me!
17:59Help me!
18:05Help me!
18:13Why did he have to do this?
18:17Why aren't you sleeping?
18:22Are you still awake?
18:24Maybe that's why you can't sleep.
18:27Are you regretting it?
18:29Because you didn't talk to Benjo.
18:35I'm just scared.
18:41He's calling me.
18:43He's calling me.
18:44He's calling me.
18:46What if...
18:48What if Benji hurts me even more?
18:55He's my only hope.
19:01He's the last person I need to talk to.
19:07If I don't talk to him,
19:10I won't be able to go back to my family.
19:18Mama and my siblings will be mad at me.
19:24Mama got hurt because of me.
19:30Jun is my conscience.
19:38I didn't mean to hurt your mother.
19:48I know you're a good kid, Lucy.
19:53You have a good heart.
19:56It's okay.
20:01It's okay.
20:03Get some rest.
20:05I know you're tired.
20:09Let's go to sleep.
20:27Gaby, don't worry about Lucy.
20:33The lamp is the answer to the curse that was given to Lucy.
20:47I hope Lucy will know the power of the lamp
20:52so that she can fight the curse.
20:56I hope so.
21:17Are you okay, ma'am?
21:19Why did you let that old man drink the medicine?
21:23What should we do? Should we go to jail?
21:26Didn't Dulce let him drink the medicine?
21:29Why do you have a pimple?
21:31You're a human now, right?
21:34I need to get these medicines checked.
21:36Dulce! Ma'am!
21:38When did you get the medicines, Uncle Duarte?
21:40I can't make a mistake.
21:42That's the lamp I need to get.
