• last year
Dave Berke, a retired Top Gun instructor, rates Tom Cruise's aerial stunts in "Top Gun" and "Top Gun: Maverick."


00:00Watch your heads.
00:01Oh, shit.
00:04We're not flying F-18s under bridges.
00:06The tiniest little mistake is going to be catastrophic.
00:09So let's just go over the top of the bridge,
00:11and everything's going to be fine,
00:12and it's going to be a lot safer.
00:13My name is Dave Burke.
00:15I spent 23 years in the Marine Corps as a fighter pilot,
00:18and I spent three years as an instructor at Top Gun.
00:20I was lucky enough to fly the F-18 Hornet, the F-22 Raptor,
00:24and the F-35 Lightning II.
00:26Today, we're going to look at scenes from Top Gun and Top
00:29Gun Maverick, and judge how real they are.
00:32Transitioning to scramjet.
00:39It's depicting Maverick switch from traditional propulsion
00:43engine, just a regular jet engine,
00:44to a scramjet engine, which is a really cool concept of something
00:48that's going to make this thing go way faster
00:50than a normal airplane.
00:52So I love how they depict this scramjet, which
00:54is this very high velocity engine that
00:56produces a ton of thrust, which is what's
00:58going to be needed to get to that Mach 10 goal
01:00they've set for this flight.
01:10Well, in the real world, his Mach 10 ejection
01:12at the beginning of this movie would be the end of the movie.
01:15So that's not going to be able to be a recoverable situation.
01:18You can't eject going Mach 10 and walk away from it.
01:21So they took a little creative license, which is OK.
01:24But a Mach 10 ejection is not something
01:26anybody wants to experience.
01:27We'll have to wait and see what is out there, either currently
01:30being developed or in the future.
01:31But the idea of hypersonic platforms, aircraft, missiles,
01:35et cetera, that is indeed the future.
01:37I'm not exactly sure what's out there as we speak.
01:40But it's coming.
01:41Minus that Mach 10 ejection, which is not
01:43the most realistic thing.
01:44The rest of the scene is excellent.
01:46I love it.
01:46I give it an 8.
01:48As briefed, today's exercise is dogfighting.
01:51Guns only, no missiles.
01:54We do not go below the hard deck of 5,000 feet.
01:57So we have something called the hard deck,
01:59where we pretend that's the ground.
02:00The hard deck is there to keep people safe.
02:03When you're training in a dogfight, you don't
02:05want to get so low to the ground that if you make a mistake,
02:07you hit the actual ground.
02:09That's a terrible way to train.
02:10But in the real world, the ground is the lowest you can go.
02:13So they set the hard deck at 5,000 feet.
02:15So if you hit 4,999 feet, you simulated hitting the ground,
02:20you are dead.
02:215,000 feet is a great number.
02:22It gives you that distance from the ground,
02:24plenty of room to recover if you had a problem.
02:27Oh, shit.
02:28Ah, get the hell.
02:30Oh, shit.
02:32That would be highly unsafe and dangerous,
02:34but boy, it makes for a good clip.
02:36Threading the needle between two jets
02:37that are just a few feet apart is really, really hard to do.
02:41But also, this training isn't designed
02:43to put the two other training pilots into a situation
02:45by which they have to react to not getting
02:47hit by another aircraft.
02:49It's how to coordinate them working together,
02:51finding an enemy, maneuvering to be able to shoot that enemy.
02:53Look at that.
02:54Break away.
02:56Rooster just saved your life, fellas,
02:58but it's going to cost him.
02:59It was a great maneuver to help out the wingman,
03:02but it put Rooster in a pretty tough spot.
03:03As you can see, the next thing Maverick
03:05does is get a shot on him.
03:07This is a great scene depicting a dogfight.
03:09And the reason we train dogfighting,
03:11you as a pilot have to learn to explore the maximum capability
03:15of an aircraft.
03:16If you can't fly your jet right at the edge of its capabilities,
03:19you're going to give away an advantage.
03:21This is a great opportunity to learn
03:22a great advantage.
03:23This is a two against one.
03:25We call that section engaged maneuvering,
03:27two aircraft against an unknown enemy.
03:29In this case, Maverick is representing
03:31that enemy aircraft.
03:32Very realistic.
03:35Where's he going?
03:35Leaving your wingman.
03:37There's a strategy I haven't seen in a while.
03:39For all you folks at home, this is how you bury a fossil.
03:42Good old hangman leaving his flight lead out to dry.
03:45Getting away from your flight lead,
03:47getting a bigger perspective, seeing more things,
03:49that can be a great thing.
03:50There's a little question about if that maneuver is
03:52to help your team or to help yourself.
03:54I think we know the answer in this particular case
03:57with that character.
03:58At Top Gun, we don't really see the rogue mentality
04:01that's depicted in this movie by either Maverick or hangman.
04:04What you see is a ton of great teamwork.
04:06You see a ton of collaboration.
04:08You see a ton of humility.
04:09I love this clip.
04:11I give it a nine.
04:12This shows some great maneuvering,
04:13some great dogfighting.
04:14Very, very realistic scenes.
04:16The flying is outstanding.
04:23If you have to maneuver side to side,
04:25you got to get up on what we call a knife edge
04:27on the wing of the jet.
04:28So when the maneuver happens, you actually
04:30turn through the sky more effectively.
04:32So when you turn that jet, it keeps
04:34inside that really narrow space.
04:35They did a great job depicting that.
04:37Very realistic.
04:47He transitions to what we call a low altitude pop.
04:50He's right over the desert at probably 100 feet.
04:52That is really, really low.
04:54Takes a lot of attention and skill to do that.
04:56When he's at the top of that maneuver
04:58and rolls upside down to pull toward the target,
05:00that's exactly how we teach it.
05:02The whole point of that is the higher you climb,
05:04and the more altitude you have, and the higher the angle
05:07of climb, the harder it's going to be
05:08to see the target on the ground.
05:10So he has to roll upside down so he's
05:11looking at the top of the canopy to be
05:13able to maintain sight of this target
05:15throughout the entire maneuver.
05:16He's got to aim these precision laser-guided weapons
05:19right onto this very, very small target.
05:22And then he finishes off with a very high G maneuver
05:24to get back out of that bunkered position.
05:27Everything that's done here, we train to.
05:29Put them all together.
05:30Tough scene.
05:31Tough scenario.
05:32Tough in real life.
05:33Very doable, but not easy to do.
05:35I'm giving this a 9.
05:37I'm probably a tough grader, never
05:38going to give him that perfect 10.
05:40But this is about as good as it gets.
05:41They did a great job here.
05:43Really well done.
05:50We're not flying F-18s under bridges.
05:53Well, you can imagine trying to fly under a bridge.
05:55Very, very little margin for error.
05:57The tiniest little mistake is going to be catastrophic.
06:00And the benefit you gain is, in that particular case,
06:02about 10 foot of difference.
06:03So let's just go over the top of the bridge,
06:05and everything's going to be fine.
06:06And it's going to be a lot safer.
06:07All right, let's go.
06:12When we come back to Top Gun in the movie Top Gun Maverick,
06:15we see that we've now replaced the F-14 Tomcat with the F-18
06:20In this case, it's the F-18 E&F Super Hornet.
06:23It's also a more maneuverable, a more nimble jet.
06:26Now, the F-14 is faster, but the F-18 Super Hornet,
06:29as it's evolved, is a very, very formidable, capable machine.
06:33Bob, check your laser.
06:34Here to ground, check.
06:35Complete laser code verified.
06:37Laser is a go.
06:39Target acquired.
06:40Bombs away.
06:42On the very front of the bombs has
06:44what's called a laser detector.
06:46It actually sees that laser energy.
06:48Of course, we can't see with our eyes,
06:49but those bombs can see it.
06:51And when they see that, they guide
06:53to go right to that pinpoint of a laser picture pointing
06:56a flashlight at a target.
06:57And the bomb goes directly to the center of that beam.
07:10The G-Force depiction in this is fantastic.
07:13You see their faces getting pulled down.
07:15You see their eyes getting droopy.
07:16You see some of them look like they're about to pass out.
07:18Those are all real things that happen,
07:20all things pilots have to fight against.
07:22When you pull a lot of Gs, the blood
07:24starts to drain from your head and starts to pool down
07:27in your extremities.
07:28Now, as you know, if you don't have any blood in your head,
07:30you lose consciousness.
07:31Before you have G-Lock, you have something called grayout,
07:34which means you're still conscious,
07:36but all your color vision starts to fade away,
07:39and things turn gray.
07:41And sometimes you see the size of your peripheral vision
07:43close in.
07:44Rooster, there's something wrong with this laser!
07:46Bomb's away!
07:47Bomb's away!
07:50Dropping without a laser system is not ideal.
07:54Now, it's doable, and we brief what we call backup plans.
07:57So there's absolutely a scenario where
07:59instead of using the laser capability of this bomb,
08:01I'm going to do a traditional regular drop.
08:03In this case, it's a tough situation.
08:05There's obviously no coming back from this.
08:07We've got to get these things off in the very first pass.
08:09So not very common, and maybe a little unrealistic,
08:13but absolutely something we planned for.
08:15Short of that bridge, this thing is a great clip.
08:18It's a nine.
08:20Here it comes!
08:27Flares work against infrared missiles,
08:29ones that look for heat signatures.
08:31And the flare is designed to mask or cover your engines.
08:35The missiles being shot in this scene are radar-guided missiles.
08:38It looks really cool in the scene,
08:39but those flares would have no effect
08:41on the missiles being shot at them,
08:43because they're not looking for heat signatures.
08:45Flare back! Flare back!
08:47Breaking right!
08:48Oh, my God! Here they come!
08:51Having to dodge a missile is a really tough thing to do
08:54and often doesn't work out in our favor.
08:56The ideal situation is, before we're getting shot,
08:58is to avoid that missile-detection situation
09:01or try to take out the radar that's targeting you
09:04so while those missiles might be there,
09:06the radar that's guiding those missiles,
09:08if we can take that out, we render those missiles useless.
09:13What about Maverick?
09:14Tell him there's nothing he can do for Maverick,
09:16not in a god-**** F-18.
09:17I would not want to get shot at by a missile.
09:19I've been shot at before, not by surface-air missiles.
09:22It's not fun at all.
09:23But if I had to pick an airplane to get shot at,
09:25I'd definitely prefer to be in the F-18
09:27with the capability it has.
09:28The F-18 has evolved, has systems on the airplane
09:31that are more advanced, better detection,
09:33probably a little better maneuverability,
09:35but more importantly, a better situation
09:37to understand what's happening
09:38so they can react sooner and more effectively.
09:41I give this scene a seven for realism,
09:43but this scene gets a 20 for emotion and for action.
09:48There's 300 breakers back here.
09:50Anything more specific?
09:51I don't know.
09:52That was your dad's department.
09:53I love how they depicted Rooster
09:54in the back of this F-14 having no idea what's going on.
09:57That'd be very realistic.
09:59I think if you took a current student,
10:00certainly a pilot, and put him in the back
10:02of a vintage 60s, 70s, or 80s airplane,
10:05he would be lost, just like they showed in the movie.
10:07This wingman is moving into a weapons envelope.
10:11A weapons envelope is simply the range
10:18at which you can shoot a weapon.
10:20We are taught and trained at Top Gun.
10:22Each aircraft weapon system, the gun,
10:24and different types of missiles all have envelopes.
10:27We memorize those envelopes.
10:28We train in those envelopes,
10:29and we maneuver to fly in and out of those envelopes
10:32to maximize our ability to kill an opponent.
10:34So that's depicted really well here.
10:36What the?
10:40What they're really trying to show
10:41is what we call super maneuverability,
10:43this ability to almost cartwheel through the sky
10:46that a fourth-generator plane like an F-18 simply can't do,
10:49but that maneuver can absolutely be done.
10:51If you've watched the latest F-22 Raptor air show demo,
10:54you'll see what I'm talking about.
10:56We gotta get low.
10:57The terrain will confuse his targeting system.
11:03Getting down towards the ground and the trees,
11:05especially if the enemy is above you, can cause problems.
11:08In a fifth-generation modern radar,
11:10that radar doesn't really care where you are.
11:12It's gonna see you, it's gonna find you,
11:14it's gonna maintain lock.
11:15So confusing his targeting against a modern fifth-gen fighter
11:18not gonna happen.
11:19How they chose to handle it,
11:20it's probably the best they can do.
11:21I'm giving this clip a five.
11:23I'd like to make it a little bit higher
11:25because it is a great action scene,
11:27but the things that are happening
11:28simply are not gonna happen in the real world.
11:36They have no nose landing gear and no tail hook.
11:38This is a bad situation to be in.
11:40So they literally have no options in this situation.
11:43They have to barricade it,
11:44but this is very different from the typical arresting gear
11:46that catches the hook and brings the jet to a normal stop.
11:49Arresting gear is very, very reliable.
11:52There are times, very rarely, where it doesn't work.
11:55So that barricade is the same one we use on a real carrier.
11:58It's basically a big, giant net that captures the plane.
12:02I'm gonna give it a five.
12:03Now, the newer movie, Top Gun Maverick,
12:05it has really evolved, much more realistic,
12:08much better flying scenes,
12:09much better job depicting how things actually work.
12:12Overall, I'd give it an eight.
12:14Got a big one.
12:15I'm going after big two.
12:18I lost him in the sun.
12:20Fighter pilots definitely use the sun to their advantage.
12:23If it's available and you can put yourself up into the sun
12:26and make it difficult for an enemy to see you,
12:28it's a great thing to do.
12:30I got him locked.
12:32The aircraft that you're flying in
12:34has something called a radar warning receiver,
12:36and it tells you the different modes
12:38the other jet is looking at.
12:40So it tells you if it's searching you,
12:41if it's locked you up, or if it's about to shoot you.
12:44A little bit of a guess,
12:45but it definitely indicates as things get worse
12:47and the aircraft that's shooting at you
12:49is getting closer to launching that missile.
12:53Somebody's coming.
12:54I'm gonna get him.
12:55I'm gonna get him.
12:56I'm gonna get him.
12:57I'm gonna get him.
12:58I'm gonna get him.
12:59Copy, do I have permission to fire?
13:01Do not fire until fired upon.
13:03As a Top Gun instructor,
13:04I would have told this pilot long before that situation
13:07when he can't and can't fire.
13:09We have something called the rules of engagement, ROE.
13:12So the fact that they're asking you a question
13:15is understandable,
13:16but you would never ask that question
13:17in the middle of a dogfight.
13:18You'll know going into that fight
13:20long before you take off what the rules are
13:23and when you can and cannot fire.
13:29Ha ha ha.
13:32Watch the birdie.
13:34That is a cool looking movie clip.
13:36You can certainly fly upside down.
13:38You can see the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds do that.
13:41In a real situation,
13:42you'd need a lot more space between the planes.
13:44First of all, they might actually hit each other.
13:47Second, it'd be really, really, really hard to maneuver.
13:50And third, if someone looked up
13:51and saw a plane directly above them,
13:53they'd probably turn their jet immediately
13:55and that'd be a problem really for both of them.
13:57You just can't get that close in the real world.
14:03Power, power, power dammit.
14:05We got it.
14:08Cougar is definitely having some problems
14:10getting that F-14 back aboard the ship.
14:13As a former Top Gun instructor
14:14and as a landing signals officer,
14:16I was responsible and trained
14:18to help bring jets back aboard the carrier.
14:21In real life, Cougar's not getting anywhere near that ship,
14:24at least not the way that airplane is moving.
14:26I'm gonna ask him to start over, get back out there,
14:28smooth that jet out a little bit.
14:30But to give him credit,
14:32he just had a pretty tough situation.
14:34He was obviously very nervous and pretty uncomfortable.
14:36So good for Cougar for bringing that jet aboard.
14:39A couple of those things that are happening,
14:40flying that close, probably not in real life,
14:43trying to land on the carrier,
14:44that dangerous, probably not gonna happen.
14:46It's an awesome clip, but probably a four for realism.
14:51I lost him.
14:52I'm looking, I'm looking.
14:55I got him, I got him.
14:56He's on my tail, coming hard.
14:57In that environment,
14:58I'm definitely gonna be scanning up, down, left, and right.
15:01And I'm gonna try to get my head out of the cockpit
15:03looking around as much as possible.
15:05So that's pretty realistic.
15:07When he hit the brakes, he'll fly right by.
15:14I'll hit the brakes, he'll fly right by
15:16is a legendary line from the movie.
15:19It is not a real thing in an actual dogfight.
15:22There are some real advantages
15:24to being able to fly slow
15:25and being maneuverable at slow speeds.
15:27You slowing down, it wouldn't happen instantaneously.
15:31Another big problem with you slowing down
15:32or hitting the brakes is they can do the same thing
15:35and keep that position.
15:36And you're now even slower, less maneuverable,
15:39and even more predictable.
15:40But as is depicted,
15:42you can't have someone 1,000 feet behind you
15:44and just hit the brakes
15:45and they'll jump right out in front of you.
15:47It's just not very realistic.
15:48Tower, this is Ghost Rider requesting a flyby.
15:51Negative, Ghost Rider.
15:52The pattern is full.
15:57A Top Gun student would absolutely get in trouble
16:00for doing an unauthorized flyby.
16:02And it'd be a lot more trouble than they got in the movie.
16:04That'd probably be what we call your last flight.
16:07If that was a real Top Gun student,
16:09we would thank him for showing up at Top Gun
16:11and we'd probably send him on his way.
16:13Overall, I'm giving it a four.
16:14Some of the fights are pretty realistic.
16:17The flyby is not happening.
16:18Stay with Hollywood, Mav.
16:20We're his cover.
16:20Don't you leave me, Maverick.
16:22Hollywood, you're looking good.
16:24I'm going after Viper.
16:27Well, in this case,
16:28the wingman leaving isn't necessarily the worst thing.
16:31One of the things he realizes
16:32is that there's another enemy out there
16:33and if they ignore it,
16:35maybe that guy that they see
16:36ends up being a problem for them.
16:38So I have no real issue with him leaving.
16:40You don't be a good wingman and provide cover
16:42by being 10 feet away flying in formation from your lead.
16:45You try to get away from them
16:47and what you're looking for
16:48is exactly what Maverick and Goose did here,
16:49which is find an unseen enemy aircraft.
16:52And if that happens,
16:53you absolutely do need to leave your wingman.
16:55So he's doing a pretty good job here
16:56of what we call providing mutual support.
16:58He's helping out
16:59even though he's not flying next to him anymore.
17:09We did head-to-head training at Top Gun all the time.
17:12We called it a high aspect merge.
17:14One aircraft pointing at another,
17:16going right past each other.
17:17That was a very common training,
17:18very realistic training,
17:20and also very fun training we did at Top Gun.
17:22Viper, in this case,
17:23is flying in a plane called an A-4 Skyhawk.
17:26It's well-represented.
17:27It's what Top Gun used in the 80s
17:29to replicate enemy aircraft.
17:31The A-4 is much smaller.
17:33It's much more nimble
17:34and much more maneuverable than the F-14.
17:37And to have a dogfight in that aircraft,
17:39that's gonna be a problem fighting against an A-4,
17:41especially against the commander of Top Gun.
17:43Keep coming.
17:46He's too close for missiles, Goose.
17:47I'm switching to guns.
17:49That's pretty realistic.
17:50Missiles have what's called a minimum range.
17:52And the reason that is
17:53is because when the missile launches off your jet,
17:56it needs a little bit of time to arm up
17:58and have that warhead be available
18:00to detonate against an aircraft.
18:02If he tried to fire a missile from that distance,
18:04it might not detonate.
18:05So it won't have the effect that he's looking for.
18:08Okay, Goose, check our tail.
18:10S***, there's just a...
18:12Bingo, Maverick's dead.
18:13The key mistake that Maverick and Goose made
18:16is a mistake a lot of students make.
18:18We call it target fixation.
18:20They're focusing all their efforts on Viper.
18:23In this case, you've got two people in the cockpit.
18:25Goose doesn't really need to be helping Maverick.
18:27Let Maverick do his job of dogfighting Viper
18:30and tell Goose to get his head out,
18:32look outside, and look for that enemy you don't see,
18:35which is typically the enemy
18:36that causes the biggest problem.
18:37I'm giving this scene an eight.
18:39This is a very realistic scene.
18:41A couple of small errors,
18:42but they did a good job on this one.
18:44We're in a jet wash.
18:45Oh, holy s***.
18:49So jet wash is when the exhaust of the engines
18:52of the aircraft in front of you
18:53go directly down your intakes or go into your engine.
18:57Yeah, avoiding jet wash in the real world
18:58usually isn't a very big problem.
19:00It happens sometimes,
19:02and most pilots will tell you
19:03when you fly through someone's jet wash,
19:04you feel a bit of a thump.
19:06It can be a little uncomfortable,
19:08but it's very easy to avoid for the most part,
19:10mostly because you see the pilot
19:12and the aircraft in front of you,
19:13and you just put yourself in a position
19:15to not be directly behind them.
19:17Mav, we're out of control.
19:18This is not good.
19:20This is not good.
19:21Mayday, mayday.
19:21Mav's in trouble.
19:22He's in a flat spin.
19:23He's heading out to sea.
19:24A flat spin's not a good thing.
19:26The first thing you typically do
19:27is what we call neutralize the controls.
19:29It just means you just let go.
19:31You're not pressing on the rudders.
19:33You're not putting inputs at the control stick.
19:35You're just letting go of the controls,
19:36and oftentimes the very next thing you want to do
19:38is bring the throttles all the way back to idle
19:41to slow the jet down.
19:42I'm a little disappointed in Maverick here.
19:44He's fighting against the aircraft.
19:46I think Maverick might be adding to some of the problems
19:49they're experiencing in this clip.
19:50Watch the canopy!
19:57If you have to eject, God forbid,
19:59you want to sit straight up,
20:00you want to tilt your head up a little bit,
20:02be in a good, stiff, firm body position
20:04for that really violent ejection that's about to happen,
20:07I'm lucky enough to have never had to eject
20:09from an actual aircraft.
20:11But once you pull that handle,
20:12a rocket fires the canopy
20:14and launches the canopy off the jet,
20:16and then very shortly after,
20:17another rocket shoots the seat up out of the airplane.
20:20In the case of an F-14 Tomcat,
20:22the back seater goes first,
20:24and then the pilot goes second.
20:25So there's a sequence to that too,
20:27but all of those situations are very violent
20:29and can be very dangerous for the people inside.
20:39Well, what I saw from that landing over water
20:41unfortunately happens sometimes.
20:42You have that ejection,
20:44and your first thing when you eject
20:45is you got to land in the water.
20:47The first thing you want to do is get into your raft.
20:49And I think Maverick's priority was
20:50as soon as he could get in the water,
20:52swim over to his buddy, try to help him out,
20:54try to pull him into his raft
20:55or pull him into some safety.
20:57We all know what happened to poor Goose
20:59on that case though.
21:00Every naval aviator has had practice
21:02simulating landing in the water,
21:04getting out of your parachute,
21:05and getting into a raft.
21:06It is not fun.
21:07It is not easy.
21:08It is a tough challenge.
21:09I'm going to give this scene a five.
21:12Right left!
21:14I'm hit! I'm hit!
21:15We're coming apart!
21:16I can't control it!
21:170-9-2-20, we're going down!
21:19A lot of the missiles that are shot
21:21are what's called heat-seeking or infrared missiles.
21:24And the thing that produces the most heat
21:25on an aircraft is the engine.
21:27So it's very common in those heat-seeking missiles,
21:29those infrared missiles,
21:31to fly right at the tailpipe of an aircraft
21:33and blow up those engines.
21:36This **** just flew right through his jet launch!
21:42Good recovery, Mav!
21:43Mav did a little better this time with that jet wash.
21:45I still wish he would just relax a little bit
21:47and not over-control the aircraft.
21:49But in this case,
21:50he was able to recover the jet before it flamed out
21:52and got into that spin,
21:54and it got him back into the fight.
21:55So good job, Mav!
22:05So Maverick uses and employs his classic signature move
22:09of hitting the brakes and getting the enemy to fly right by.
22:12Maybe not the most realistic thing.
22:13It's probably not actually gonna happen,
22:15but in this movie,
22:16really what they're showing is
22:18they're trying to catch this enemy aircraft off-guard.
22:20This MiG-28 pilot doesn't know Maverick,
22:22doesn't know his style,
22:24and he's shocked to find himself in one instance
22:26behind Maverick about to shoot,
22:28and then with the snap of the fingers,
22:29he's now in front.
22:30I'm gonna give this scene a seven.
22:33A couple things not quite right,
22:34but I love how dynamic and how violent
22:37this two-against-five scenario is.
22:39Very difficult situation.
22:41There's a lot of maneuvering.
22:42Very aggressive scene.
22:43I would think most fighter pilots from my generation
22:46can look back at the original Top Gun
22:47and say that was the motivation.
22:50That's what started it all for many of us.
22:52Overall, I'm giving it a seven.
22:54My favorite scene from the Top Gun movies
22:56is that first dogfighting scene in Top Gun Maverick
22:59because in the real world,
23:00the instructors do a much better job
23:02than the students do initially,
23:03and I really like how we showed the students
23:05they need to be humble fighting against Maverick
23:08with all his experience and all his skill and talent.
23:10The students didn't really stand a chance,
23:12and he showed that to them in that scene.
23:14It's a great scene.
