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00:00Getting Through Grief Praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
00:07The Father is a merciful God who always gives us comfort.
00:12He comforts us when we are in trouble so that we can share that same comfort with others
00:16in trouble.
00:182 Corinthians 1 verse 3-4 Grief is the painful feeling of sorrow after
00:23a big loss.
00:25It comes in waves for some people.
00:28Sometimes a gentle tide, other times a big, crashing hurricane.
00:33Even when they seem happy, many teens suffer from depression.
00:37With all the goodbyes a military kid has to say, grief can grow bigger.
00:43It's not about just this move or this training separation, but also all the ones in the past
00:48that weigh on your heart.
00:50Jesus sees, and he grieves with you.
00:54Being separated from the people we love is very difficult.
00:58But Jesus understands and promises that joy will come again.
01:02There is always hope that your sad situation will get better.
01:06Until then, Jesus walks with you through the sorrow.
01:10Never buy into the lie that suicide or hurting yourself will stop the pain.
01:15Those are lies that Satan tells you.
01:18Hurting yourself only multiplies the pain for those who love you, and you miss out on
01:22so many incredible things that God has in store for you.
01:26During those very hard times, hold tight to the Lord and let him comfort you.
01:31He brings hope and healing, often through help from a loving parent, caring teacher
01:36or youth group leader, or a counselor or therapist.
01:40One day at a time, ask Jesus to help you get through the grief.
01:44With him by your side, better days are ahead.
01:49God is able to take the mess of our past and turn it into a message.
01:54He takes the trials and tests and turns them into a testimony.
01:58Christine Kane, Australian speaker, author, and activist combating human trafficking.