• 2 months ago
Fire-breathing dragons attack the town of Helix, and the kids are the only ones who can save it.


00:00Hey, look! The Dungeons and Dragons ride!
00:09Wow! Neat!
00:11Give me a break!
00:13I don't like this!
00:15Whoa! What's happening?
00:19Where are we?
00:22Look out!
00:26Fear not, Ranger!
00:31Barbarian, Magician, Thief, Cavalier and Acrobat!
00:49Who was that?
00:51That was Venger, the force of evil!
00:54I am Dungeon Master, your guide in the realm of Dungeons and Dragons!
01:11Keep going!
01:13From up here we may be able to see which way to go to get home.
01:18Come on, Uni!
01:23Wow! What a view!
01:29What an echo!
01:32Let me try!
01:37Sheila, can't you do something about your little brother?
01:40He's not bothering anyone.
01:42He's bothering me.
01:44I'm trying to think of a way to get us out of this freaky place and back home.
01:48If there is a way home.
01:50Don't worry. There is, and we'll find it. I hope.
01:54Come on, Uni! You try!
02:09Look! There! It's Tiamat the Dragon!
02:16Who dares awaken me?
02:20All right! Leave her to me!
02:23Bobby, don't! She's indestructible!
02:26You little fool!
02:28Keep dragging! You'll learn not to mess with Bobby the Barbarian!
02:32Bobby will be crushed!
02:34Not if he isn't there!
02:41Quick, Sheila!
02:42I know what to do!
02:45Hey, Tiamat!
02:56Now, Bobby!
03:05Bobby, you can't just go charging off like that!
03:08Aw, sis! I could have handled her!
03:11Sheesh! I don't blame Venture for being scared of that dragon!
03:15Nice maneuver, pupils!
03:17Dungeon Master!
03:19Where did you come from?
03:21Oh, someplace between there and here.
03:25Listen, I've had it with your riddles.
03:27Now, give us a straight answer for once.
03:29How do we get out of this world?
03:31Patience, Cavalier. All things have a purpose.
03:35Including your presence here.
03:38Tonight is the celebration in the village of Helix.
03:41You will journey to the north for it.
03:44There you may find something that will help you get back home.
03:48Helix was once at the mercy of flying dragons who attacked at night.
03:53But good magic drove them away.
03:56Now, on your way, you must fear only the many faces of evil,
04:00all known as Venture.
04:04You shall know his newest face by his white hair.
04:09Beware, young adventurers.
04:12Wait! Dungeon Master, you can't just leave us...
04:19He's gone!
04:22I hate it when he does that!
04:24I think it's neat.
04:26I'm worried.
04:27Sheila, you're always worried.
04:29It's simple. The man said go north.
04:32We should go north.
04:33Diana's right. It's the only clue we have to a way home.
04:37We have to try it.
04:43All this walking has been a waste of time.
04:46I'd trade anything for Dad's limousine right now.
04:49I'd trade your Dad's limousine for a peanut butter and banana sandwich right now.
04:54I'm hungry too, Bobby.
04:56Leave it to me. I'll produce some magic burgers.
04:59The last time you tried this, we wound up with live turkeys.
05:03Can I help it if my hat thought it was Thanksgiving?
05:06Abra, come here! Magic burgers appear!
05:14Oh, yuck!
05:18Gee, Presto, I kind of like my burgers a little more well done than that.
05:25Very funny.
05:26Let's keep walking. There's got to be something out here.
05:30Nice cow.
05:33According to this, we're somewhere near Merlin's castle.
05:37Oh, right! Merlin the magician!
05:40He's supposed to be able to work miracles.
05:42According to legend, Merlin can do anything.
05:45Even get us home?
05:46If Merlin can't, no one can.
05:49Merlin's castle that way.
05:51But that's the way we just came.
05:53We couldn't have missed it. Not a whole castle.
05:57According to these signs, it should be right here.
06:00I don't get it.
06:01I do. We forgot to look up.
06:03Wow! He lives in a castle in the sky?
06:06Where'd you expect Merlin to live?
06:08Before Merlin can help us get home, someone's going to have to help us get to Merlin.
06:13Hey, look! A letter!
06:17Everyone, follow me.
06:20Finally, we're going to meet a real wizard.
06:24Face it, Uni. As a wizard, I'm no whiz.
06:36Wait down there, Uni. I'll come back for you. I promise.
06:42My folks have a place just like this in the mountains.
06:45Wish I was there.
06:47Sometimes we wish you were there too, Eric.
06:49Remember what the dungeon master said about Venger.
06:52We should recognize him by his white hair.
06:54Drawbridges up!
06:56Can't you just swim across the moat?
06:58Maybe you'd like to try.
07:00Oh, no thanks. I've never cared much for skydiving.
07:05This looks like my department.
07:14She made it!
07:20Hello? Is anyone here?
07:23I am here.
07:25Tell me, ranger, what brings you here?
07:28You know me?
07:30He's Merlin. He knows everyone.
07:32Well, we're headed for the town of Helix.
07:34Look, he has white hair.
07:36Would that I did, young lady.
07:38I am a great magician, but the one thing I cannot do is...
07:43Would that I did, young lady.
07:45I am a great magician, but the one thing I cannot do is grow hair.
07:51Sorry, Merlin. We were warned that an enemy of ours...
07:54Just ask him about getting us home.
07:56No need. I already know.
07:58You seek a way back to your birth world.
08:05Many great spells have been cast in this hall.
08:11I cannot grant you the way back.
08:13You can't? Oh, great!
08:16But I can tell you where you are headed.
08:19Many years ago, the land of Helix...
08:22fought back against one who would conquer them.
08:25The defeated conqueror vowed vengeance.
08:28Dungeon Master told us this already.
08:33Yes, but he did not tell you that one year Merlin appeared...
08:37cast a spell, and his good magic drove out evil.
08:41The dragons were gone forever.
08:44Oh, brother.
08:46And every year, Helix celebrates the defeat of the winged terrors.
08:50Hey, great story there, you know.
08:52But I didn't come to listen to fairy tales.
08:54Now, if you're not going to help us get home, I'm leaving.
09:00On second thought...
09:04Oh, no. It's Tiamat.
09:07Back for seconds, aged dragon.
09:12You don't scare me.
09:14This time, you'll not escape me.
09:24Now, that's magic.
09:29Quickly, we must leave.
09:31I'll keep her busy.
09:36Get going.
09:41This way, everyone.
10:07We're trapped. There's no way out.
10:10What about down there?
10:12The dungeon. No escape.
10:14Everyone, help me.
10:27Okay, Presto, see if you can conjure up a carpet.
10:30A carpet? Whatever you say.
10:37Perfect. I did it.
10:41Hey, Dragon Breath, you looking for somebody?
10:53Now, that's what I call teamwork.
10:56Let's get out of here.
10:58Oh, Merlin, here's your rabbit.
11:01Thank you, my child.
11:03But it's not a rabbit.
11:05It's a hare. A white hare.
11:07You saved an old magician's life.
11:10Saved your life?
11:12I thought you were supposed to live forever.
11:15No, no. I'm 70 years young, my lad.
11:18The age where I begin searching for one to teach my secrets to.
11:23One like this one.
11:25That one? Me?
11:27Indeed. I saw your wizardry and was quite impressed.
11:31I can teach you all my magic,
11:34but only if you stay here for the rest of your life.
11:39Listen, if Merlin's not going to help us get home,
11:42I say we shove off to that Helix place, huh?
11:45Eric, we have to wait for Presto.
11:47You don't think Presto would stay with Merlin, do you?
11:50No way. Presto would never leave us.
11:55Your friend has decided to stay and become my apprentice.
11:59He's going to stay?
12:01Forever? Presto, are you sure?
12:04Uh, I'm sure.
12:06I can't believe it.
12:08It's our fault, you know.
12:10Always making fun of him when his magic tricks backfired.
12:14Assistant, I need you.
12:19Later, we shall have to deal with the dragon you locked in my dungeon.
12:24Deal with the dragon? How?
12:27The answers to all questions are contained in this book.
12:30Stir the cauldron until I return.
12:33Yeah, sure.
12:35Answer to all questions?
12:40It's got to be in here someplace.
12:42A spell to get us all home.
12:47This is it.
12:50Let's see.
12:52Boiled bat's claws, powdered insect wings,
12:55petrified spider eyeballs, yuck.
13:09Oh, no.
13:11This won't get us home.
13:13Merlin, help!
13:22Merlin! Merlin!
13:24Where are you?
13:28Merlin, I didn't mean to do it.
13:30I'm really sorry.
13:32So, you were trying to create a spell
13:35that would get you and your friends back home, correct?
13:38Yes, yes, and I'm sorry.
13:40But the dragons.
13:42Ah, yes, the dragons.
13:44I switched the spells.
13:46Only good magic could undo Merlin's spell
13:49and release the dragons.
13:51So I had to trick you into undoing Merlin's spell.
13:55But you're Merlin, aren't you?
13:57Merlin hasn't lived for a thousand years.
14:02You know me as Avenger.
14:09Oh, no.
14:11I will use the magic of your hat
14:14to add to my power
14:16as my winged terrors destroy the town of Helix.
14:21The anniversary of the last time the dragons attacked
14:25is now our greatest holiday.
14:27We were sent here to find a clue to help us get home.
14:30In the meantime, though,
14:32your friends seem to be enjoying our celebration.
14:42I can see great wealth in your future.
14:45And in the future, I see...
14:47Oh, no! No!
14:49What is it?
14:51The dragons! The dragons are coming back!
14:53I still don't know why we were sent here, Mayor,
14:56but at least we got to meet Merlin on the way.
14:59How could you? Merlin died a thousand years ago,
15:02soon after casting a spell
15:04that vanquished Venger's flying dragons.
15:06Merlin died? But we met him.
15:08And he said he was only 70.
15:10Mayor! Mayor! I saw them!
15:12The dragons are returning!
15:14Sound the alarm! Take shelter!
15:17We have to go back and get Merlin to help.
15:19I don't think that guy we met was Merlin.
15:21But he looked like Merlin,
15:23standing there stroking his white rabbit.
15:25Not his rabbit. His hair!
15:27His white hair!
15:29Dungeon Master said we'd know Venger by his white hair.
15:32We thought he meant hair, like on his head.
15:34Then presto, he's along with Venger.
15:36We've got to save him.
15:38And find out how to stop these dragons.
15:40Let's find Bobby and Eric.
15:48Clear the town square!
15:50Evacuate the village! Hurry!
15:52Mayor, I think I know how to stop the dragons,
15:55but we'll need horses.
15:57In the stables! That way!
16:00Come on, Uni! Jump!
16:04They gathered for another attack!
16:06This is not the worst of it.
16:08The legend says the final assault will come soon,
16:11and our town will be completely destroyed.
16:14Venger must have reversed Merlin's spell.
16:16The one that kept the dragons away.
16:18Right. And we've got to put that spell back.
16:21All right.
16:23Let's go.
16:27Look at that hole in the castle!
16:29I sure hope Presto's okay.
16:31Boy, I really blew it.
16:33Some wizard.
16:37Hank! Am I glad to see you.
16:39Merlin's not Merlin. He's Venger.
16:41He stole my hat and all my powers.
16:43Worse, he tricked me into undoing Merlin's spell.
16:46Oh, no!
16:48Oh, no!
16:50Oh, no!
16:52Oh, no!
16:55The town of Helix is being destroyed right now.
16:58You've got to cast Merlin's spell again.
17:00Me? I'm no Merlin.
17:02And you will not cast another spell tonight.
17:05I have the wizard's hat.
17:07Hand over the rest of your objects of power.
17:14We can't do that, Venger.
17:16You have no choice.
17:18Bobby, use your club.
17:20Whatever you say, Hank.
17:25Hank, I got him!
17:27That won't hold him long. Let's go.
17:29What do we do?
17:31Try to keep away from Venger while Presto works on Merlin's spell.
17:37We've got to put out these torches.
17:39Let me give it a try.
17:47You cannot escape!
17:51You cannot escape!
17:57Wait, I know where Merlin's spell book is.
18:00Presto and I will make a run for it
18:02while you four try and keep him busy.
18:04Keep him busy?
18:06What are we supposed to do, tell him jokes?
18:08Eric, Diana, I've got an idea.
18:10This had better be one terrific idea.
18:17I don't know if I can do this, Hank.
18:19I mess up every magic trick I try.
18:21You can do it, Presto.
18:23We've got to stop the dragons before they destroy Helix.
18:26This game is ended.
18:29It is time I eliminated you once and for all.
18:33Remember the one thing that Venger's afraid of?
18:36Tiamat the dragon!
18:38Tiamat the dragon? You're going to let the dragon loose?
18:41Don't we have enough problems?
18:43Eric, stop talking and start helping.
18:45I don't believe this.
18:56I will add your magic to mine
18:59and then destroy you and your meddlesome friends.
19:06Stay away from me, dragon!
19:08Let's get out of here.
19:10You have won for now, but I shall win in the end.
19:25Presto, hurry!
19:27There's still time to save Helix, but not much.
19:30Okay, here goes nothing.
19:33In the name of Merlin, in the time of sorrow,
19:38banish winged demons.
19:40Let there be tomorrow!
19:44I knew it wouldn't work.
19:48But the dragons are disappearing.
19:51You did it, Presto.
19:53I did? Yeah, I did.
19:55I only stayed with Merlin
19:57because I thought I could find a way to get us home.
20:00We understand, Presto.
20:02Look, the ladder's disappearing.
20:04That's not all.
20:06Merlin's whole castle is floating away.
20:09Now I'll never get my magic hat back.
20:12I wouldn't say that.
20:15Lose this, wizard?
20:18My hat.
20:20Hey, everybody, I'm back in the magic business.
20:23Oh, great.
20:25Listen, Dungeon Master, while you're returning things,
20:28how about returning us to...
20:30He did it again!
20:32I'll never be that good a magician.
20:34I know a place where they think you're as good as Merlin himself.
20:38Yeah, Helix!
20:40That's right, Presto. In Helix, you're a hero.
20:43I am? Then let's go.
20:45Climb aboard, Eric.
20:47Are you kidding? I don't ride with anyone else.
20:50I want a steed of my own.
20:52Presto, would you produce something for Eric to ride on?
21:05What? I'm not riding on any cow.
21:08No way! I don't ride anything that gives milk.
21:12Hey, come back here!
21:14No! I won't!
21:17Who asked you?
21:38THE END
