Hollyoaks 30th August 2024

  • 2 days ago
00:00Joel is giving you a false alibi, thanks to Mercedes.
00:04He is putting his life on the line for you.
00:06You didn't even sleep with him!
00:08Then why would James say you did?
00:14Just talk to him.
00:15Don't I tell the love of my life I have a brain tumour?
00:18No, Steve, don't!
00:20You can't sign those papers.
00:21I like you.
00:22Oh, darn.
00:24Ambulance! You might have done an overdose.
00:27Joel, wake up! Joel!
00:30I love you.
01:00I love you.
01:30You're free to kill me any time you like.
01:36All this time we've been having the same dreams.
01:51What's the matter with him?
01:52The fuck he's been doing the whole time?
01:54He was in voitures
01:55and then he started losing again.
01:56And to overdose
01:58I mean losing no out did hit him hard
01:59him hard, didn't he?
02:00Well, yeah, cos it was a walk in the park for me.
02:02Oh, no, I didn't mean that.
02:03Yeah, I know.
02:04I've got Pez and Daniel to think about.
02:06Don't have the luxury of being so reckless.
02:09The doctor said he's gonna be fine, right?
02:11They've monitored him overnight.
02:12He hasn't woken up.
02:13He will.
02:14He can feel it.
02:15Come on.
02:16I'm sorry.
02:17I'm not leaving until you explain.
02:35Fine, stay.
02:37Don't eat the cornichon.
02:38Now, why would you tell me that you slept with Jez and you hadn't?
02:42And I've also been told that you've updated your will and included Leah and Lucas in it.
02:47Well, with your track record, those kids are gonna need all the help they can get.
02:50No, something is going on.
02:52I know it is.
02:55Do you still love me?
02:58You do, don't you?
03:01I need to go to work.
03:06So, if Joel's his alibi, what about the gun?
03:15If Warren's innocent, why was it in his house?
03:19Oh, do we really need one more pic of Jude in a swimming pool?
03:23Oh, Kate, I am off to work.
03:26Is that a love bite?
03:27What, are we back in the 90s?
03:29Well, I mean, you do still dress like you're a teenager.
03:33You know what?
03:34He won't be happy when Warren gets out and he can't impress the lady as being the big
03:37boss at the loft anymore.
03:39He's not even got a release date yet.
03:42Can you imagine being accused of killing your own mum when you didn't do it?
03:46I mean, that is really brutal.
03:48Now, if Warren finds out who set him up, he's gonna destroy them.
03:53Listen, forget about all that.
03:56We should be helping Mercedes celebrate.
03:59You've changed your tune.
04:00Well, I think we should rally the troops, show her that we're behind her.
04:07The doctor says you're fine to come home.
04:08No, I'm seeing him.
04:11I thought that was the last place you'd want to be.
04:14Or is it just me you're trying to escape?
04:18Till, did you do the drugs because we had a fight?
04:24No, I, um...
04:26I took them because I couldn't stand the way I felt anymore.
04:31I thought after Noah's funeral, I'd have some sort of acceptance about it or peace.
04:38But it was worse.
04:42I just wanted the thoughts to stop.
04:45Every time they did this, come straight back again.
04:47This is the only thing that would help.
04:51This wasn't a one-off?
04:53Leila, now's not the time.
04:54No, no, no. Have you been doing drugs since Noah's funeral?
05:01Joel, did you do them in the house?
05:05Daniel was never there.
05:09Leila, where are you going?
05:10You can stay, but I'm done.
05:21Is he clear on the plan?
05:24We go straight for the jugular, show Warren that prison's not the worst option.
05:28And he realises that'll make it easier for everyone.
05:31Especially Mercedes.
05:33Yeah, speaking of which, I've got to get to the lot, but help her celebrate Warren's release.
05:39Whatever you say, boss.
05:41Just, um...
05:43Don't let me down.
05:45Wait for the signal, and then...
05:46Yeah, poor cow. I almost feel sorry for her.
06:00You told him we hadn't slept together?
06:03Actually, I didn't tell Steve. I told Sienna.
06:05We haven't tried keeping anything from her.
06:08Anyway, what does it matter?
06:09I thought you and him were supposed to be done.
06:12We are.
06:14Yeah, well, I never thought you two were a natural match.
06:17He's a little rough.
06:21You might be a little...
06:24Yeah, exactly.
06:26Steve just doesn't care what people think of him. That's what I love about him.
06:32He just thinks he can make a joke about everything, and sometimes he can't.
06:38Did you have the MRI?
06:40Have they confirmed it's a tumour?
06:43I'm just waiting for an appointment.
06:45I know what's going on in my own body, though.
06:48So tell Steve.
06:50I can't.
06:52Have you ever lost someone?
06:54Have you ever been powerless to help?
06:58I have.
07:00My sister.
07:02There's only one person I've ever truly loved.
07:06And if I could have one more moment with them, no matter how painful, I would take it.
07:11And I think Steve would, too.
07:41I'm sorry.
07:43I'm sorry.
07:45I'm sorry.
07:47I'm sorry.
07:49I'm sorry.
07:51I'm sorry.
07:53I'm sorry.
07:55I'm sorry.
07:57I'm sorry.
07:59I'm sorry.
08:01I'm sorry.
08:03I'm sorry.
08:05I'm sorry.
08:07I'm sorry.
08:10I'm sorry.
08:12I'm sorry.
08:14I'm sorry.
08:16I'm sorry.
08:18I'm sorry.
08:20I'm sorry.
08:22I'm sorry.
08:24I'm sorry.
08:26I'm sorry.
08:28I'm sorry.
08:30I'm sorry.
08:32I'm sorry.
08:34I'm sorry.
08:36I'm sorry.
08:38Why didn't you talk to me, Joel?
08:42Say what?
08:44Lily, you've been through the same but worse.
08:48They won't put you through anymore.
08:50But you have.
08:52I mean, how...
08:54How did I not know that you were back on the drugs?
08:57I mean, why didn't you even show up in your medical for work?
09:01Mercedes, she...
09:03She helped me fake the urine test.
09:08Of course she did.
09:11You know that's not going to work, don't you?
09:23That could have been us.
09:27Proper little family.
09:29It still is.
09:31Except we're not, are we?
09:33You didn't even speak to me.
09:35You didn't even speak to me
09:37before you went and gave your dad an alibi.
09:39I couldn't.
09:41That's why I had no choice.
09:45It was Mercedes.
09:47She threatened to tell you about the drugs.
09:49She was only doing it because she had to help my dad somehow.
09:55So she was threatening you.
09:57That's it.
09:59Where are you going?
10:01To kill her.
10:05What are you doing?
10:07I knocked your bag over.
10:09Oh, my.
10:13I didn't realise love bites were still a thing.
10:15So, take it I know the artist.
10:17None of your business.
10:19You just used my £40 concealer to cover it.
10:21It's my business.
10:23So, you and Vicky finally got it on.
10:25I knew locking you in that office would work.
10:27Yeah, but it shouldn't have happened.
10:29Right, I'm her boss.
10:31Well, not anymore.
10:33Come on, just admit that you like her.
10:35She's smart.
10:37She's gorgeous.
10:39She's hilarious.
10:41She doesn't play mind games like you or Sienna.
10:45you're always a one-off.
10:47So, what?
10:49You're just going to sleep with her and then ghost her?
10:55Look, she doesn't want anything serious anyway.
10:57Did you ask her?
11:02And yet, for some unknown reason
11:04to the rest of mankind, she shows you.
11:06So, stop being a big wet fish
11:08and guessing what she wants
11:10and phone her.
11:14I tell you what,
11:16I love my girls to bits, but this is bliss.
11:20Miss Pitt is seriously a bad photographer.
11:22Gives it here, can make anyone look good.
11:26What was that for?
11:28You manipulative little bitch.
11:30Come on, break it up.
11:32Why don't you just talk about it or something?
11:34I didn't give him drugs.
11:36Yeah, but you knew he had them, didn't you?
11:38And you blackmailed him.
11:40You needed help.
11:42Yeah, and so did Warren.
11:44And I put my family first.
11:46And what about my family, eh?
11:48You know I have already lost
11:50a son.
11:52And now I'm going to lose Charles, too.
14:02So they kicked you and Dylan out of a nice time then?
14:04Nah, it was alright.
14:06Well I know you didn't get that glow from the sun.
14:08Euw, gross.
14:10You think I'm gross?
14:12You didn't want me presentem, did you?
14:13You got me something.
14:17Thought I might shut you up.
14:19Survived the bright light of Blackpool, then.
14:23Although I'm not sure it survived him.
14:27Er, it's Tia. I know you're busy, but I was just wondering if, er...
14:35Yes, this is James Nightingale.
14:38An MRI scan?
14:43This afternoon?
14:50Nice slap.
14:52Plenty more where that came from.
14:53Hey, I'm not starting anything. I've had a champagne.
14:56It wouldn't be a fair fight.
14:57Do you want some of it?
15:00I'm sorry about Joel.
15:04But you're not sorry for what you did.
15:08You know, no matter how low you stoop,
15:10things always seem to work out for you, don't they?
15:14I mean, I'm not sure I've ever been so low.
15:16I mean, I'm not sure I've ever been so low.
15:18Yeah. Yeah, cos I make sure that they do.
15:22While screwing everyone else over.
15:24I do what I've got to offer my family, and I won't apologise for that.
15:27And I thought you, of all people, would understand.
15:30I don't understand anything you do.
15:32Clearly not.
15:33Cos you wouldn't be giving up on yours so easily.
15:36Don't you dare.
15:39Look, what Joel did was stupid.
15:41But, yeah, it could have been a lot worse.
15:43Lela, he's still alive.
15:46He's lied to me for weeks.
15:49I'm his wife, and he'd still rather talk to you.
15:55Don't blame him, though.
15:58All this time, he's been struggling, and I didn't even have a clue.
16:03I mean, what does that say about our marriage?
16:06That you're both grieving.
16:10Look, I...
16:13I know what you're going through.
16:15I know what it's like to lose a baby.
16:18That feeling of injustice,
16:20like everyone gets to go home with their baby, but you don't.
16:23Just stop.
16:24But you cannot just roll over.
16:26That's not what I'm doing.
16:28That is what it looks like.
16:31Come on.
16:33If you really love Joel...
16:37..fight for him, yeah?
16:50Oh, Marie?
16:52How's your Joel?
16:54He's all right.
16:55He's all right. It was, um, just a little mix-up with the insulin, that's all.
16:59Oh, was it?
17:02What's the visiting times?
17:06Do you know what? I wouldn't bother.
17:07They'll be home soon, won't they?
17:09No-one likes hospitals anyway, do they?
17:11Coffee's good.
17:12It's not the coffee that's gross, it's the smell.
17:15The smell's rank.
17:16Well, let's hope none of us end up back in one.
17:19Erm, what did you want to say to me?
17:22Just, um, hurry up and sign the divorce papers, will you?
17:27Unlike you, I'd like to move on.
17:34Ah, the wonderer returns.
17:40The wonderer returns.
17:42Oh, yeah?
17:45Mum, do you mind just giving us a minute, please?
17:50Talk some sense into him, will you?
17:53A bit of bed rest is what he needs.
18:00So, my city's still alive?
18:03There could be a nuclear war and the McQueens would still survive.
18:07You really shouldn't be discharging yourself.
18:10Yeah, but there's no point in wasting the bed, is there?
18:12I mean, the drugs are almost out of my system.
18:15I've had my mental health assessment.
18:19I don't really know if I've got a home to go back to.
18:21It's not where you left.
18:24Oh, God, have you right?
18:26Look, I shouldn't have given my dad that alibi.
18:29Right? But I wouldn't have done it
18:31unless I truly believed he was innocent.
18:32Yeah, you didn't want to lose him.
18:35I'm scared of losing you too.
18:38It doesn't matter, but I'm going to.
18:40Joel, you really need to go into a drug programme
18:43and get cleaned properly.
18:46I'll look for you.
18:50I don't know what I'd do without you.
18:52I'm sorry.
18:54Joel Dexter.
18:57We've been looking into your recent statement.
19:00You claim that you were with your father
19:02during the two-hour window he wasn't accounted for.
19:05That's right.
19:06Except CCTV from Pricelist shows you were there,
19:09alone, for at least 20 minutes.
19:12Enough time for your father to kill Norma.
19:16I'm placing you under arrest for perverting the course of justice.
19:19You didn't have to say anything, but it may harm your defence
19:22if you do not mention one question,
19:23something which you later rely on in court.
19:30I'll be fine.
19:35I'll be fine.
19:50You all right?
19:51Yeah. Thanks for the text.
19:53Sorry that I had to drag you to the park.
19:55It's just that my dad's volunteered me to watch Mercedes Twins.
19:58Oh, yeah, well, you know, happy to oblige.
20:01Oh, my gosh. Are you OK?
20:02Yeah. You all right?
20:03Yeah. Excellent.
20:05Listen, about...
20:06No, you go first. Sorry.
20:08Um, no pressure or anything.
20:12Do you want to...
20:14Do you want to grab a coffee or something?
20:16Are you asking me on a date?
20:19Yeah, I am.
20:21Or if you'd rather not, then...
20:24Yeah, I'll go on a date with you.
20:26Great. OK, I'll, um...
20:28I'll send you a text.
20:30Yeah, I expect a message, so...
20:32Yes, I'll message you.
20:42Did you hear that, girls? I just got myself a...
21:03So, why haven't you got a pen?
21:09Are you sure you want to do this?
21:11Yeah, it didn't look like you wanted to do this earlier.
21:17If James wants to die a lonely old man,
21:20then let him.
21:23Should I get another bottle?
21:24I think you've had enough.
21:26What's the baby's gone?
21:27Oh, he had to go on a job.
21:30All right, love.
21:31Dad, I need you to help me, OK?
21:33Please calm down.
21:34OK, someone just took the babies, OK?
21:36I would literally turn around for, like, one second.
21:38I'm so sorry.
21:39I'm so sorry.
21:40I'm so sorry.
21:41I'm so sorry.
21:42I'm so sorry.
21:43I'm so sorry.
21:44I'm so sorry.
21:45I'm so sorry.
21:46I'm so sorry.
21:47I'm so sorry.
21:48I'm so sorry.
21:49I'm so sorry.
21:50I'm so sorry.
21:51I would literally turn around for, like, one second
21:53and they were just... they were just gone.
21:55What do you mean, gone?
21:58It's just...
22:00My babies.
22:02Oh, my God, they've been kidnapped.
22:17Are you sure this is the best way?
22:19Phil's going to find out that freedom's not what it's cracked up to be.
22:23It's just hope for the twins' sake.
22:25Mercedes plays along.
23:03Fancy reviewing my new cocktail?
23:05Put it on the specials board for tonight.
23:07Oh, I thought you were taking the initiative.
23:10Mm. Gorgeous.
23:15It's actually not bad.
23:16I know.
23:17I've cooled it.
23:19The love bite.
23:22Ha-ha. Ha.