Dungeons & Dragons- Ep 04 Valley of the Unicorns_

  • 2 months ago
The group encounters a unicorn being attacked. They manage to help the Unicorn, but Uni is captured by a wizard who is capturing Unicorns and stealing their magical horns. They must stop the wizard before he become even more powerful than Venger.


00:00Hey, look! The Dungeons and Dragons ride!
00:08Wow! Neat!
00:10Give me a break!
00:12I don't like this!
00:14Whoa! What's happening?
00:18Where are we?
00:20Look out!
00:24Fear not, Ranger!
00:26Barbarian, magician, thief, cavalier, and acrobat!
00:46Who was that?
00:48That was Venger, the force of evil!
00:50I am Dungeon Master, your guide in the realm of...
00:54Dungeons and Dragons!
01:28What the...
01:30Yuni, what's wrong?
01:32Nothing's wrong. That little twerp is scared of her own shadow.
01:39Yuni, Hank, come back!
01:42Don't go in there!
01:44We can't go anywhere until I get the rocks out of my shoe.
01:48Keep them. Maybe the rocks in your head need company, Eric.
02:02Enough of this! I want him, now!
02:16A second unicorn!
02:18I heard her! Come on, this way!
02:24Look! Another unicorn!
02:28And he's in big trouble!
02:30Tell your big buddies to relax, Yuni! Watch this!
02:50Crystal, that's the dumbest thing I ever...
02:54Better! This will be much better!
03:00Oh, no!
03:08Hey, where's Yuni?
03:10I don't know, but that big unicorn needs help.
03:22Did you see that?
03:33Such a pity you are too young to have learned to use your powers.
03:39And such a tragedy, you won't have time.
03:44Recall the others!
03:48Get ready, guys! We've got them now!
03:51We've got them?
03:57What do you think scared them off?
03:59Simple, Sheila. They took one look at my great strength.
04:02One look at my grim weapon.
04:04And one look at your grody face.
04:11Wait a minute! Where's Yuni?
04:13Those wolves must have chased her into the forest. They went this way.
04:17Then we're going that way, too.
04:19They went this way. We're going that way.
04:22How come nobody ever asked me which way I want to go?
04:26Oh, no! This is great! This way is just fine!
04:43Even if you knew how, a unicorn can teleport only once a day.
04:49Excellent! Your friends are following just as I hoped.
04:56Forget it. I'm not playing pincushion just to save some dumb unicorn.
05:02Who'd you say is dumb?
05:04Now, now, young ones.
05:06Yeah, but Eric won't help us save Yuni and...
05:10It's Dungeon Master.
05:14Who's that guy with the wolves?
05:16Who cares? He's got Yuni.
05:18He is the Wizard Karek.
05:21Beware, barbarian. He has much more than the unicorn you love.
05:25Oh, that little weirdo won't get away with his riddles this time.
05:29I'm writing down every dumb word he says.
05:32Well, who's that big unicorn?
05:34That was Silvermane, the leader of the last unicorn herd.
05:38How'd he disappear like that?
05:40His magic horn.
05:42It gives him the power of teleportation, like all of his kind.
05:46But remember, the fate of one is shared by all.
05:51I got it. The fate of the magic...
05:54No, no, wait. The horn of portation?
05:56No, no. The telephone is shared by all?
05:59That's not right.
06:02Dungeon Master, could you repeat?
06:04Oh, no!
06:05Yep, he's gone.
06:07Which leaves us with a thorny problem.
06:09Oh, yeah. I'll smash through him.
06:12I think I have a better idea.
06:14Ooh, Hank's got a better idea.
06:21Hey, wait a minute.
06:30The things I do for you guys.
06:33Stay down and keep quiet.
06:35It's okay. I don't think he saw us.
06:38The young fools.
06:40There, there, little one.
06:42It will soon be over.
06:47She's okay, Bobby. She's okay.
06:49But where's he taking her?
07:36Now you shall add to my power.
07:54I only desire the power of teleportation.
07:57The ultimate power over all matter.
08:00You shall give a part of it to me,
08:02and soon it shall all be mine.
08:04All will kneel to Kallak.
08:07Even Venger will call me master.
08:11That guy's gonna be the new Venger?
08:13Not a chance. That guy's cracked.
08:16Cracked or not, he's got uni.
08:18Let's double back and get down there before...
08:23Come on! Come on! Move it!
09:07We shall find the lost valley of the unicorns.
09:10The last three horns shall finally be mine.
09:15And with them, the ultimate power.
09:18Then all shall call me master.
09:45What has he done to you?
09:52Bobby, no!
09:56That thing's protected by some kind of spell.
09:59It's got uni's horn. I'm gonna...
10:01Easy, barbarian. You stay with uni.
10:03I'll free the others.
10:05I've been waiting for this for a long time.
10:07Gee, do we have to let him loose?
10:09It's been so nice and quiet without him.
10:14Of all the low-down rotten tricks, this is the...
10:18What was that?
10:19Let's find out.
10:24It's okay. We won't hurt you.
10:27More unicorns!
10:29A whole herd of them.
10:31Poor guys. Kallak got your horns, too.
10:34He'll get the rest, too, as soon as he finds that secret valley of the unicorns place.
10:38We gotta get there first and warn him.
10:41No! I'm not going anywhere till we help uni.
10:44Bobby, this may be the only way we can help her.
10:47Remember what dungeon master said?
10:49The fate of one is shared by all.
10:52Well, maybe. Oh, I guess.
10:55These guys could lead us to the valley.
10:57If we can convince them to trust us.
11:01I think we've got him convinced.
11:05Come on!
11:26Come on! He's heading for the waterfall!
11:30This way! A tunnel!
11:43Look! There it is!
11:45The secret valley of the unicorns!
11:57Uni! Take it easy or you'll fall!
12:00Hey! Where are you going?
12:12Easy, boy. We're on your side.
12:15That's gratitude for you. And after all we've done for him.
12:19Shh! Be quiet and don't move.
12:21We're not scaring him. They are.
12:23Oh, no!
12:25Thank you all.
12:27I knew those unicorns would lead you here.
12:30Now the last three are mine.
12:43Quick! Get under my shield!
12:54Don't worry, Uni. We're okay.
12:57And would you believe who saved us?
13:00Why do you find that difficult to believe, Barbarian?
13:03Dungeon Master!
13:05Ah, you know, Eric doesn't do anything but complain.
13:08Yeah. Who'd have thought he could be brave?
13:11People can be many things.
13:13Sometimes your worst enemy can be your strongest ally.
13:17You writing all this down, Cavalier?
13:20I'll give you something to write down. Get me out of here!
13:25There it is. Kellick's probably there already.
13:28Come on. There isn't much time.
13:30Yeah. And soon he'll be even stronger than...
13:34Hey, am I brilliant or what?
13:36If you're so brilliant, pull something useful out of that hat.
13:39Like about 8,000 marines.
13:41I'll do better than that.
13:43Don't you guys remember?
13:45Dungeon Master said sometimes our strongest ally is our worst enemy.
13:48Our worst enemy is Venger.
13:50I'll just call him here and...
13:52You what? No! No!
13:54Dungeon Master said sometimes, Presto. Sometimes!
13:57That doesn't mean now!
13:59Hey, there's no time like the present.
14:01Abracadonny! Hey, Nonny Nonny!
14:05Well, that should do it. Venger will be here any minute.
14:09Right here. Don't you think I...
14:12You have invaded the castle of Venger.
14:16And the penalty is...
14:18Wait! I'm here to help you.
14:21Help me? What trickery is this?
14:25No trick. Honest. You gotta stop Kellick.
14:28He's got a big thing with 20, 11 hands.
14:30And swipes horns off a unicorn that says he can even beat you at...
14:33Stop! Kellick, you say?
14:36Now, begin at the beginning.
14:45And the strongest shall be last.
14:54This is even dumber than Presto's idea.
14:56And where did he go anyway?
14:58Shut up and do it!
15:10Easy, boy.
15:11Just what is this little trick supposed to get us?
15:13It's our fault Silvermane's here.
15:15Maybe this trick gets him back.
15:17And maybe it gets a zap by Kellick.
15:20It does indeed.
15:23Sorry, Hank. We tried.
15:26A noble effort.
15:28Also your last.
15:30Now you shall trouble me no longer.
15:38Where you guys arrived in?
15:40Presto! Duck!
15:53How did you do that?
15:55I didn't. He did.
15:59Greetings, Kellick.
16:01Do forgive my intrusion?
16:04Of course.
16:05Of course what?
16:07Of course, master.
16:10That is better.
16:12I must thank you, Kellick, for keeping the unicorn horns.
16:17For keeping them safe for me.
16:21Kellick, release the spell.
16:27As you wish, master.
16:29Somebody's getting in trouble.
16:32Release the spell, Kellick.
16:35Of course, master.
16:39The horns are mine.
16:41The power is mine.
16:43Now you shall call me master.
16:59Now's our chance. Let's get out of here.
17:01No way.
17:03These little guys are too weak to run.
17:05And they need their horns back now.
17:07What are we going to do, glue them on?
17:09Nope. Magic.
17:11Abra, come here. All the horns appear.
17:18Guess it takes more magic to put them back on than to take them off.
17:22You dummy. Dungeon Master said you only have to replace one.
17:27And I quote,
17:29The fate of one is shared by all.
17:31Stuff that in your hat.
17:33Much as I hate to say it, Mr. Mouth is right.
17:36Okay. Abra Karuni, give the horn back to Uni.
17:41Hey, look at this.
17:48Quiet. Listen.
17:59The castle's sinking back down.
18:01Of course. With Kellick gone,
18:04this castle is going with him.
18:06And now, the unicorns are mine.
18:11What a rat.
18:13What a creep.
18:14What's the fastest way out of here?
18:17Get on the unicorns. They can teleport us out.
18:35Gosh, that looks like the end of Kellick and Avenger.
18:43Nope. Definitely not the end of Avenger.
18:52Diana, there goes one happy little unicorn.
18:55Yep. Leaving behind one unhappy little boy.
19:00Bobby, we have to go.
19:02We've got to keep looking for the way home.
19:04I won't leave without Uni.
19:06Bobby, what if she wants to stay?
19:08But I love Uni. She's gotta come.
19:11She just gotta.
19:16Come on, everybody. Let's go.
19:22Gee, do you think Uni will really stay with Presto?
19:27You cut it out? Come on. Get out of here.
19:32For the last time, we...
19:34Sheila, this is all your fault.
19:36Why'd you have to bring these little puppies?
19:39Dungeon Master said they'd grow up to make great guardians for the unicorns.
19:43Can I help it if they love your feet?
19:51Uni! Uni!
19:54I knew you'd come back. I knew it.
19:59You okay?
20:00Are you kidding? I've never felt better in my whole life.
20:04Hey, Bobby, you need some help?
20:06Nah, she's not heavy.
20:09Whoa! Will you watch it with that horn?
20:12One word out of you, Eric, and pow!
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