BTS Jin on I Love Everyone's Zoo with Masaki Aiba | BTS Jin on 24 Hour TV 47 Program I Love Everyone's Zoo with Masaki Aiba

  • 2 days ago
01:00But through this program, I thought it would be a job that I could convey that this is the situation, so I trimmed with Jin.
01:12I see. Fencing player Emura, how do you feel about Aiba-kun?
01:17Well, he said that sometimes he would just do it, but I thought I would get a trimming license by looking at Aiba-san.
01:32If that's the case, I definitely won't ask you to come to the location.
01:36Also, I haven't been able to do it yet, but I can only do it once in a while.
01:42For example, I try to help deliver cats and dogs as volunteers.
01:50I think it's spreading little by little, so I really respect him.
01:58I'm glad that Aiba-kun agreed to this.
02:00I'm so happy.
02:01I didn't happen to fall for Emura-san again.
02:04No, no, no. People will praise you. Someone will praise you.
02:08I'm the best fencing player right now!
02:10No, no, no. Don't say it yourself. Everyone will praise you.
02:12Well then, Aiba-kun, please.
02:14We've delivered our love to the dogs.
02:19I want him to do his best.
02:21For the sake of the children or for the sake of that, I think he can give more than just his own strength.
02:30Aiba-san, too, has been working hard for something for many years.
02:36And that is...
02:37Let's go for a bit.
02:39How is it?
02:42Are you okay?
02:43I'm not worried.
02:44Trimming the dog.
02:47In the past, Director Shimura also...
02:49Sit, sit, sit.
02:51Good, good, good.
02:52Great, great, great.
02:53Good, good, good.
02:54This is giving me an aura of reassurance.
02:57I was trembling.
02:58I'm much more at ease now.
03:02You have a kind face.
03:04As if he was always loosening up the dog's heart,
03:08through trimming,
03:10not just the body,
03:11but also the mind.
03:13I don't even feel scared.
03:15That's right.
03:16I don't have to hate it.
03:17I don't have to bite it.
03:19After training,
03:20Kyogoo has continued to meet various dogs.
03:23The number of dogs that Kyogoo has trained for 7 years.
03:27A total of 78 dogs.
03:30And this time, Kyogoo will cross the sea
03:32and go to a dog shelter in Korea.
03:35In Korea,
03:36if there is something that is progressing so much,
03:39I would like to absorb it a lot.
03:42And this time,
03:43Kyogoo has a reliable partner.
03:45Wow, he is waiting for me.
03:49Jin, thank you.
03:51Hello, hello.
03:53That's right.
03:54Jin of BTS.
04:03The oldest member of BTS
04:05who has jumped over the framework of K-pop
04:08and caused a sensation all over the world.
04:11Worldwide Handsome,
04:13who just finished his military service in June this year.
04:16In the past, he has donated many times to animal shelters.
04:20Because I love dogs and cats so much,
04:24I'm trying to do everything I can.
04:28I'm glad.
04:29I think Korea and Japan are different,
04:32so I'm going to study a lot.
04:35the two top artists of Japan,
04:37who are animal lovers,
04:38are the first tag of their dreams.
04:41It's here, right?
04:43Is it here?
04:45It looks big.
04:46It's big.
04:47Ah, big.
04:48Very big.
04:49It's a dog right now.
04:51I can hear the dog.
04:55The dog is already here.
05:00It's big.
05:01It's big.
05:06It took about an hour and a half from Seoul to come here.
05:09Korean Dogs Sanctuary Rescue,
05:11a shelter for four people.
05:14This dog was also rescued
05:16when it was about to be abducted.
05:19Oh, really?
05:20Is it a shelter?
05:22That's right.
05:23There are about 400 rescued dogs living here.
05:28It's such a big facility.
05:30It's big.
05:32Yes, 400.
05:33It's quite a scale.
05:38Your hand?
05:44He's smart.
05:46He's smart.
05:47He's smart.
05:49He's still in school, but he's doing his best.
05:52His teeth are beautiful,
05:54and he's being taken good care of.
05:56By the way,
05:57the rate of elevation of the facility is said to rise by more than 70%,
06:02but the secret of the high rate of elevation will be revealed later.
06:06My heart is pounding.
06:08Is your heart pounding?
06:09BTS Jin is also nervous and heading to the dog's living space.
06:15There are so many of them.
06:17There are so many of them.
06:20Yasuko, please say something.
06:22I'm going to study at the Poconeco Jump Guild next month.
06:28My heart is pounding.
06:29Is your heart pounding?
06:30BTS Jin is also nervous and heading to the dog's living space.
06:36There are so many of them.
06:39There are so many of them.
06:41Yes, there are 400 of them.
06:43There are eight areas in the facility,
06:46and they observe the size, personality, and compatibility carefully and divide into groups.
06:57Are there any dogs you're not used to?
06:59Of course.
07:01There are many dogs who are very afraid of humans and don't try to get close to them.
07:07Many of the dogs in the facility are evil breeders who only see animals as tools for making money.
07:14They are children who have not received enough love from people in a vicious environment.
07:19There's another one up there.
07:21The ones up there are still children who are afraid of people.
07:25There is a possibility that they are being abused by humans.
07:28Traumas from abuse don't go away easily,
07:31so it takes a lot of time to re-establish a trust relationship.
07:36Not only illegal breeders protect them,
07:40but also dogs rescued from floods.
07:44When a disaster occurs,
07:46they respond to the rescue of abandoned dogs,
07:49and when their owners are gone or not found,
07:53they take them back.
07:55They didn't have legs to begin with.
07:57When they were rescued, they didn't have a single leg.
08:01At that time, they were so fat that it was hard to carry them,
08:04and they thought they might not be able to walk unless they were slimmed down a little more,
08:09so they did their best in training and dieting.
08:13I think they have a very bright personality.
08:16Don't bite your tail.
08:17Oh, he's biting his tail now.
08:20His hair is coming off.
08:21Can you groom him with your hands?
08:23Okay, okay, grooming, grooming.
08:25I've been wondering for a long time.
08:27He lost so much hair.
08:29Why does he always have a lot of hair?
08:31Will it keep growing?
08:34That's true. It keeps coming off.
08:37By the way, how many staff members are there in 400 dogs?
08:42About eight people.
08:44Besides that, volunteers come every day.
08:48Sometimes about 50 people come on weekends.
08:5250 people?
08:53That's a lot of good people.
08:55That's true.
08:57I think that's why he's so kind to meet so many people.
09:01That's right.
09:02Of course, it's helpful to work,
09:05but it's very important for dogs to receive a lot of love from various people.
09:11That's right.
09:12The purpose is to welcome a new family.
09:16Today, both Arashi and BTS replaced the microphone with a cleaning tool.
09:21I'm sorry, my friend. Can you get out of the way?
09:25Can you get out of the way?
09:27Yes, yes.
09:28Can you get out of the way?
09:30My friend.
09:32My friend, go away.
09:33That's right.
09:34While watching the dog like this,
09:37That's a lot.
09:40Every day, they replace it with a clean newspaper,
09:43feed it with a vacuum cleaner,
09:45and train it to take a walk.
09:48That's amazing.
09:50That's amazing.
09:52We can do it all at once.
09:54It's quick because there are so many people.
09:56Hurry, hurry.
09:59Hurry, hurry.
10:01Hurry, hurry.
10:02Hurry up.
10:05They're all so cheerful.
10:07They're so cheerful.
10:09By the way, the staff at the dog shelter
10:11are in contact with volunteers and dogs every day.
10:15They're very good at complimenting.
10:18Just by collecting trash to pick up,
10:21Okay, okay, okay.
10:23Wow, wow, wow.
10:25That's amazing.
10:27That's cute.
10:28They're praising us a lot.
10:30Next time, I'll ask for a mop.
10:32Yes, yes.
10:34I think they'll do it if we praise them.
10:40Oh, this is...
10:41Pooh, pooh, pooh.
10:43There's a pair of chopsticks.
10:45Yes, a pair of chopsticks.
10:46Yes, please.
10:48Leave it to me.
10:50Okay, okay.
10:59Okay, okay.
11:00If they have fun,
11:03Hey, isn't it nice to be new?
11:05Do you like it?
11:07It feels good, doesn't it?
11:10Oh, they're coming, they're coming.
11:12Why are you so happy?
11:14Oh, you're so happy.
11:17That running dog
11:19couldn't walk when he came to the dog shelter.
11:23His lower body was paralyzed due to a recent infection.
11:28It was paralyzed like this.
11:31In the facility, dogs with disabilities are also actively adopted.
11:36They continue to be rehabilitated by taking time off from their daily work.
11:47I'm glad you can walk now.
11:51Of course, it's not just about treatment.
11:55This is a Labrador dog with a paralyzed leg.
11:59Is this the same dog?
12:00Can you walk?
12:01Yes, he can walk.
12:03He was adopted by a British family.
12:05He looks so normal.
12:08In fact, this facility
12:10cooperates with a British protection organization
12:12to recruit a large number of adoptees.
12:15More than 100 dogs a year
12:17are adopted by a new family overseas.
12:22Do you often brush your teeth like that?
12:25Sometimes a volunteer, Mr. Trimmer, comes to us.
12:29Mr. Trimmer also brushes his teeth when he realizes it.
12:32That's why I don't have a hairball.
12:35It's amazing.
12:37But there are 400 dogs.
12:40I do trimming.
12:42If it's okay, we'll help you.
12:44How many dogs can you do?
12:46I'll do as much as I can.
12:48Mr. Trimmer, let's do trimming together.
12:51Let's go together.
12:53Let's go.
12:54Let's go.
12:56Let's do it.
12:58Come here, buddy.
13:00It's heavy.
13:01You can do it.
13:03Lift it up.
13:06How much does it weigh?
13:07I think it's about 20kg.
13:11It's 20kg, so why is it so heavy?
13:13It's quite heavy.
13:15Can I put a barricade on this dog?
13:18Yes, all.
13:19All, okay.
13:20I got it.
13:21I want Jin to fix it gently.
13:25Don't be aggressive.
13:27To give the dog a sense of security.
13:30Be gentle.
13:32This is how it sounds.
13:35It's okay.
13:36He's smart.
13:38He's smart.
13:40Be careful not to scare him with the sound of the barricade.
13:44It's good.
13:45First, make a straight road.
13:47It's okay.
13:49Are you okay?
13:50It's okay.
13:51Isn't the scalp massage cool?
13:53It must feel good.
13:55He's calm.
13:57He's very good at using the barricade.
14:00He's very detailed, too.
14:02That's great.
14:04I'm glad.
14:08His legs are amazing.
14:10It's funny.
14:13What's this entangled thing?
14:15Is it soil?
14:17His legs are solid.
14:19He loves to play outside.
14:23He was trapped in a small cage under the illegal breeders.
14:28He's a good boy.
14:30He's a very good boy.
14:32He's not quiet unless Jin pets him.
14:35You can say it's all thanks to me.
14:38That's right.
14:39The barricade looks easy.
14:42But you need skilled skills to cut with the opposite hand.
14:47That's right.
14:48That's amazing.
14:50He's surprised by the barricade technique.
14:53He's never done it before.
14:56I'm glad.
14:58I've done it 50 or 60 times.
15:00Maybe more.
15:01You're amazing.
15:03Don't say that.
15:05Can I touch your head?
15:06It's funny.
15:08I don't want to.
15:09I'm sorry.
15:10I'm sorry.
15:11I'm going.
15:12I'm sorry.
15:14I'm going.
15:16Jin's protection is more important when he's in danger.
15:21You're good.
15:22You're good, Cola.
15:23You're good, Cola.
15:25You're good, Cola.
15:27Hey, Cola.
15:28When will the world star pet you again?
15:32You're good.
15:35If you move again, the world star won't pet you.
15:40I'm so jealous.
15:45Are you happy, Cola?
15:47I'm happy.
15:49Are you happy because your hair is light?
15:51Good job, Cola.
15:53You're beautiful.
15:55Cola takes a break before shampooing.
16:04And the waiting time.
16:07He doesn't need shampoo, but he has a lot of hair, so he needs a hair brush.
16:13He has a sleepy face, so he needs a hair brush.
16:19How is it?
16:20It's good.
16:22I think it's good.
16:28You're good.
16:31Are you a genius?
16:32I'm a genius.
16:33Jin is a genius.
16:34Aiba is a genius.
16:36You're fast.
16:38You're good at brushing.
16:40It's important to brush a dog like this.
16:44If you leave it alone for a long time, it will get involved and hurt.
16:48That's right.
16:50They have a lot of work.
16:54If you think it's for the dog, you can do your best.
16:56It's love.
16:59Check, check.
17:01How is it?
17:03You're good at brushing.
17:04Are you okay?
17:05You're good.
17:06You're good at brushing.
17:07Friend, friend.
17:09Good night.
17:10Good night.
17:13Let's go.
17:16I'm going to shampoo.
17:17I'm going to shampoo.
17:19From the butt.
17:21It's okay, it's okay.
17:23Good job, good job.
17:25Front chest.
17:26Like wrapping it gently with a lot of bubbles in the storm DTS tag.
17:31It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful.
17:33I want to clean it up as soon as possible, so I'm doing my best.
17:38I'm sorry.
17:40I'm sorry.
17:41I'm sorry.
17:42What did you say in Japanese when you were angry?
17:44I'm angry.
17:45I'm sorry.
17:47I'm sorry.
17:49It's important to do it in such a fun atmosphere.
17:54It's cool.
17:57It feels good.
18:01It's good.
18:02I want to do it.
18:05Jin, can you do the work of rinsing, wiping, and drying?
18:12I'll be back in the meantime.
18:14Okay, okay.
18:16Are you okay?
18:20Next is Maltese.
18:24There's a little bit of a cowardly place.
18:26When you go up to a place like a trimming table, you shake and run away.
18:30There are times when you can't trim.
18:32Then you should be careful.
18:35I'll open it.
18:40But it's coming out.
18:43Come here.
18:54It's a little nerve-racking.
19:02Be careful not to surprise anymore.
19:07I'm going to a nice place.
19:10Jin is coating his hair with conditioner so that it won't get dirty.
19:15Come here, customer.
19:17Come here.
19:19Don't eat it.
19:21Don't get more popular than me.
19:24You look like a dog now.
19:27You looked like a sheep.
19:29It's cool.
19:31Cheese is still messy.
19:34Don't be scared.
19:36It's okay.
19:39Cheese is here.
19:41Cheese is here.
19:44He is sensitive to sound.
19:46But he is a professional barber.
19:48He is not in a hurry.
19:51It's hard to get in.
19:53Cheese is here.
19:55He has a lot of hair.
19:57But I think I can do it.
19:59I think I can do it.
20:01This is his experience of about 80 haircuts.
20:05It's okay.
20:08It's okay.
20:10It's okay.
20:12Cheese was rescued with 250 dogs.
20:17He grew up in a vicious environment called a dog factory.
20:22He wants to breed and sell the bad breeders.
20:26But he doesn't want to clean up, so the floor is a net.
20:30Dogs have to step on their feet so that they don't fall.
20:34There were many children who had bad joints and legs.
20:38It's terrible.
20:40It's terrible.
20:42The people in the facility work hard every day so that the dogs can trust people.
20:49Mr. Aiba has continued to work so that the dogs' hearts can be released through trimming.
20:57I've been doing animal shows for a long time.
21:03I think there's nothing I can't do.
21:06I'm doing it because I think if people know how to save this one dog, it'll change something.
21:16I didn't know at first.
21:18If I show you this, people who aren't interested can come to see me.
21:28Believe that someone who sees this will make a move.
21:33I washed it clean, so let's dry it with a dryer.
21:36I'm going to dry it.
21:37Shake it off.
21:39What if I shake it off now?
21:42Shake it off again.
21:43You're so obedient.
21:46The dryer blew away the moisture with its own steam.
21:51You're going to have a hemorrhage.
21:56Where are you going?
21:59Where are you going?
22:00I'm going to have a hemorrhage because of the wind.
22:03And this is a scissor around the face.
22:12Sit down.
22:17Come here.
22:20Shampoo first.
22:22Before that.
22:24Thank you for your hard work.
22:27Koura's final touch after shampooing.
22:31If you want to look at the camera, you have to stand here.
22:34This is a professional posture.
22:36Thank you for your hard work.
22:38Make sure that the floor of the flooring does not slip.
22:41Cut the hair on the sole of the foot with a mini-clipper.
22:47All right.
22:48The end.
22:49The dog was covered in dirt and looked hot.
22:53Cute friend.
22:55The face.
22:56It's cute.
22:58It's a completely different dog.
23:00But it's not over yet.
23:05The nose is high and careful not to get water.
23:13It's beautiful.
23:14It has a unique mustache.
23:15It's cool.
23:19It's cool.
23:22It's beautiful.
23:23It's beautiful.
23:26It's small, so it's easy to dry.
23:28Maltese was completely dry.
23:31It's beautiful.
23:32It has a very good face.
23:36The work is finally over.
23:39It's beautiful.
23:41It's beautiful.
23:42It's beautiful.
23:44It's beautiful.
23:47It's beautiful.
23:52Maltese was completely dry.
23:56It's beautiful.
23:58It knows how to broadcast.
24:00The face.
24:01It's beautiful.
24:03It's a very good dog.
24:06How did you spend time with the dog?
24:09I've never seen so many dogs at once in a long time, so I had a lot of fun.
24:16I hope they all find good owners.
24:20They have a strong love for each and every one of them.
24:23They're having fun and cheerful work.
24:25I think that kind of fun feeling is transmitted to the dogs,
24:28and I think the dogs become kinder.
24:31And after this, Yasuko-san will run
24:34and convey love to the children in the future.
24:37Yasuko-chan, please do your best!
