Beach GIRLS on _How long should FOREPLAY go for__ _ Beach Interviews
00:00How old did you turn?
00:01How old did you turn?
00:03Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Pauline, happy birthday to you, hip hip, hurrah!
00:18Alright, so we're just doing a straight interview, we're asking people, how long should foreplay last in bed?
00:32What's foreplay?
00:33It's like, you know, before you have sex, it's like everything before that
00:38I'm okay, sorry for this
00:40Oh, you don't do that?
00:41G'day mates, it's me, Adrian G, and today we are doing another straight interview, we are going to be asking people how long they think foreplay should last
00:50So, let's see what kind of answers we can get, also, I will be following back the next 50 people to follow me on Instagram and comment 3 friends on my latest post
01:00So, if you want a potential follow back from me on Instagram, follow my Instagram here, tag 3 friends on my latest post, and I hope you guys enjoy the video
01:09How long should foreplay last?
01:12Ooh, it should last just about half the amount of time
01:20Half an hour?
01:21Yeah, I'd say so, it depends how long you want to go for though
01:25Let's say for
01:26The overall act
01:27Okay, okay, let's say the overall act goes for 5 minutes
01:31Ooh, 5 minutes, 3 minutes
01:33So, 3 minutes of foreplay
01:36Alright guys, I'm just joined here with
01:39Nice to meet you, I'm Adrian
01:41Today we're just asking a question, and that question is
01:45How long do you think foreplay should last?
01:50Wow, okay, alright, I thought this was going to be what's my favourite ice cream flavour
01:56I mean, you can answer that after if you want
01:58I think foreplay should last longer than the actual act
02:06Yeah, ideally
02:10Because it's my favourite part
02:12Well, I like them equally, but
02:14The last girl said that it should last half the time of the act
02:21I mean, every girl for herself
02:24Yeah, right
02:25At least as long
02:27So how long do you think it should last?
02:28It can last all the way up from like 9am in the morning all the way to like 10 at night, you know
02:33And I don't mean like, you know, it can be subtle things, like
02:36You know, what you say in the morning to your partner or something
02:39That's foreplay?
02:41Wouldn't that be like dirty talk?
02:42No, no, no, not dirty talk, like just, I don't know, just like a look or something like that
02:46That can be foreplay, like it's up to interpretation
02:50But I think it's good to like tease over the whole date, maybe
02:54Holy crap
02:56So, you just gave me a look, so is that foreplay?
02:59No, no, because I'm not flirting with you
03:03I can see it in your eyes though
03:04I'm wearing sunglasses
03:05So what, are these sunglasses?
03:07And these are like mirror sunglasses, you're looking at yourself, you're flirting with yourself
03:10I'm flirting with myself
03:12What kind of things, like involved like head massages?
03:17I don't know if I'd call that foreplay as such
03:21Because if so, then I'm in trouble
03:24So what would you call foreplay then?
03:26Um, I don't know, getting to know each other's bodies but without actually doing the deed
03:40Why is that though, why do you think that, those statistics, where did that come from?
03:45Because girls need it
03:48It's needed, it's not about finishing the race, it's about enjoying the race
03:54A minute?
03:56Yeah, like, you know
03:58Go on, go on
03:59Kiss, kiss for a bit, suck the nipples for a bit
04:04No, honestly, I just want to get straight to business
04:06Straight to business
04:07Yeah, I fucking hate foreplay, honestly, I hate it, yeah
04:11But I'm always horny and ready to go, so anywhere, anytime, I'm just ready for it
04:16Like right now?
04:17Fucking no, yeah
04:19Yep, exactly, foreplay is boring, it just, yeah, it doesn't work for me
04:26Yeah, right, okay
04:28I could easily go right now, and I'll be ready
04:30You're ready right now?
04:32Yeah, I'm not dry, trust me
04:34You're not dry?
04:35No, no way, I'm, no, no, no, no
04:39Are you serious, are you, are you eating the piss?
04:41No, I'm, no, I'm being dead serious, like there's an issue with that, it's like, it's organic, organic lube
04:48It really depends on the mood and like how everything's travelling
04:51Like it could be real quick, like you just want to get into it
04:54Or it could be, you know, just building the way up to it
04:56So it could be between like 5 to 10 minutes sometimes
05:00Or sometimes you can just get real passionate and it could be 20 minutes
05:03Because you're just building the way into it
05:05Definitely, do you think it matters, it like, it matters if you're like in a relationship with this person
05:11Or if it's like a one night stand
05:13Definitely, definitely matters if you're in a relationship
05:15Because you're more passionate
05:16If it's more like a one night stand, you just want to get the job done and see you later
05:22That's a difficult question, it depends person to person
05:24So yeah, at least like, wait, are you talking like from when foreplay, like starting from kissing or like foreplay foreplay
05:31Probably foreplay foreplay, like not the kissing on, yeah
05:34Okay, I'd say probably like 10 minutes
05:3710 minutes?
05:38Yeah, 10 minutes
05:39Is that sort of the average?
05:40Yeah, I'd probably say that's the average
05:43So we're just asking today, how long should foreplay last?
05:49I knew it was going to be a question like that
05:55Maybe 20?
05:5620 minutes?
05:58Seconds, no, minutes
05:59Oh shit, 20 minutes
06:01I was hoping it was going to be seconds
06:04Because you're a guy
06:07Yeah, pretty much
06:0820 minutes, so what should be involved in that 20 minutes?
06:13All the above
06:15I need to change my panties right now
06:18Like, they are fucking sagged, you know what I mean
06:20But like, nah, it's all good
06:21I'll just go in the water and blend it in a bit, you know what I mean
06:25It's all good
06:27Depending if they're a relationship or not as well
06:29What if it's like a one night stand?
06:32Who does foreplay in a one night stand, to be honest?
06:35So no foreplay for one night stands, but when it's in a relationship, 20 minutes is the ideal sort of time frame
06:4220 minutes will still be, you know, okay
06:47What's your favourite ice cream flavour?
06:51Either strawberry or rum and raisin, actually
06:58Quite a versatile choice
07:00Yeah, nice, I like that
07:03How long have you been in Australia for?
07:06About, on and off for three years
07:09Nice, should we hang out, exchange numbers and like hang out?
07:13Get ice cream
07:14Yeah, do you want to?
07:17Do you have a Kate already?
07:19Yeah, I don't know
07:21Can I say myself as Kate the Great?
07:23Oh no, I've got a Kate, yeah, say it as Kate the Great
07:26Okay, fair
07:28What did you do this for?
07:33Just an excuse to get out of the house and, you know, get a tan
07:38What's your channel, what are you called?
07:41It's called Adrian G Spot
08:08And you'll be featured in a comment trolling episode next week
08:14So, think of some lines for me to say to some strangers, comment them down below
08:18And I hope you're doing all amazing and I'll see you next week
08:23Oh God
08:25What's your opinion on that?
08:29Well, it depends, yeah
08:32It's not really helping
08:35Um, I think, yeah
08:39Okay, so say if they're professionals
08:41Oh, well
08:42Send them my way
08:47Well, I've actually got a degree in talk ways, so I guess I'd consider
08:53Um, I don't know, I would say obviously until he or she is satisfied
09:01But it depends, like, are you in the early stages?
09:04Are you going to have, is it going to progress to sex? Is it not?
09:08If it's not, then it should go on for longer, I guess
09:12Yeah, definitely, definitely longer rather than shorter
09:16It's not going to progress to sex
09:17It's not going to?
09:19Well, then, yeah
09:26Okay, what if it does progress to sex, though?
09:29Well, you've still got to be long enough
09:3110 minutes? 5 minutes?
09:32Oh, longer
09:3410, 20, 50
09:38Yeah, I would say between 10 and 20
09:4010 and 20
09:41Anything under that is unacceptable
09:45Yeah, I mean, if you know that they're not going to last very long
09:49Then you'd obviously go on for longer
09:52Say, for example, me and Joshua, so let's say, you know, this is embarrassing
09:56We compared ourselves, like, you know, we kind of talk about it
09:59And we last, I last about 20 seconds, he lasts about 22 seconds
10:02So we're currently trying to push for that
10:04You need full play for about two and a half hours, then
10:10Two and a half hours?