• last year
00:00:00So the title of the sermon this morning is the falling away is falling, the falling away
00:00:09is falling.
00:00:10So some of y'all probably know what that means, some of y'all do not, but hopefully after
00:00:14today you will know.
00:00:16So if you go to 2 Thessalonians 2, 2 Thessalonians 2.
00:00:24What is the falling away?
00:00:25That's what we're going to talk about.
00:00:30And I want to prove to you because I believe as things get worse, people are going to talk
00:00:37about the second coming of Christ.
00:00:39I've already heard it at work that Jesus is coming pretty soon, get ready, Jesus is coming.
00:00:46And that is probably true, but there's some things we have to look at first, 2 Thessalonians
00:00:512 verse 1.
00:00:55Now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
00:01:00So he's saying, I'm trying to tell you about the Jesus coming the second time.
00:01:05Jesus already came the first time, he came in Bethlehem's manger.
00:01:10The second time is when he comes the second, the second coming of Christ.
00:01:13You ask any Christian what are they waiting for, they're waiting for the second coming
00:01:18of Christ.
00:01:20And I want to prove to you that things have to happen first.
00:01:25Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him.
00:01:31So what is it talking about?
00:01:32It's talking about either gathering together like in a church setting, believers, or it's
00:01:38talking about gathering together which is called the rapture.
00:01:42The rapture is not found in the Bible.
00:01:46Nowhere in the Bible do you find the word rapture, but the coming together or the catching
00:01:53up is what rapture means, but the catch up just doesn't make a lot of sense.
00:01:57So the gathering together unto him.
00:02:01So I believe what it's talking about, the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and the rapture.
00:02:05So the first point is, the second coming of Christ is the rapture.
00:02:11The second coming of Christ is the rapture, 2 Thessalonians chapter 2.
00:02:17So the second coming of Christ is the same as the rapture.
00:02:23Now you have these people called the pre-tribulation people and they believe that Jesus can come
00:02:28at any time, that you know, people were saying, hey you better get yourself right because
00:02:33Jesus is coming any time and you may not know and he's a thief in the night and all these
00:02:37little phrases that people talk about.
00:02:41It just has nothing to do with the second coming of Christ because it is the rapture.
00:02:46When Jesus comes in the clouds, he's going to rapture the believers who believe.
00:02:54Let's keep reading, that you be not soon shaken in mind.
00:02:58So first we see the coming of Jesus Christ and the gathering together unto him, which
00:03:03is a rapture.
00:03:04He's saying don't be scared, don't be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by the
00:03:10letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
00:03:16Now what does that mean?
00:03:19He's basically saying that Jesus can come at any time.
00:03:23He's saying do not be confused that when people are telling you Jesus can come at any time.
00:03:29Well the problem with this verse, there's nothing wrong with the problem of the verse
00:03:33up here, but I want you to look at this verse and I want to read to you out of the ESV what
00:03:39it says, and this is the problem, is that all the new modern Bible versions, they change
00:03:44this verse.
00:03:45Go figure.
00:03:46So you're looking down at the King James Bible, in 2 Thessalonians 2, 1 and 2, I'm reading
00:03:53to you out of the ESV, now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being
00:03:59gathered together to him, we ask you brothers not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed
00:04:06either by a spirit or spoken word or letter seeming to be from us to the effect, so far
00:04:13it's okay, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come.
00:04:16Past tense.
00:04:17Folks, there's nobody out there that's saying that Jesus has already come.
00:04:21So when they say this, they're saying, hey don't let anybody tell you that Jesus already
00:04:25came a second time.
00:04:27Nobody's saying that.
00:04:29So for people to listen to this, and I'm sure in churches today, they're preaching this
00:04:34and saying, don't let anybody tell you that Jesus has already come.
00:04:37Okay, that ain't happening, but what are they doing?
00:04:40The King James Bible says that he is at hand, that he's coming.
00:04:44He's at hand, that he's coming at any time.
00:04:46Well, they're not reading it out of the King James Bible.
00:04:49They're reading out of the ESV, the NIV, the whatever EV.
00:04:53So that's the first problem with this verse.
00:04:56Not in the King James Bible, but in other Bibles, that's why people are deceived, because
00:05:01the next part, keep your finger there and go to 1 Thessalonians 4, 1 Thessalonians 4.
00:05:16And some of this is review for you.
00:05:19Some of it is not.
00:05:21Some of y'all, it is not.
00:05:23But sometimes we just have to be reminded, because I'm telling you, the people that are
00:05:27deceiving the world, they're going to keep telling you and they're going to say, well
00:05:30this is not this, this is this.
00:05:33But there's nobody out there, there's no preacher out there that will tell you anything different
00:05:38but 1 Thessalonians 4, 13 through 18 is rapture.
00:05:44Anybody who knows the Bible, any preacher that's worth their salt will tell you that
00:05:48this is a rapture passage.
00:05:52So let's look at it.
00:05:53But I would have you not to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye
00:05:57sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
00:06:01So this is a promise to us that if we have somebody in our life, in our family or friend
00:06:07or whatever, that has died and they have believed on Jesus Christ, not to be sorrowful because
00:06:13you will see him again.
00:06:15You will see him again at some point in time.
00:06:17Not only does that, I believe you'll be able to recognize who they are.
00:06:21For if we believe that, but here's the caveat.
00:06:25If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, that means the death, burial and resurrection
00:06:29of Jesus Christ, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with them.
00:06:36So if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, the death, burial and resurrection
00:06:41is what you have to believe on to be saved, then that Jesus is going to come in the clouds
00:06:48and he's going to bring the soul of the people who have died with them, with him, I'm sorry,
00:06:55with him.
00:06:56But this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto
00:07:02the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
00:07:06So the Bible is saying that if you're here on this earth and you have believed on the
00:07:11Lord Jesus Christ, the first people to go are the people in the grave.
00:07:14I mean, that makes sense, right?
00:07:15The people that are in the grave, their body's going to come up, their body's going to come
00:07:20out of the grave, complete, whole, like the body of Christ, and they're going to meet
00:07:25Jesus Christ, I'm sorry, meet their soul when Jesus brings him from heaven with them.
00:07:32That's what prevent means.
00:07:34For the Lord himself, the Lord himself shall descend, this is a coming, he's descending
00:07:43from heaven, so the Lord Jesus Christ, he's in heaven, and now he's descending from heaven
00:07:49with a shout, with a voice of an archangel, with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ
00:07:53shall rise first.
00:07:55Again, telling us that the people who have died, that have believed on the Lord Jesus
00:08:00Christ, that are dead in the grave, their soul's in heaven, their body's going to come
00:08:05out of the grave and meet their soul first.
00:08:10Then we, which are alive and remain, so obviously there are people that will be on this earth
00:08:16still alive and remaining on this earth, because what will they tell you?
00:08:22The pre-tribbers will tell you, hey, I'm glad I'm not going to be around here when the Antichrist
00:08:26comes, I'm glad I'm not going to be around here when all this bad stuff, when the tribulation
00:08:31Well, the Bible's telling us, if you're alive and remain unto them, means that you're here,
00:08:37shall be caught up, that's the word rapture, caught up, caught up together with them, who's
00:08:46The ones that just were in the grave and just rose and met their body and their soul together,
00:08:51we're going to meet them in the clouds, the same cloud that Jesus is in.
00:08:57To meet the Lord, who's the Lord?
00:08:59Jesus Christ in the air, so that we shall be with the Lord, shall forever be with the
00:09:08So there's no time that we're going to ever leave that, wherefore comfort one another
00:09:11with these words.
00:09:13So a lot of people stop right there, but look at chapter five, verse one, the word starts
00:09:20with but, well, nobody in English will ever tell you that you can start a sentence with
00:09:26but, but you got to understand that when the Bible's written, this letter to the Thessalonians
00:09:33is written in a whole letter.
00:09:35We have it divided up in chapters and verses, so I can tell you where to go to and you'll
00:09:39know where to go to.
00:09:41But look, this is not the end of the statement, but of the times and the seasons.
00:09:45What times and what seasons?
00:09:47The second coming of Christ.
00:09:49That's the times and the seasons.
00:09:52So it's not finished with, brethren, you have no need that I write unto you.
00:09:57So he's saying, I don't have any reason to write unto you about when this is going to
00:10:02happen because why?
00:10:04Because there's not things going to happen.
00:10:07It's not going to happen at any time.
00:10:12Well, look at verse two, for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh
00:10:18at the thief in the night.
00:10:20And there's a movie called The Thief in the Night from the seventies, where people are
00:10:23sitting around and it's unsaved people and they don't know what's happening.
00:10:28All of a sudden, boom, Jesus is here and they don't know, and people, there's people that
00:10:32are being raptured and there's people that's not being raptured.
00:10:36It's been a long time since I've seen the movie.
00:10:37I can't really quote on it, but it's all on this one verse right here.
00:10:44Now if you don't know what the Bible says, he's going to come as a thief in the night.
00:10:48If you don't know, if you're unsaved, he's going to come as a thief in the night.
00:10:53So the first point is the second coming of Christ is the rapture because these pre-tribbers
00:10:58will tell you, say, yeah, Jesus is coming a second time, but we're going to be raptured
00:11:02before that happens.
00:11:04And I want to prove that to you.
00:11:07The Lord, the next thing is the Lord always saves his people before destruction.
00:11:13Go to Luke 17.
00:11:16I want to show you how to Jesus's own mouth where he gives a description of things that
00:11:22happened in the past and he tells us about it.
00:11:28The Lord saves his people before destruction.
00:11:34Luke 17, verse 22.
00:11:45Now I want you to notice, first of all, that he's talking to his disciples, if you're looking
00:11:54at Luke 17, 22.
00:11:55He's not just talking about everybody, he's talking to his disciples, who are what, believers.
00:11:59They're believers.
00:12:01And he said to the disciples, the days will come when you shall see the one of the days
00:12:07of the son of man and you shall not see it.
00:12:11He's saying, look, I'm not going to be here.
00:12:12He's going to be in heaven.
00:12:14And they shall say to you, see here or see there.
00:12:18Go not after them nor follow them.
00:12:21So there's going to be people that are going to say, Jesus is already here.
00:12:25He's over here.
00:12:26He's over there.
00:12:27They're going to be false prophets.
00:12:28That's what he's talking about.
00:12:30He's saying don't follow him.
00:12:32He's going to tell us.
00:12:33For as the lightning, that lightneth out of one part under heaven, shineth unto the other
00:12:39part under heaven, so shall also the son of man be in his day.
00:12:46One day.
00:12:48What day we're talking about?
00:12:49We just talked about it in 1 Thessalonians 4.
00:12:51That when he's coming in the clouds, he's going to come just like the lightning and
00:12:55he's going to come across.
00:12:58In one day.
00:13:00But first, he must suffer many things and be rejected as a generation.
00:13:06It's talking about when he's put on the cross.
00:13:09And as it was in the days of Noe, which is Noah, it shall be also in the days of the
00:13:15son of man.
00:13:17So people will tell you, well, this is saying that it's going to be wicked.
00:13:22So you go back to the Genesis 6, you'll see that the world's wicked and people are mean
00:13:27and they're killing each other and they're saying that's what it's going to be like.
00:13:31But let's keep reading.
00:13:33They did eat.
00:13:34They drank.
00:13:35They married wives and they were given in marriage until the day that Noe or Noah entered
00:13:40into the ark and a flood came and destroyed them all.
00:13:45Keep your finger there and go to Genesis 7.
00:13:48So I've heard preachers use this verse and say, yeah, see right before Jesus comes, uh,
00:13:55the world's going to be wicked.
00:13:58That's probably true.
00:13:59But there's another meaning behind this.
00:14:01What Jesus is actually trying to tell him, cause he's telling his disciples who are believers.
00:14:08What is the meaning that he's telling them this?
00:14:10Well, look at verse 15 of Genesis 7 and I'm not going to go through the whole story.
00:14:15We know the whole story.
00:14:17God said he put a number of 120.
00:14:18We just thought about this Wednesday, actually.
00:14:21And that he said, Hey, I'm going to destroy the whole earth except Noah and his family
00:14:26because he found grace in the eyes of the Lord in Noah.
00:14:30And look at verse 15 of Genesis 7 and they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two
00:14:38of all flesh wherein is the breath of life.
00:14:42So he's talking about the animals and they that went in, went in male and female of flesh
00:14:51as God had commanded them and the Lord shut him in.
00:14:56So I want you to understand that this door was so heavy that the Lord himself had to
00:15:00close the door and for flood was 40 days upon the earth and the waters increased and bear
00:15:07upon the ark and it was lift above the earth.
00:15:09So what we see here is that the moment that God shut him up into the earth, into the ark,
00:15:15I'm sorry.
00:15:16What did he do?
00:15:17He caused the water to rain 40 days and 40 nights and it stayed 150 days and nobody can
00:15:26tread water that long.
00:15:28Nobody can tread water and float and long enough.
00:15:31So every single animal that breathed air died.
00:15:37So what do we see right after God prepares an ark and he saves his people, the people
00:15:43that were favorable in his sight, Noah's family, the only one, as soon as he closes up that
00:15:50ark and he saves them and he seals it up, destruction came.
00:15:55Go back to Luke 17, let's keep reading.
00:15:59So that's the first example.
00:16:00He's giving you an example of Noah, or he calls him Noe because the word Noah translates
00:16:06to, or transliterates into Noe, names change in the Greek.
00:16:14So look at Luke 17 verse 28 where we left off, likewise, he says, in the same manner
00:16:19as Noah, also as in the days of Lot, they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold,
00:16:25they planted, they built it.
00:16:27So they're just living their life, just like in the days of Noah, they're just living their
00:16:32Everything's hunky dory.
00:16:33They're doing their thing.
00:16:34And then what happens?
00:16:35The same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and
00:16:42destroyed them all.
00:16:43Even thus shall it be in the day the son of man is revealed, what is he talking about?
00:16:49In the clouds, in the clouds.
00:16:52In that day, which shall be upon the house, I open the stuff in the house, let him not
00:16:56come down to take it away.
00:16:58And he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back.
00:17:02Remember Lot's wife.
00:17:03Keep your finger there and go to Genesis 19.
00:17:05Again, I'm not going to tell you the whole story.
00:17:08I've told it plenty of times, but we're going to show some points.
00:17:14Genesis 19, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
00:17:18Starting in verse 13, Genesis 19, 13, this is the angels, one of them being the Lord
00:17:31Jesus Christ, and then two other men, angels, for we will destroy this place because the
00:17:37cry of them is waxing great before the face of the Lord.
00:17:41And the Lord has sent us to destroy it.
00:17:42So he's telling Lot, hey, God found favor in you.
00:17:46So this tells me that Lot is saved.
00:17:50His wife is saved.
00:17:52We know that Lot is, maybe not all his family members, but we know that Lot is saved because
00:17:57he's bringing him out.
00:17:59Let's keep reading.
00:18:01Lot went out and spake unto his sons-in-law, which married his daughters, and said, Get
00:18:06up, get out of this place, for the Lord will destroy this city.
00:18:10But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons-in-law.
00:18:13So his sons-in-law mocked him, so maybe they weren't saved because they're not going to
00:18:17make it out alive.
00:18:18And when the morning arose, and the angel hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take thy wife
00:18:22and thy two daughters, he doesn't say anything about his sons-in-laws there, which are here,
00:18:27lest they be consumed in the iniquity of the city.
00:18:32While he lingered, the men laid upon his hand, and upon the hand of his wife, and upon the
00:18:36hand of his two daughters, the Lord being merciful unto him, then they brought him forth
00:18:41and set them out of the city.
00:18:43So picture this.
00:18:45He's lingering around, he's hanging around, he's doing this, maybe he's grabbing some
00:18:49stuff, doing this.
00:18:50Well, the angels, they grab him and says, You got to get out.
00:18:54You got to get out.
00:18:55So they're kind of pushing them out.
00:18:57So look at verse 17, And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that
00:19:03he said, Escape for thy life, look not behind thee.
00:19:06So he tells them, Leave the city, do not look behind you, neither stay thou in the plain,
00:19:13escape the mountain, lest thou be consumed.
00:19:17So he gives them some orders of what to do.
00:19:20Don't look back.
00:19:21Go down to verse 22.
00:19:24So they're still hanging around, Haste thee, escape thither, for I cannot do anything till
00:19:33thou become thither.
00:19:34What does that mean?
00:19:35He said, We can't destroy anything until you get your behinds out of the city.
00:19:39You're hanging around, you're lingering around, the Lord has told us that we cannot destroy
00:19:43this city until you leave.
00:19:46Because Lot was saved.
00:19:47Again, the Lord saves his people before destruction.
00:19:51What happened?
00:19:52Look at verse 24.
00:19:54Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone.
00:19:59So we see L-O-R-D, capital L-O-R-D, rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and
00:20:06fire from the Lord, from heaven.
00:20:10So picture this, Jesus Christ is on the ground and the God, the Father is bringing fire and
00:20:15brimstone down out of heaven.
00:20:17That's what we see here.
00:20:19Go back to Luke 17.
00:20:23So the last verse, verse 32, remember Lot's wife.
00:20:27Because what did Lot do?
00:20:28Lot's wife do?
00:20:30She's leaving and as she leaves, she looks back and she does exactly what the Lord tells
00:20:34them not to do.
00:20:36And what happened?
00:20:37She turned into a pillar of salt.
00:20:39Why did Lot's wife do that?
00:20:40Well, she's worried about her belongings.
00:20:42She's worried about the people there, whatever.
00:20:44You know, she left her heart in San Francisco and that's what she's doing.
00:20:49She's looking back at those people, maybe feeling sorry for them.
00:20:53So the first thing, number two is, two events have to happen before the rapture.
00:20:59Go back to 2 Thessalonians, chapter 2.
00:21:07See people miss this.
00:21:10Why do they miss it?
00:21:11Well, because it's changed in every modern Bible version.
00:21:15The first thing that has to happen is the Lord, He's going to save His people before
00:21:22Well, that's the rapture, folks.
00:21:24But the pre-tribbers will tell you before the tribulation that God's going to rapture
00:21:30you out of here.
00:21:31He's going to bring you out before all these bad things happen, before the world happens,
00:21:35before the famine happens, wrong.
00:21:39That's the things that the devil's doing.
00:21:41That's not what God's doing.
00:21:43Two events have to happen before the rapture, which I just said is the second coming.
00:21:48Look at 2 Thessalonians 2, verse 3.
00:21:56Let no man deceive you by any means.
00:22:00For that day, what day, with the second coming of Jesus, shall not come except there come
00:22:07a falling away first.
00:22:10Now what does that mean?
00:22:11Well, the falling away could be several things.
00:22:16If you're on top of a pedestal and you fall down, then that's you falling away.
00:22:22Or if you're falling away, you're up here, it could be several things.
00:22:26It could be Christians not worshiping the Lord anymore, they don't go to church anymore,
00:22:30they don't do anything for God.
00:22:33Or it could be something more like, I think it's got two different meanings here, that
00:22:38Christians are going to be so worried about the things of the world, about what they're
00:22:42going to eat, what they're going to do, surviving, that they're not thinking about the Lord.
00:22:48The other thing is people in general, you know, most people many years ago, you could
00:22:53just mention about Jesus and they know who Jesus is because they had some kind of upbringing
00:22:58about Sunday school or whatever.
00:23:00Not so anymore.
00:23:02It's about God.
00:23:04And look, Jesus is God.
00:23:06But the problem with that is that every religion out there, Muslims, Judaism, Jehovah's Witness,
00:23:14all of them have a God.
00:23:16In fact, even the Satanists, they call Satan God.
00:23:21But there's no other name under heaven that we must know to be saved except the name of
00:23:27That's the problem.
00:23:29So the problem is, is that the falling away could be Christians not worshiping the Lord,
00:23:36but also people in general hating religion.
00:23:41Because this deal in Israel and the Muslims, you know, it's basically Judaism against Islam,
00:23:48if you want to put a number to, they're going to call it a holy war.
00:23:52And there's going to be a lot of people.
00:23:53I'm just going to tell you, there's going to be a lot of people to die, a lot of people
00:23:55to be killed.
00:23:56There's already like 40,000 people that's already been killed.
00:23:59There's going to be a lot more, and they're going to call it a holy war.
00:24:04And people are going to say, and I've already heard this before, that all wars have been
00:24:08fought because of religion.
00:24:10I don't think that's true.
00:24:11It was World War I, it was World War II, it was Civil War.
00:24:15I don't think all the wars were going to be fought, but that's what people are going to
00:24:17tell you for you to believe that, that religion is bad.
00:24:23And they're going to come and say, well, we just need to combine all these religions
00:24:27to one religion, and we'll have peace.
00:24:31That's what they're going to say.
00:24:33And they're going to do it.
00:24:37Because Judaism is not a race, it's a religion.
00:24:41They don't worship Jesus, they hate Jesus.
00:24:43They spit three times when they see him, or when they speak about him.
00:24:47So the final way could be that.
00:24:49So the first thing is what?
00:24:52People departing from the faith.
00:24:53But I want to show you another word for falling away.
00:24:58Keep your finger there and go to Romans 3.
00:25:05So part of the Romans road is Romans 3.10, 3.23.
00:25:10And I always, when I'm listening to people sometimes, either on YouTube or whatever,
00:25:14and they want to try to get the Romans road, and I hear them say this verse, I know they're
00:25:20not using King James Bible.
00:25:22And you say, what's the big deal?
00:25:24Well, I think it's a big deal.
00:25:27Look at Romans 3.23, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
00:25:33Come short of the glory of God.
00:25:35Well, let me read that to you in the ESV.
00:25:43Bear with me.
00:25:49For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
00:25:53So if you're falling short, it means the pedestal's up here.
00:25:58This means the measuring stick is this high to go to heaven, and it's perfect.
00:26:03Nobody's perfect.
00:26:04Nobody's falling short.
00:26:05Nobody's been up here and fell down.
00:26:08We're talking about the falling away is that people were up here, worshiping God, doing
00:26:12something for the Lord, and then they fall down, they backslide or whatever.
00:26:17Well, the problem with the ESV and NIV, when you hear about Romans 3.23, is when they say
00:26:24fall short, it doesn't make an accurate depiction of what Jesus Christ is saying.
00:26:30Because when you fall short, it means you were up here.
00:26:33Because with the ESV and NIV and these other versions, when they say fall short, that means
00:26:37you were up here one day, like Jesus Christ, and now you fell down.
00:26:43No man has done that.
00:26:44All men are sinners.
00:26:46What it does mean is that this is the measuring stick, and the measuring stick to get into
00:26:50heaven is to be like Christ.
00:26:52It doesn't mean to be perfect, but when you die, the day that Jesus Christ comes in the
00:26:56clouds and your body is changed just like his, that's how you get into heaven.
00:27:01By putting your trust on Jesus Christ.
00:27:04Having a perfect, sinless body.
00:27:06Not by us, but by putting on the body of the Lord Jesus Christ, that's how you come short
00:27:12of the glory of God.
00:27:16You can't fall short.
00:27:18That's the problem.
00:27:20And when I hear people say, oh, they've fallen short of the glory of God, no, nobody's fallen
00:27:24short because we're all too short.
00:27:27It's just like a measuring stick saying you've got to be this tall to ride a ride, and this
00:27:31tall to ride the ride into heaven is to be perfect and sinless, and nobody can be that.
00:27:37That's the problem.
00:27:40Go back to 2 Thessalonians.
00:27:43So the falling away is falling people who were up there and fell.
00:27:50I've got to keep you feeling, I've got to go to one page forward to 1 Timothy 4.
00:28:011 Timothy 4.
00:28:06And I believe that they're going to call it a holy war between Judaism and Muslim.
00:28:11Now look, I've told you this before, I reject both of them.
00:28:17Judaism, because they hate Jesus Christ.
00:28:19Muslim, at least they believe that Jesus is a great prophet and he did a lot of good things,
00:28:23they don't believe he's a savior.
00:28:24But neither one of them are going to heaven, they're all going to die and go to hell because
00:28:27they've not put Jesus Christ as a savior.
00:28:30The Muslim have their own savior, some kind of Mahdi guy.
00:28:33The Judaism, the Jews, they have their own savior, which is not Jesus Christ.
00:28:39If somebody's going to bring peace to the Middle East, he's going to be called the Antichrist.
00:28:43So I don't have anything for either one of them.
00:28:45I want both of them to be saved, but both of them reject Christ.
00:28:49Look at 1 Timothy 4 verse 1.
00:28:52Now the Spirit, talking about the Holy Spirit, speaketh expressly.
00:28:57Means that he's telling us the truth that in the latter times that some shall depart
00:29:04from the faith.
00:29:05What does that mean?
00:29:07That they shall depart, it's the same thing as falling away, that they were up here and
00:29:11now they're departing from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits.
00:29:19Like what?
00:29:20Well, like peace.
00:29:21Because I believe that there are people going to say, well, all these wars, these holy wars
00:29:27of religion are fought, they're not bringing peace.
00:29:31And they're going to say, you have to have peace by loving this other person and having
00:29:35one world religion and stuff as that.
00:29:39And doctrines, seducing spirits, talking about evil spirits, and doctrines of devils.
00:29:46What are some doctrines of devils?
00:29:48About repeating of your sins to be saved, that's a doctrine of the devil.
00:29:53How about all sin is equal, that it doesn't matter if you commit fornication or adultery,
00:29:58it's all the same.
00:30:00That's a doctrine of the devil.
00:30:02How about that you don't have to marry, that divorce is okay.
00:30:04Folks, this is stuff people are saying in church today.
00:30:07In fact, you can go to the Southern Baptist website and they'll tell you what repent means
00:30:11is to turning away of your sins.
00:30:14Doctrine of the devil.
00:30:17Or that you don't have to go to church, it's a doctrine of the devil.
00:30:21And Hebrews 10 commands us to.
00:30:24But let's keep reading.
00:30:27Forbidding to marry, I'm sorry, you go down to verse 3 now, forbidding to marry and commanding
00:30:34to abstain from meat.
00:30:36These apparently are doctrines of devils as well because there's a verse 2 that he's talking
00:30:42about hypocrisy.
00:30:43What is hypocrisy?
00:30:45When you tell somebody to do something, but you're doing the same thing that you're telling
00:30:48people to do.
00:30:52And commanding to abstain means don't eat meat, which God has created to be received
00:30:59with thanksgiving to them which believe and know the truth.
00:31:03I had a guy one time, he told me that it was against the Bible to eat a snake.
00:31:07That's not what the Bible says.
00:31:11Because everything that God created between the snake, the deer, the cow, the pig, everything
00:31:21is to be which God created.
00:31:24Did God create the snake?
00:31:26He did.
00:31:28And I asked him, I said, where's that in the Bible?
00:31:30Well, it's in Genesis.
00:31:32God cursed the snake and had him walk on the ground, but at no time, because we go to the
00:31:37New Testament, which is where we're at, and it says for God created everything to be received
00:31:44with thanksgiving.
00:31:45So we're talking about eating food, which thanksgiving of them, which will believe and
00:31:53know the truth for every creature of God is good.
00:31:58Nothing to be refused, not even a snake, not even a cricket.
00:32:02You want to eat a cricket?
00:32:04If it be received with thanksgiving, for it is sanctified, means it is glorified, is purified
00:32:13by the word of God in prayer.
00:32:15So this is why you should thank God for your meal, that it don't make you sick, and that
00:32:23it's glorified and sanctified by God.
00:32:27Go up to verse two in the same chapter, because it's talking about speaking lies and hypocrisy,
00:32:35having their conscience seared with a hot iron.
00:32:38So when I read this verse, I think about a guy named Gandhi.
00:32:41And you say, who is Gandhi?
00:32:43Well, a lot of people think he's some kind of saint, think that he's somebody great.
00:32:48You ask anybody, hey, do you think Gandhi was a good person?
00:32:51And they'll tell you yes.
00:32:53Well, he might have looked good on the surface, but he's burning in hell right now.
00:32:58So the first thing, most people would tell you that they love him, that most people love
00:33:03him, that they think he's a saint, he's a good person, because he was standing for nonviolence.
00:33:09That's what his deal was.
00:33:10In fact, did you know that Christians quote him all the time?
00:33:13I don't know if you know this, but they'll say, love the sinner, hate the sin.
00:33:18And people would just argue with you and tell you that's in the Bible.
00:33:21And you say, well, where is that?
00:33:23And they'll say, I don't know, Jesus said it, it's somewhere in the New Testament.
00:33:27And they'll just argue with you, but it's a quote from Gandhi.
00:33:34Who hates Jesus?
00:33:36In fact, he made another comment, he said, I would be a Christian if it wasn't for
00:33:41Christians, well, then you're gonna burn in hell because of that.
00:33:46Number two, the thing is, he forbade marriage.
00:33:51He was just like these Catholic priests.
00:33:53He said, you shouldn't get married, you shouldn't do anything.
00:33:56The only time you should have some kind of relation with your wife is to procreate.
00:34:03And that's what he did.
00:34:04But he even went as far as he had teenage girls in his room, and
00:34:09he claimed they were for some other purpose, but they were not.
00:34:12They were for fornication.
00:34:14So that's hypocrisy for him to say that and to do otherwise.
00:34:17He stood for nonviolence, but he made a World War I pamphlet called An Appeal for
00:34:22Enlistment, telling young men to go fight for their country.
00:34:26He's supposed to be for nonviolence and say, hey, don't do anything to fight.
00:34:30Just let everybody be, because he just had this idea of just
00:34:36letting everybody be and not to kill an animal, not to kill anything.
00:34:39But what does he do?
00:34:40He writes a pamphlet telling them an appeal for
00:34:42enlistment, encouraging young men to fight for their country.
00:34:47That's what they do today.
00:34:49You got these politicians up there today in the United States that want men and
00:34:54women to go and fight, and the Israel to go fight for these countries for
00:34:58stupid reasons, but nothing's different.
00:35:05He forbade meat.
00:35:07In fact, he wasn't just a vegetarian.
00:35:10He started out as a vegetarian, where he only ate plants, but
00:35:13then he became a fruititarian.
00:35:16And that sounds like another word for a homo, but it's not.
00:35:19A fruititarian is somebody that only eats fruits, but
00:35:23after a while, his blood glucose, his sugar got so
00:35:27high that he almost died because of fructose, which is a sugar.
00:35:33Then finally, the doctor said, you got to eat something else besides fruit.
00:35:40Go back to 2 Thessalonians 2.
00:35:42So Gandhi is not this great guy.
00:35:46He's burning in hell.
00:35:48He doesn't believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:35:50He thinks that because of Christians, he's not going to, well,
00:35:54if that's the reason you don't go to heaven,
00:35:56then that's the reason you don't go to heaven.
00:35:58But he's not a good person.
00:35:59I preach a sermon about good people doing bad things.
00:36:04Or I'm sorry, bad people doing good things.
00:36:06To people, they look at him and think that he's doing good, but he's not.
00:36:09Look at the next thing in verse 3.
00:36:14So the first is fallen away, and
00:36:17then the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.
00:36:24The man of sin be revealed.
00:36:26So that means this man of sin, he's going to be revealed to the whole world first.
00:36:34So first we have a fallen away.
00:36:36So the coming of Jesus Christ is not going to come.
00:36:39The rapture, the second coming of Christ will not come,
00:36:42except first the man of sin, the fallen away.
00:36:45We talked about that, we might be in the fallen away, I don't know.
00:36:49That's not a measurable thing.
00:36:51But what is measurable?
00:36:52The man of sin, the antichrist.
00:36:57Now the problem again is these new Bible versions, what do they say?
00:37:03Well, you look at your Bible in verse 3, and
00:37:08I'm going to read out of the ESV again.
00:37:11Let no one deceive you in any way for
00:37:15that day will not come unless the rebellion comes first.
00:37:18Well, what is a rebellion?
00:37:20Well, back in the 1700s, this country, the people that were the colonists here,
00:37:25they rebelled against England to become a country.
00:37:30So is that what they're talking about?
00:37:31Are they talking about some kind of rebellion where they're throwing sticks at
00:37:33each other, government or whatever?
00:37:35So the rebellion just doesn't explain what it's talking about.
00:37:39This is why these new Bible versions are so confusing.
00:37:42The rebellion comes first.
00:37:44Well, what rebellion are they talking about?
00:37:45Is it another civil war?
00:37:47What are we talking about?
00:37:49It's not clear.
00:37:51And that the man of lawlessness is revealed.
00:37:55Now, that's a confusing word.
00:37:58Because did you know the only time that the word lawless is used in the King James
00:38:02Bible is 1 Timothy 1, 8 through 9?
00:38:07In fact, keep your finger there in Thessalonians and go to that.
00:38:121 Timothy 1, 8 through 9.
00:38:14So what is it talking about?
00:38:16So we can get some idea of what lawless is.
00:38:19Look at verse 8 in 1 Timothy 1.
00:38:22But we know that the law is good if a man use it lawfully.
00:38:26So the law of God is good if you use it lawfully.
00:38:30Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but
00:38:36for the lawless and disobedient.
00:38:38So what does that mean?
00:38:40Does that mean that the righteous don't have to worry about the law?
00:38:45Now, what it's saying is that the law was made for the unrighteous.
00:38:50Now, most people know what's right and wrong, but
00:38:54some people have to be told, hey, the Bible says this.
00:38:58Hey, the Bible says that.
00:39:00Most people know that, but they're for the ungodly, and for sinners, and for
00:39:04unholy, and profane, and for the murders of fathers, and murders of mothers, and
00:39:07for manslayers.
00:39:08So most people know that you ain't supposed to murder somebody, right?
00:39:12I mean, that's pretty good.
00:39:13But what it's saying is that God created law and
00:39:16created a punishment for murder because the ungodly.
00:39:21So it's talking about the lawless, another word for lawless, is disobedient.
00:39:26So with that in mind, go back to 2 Thessalonians.
00:39:30The King James Bible says the son of perdition, the man of sin.
00:39:35This is the man of lawlessness.
00:39:39It's confusion, and that's the problem.
00:39:44It's revealed the son of destruction.
00:39:47Now, that's a pretty good word, but it's not the correct word.
00:39:52So people will tell you, I'm glad I won't be here for the tribulation.
00:39:57Or now people say, well, things are gonna be bad, but
00:40:00I'm never gonna see the Antichrist.
00:40:03Well, go to 1 John 13, cuz this word, there's two times in history
00:40:11that Satan himself is gonna do the job by himself.
00:40:15Now, Satan has a bunch of followers.
00:40:17He has a bunch of people, angels, fallen angels that follow him around.
00:40:23Go to John 13, but there's only two times in history
00:40:28where Satan is gonna take the job himself.
00:40:36Why? I don't know.
00:40:42So look at John 13, verse 21.
00:40:45What Jesus had thus said, he was troubled in spirit and testified and said,
00:40:49Verily, verily, which means truthfully, truthfully,
00:40:51I say unto you that one of you shall betray me.
00:40:55The disciples looked one on another, doubting of whom he spake.
00:41:00So other parts of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, they're talking to each other.
00:41:06They're saying, is it I, Lord?
00:41:07Is it I, Lord?
00:41:07Is it I, Lord?
00:41:09Now, there was one leaning on Jesus' bosom,
00:41:14one of his disciples whom Jesus loved, which is John.
00:41:17Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him that he should ask who it should be of whom he spake.
00:41:22So Peter's asking John, hey, ask Jesus who it is.
00:41:27He then lying on Jesus' breast, saith unto him, Lord, who is it?
00:41:32Jesus answered, he it is.
00:41:35So he answers John, to whom I shall give a sop when I have dipped it.
00:41:41So he's talking about a piece of bread when he dips it.
00:41:45Whoever I give this to, this is a man who's going to betray me.
00:41:49And when he had dipped the sop, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon.
00:41:55Look at verse 27.
00:41:57And after the sop, Satan entered into him.
00:42:01Then said Jesus unto him, that thou doest do quickly.
00:42:06So this is the time that Satan himself entered into a man on this earth.
00:42:11Now we see plenty of times where people are possessed by demons, possessed by many demons.
00:42:16You see the man at the tomb, he had a legion of demons inside of him.
00:42:21But this is the only time that we see that Satan himself enters into a human being,
00:42:26except about the second Thessalonians.
00:42:31Two, verse four.
00:42:34So the King James Bible uses the son of perdition.
00:42:39And the word perdition is only used about eight or nine times in the Bible.
00:42:43And it's always to represent sin.
00:42:46So we're talking about a person that is the son of sin.
00:42:49So who would you say is the son or creator of sin?
00:42:53Would be Satan.
00:42:54I mean, would you not?
00:42:57But there's more evidence.
00:42:58Look at verse four.
00:42:59Who opposes?
00:43:00This is talking about this man of sin, the son of perdition,
00:43:05who opposes and exalteth himself above all that is called God.
00:43:11These other Bibles have a little G.
00:43:14King James has a little big G.
00:43:16Or that is worship so that he, as God, notice that the G is capitalized.
00:43:23Because he's going to pretend that he is God.
00:43:25He's going to pretend that he is Yeshua or Yahweh or God, the Father.
00:43:29He's going to tell people that.
00:43:32Sitteth in the temple of God, showeth himself that he is God.
00:43:36So he's going to pretend that he's the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:43:38He's going to pretend that he's the Savior.
00:43:40He's going to make people believe that.
00:43:43Remember you not that when I was yet with you, I told you these things.
00:43:49Paul's saying, look, you remember what I told you about these things?
00:43:52And now you know that withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
00:43:58For the mystery of iniquity doth already work.
00:44:00Only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way.
00:44:04And when that wicked, capital W, because there's a one person that's talking about Satan,
00:44:10be revealed in the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth
00:44:14and shall descend with the brightness of his coming.
00:44:17Even him who's coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders
00:44:24with all deceivableness and unrighteousness.
00:44:27And them that perish because they receive not the love of the truth.
00:44:31What's the truth?
00:44:32That you got to believe on Jesus.
00:44:34They didn't want to believe on that.
00:44:36They want to believe, oh, well, the religion's bad.
00:44:39Everything's bad.
00:44:40Let's just believe on this guy who says he's Jesus.
00:44:43Even though all these preachers are saying Jesus can come at any time.
00:44:47Here's the deceiving part.
00:44:48The antichrist can come at any time.
00:44:52So the antichrist can come at any time.
00:44:54And people's looking for that savior who says he's God and he's going to be doing miracles.
00:44:59And they say only God can do that.
00:45:02They're going to fall for the antichrist.
00:45:06Except believers.
00:45:08And I'll show you that in a minute.
00:45:09People who have really believed on Christ and have the Holy Spirit, they will not be deceived.
00:45:14But these people who will not, that they might be saved, they do not want to hear the truth.
00:45:20And for this cause, what cause?
00:45:22That they don't want to hear the truth.
00:45:24God will send them a great delusion, strong delusion, that they should believe a lie
00:45:30that they all might be damned who believe not in the truth and have pleasure in unrighteousness.
00:45:35Remember that verse 11.
00:45:37God's going to allow it to happen.
00:45:40He's going to send them a strong delusion that they shall believe a lie.
00:45:48So the first time is when he enters into Judas.
00:45:50The second time is what?
00:45:52When Satan himself enters into a human being on this earth and he becomes the antichrist.
00:45:59Go to Revelation 17.
00:46:02But you can't talk about the antichrist unless you've got to hit Revelation.
00:46:09Remember, God's going to allow this.
00:46:11Nothing crosses on this earth until God allows it.
00:46:15But it's going to be more than God allowing it.
00:46:17Look at Revelation 17.
00:46:21And the angel said unto me,
00:46:23Wherefore didst thou not marvel?
00:46:25I will tell thee the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carrieth her,
00:46:30which hath seven heads and ten horns.
00:46:32The beast that thou sawest was and is not.
00:46:37So what does that mean?
00:46:38He's dead.
00:46:41That he was means that he died and he's really not because he's not really,
00:46:47because he's not really a human being.
00:46:49I'm going to explain that in a minute.
00:46:51And shall I sin out of the bottomless pit on my hill and go into what?
00:46:57We just talked about the son of perdition.
00:46:59Wow, is that interesting that the same word is used.
00:47:02And they that dwell on the earth shall wander.
00:47:06We just talked about the strong delusion whose names were not written in the book of life.
00:47:13The unsaved.
00:47:16The Jews.
00:47:17They're going to believe all these guys got to be the Messiah.
00:47:22And they will believe on him.
00:47:24From the foundation of the world,
00:47:27when they behold the beast that was and is not and yet is.
00:47:31So what does that mean?
00:47:32That sounds like a bunch of word twisting.
00:47:35What it's saying is that there's a man that is going to die.
00:47:40He's physically going to die.
00:47:42But Satan is going to enter in his body into his shell of a body.
00:47:46And he's going to appear.
00:47:47And he's going to say, I'm Jesus.
00:47:49He's going to do a bunch of miracles.
00:47:51And it's going to appear that he is.
00:47:53But he is not.
00:47:55Means that that man's soul went straight to hell when he died.
00:47:59But the body of his shell was possessed by Satan.
00:48:05It's like we saw with Judas Iscariot.
00:48:09That's why he was, I mean he died, and is not, but yet is.
00:48:14So when you see him, he looks like a human being.
00:48:18There's nothing spiritual about him.
00:48:20You can touch him.
00:48:22So that's why he looks, he was, and is not, and yet is.
00:48:26And here's the mind of which has wisdom.
00:48:28The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth.
00:48:31And there are seven kings, five are fallen.
00:48:34If you go back to Daniel, you'll see that these five kings that are talking,
00:48:38the four kings have already fallen.
00:48:39And the fifth one has already fallen at this time.
00:48:44And the other is not yet come.
00:48:46And when he cometh, he must contain you a short space.
00:48:50And the beast that was, and is not, and he is the eighth, and is of the seventh.
00:48:57Why? Because it's the same person.
00:48:59It's the same shell of a body.
00:49:02And goeth in perdition.
00:49:06And the ten horns, which thou sawest, are ten kings,
00:49:09which have received no kingdom as yet.
00:49:12So there's going to be ten rulers, ten nations, whatever.
00:49:16And they're going to give power unto the beast in one hour.
00:49:21Now folks, that's not happened yet.
00:49:23And I'm telling you why.
00:49:24Because there's no country out there that will ever give up their power except to Satan.
00:49:32I mean, you look at all these nations.
00:49:33They're fighting over lines, and fighting over this, and fighting over that.
00:49:37They're fighting over all these things.
00:49:38And they're wanting their independence.
00:49:40And they're this nation.
00:49:41Ukraine's this, and Russia's this, and this, that, and the other.
00:49:44But at some point in one hour, one hour,
00:49:48they're going to give their power and strength unto the beast, which is Antichrist.
00:49:52And these shall make war with the Lamb, which is Jesus.
00:49:59They're going to say, hey Jesus, you know that Christianity stuff.
00:50:03It's garbage.
00:50:04It's why we're fighting wars over there.
00:50:06The Jews are Christians, which they're not.
00:50:09They don't believe in Christ.
00:50:11They're going to bring that up, I guarantee you folks.
00:50:13And the Lamb shall overcome them, for He is Lord, Lord, King of kings.
00:50:17And they are with Him and shall call.
00:50:19So they're going to make war with us, good of Revelation 13.
00:50:25And this is what people will tell you.
00:50:27Oh, I'm glad I'm not going to be here during this time.
00:50:29Well, you may not.
00:50:30You may be dead.
00:50:31You may be one of them that gets blowed up.
00:50:32You may be one of them, the two billion that die before Jesus Christ comes.
00:50:37I don't know.
00:50:39But if you're on this earth, and your goal is to see Jesus comes in the clouds,
00:50:44to see Him coming to Christ, you will be on this earth for all that stuff.
00:50:47Look at Revelation 13, 1.
00:50:51And I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea,
00:50:55having seven head and ten horns.
00:50:57Sound like Revelation 17?
00:51:01Upon its head, horns, ten crowns.
00:51:05So those ten crowns would represent what?
00:51:07Those ten kings, ten nations we just talked about.
00:51:11And upon his head the name of blasphemy.
00:51:13And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard,
00:51:16and his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth was the mouth of a lion.
00:51:20And the dragon, which is who?
00:51:23At no time has anybody ever referred to as a dragon except Satan,
00:51:27gave him his power and his seat in great authority.
00:51:32So Satan himself is going to give him his seat,
00:51:35because he's going to be sitting in that place.
00:51:38He's going to have the authority.
00:51:40From who? God.
00:51:42God's going to give him authority to do everything he does.
00:51:44And I saw one of his heads as it was wounded to death,
00:51:48and his deadly wound was healed,
00:51:50and all the world wondered after the beast.
00:51:55So there's going to be a man, he's going to die of a,
00:51:58supposedly die of a deadly wound from his head.
00:52:02And look folks, this is when people have been hit in the head.
00:52:06Donald Trump, he just got shot in the ear or whatever.
00:52:10But they're going to die,
00:52:12and the world's going to wonder.
00:52:14They're going to say, whoa, this guy, he died and now he's alive again.
00:52:18That's when Satan's entering into his body.
00:52:20And he's going to stand up, and I guarantee it's going to be after three days,
00:52:23and he's going to say, see, just like Jesus rose three days,
00:52:26I'm rising again.
00:52:29But he's going to be Satan.
00:52:32And they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast.
00:52:38And they worshiped the beast saying, who is like unto the beast?
00:52:40Who is able to make war?
00:52:42So they're going to say, who can beat this guy?
00:52:44Who is like him?
00:52:45He's the greatest thing since sliced bread.
00:52:48And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies,
00:52:52and powers given unto him.
00:52:54To who?
00:52:55Who was power given to him from?
00:52:57Well, first of all, Satan, but guess who gave Satan that power?
00:53:01God's going to send a great delusion.
00:53:05And what's he going to do?
00:53:06Open his mouth and blaspheme against God,
00:53:08and blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in earth.
00:53:11And it was given unto him to make war with the saints.
00:53:17Now people will tell you, well, that's the tribulation saints.
00:53:19Well, if you're here during the tribulation, guess what?
00:53:20You're a tribulation saint.
00:53:22They think it's a special group of people that missed the rapture.
00:53:25Folks, that's wrong.
00:53:28If you missed the rapture, it's not the tribulation.
00:53:30It's God's wrath.
00:53:32It's where he's bringing fire and blood mingled with hailstones.
00:53:37Folks can't do that.
00:53:38But can they cause war, famine, pestilence, disease?
00:53:43Yeah, that happens.
00:53:44It's all throughout the world.
00:53:45It's all happened throughout the Bible.
00:53:47Forty-two months.
00:53:52And it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them.
00:53:56And the power was given him over all kindreds and nations, tongues and nations.
00:54:01And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him.
00:54:04So every person will worship him whose names are what?
00:54:10Not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world.
00:54:16So anybody who's saved, who has the Holy Spirit, I believe at some point in time,
00:54:20they may be deceived by him because he was being preached and
00:54:22shoved down people's throat for so many years.
00:54:25They may be deceived, but when it comes down to taking the mark of the beast,
00:54:28they will not do it.
00:54:30Cause why? The Holy Spirit.
00:54:32So let's keep reading.
00:54:34So what has to happen?
00:54:36First, you have a man.
00:54:38He's going to die of a deadly head wound.
00:54:40And he's going to die and Satan's going to enter in his body.
00:54:43And he's going to come and say, I'm God.
00:54:45I'm above God.
00:54:46I am God.
00:54:47I'm Jesus Christ.
00:54:48I came three days later.
00:54:49Whatever he says, people's going to believe on him.
00:54:53And then you're going to have, look at verse 11.
00:54:57We have the false prophet.
00:54:58He's going to be a preacher.
00:55:00Somebody, everybody knows.
00:55:01I thought it was Billy Graham, but it's not.
00:55:03He's already dead.
00:55:04It's going to be somebody to come and say, hey, this guy's better than sliced bread.
00:55:09This is Jesus.
00:55:09You need to worship him.
00:55:10Let me show you in the Bible why.
00:55:12And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb.
00:55:18And he spake as a dragon.
00:55:20And he exercised all power of the first beast before him and causes the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed.
00:55:30And he doeth great wonders.
00:55:32Didn't we see that, where God's going to allow Satan to do great wonders, to deceive people?
00:55:39He's going to do miracles, folks.
00:55:41And people are going to say, well, only God can do this.
00:55:43Only God can do what?
00:55:45Bring fire from heaven onto the earth inside of men.
00:55:48So he's going to bring fire down.
00:55:50He's going to show you in the Bible where Elijah brought fire down, right?
00:55:56And didn't know what he did with the prophets of Baal and said, hey, bring fire down and burn this.
00:56:00He's going to say, see, only God can do this.
00:56:03I'm of God.
00:56:04I'm Jesus Christ.
00:56:07And deceived them that dwell on the earth by means of those miracles.
00:56:11That's the strong delusion we see.
00:56:13Which had power to do in the sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword and did live.
00:56:22So another time we see God mentioning that this part, this three times that they had a deadly head wound that people say, yes, that wound would kill a man.
00:56:33But it did not, supposedly.
00:56:36And he had the power to give life unto the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
00:56:48And he calls all both small and great.
00:56:51That means little and big, young and old, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their, in, not on, not a tattoo, folks.
00:57:01This ain't no tattoo.
00:57:03In their right hand.
00:57:06And if you don't have a right hand in your forehead, that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name.
00:57:17Here's wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six, which is six, six, six.
00:57:30Now, I want to tell you, this has nothing to do with the RFID chip.
00:57:36If the government says, hey, you got to get RFID chip or your boss does or whatever, hey, because there's already companies that are doing that.
00:57:44In fact, I just saw a video the other day of somebody in Virginia where they showed a new ATM machine.
00:57:49It's got a handprint thing. It's got other things.
00:57:53It's got a thing that you can scan cards.
00:57:56So if you got a vaccine card, you can scan it.
00:57:58And then I'll let you get money out of ATM and let you do all that stuff.
00:58:02So basically, they'll say, well, you lost your card.
00:58:04Well, let's just put it on a chip inside your hand or in your forehead.
00:58:08Now, look, if you get that chip, that has nothing to do with the mark of the beast.
00:58:14I'm getting tired of people saying, well, this is what I will tell you is this is leading us closer to the mark of the beast.
00:58:21Because what I believe, and there's nothing in the Bible that says this, this is my own personal thinking,
00:58:26that when somebody gets that chip, they're going to say, see, this is just like when you get your pet chip, you can find them.
00:58:33Granny goes missing, she goes off into the woods or something.
00:58:37All we got to do is put a GPS on that chip and find Granny.
00:58:42Oh, you don't have your social security card?
00:58:44You don't have all this stuff?
00:58:45Well, you got it on this chip.
00:58:46Nobody can steal your identity unless they pull that chip out of it.
00:58:51Oh, you don't have your driver's license?
00:58:52Well, just scan your hand.
00:58:54You get a ticket, scan your hand.
00:58:57We know who you are.
00:58:59So it's going to be presented as something good.
00:59:03And if you get it, it doesn't mean the mark of the beast.
00:59:05But what if one day they say, hey, your chip's been turned off.
00:59:09And you go to Walmart and you go in there, here's my groceries.
00:59:13And they say, well, scan your chip.
00:59:15It's not working.
00:59:17Let's try it again.
00:59:18You know, your debit card sometimes doesn't work.
00:59:20Oh, we flagged your chip because you hadn't gotten the mark of the beast.
00:59:24No, they're not going to say that.
00:59:26But one day they may say, hey, come back here to Walmart in the back room.
00:59:30Hey, will you worship the devil?
00:59:31Because folks, that's what it is.
00:59:33It's not just a chip.
00:59:35It's not just saying something.
00:59:37It's not just saying you hate Jesus.
00:59:39You will have to go into a place and worship the image of the beast.
00:59:43That's what the Bible says.
00:59:45I get tired of people talking about getting a vaccine is the same thing.
00:59:49It's not, folks.
00:59:50Getting a shot, now you know I don't believe in vaccines.
00:59:53I never have.
00:59:54But I'm telling you, that has nothing to do with the mark of the beast.
00:59:57It'll just make you die faster and you'll get cancer and you'll just die faster.
01:00:01It's been proven.
01:00:03But you will have to worship the image of the beast.
01:00:06And what they're going to tell you is, hey, you can't get your prescription.
01:00:09You can't get your groceries.
01:00:10You can't get anything at Walmart until you bow down and worship Satan
01:00:16and deny Jesus Christ as being the Savior.
01:00:19And when you do that, hey, your chip works now.
01:00:21And you'll be able to buy and sell.
01:00:23You can go to ATM and put your hand on there and whatever.
01:00:26So make sure you understand, because people are going to say, well,
01:00:29it's just getting this chip.
01:00:31Look, I don't believe in getting a chip.
01:00:33The government tracks you enough as it is with this device right here.
01:00:37You know?
01:00:39So I'm not going to get a chip.
01:00:41I don't want anything put in me that's foreign anyway.
01:00:44But what I do believe, because what I heard from some man who
01:00:49created this RFID chip, is that he's saying
01:00:53that it's got lithium inside of it, and that the only place
01:00:57that your temperature changes, because he went in some discussion
01:01:02that it had to be in a location to keep the battery running.
01:01:06And it had to be in a place that your body temperature fluctuated.
01:01:10And the only place was in your right hand or in your forehead.
01:01:13And that way you take your temperature.
01:01:17But it has more lithium inside that little bitty chip that can kill you.
01:01:22So what can they do?
01:01:23Well, if you don't take the margarita beets and you got the chip,
01:01:25maybe they just explode the chip and you die.
01:01:27I don't know.
01:01:29Again, that's not in the Bible.
01:01:30What is in the Bible?
01:01:31And I want you to make sure you understand
01:01:33the two things that you need to understand.
01:01:35The first thing that has to happen is the falling away.
01:01:38We don't know when that's going to happen.
01:01:39We may already be in it.
01:01:41I don't know.
01:01:42The second that you can tell is that some man, some person is going to stand up
01:01:47and say, I am above all that is called God.
01:01:51And what you need to understand, you need to think with your little bitty brain
01:01:54and think that every time that Jesus came, when he came on this earth,
01:01:58he said, I came to do not my will, but the Father's will.
01:02:02Satan's not like that.
01:02:03He's got that pride inside of him.
01:02:05He's going to say, I am God.
01:02:06I'm above God.
01:02:07Jesus never said that, folks.
01:02:09You won't find any place that says, where Jesus says,
01:02:12I'm here to do my own will.
01:02:15No, he says, I'm here to do my Father's will.
01:02:17He humbled himself.
01:02:19He put God the Father above him in subjection, even while he's on the cross.
01:02:26He put himself in subjection.
01:02:28And we need to understand that that's going to happen first before we're raptured.
01:02:34Make sure you tell people.
01:02:35They're not going to listen to you because all these preachers,
01:02:38and I'm here to tell you, a doctrine of the devil,
01:02:41a doctrine of the devil is a pre-tribulation rapture.
01:02:43I'm not saying that everybody who says it is of the devil,
01:02:46but when people don't read the Bible.
01:02:51You know, I was listening to somebody the other day.
01:02:54He was talking to an artist that was writing about Revelation in his song.
01:02:59And he says, it's kind of interesting that you wrote this song
01:03:02when most preachers won't even touch Revelation.
01:03:05That's true.
01:03:06Why won't they touch Revelation?
01:03:07Why is not every church preaching on Revelation and saying,
01:03:11look, the man of sin is going to be revealed?
01:03:14Because they don't understand it.
01:03:16Because they're taking a square peg and putting it in a round hole and saying,
01:03:18well, everybody's saying Jesus is coming at any time,
01:03:21but that's just not what the Bible says.
01:03:24And I used to be the same way.
01:03:25I'd just say, God, I don't understand people saying Jesus can come at any time.
01:03:29He can come today, but the Bible's saying that the Antichrist has got to come.
01:03:34Where's the deal?
01:03:37And when you humble yourself and you ask God to show you,
01:03:42he will bring people in your path to show you the truth.
01:03:45But you've got to humble yourself.
01:03:47You've got to say, well, I think it's this.
01:03:50You can't do that, folks.
01:03:51I've had people say, well, I think it's this.
01:03:53God, show me.
01:03:54No, you've got to say, I don't know.
01:03:57I'm confused.
01:03:58And the Bible is not a Bible of confusion.
01:04:02Now, these other Bibles are.
01:04:03This is a Bible of confusion.
01:04:06The last thing I wanted to show you is that a lot of people put this man,
01:04:10C.I. Schofield, on a pedestal and say, well, he's King James Bible.
01:04:14He's got a King James Bible.
01:04:15But I want to show you that he does have a King James Bible.
01:04:19This is a King James Bible.
01:04:20But he's preaching the doctrine of devils.
01:04:24Because just like we talked about, the word lawless is in one place in the Bible,
01:04:27right, in the King James Bible?
01:04:29Well, why is it that in verse 3, it says, let no man deceive you by any means
01:04:33that that day shall not come first, except there come a fallen way,
01:04:37and that man of sin be revealed.
01:04:39Right beside it, he's got a little d, and it says, lawless one.
01:04:43Now, where did he get that from?
01:04:45It's not out of here.
01:04:48So what is a lawless person?
01:04:49Somebody didn't obey the law.
01:04:51That's the antichrist is going to be more than that.
01:04:54And let me just show you another place.
01:04:56Right there where it says, the day of Christ is at hand, what does he put?
01:04:59In a little b, he puts, now present.
01:05:03He's saying, don't let anybody tell you that Jesus is now present.
01:05:06He's already coming.
01:05:09So where did he get this from?
01:05:11Well, I'll tell you where he got it from.
01:05:12He got it from the Mormons.
01:05:13Because the Mormons believed that Jesus can come at any time.
01:05:16And then he has a bunch of other garbage.
01:05:18This man's burning in hell.
01:05:19He was not a preacher.
01:05:20He was a liar.
01:05:21He did a bunch of stupid stuff.
01:05:23But what I want you to understand, these things have to happen.
01:05:26Fallen away.
01:05:27We could already be there.
01:05:28I don't know.
01:05:29The other thing is that, mark my words, this war in the Middle East
01:05:34is going to cause people to blaspheme religion.
01:05:38And I don't care what religion it is, if it's not believing on Jesus Christ
01:05:42as being the Savior, dying for your sins, and rising three days later,
01:05:46you're going to die and go to hell.
01:05:47Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer.