• last year


00:00Next, this song is basically sung by everyone sitting here
00:07Not yet, not yet
00:08Oh, you're giving effects, aren't you?
00:10This one hasn't been recorded yet
00:11Ok, ok
00:12Ok, so
00:14This song is very important to me
00:16Because without this song, I wouldn't be sitting here and singing this song
00:24Every time someone asks me this song
00:26Hey, you sang it so many times
00:28Would it be boring?
00:30No, it wouldn't
00:34No, it wouldn't
00:35Especially today
00:41With this song, I want to sing it to everyone
00:51It's my turn
00:58I want to tell her
01:00At the end of the night when the moon is full
01:04She's waiting alone
01:09In the future
01:11You have to take good care of her
01:17I'm not by her side
01:20You can't bully her
01:24No matter how hard you try to get close to her
01:28In the end, you have to leave her
01:33Because I don't want to see her cry anymore
