My Canadian VHS Collection I got from the BFM Thrift Store

  • 2 days ago
00:00Hey guys, this is me, Zachary Jackman, here back with you once again.
00:03I'm gonna do my Canadian VHS collection I got from the Bible for Missions thrift store.
00:10First off is my 1999 Kids Motion Picture National VHS of VHS Shows God Wants Me to Forget the Witch I Had since October 2015.
00:17The Book of Recipes I got last summer.
00:30It's one I had, um, got it, um, yeah, um.
01:00These three I got in June 2016.
01:07Here's my other tape I got, I had for about two years.
01:15And, printed February 4th.
01:22That's one, and, improvement.
01:27I spliced this tape, and it's still gonna work.
01:31Next time I play this, I'm gonna splice the ending of it, cause I know it does look bad.
01:46Print date and the invisible link is July 2nd of 2003.
01:56My Jonah Canadian VHS.
02:04Oh, I had this last, got this last summer, and I had, and I got this at the beginning of the summer.
02:11Here's one I had since the beginning of fall.
02:22Here's my Ring of Blue, which I got last spring.
02:35There we go, it's kinda reading the top.
02:46Yes, Amy, my sister, is a fan of Pokemon.
02:54Whoa, dear, that's a big film strip.
02:58The print date and invisible link is from May 1st of 2001.
03:06Alright, so that's my Canadian VHS collection I got from Bob for Missions.
03:14Thank you guys for watching, I hope you enjoyed, subscribe and stay tuned for more videos.
